
Wedding Royale

She is the most wanted fashion designer in the fashion world! Her name is known far across the nation and in the top countries of the world. She is hardworking, smart, witty, the wealthiest designer in the entire nation, kindhearted, warm and beautiful both inside and out. She is no one other than Miss Caroline Martinez! The most famous and the best fashion designer that ever graced the lands of this beautiful earth. Being at the pinnacle of her career, she is requested to design the wedding attire for the Royal Wedding of the Crown Prince Adrian and his wife to be Princess Jasmine. A task that every designer would die to have and yet she has been chosen for it, amazing right?. But what would she do if suddenly the Prince is someone she can't help but fall for__his charms, charisma and his aura entices and enthralls every fiber of her being. Will Caroline be able to fight her desires and focus on the task at hand or will she follow her heart and risk everything she has ever worked for?. Enthralled by this, add to your library, read and follow the amazing path and decision she makes as you read each chapter!!!.

Starr_light · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

"So, how was your 'not-a-date date' with Adrian?" Jenny asked, her eyes danced in a whimsy manner awaiting for the latest gossip.

Carol rolled her eyes at her "It was not-a-date date!".

"That means it was a date!" Jenny teased.

"What! No it wasn't!" She said in a shrill. Her voice rang across the empty hallway in a never ending echo.

Jenny giggled, the look on Carol's face was hilarious. Her cheeks were flushed and her ears turned a bright shade of pink. She could tell that she was embarrassed but what was there to be humiliated about. It was not like someone heard them in the empty hallway.

Carol took deep breaths, she calmed her inner being before she faced the giggling chipmunk beside her.

"Whatever we discussed a few seconds ago is in the past, now let's focus on the present which is now!" She spoke calmly.

Jenny taking the hint of not pushing the matter further let go of it. Now it was time for business.

"What's on my schedule today, Jenny?" Carol asked.

She quickly scrolled on her tablet and began reading it to her "You have to appear on a TV interview an hour from now!".

Carol furrowed her brows at her. Totally unaware of it. "What interview?".

"The morning show with Patricia. She has been requesting for you to appear on her show, for a couple of weeks now. I told her you would not be available for a few days because of your tight schedule but she wouldn't take no for an answer and so I squeezed her in today" Jenny explained.

Carol nodded when she was finally done "Well, it seems like I have to make an appearance on it!" She was about to leave upon realization of something. She facepalmed when she remembered what it was.

"What is wrong?" A sheet of concern flooded Jenny's face.

Carol hung her head and sighed "I have to pick up my childhood friend, Lucas from the airport this morning!".

"Okay, when is he arriving?"

"Around eleven this morning!" Carol replied.

"We could pick him up after the interview and besides it is an hour interview. We will be done before eleven!" She pointed out.

Carol let out a deep breath "Okay, let's go!" She turned and strode towards the elevator, getting ready to face the hectic morning ahead of her.

The elevator doors closed when both ladies walked in, it slowly descended as the minutes went by.

* * * *

"Your Highness, what do you think of this gown?" A woman in a well dressed black suit asked. Her hair was tied up to a classy bun and in her hand she held a knee-length blue gown. It had an enchanting off-shoulder neckline which delicately exposed the collarbone leaving the shoulder and dècolletage gently kissed by sunlight.

As the eyes travel lower this lustrious knee-length gown was gifted with a sight that evokes a lively garden. The hem was adorned with whimsical flowers intricately crafted and flawlessly placed.

It possessed a celestial quality captivating the heart of those who laid their eyes upon it but not Princess Jasmine's.

"No, it is so last season!" Princess Jasmine replied without stealing a glance at the dress. She flipped the pages of the magazine she read as the lady walked back into the closet.

She returned with a different gown with her, it was as green as jade. Gemstones ranging in shades of emerald green to dazzling sapphire creating a kaleidoscope of colors bedecked every inch of it, dancing and twinkling with every step. A kiss of sunlight on it, creates a shimmer of a thousand stars in the night sky.

The absence of sleeves allows the wearer to bask in the warm embrace of the golden sunbeam radiating a sense of allure and delicacy. It hugged the curves of the wearer giving them a sensual appearance, bewitching the eyes of those graced with it's pulchritude.

"Your Highness what about this beautiful green dress, it…."

"No! The color clashes with my eyes!" Jasmine yelled, she slammed the magazine shut.

The lady noticed the anger in her voice and stood still. She was out of options. All the dresses she suggested were rejected even those that had never been worn by the Princess were turned down.

Jasmine sighed, standing up from the couch "Why is it so hard to pick a dress for the ball?".

"Your Highness, all the dresses you own are gorgeous, I am sure if you took your time to choose a gown, you will find a gown that captivates you" The lady stated.

Jasmine turned to her, her eyes flared up "Are you telling me what to do?" Her voice was low and shrew.

"No, your Highness. I was just suggesting. I would never tell you what to do!" She spoke with so much affirmation.

The lady swallowed nervously, drops of sweat trickled down her face as Jasmine approached her quietly like a lioness before it captures her prey.

Jasmine sighed when she was only a few feet from her, she wasn't in the mood to do some scolding, with a wave of her hand she told her off.

"Leave, I will let you know when I need your assistance. Emily!".

Emily took a quick bow before she scampered off.

Jasmine strode towards the couch, too many thoughts were on her mind. She needed to be exceptional at the ball. It was her engagement ball. She cannot risk looking like someone with no sense of sophistication and elegance. She needed a gown that would suit someone of her status.

She sat on the chair and picked up the magazine she was reading earlier, about to continue her reading when a familiar voice struck her.

"It is so nice to be in your show, Patricia!".

Jasmine looked up, staring at the screen of the television. Surprised to see Caroline on it. A few feet from her was a petite blonde woman in a red jumpsuit. She wore a cheerful smile as she spoke to her.

"Well, I have to say it is an honor to have you here. I heard from your assistant that you are extremely busy and I am glad that you created time to appear on my show!" The lady said with a smile.

Carol giggled "Oh well, when I heard about the invitation. I decided to drop everything I was doing to be here. So I should be the one that should be honored to be here!" She replied "And I have to say, I am loving the jumpsuit. You are really pulling it off!".

Patricia stood up and jokingly twirled around while Carol kept on coming with the compliments. Jasmine rolled her eyes. What was she trying to show anyway? Her strangely shaped body. She scoffed with disgust.

"Thank you! It is from your latest collection. It wasn't easy getting it but it is so worth it!" She replied with glee.

"Yeah! It truly is and it fits you so much!" Carol complimented.

"Thank you so much! I really love it and all your designs. I also heard that a certain someone might end up loving your designs too. If everything goes well for you!" She said with a wink.

Carol chuckled nervously at her "I don't understand!".

Patricia laughed, jokingly patting her laps "You are a hilarious fellow. I am talking about you designing the wedding gown of the one and only Princess we have in this Country. Like, it is what is booming all-over social media. Everyone is talking about the famous contest between you and a certain colleague of yours which we will not mention her name for some reasons!".

"Oh!" Carol exclaimed.

"Yeah, And I just want you to know that I am rooting for you. In fact everyone in this studio is rooting for you. Isn't that right guys?" She yelled to the audience.

The audience cheered and clapped in support.

"Thanks so much!" Carol waved at them. She smiled so hard that her cheeks hurt "I really appreciate your support, it hasn't been easy these past few weeks battling with the wedding dress and also other designs I am working on but I truly appreciate all your support!".

Jasmine turned off the Television when she had watched enough. She suddenly had an idea that will solve her annoying gown issue.

She picked up the small bell in front of her and rang it. Within few seconds, Emily walked in. She stood in front of her awaiting for her request.

"Call Caroline's assistant and tell her that I want to meet up with Caroline today!" She said.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Emily did a quick bow and left.

* * * *

"That was amazing, Carol. You did great!" Jenny said. They sauntered towards the parked car Infront of them.

"Thank you so much Jenny, I am glad it is over because I am tired of smiling. I think that I smiled so much that my cheeks hurt!" She cringed, placing her fingers on her cheeks and slowly massaged them.

"Well at least that's done!" Jenny pointed out.

"Yeah, we need to head to the airport. It is almost eleven!" Carol said before they got into the car.

"Um yeah about that…." Jenny said slowly knowing what she might say next could upset Carol. she slammed the door shut and signaled the driver to start the car.

Carol groaned "What Jenny? What is it?".

With a screeching noise, the car peeled off from the parking lot and drove into the busy road.

Jenny smiled at her reaction "I received a call from the Palace, apparently the Princess wants to meet with you!".

Carol's brows drew together, a thin line formed above it. She looked utterly lost.

"Why does she want to see me?"

"Well, her assistant didn't say. She just said that it was urgent and that our presence were needed at the Palace today!".

"Well, that would be after I have picked up Lucas from the airport!" She said finally.

"What! You can't do that. We have to meet the Princess now!" Jenny stated.

Carol shrugged "Sorry Jenny but I can't stand Lucas up. He will be upset with me!".

Jenny turned to her "So, you'd prefer to upset the Princess?".

"I didn't say that. I just don't want to upset my friend and that's it!" Her words sounded final.

Jenny groaned "I cannot believe that you are doing this!".

Carol let out a light chuckle "Well you better!".

* * *

"Well, have you seen that childhood' friend of yours?" Jenny asked in a sarcastic tone. Her eyes were glued to the screen of her tablet.

Carol looked around, her eyes scanned through the dense airport until it landed on a familiar figure who was approaching them. A smile escaped her lips as their eyes locked.

"Yup. I have seen him!" She said cheerfully.

Jenny finally looked up, curious to see what he looked like.

He approached them slowly, with every step he took it captivated the people around him. His presence was a true embodiment of magnetism and allure. With a skin dark complexion that speaks of sun-kissed lands, his skin emanated a timeless beauty.

Crowning his head, a luxuriant cascade of dark curly hair exuded an air of untamed charms. As the sunlight danced on each one of his curls, it casted a golden hue against the dark backdrop, a mesmerizing allure created. It drew one in like a moth to it's flame.

Tall and commanding, he possessed a physique that effortlessly emanates strength and vitality. His broad shoulders and chiseled chest spoke of a dedication to physical prowess. With every step he took, his movement resonated with confidence and grace.

He was well aware of the attention he command, needless to say he loved the attention he commanded. The gasps and stares he received from every single being he passed brought a smile to his rosy lips. His eyes were green as the leaves of the forest, they were alluring and captivating, carrying a charm that sucks one in.

As he walked one cannot help but sense the combination of classical beauty and raw magnetism. He was a living embodiment of elegance and strength.

He finally halted Infront of them, a smile plastered on his lips. It's been so long since they have seen each other. It felt like eternity to him. Without much thinking he hugged her, taking her by surprise. The scent of her shampoo filled his nostrils and he had to admit it smelled nice.

"I am so happy to see you, Caroline!" His voice was low and deep as he spoke.

"Me too, Lucas!" She replied.

They embraced for a while before letting go of each other.

He finally had a good look at her, she looked more beautiful than they last time they met. Her skin glowed under the sun, her long brown hair curved her face, her eyes were big and bright as always. She was more curvaceous and added a tiny bit of height unless it was the heels she wore that deceived him.

"You look different, more beautiful!" He complimented.

Carol chuckled at the compliment "Sure!" The tone in her voice was a total disbelieving one.

"So, this is Lucas!" Jenny said, drawing his attention to her.

He smiled "Smitten am I right?" He flirtatiously winked at her.

"Ew!" She replied. Her face squeezed with disgust.

That was not the reply he was hoping for. Usually whenever he said that, the lady giggles and blushes at him but the one in front of him loathed him which was utterly strange to him.

He smiled at her. It seems like he has a lot of work to do when it comes to charming her. Luckily for her, he is always up for any challenge that comes his way and the lady in front of him was definitely a challenge.

"I can't believe this is the guy we risked meeting the Princess for!" She looked at Caroline with disappointment.

"Jenny that is not nice!" Carol called out.

Jenny shrugged "Sorry, but I was expecting some kind of Prince Charming not an old fashioned playboy who looks homeless!" She gave him a once-over. Yup! She was not impressed.

Now, what she said struck a chord in him. Forget about tackling the challenge, this woman needs to be put in her place. No lady has ever spoken to him like that.

"Excuse me! female version of Harry Potter, I am an old fashioned playboy?" he scoffed at it "this is ridiculous, at least I know fashion unlike you who dresses like a sad third grade teacher with no love life!" He retorted.

Jenny gasped. That was definitely not what she expected at all. Did he just call her Harry Potter? They don't even lookalike.

"Third grade teacher! Who do you think you are you…."

"Enough!" Carol exclaimed cutting her off "See, this is not the time and place to start attacking each other and Lucas!" She turned to him "Jenny is 'definitely' sorry for what she said!" She stressed the word definitely while she glared at her.

Jenny avoided her gaze. Not wanting one of Carol's lectures.

The both of them were quiet, they felt like little children being scolded by their Mom.

"Now, that it is over. We need to head to the Palace!" Carol said "And Lucas, the driver will take you to my apartment!".

"Cool!" He said with a smile.

"Don't trash the place!" She warned.

He placed a hand on his chest acting to be hurt "That is so painful. Carol I am not like that. Remember I am just staying there until my own apartment is ready so I won't destroy it!".

"I hope so!" She replied.

Carol gave him a quick hug before dragging the raging Jenny with her without giving her a chance of attacking Lucas.

Lucas chuckled as Carol dragged her away. It seemed like staying in the Capital for a while will not be as boring as he thought it was. Maybe he will get an inspiration for a new novel. He sauntered behind them. Watching Jenny trying to release herself from Carol's grip.

'She is 'definitely' interesting too bad she might have poor taste in men' he thought as he walked out of the airport.