
We have Dragons

The journal of a young man, traveling the world to document what he sees (Dragons and other mighty beasts included).

Nothol · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Never listend to a doctor

"I do not approve of my patients trying to kill themselves."

As I turn around I put the weight on my bandaged foot sending another wave of liquid fire shooting through my nerves into my brain.


I began to tip over, but two hands slipped under my armpits, keeping me standing. Looking upwards Xepecs and my eyes met. His face was bare all emotions, but his eyes stared at judgmentally.

"This is the reason I told you to maintain verticaly. Young people always overestimate their own bodies, until they give out under them."

Apparently they had judged me to be an idiot, a verdict I couldn't really disagree with. The shame of being caught made my blood shoot into my face.

"Sorry", I muttered. The pain in my foot dimmed down, as Xepec heaved me back on my other foot.

"Apologies don't fix reopened wounds", he said. His voice still completely neutral.

"Cut the man some slack", said a familiar voice behind me.

Xepec looked over my shoulders, his face becoming even more "neutral" than before.

The snake lady entered the room, humming a melody I never heard, with the ease of someone who didn't have a snake coiled around her neck.

"Hey, Stitches", she said, waving at the doctor. On her face was a genuine smile, her snake rubbing its head against her cheek.

"I would really appreciate you using my real name or title", the doctor said, his mouth becoming dangerously thin.

"Stitches is shorter than your title and less of a mouthful then Zepbeck … Xepec ... man pronouncing that is like spitting on somebody."

"What do you want here, Venosa? I don't have time to spare at the moment."

"You never have! Even when there is no one around you are always busy."

"The price of excellence. Now either tell me what you need or get out. I'm in the middle of handling an uncooperative patient."

Despite being talked about like I wasn't there, I let the scene play out. Watching the two interact was fascinating, like seeing a snake argue with a stone.

"Farheia wants to see the nightstalker and her companion."

"Out of the question. My patient isn't in any shape to be transported, let alone meet the mayor."

"He is in such bad shape, that he is standing in the moment", Venosa replied, a smug smile on her face. Apparently she enjoyed provoking the doctor.

"I feel fine", I say, hoping to have found my way out of lying still for the rest of the day. Curiosity had one again sparked in my heart. What was Skarra doing? Why did this man want to fight her? Who is the mayor? Do you have to be a powerful mage or royalty to occupy such an office?

My answer made the woman smile. She gave Xepec a playful bump with her fist.

"You heard the man."

Xepec's eye twitched, one of his hands drumming its fingers against his leg.

"Indeed I did, but neither of you have a medical license, so your opinion on the matter is redundant."

He began to move again, guiding me towards my bed, but Venosa grabbed him by the shoulder. Her snake slithered around her arm like it wanted to inspect the doctors face up close.

"Farheia was kinda persistent about wanting to see them both", Venosa said, her voice a bit different from before. Had she spoken like a bubbly girl until now, her current tone sounded more like what you would expect from a huntress. Xepec inspected the snake for a moment before locking eyes with Venosa. He groaned as he pushed her arm away.

"That no-good old dragon, why do I even bother keeping my patients together?"

Venosa looked apologetically.

"Sorry, but you know how she can be."

Xepec rubbed his brow. "What does she even want with him?"

"No idea. In her eyes, we hunters are little more than minions. She doesn't even think highly enough of us to tell us why we have to do certain stuff."

Xepec scratched his chin.

"Chances are it has something to do with the other nightstalker that vanished a few weeks ago."

"You think so? Just because they share a guild doesn't necessarily mean they are working together. Just look at Mr Mustache and me, we couldn't be more different from one another."

She struck a pose, shoving her hands under her chin and smiling. The snake created a circle around her face with its body, as if to frame it.

"Speculation is a waste of time. Take him if you have to. But from here on out he is your responsibility."

He let me go and a moment later Venosa had thrown my unbandaged arm over her shoulder, supporting me.

"Thanks Stitches", she said, as we walked, or rather as she dragged me out the clinic's door.

Xepec ignored her, inspecting another patient that had started to groan.