
wedding devil

For many years Amelia has not been living her life, not properly. She’s been surviving, at best. Not living, not enjoying the things she used to love, not seeing the people who try to be there for her. She knows that something's missing; which is why when her little sister Becca declares she’s getting married, Amelia knows it’s time to come out of hiding. She tells herself she can do one day. But what she doesn’t know is attending her sister’s wedding will be the best decision she’s ever made. Someone from Becca and Amelia’s childhood reemerges, and changes Amelia’s life for the better.

Bilbaby21_ · perkotaan
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32 Chs

Chapter 32 - Clementine

Zack's POV:

Amelia's arm is linked through mine, brought close to my side to keep her near me. We walk briskly. 

"It's cold out tonight. I love it when it's cold on christmas eve," Amelia says with a smile. "It makes it feel so much more like christmas. More magical."

I nod, "Yes it really does," i say, looking around to the frost glinting on the pavement, gathering on shop windows and doors, forming icicles on ledges, dangling like little shards of glass from a chandelier. "Not much further now, my lovely," i say, hoping that she's not losing interest.

Amelia nods, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. Her curls looks glossy, her hair is now dyed a deep cherry red. Her face is smooth and glowing, her lips painted the same hue of red as her hair and nails. "You look breathtaking today, Amelia," i say, because she really does.

Amelia rolls her eyes and smiles. "Thank you, Zackary. So do you," she adds, her eyes fluttering as she traces them over my face and her smiles deepens when she settles on my lips. 

"Keep walking, it's far too cold for me to kiss you on the street," i say, laughing.

Amelia tuts but continues walking. I can see the sign i put on the door from here, and excitement grows inside me. My smile is wide as i tell Amelia to close her eyes.

"Why?" She asks me suspiciously. 

"Just close them, please, until i tell you to open them. I promise it'll be worth it."

She nods, closing her eyes. I open the door, letting the bell ring so she can hear we've gone into a shop. Amelia frowns, but stays nothing. I move us both deeper into the shop, turning on the lights.

I let go of her hand, leaving her in the middle of the main room. "Open them," i say, moving to the built in window seat just to the right of where she is standing. Amelia cautiously opens her eyes.

Around her, green plants hang from the ceiling. They sit on shelves attached to the walls, freestanding, and on the floor. She gasps when she sees the bookshelves, empty, but decorated with small fairy lights to illuminate the books once they're in the shelves.

"I let them empty for now, so you can choose which genres want to go where, and how you want to organise them. What do you think?" I ask, my voice coming out with more nerves than i wanted.

Amelia turns back to where i am sat, running over to me, her black platform boots tapping lightly on the floor as she runs. "Zack, this is incredible!"

She sits next to me on the seat; throwing her arms around me. "Thank you," she whispers into my ear. We pull apart, and i would give my entire life just to see her smile the way it is right now again. "It's perfect. You're perfect. Are you sure you want me to put books in here? I thought it was just supposed to be your plant shop?"

I nod, "Well, originally it was just going to be my plant shop. Then i realised that nothing would give me more joy than to see you working with me to create something that other people can enjoy too. Plus, a couple of months ago, i didn't think this shop would ever even be able to be dreamt about as a real business, but here we are, so i thought why not add you to my plans."

Amelia beems. "I'm in your plans!" She says excitedly, clapping and hugging me again.

I laugh, "Of course you are! You're always in my plans!"

Amelia breaks away from me. "We should get married now," she says seriously. 

I almost swear out loud. "Amelia! Damn it."

She frowns, "what!? You don't want to get married?"

I shake my head, getting up and moving to the space infront of her. "No it's not that. I was going to do this in the park, but oh well." I slip the ring box out of my pocket, opening it up. Sinking down to one knee, i kneel infront of Amelia. Her smile is so wide that i think her face might be in danger of breaking in half.

"My lovely Amelia. I think our lives have always been intertwined, sometimes without us knowing. I was destined to become best friends with Becca, so i could later be invited to her wedding and i was able to fall in love with you from the moment i first danced with you. Our lives are complicated, and probably always will be, but the one thing we can count on is our love being persistent. Even after flashbacks and hospital stays, cleaning blood of the blood of my bathroom and a pink princess philodendron in your bathroom, we are here and we are together. I promise to love and support you in every moment of your life, if you'll let me? Amelia Maria Jones, can i please have your hand in marriage?"

Amelia jumps off the seat, bending down to kiss me. "Of course," she says in between kisses. "Of course i'll marry you!" 

I wrap my arms around her, lifting us both up to standing position. Amelia looks at me, smiling like she's unable to contain her excitement. "Can i see the ring please, then?"



Zack's POV:

We stand huddled around the wingling baby, cooing and ahhing at her. 

"Little Clementine has Becca's smile," Amelia states, decidedly. Touching a perfectly manicured hand, adorned with an amethyst and diamond ring, to the small baby's stomach and tickling her. The baby giggles at her touch and Amelia swoons, sighing loudly in my direction.

Becca laughs, "Zack, did you pick up on that not-so-inconspicuous hint? I think my sister would like a baby for her next christmas present."

I nod, placing my hand on the small of Amelia's back. "Yeah i got it, and have taken note," i say, kissing Amelia gently behind her ear. She smiles at me, lost in happiness. 

"So, how was the opening of Feronia and Apollo?" Becca asks, holding her wife Evie's hand, while Evie's other arm is draped over Becca's shoulders. Together they are glowing, the picture of jubilation and ease. 

"It was good! Very busy as it was the day after New Years day, so people were excited to get out of the house!" I answer, watching my fiance play with her niece. 

"So it's going well, then?" Evie asks.

Amelia turns to where her sister and her wife sit, and smiles. "Most definitely going well. We sold nearly half our stock of my book on the opening day! And God, you should've seen Zack, he was so in his element, talking about plants and giving advice about how was best to care for that type of plant. And the wedding is set for February!"

I take her hand, kissing her lightly. Amelia smiles. "This is right where i want to be," i say to her.