A tyrannical Emperor sends forth formidable enforcers to take down a free and powerful city to make it his new capital...
Those who still had strength supported those who didn't, counting the survivors among the remnants of the ship. Several people had died in that incident with the fable, and now was the time for everyone to count their losses.
Mia was saved by Jin, Akito was found by the Queen, and Ken was found along with a fraction of the soldiers of the Haruka Clan, who had survived the event along with their clan leader, Hana Haruka, and her assistant, Hotaru. A huge chunk of the Haruka Clan that came with the Queen had gone missing—best presumed dead, given the circumstances.
The other nobles, Senator Hinabi, Senator Kioshi, Sir Masahiro, Lady Kaguya, and Lady Haruka, were all safe and sound. They were kept safe by the fighters of the Haruka Clan in a secure segment at the far end of the boat. Some of them were eaten alive by the bouncing fables, while the others survived.