
We eventually fall in love?

Layla_Karina · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

We're going on a vacation!

Natsumi were eating with her friends while chit chatting about their life. Until she notice the presence of Kazuyoshi. She eyed and observe him quietly siting alone, studying or whatever he do. She knows that he prefer to stay alone rather than having a big group of friends who's going for a nonsense talk.

She kinda agree with his idealogy of having big group of friends, but life must been quiet boring if she is alone. She have tried her best to ask people to accompany him, yet they said. He was too cold. She had no idea what does that mean.

If they said 'he is too quiet' then she could agree but 'cold' just make his description a bit different than what she saw. For people he was a cold overbearing CEO, but to her he is just like a clown who likes to pull on prank. Even Yamada, which is also his only friend, claim that Kazuyoshi is just like the icy CEO.

"Natsumi... Oi Natsumi... Natsumi." Her friends called her a few times until one of them actually slap her shoulder. This led her to snap backed to reality.

"Dude, that hurts. Are you gonna get me killed or something?" Natsumi finally responded after a long time been called.

"So what do you think Natsumi?"

"Urmm eat?"

"What the hell! We're talking about next year vacation."

"On the cruise, I guess."

There was silence for a while. They were trying to compare with their ideas when someone loudly announced "Next year, we're going on a cruise!"

He was the university vacation planner. Ishida Yamada, whom is Kazuyoshi's only boy best friend. Even through, they were best friend but he always prefer to blend himself in the crowds.


"Hey, Kazu. Next year we're going on a cruise." Natsumi said in excitement.


She wasn't that pleased to hear only this kind of reply. Atleast try to said something longer. That was what she thought.

Kazuyoshi understood her. He knew that she was pretty upset to hear a short reply so he added some "After graduation is it?"

She nodded.

"Moreover, we're going to host a party there! So you don't have the rights to say 'NO' or escape from coming together."

"And if I say no?"

"I have grandma with me. I could tell her that our relationship is merely a fake pretentious idea that was composed by you."

"Alright then. But you have to pick up my luggage that time. I couldn't really carry them all by myself." He said with a grin carve on his godly face.

"Aye aye sir." She said, motioning her salute against her forehead.

Suddenly the situation turn serious. She can sense that he was having that serious aura and decided to ask if there's anything bother him.

He sighed before speaking up.

"Grandma will have her surgery next year. And it was 3 months after the vacation."

"She will be fine. I'm sure of it. I think we're gonna stay behind for the cruise."

"No... I know you have always wanted this."

"You pass... Then I'll pass too."

She was holding his hand from just now and notice his hand started to become warmer. She was glad that her encouragement help to ease his worry.


Both of them walked along the pavement just like how couples do. Some of the girls on their way, envy Natsumi. They thought that Kazuyoshi was her boyfriend and she was pretty lucky to have him. Natsumi didn't really pay attention to it and ignored the attentions both of them gathered while Kazuyoshi was actually enjoying it.

"I heard that this place are famous for their street food. But I can't even find any stall here."

"Are you really following your gps or just simply walk wherever direction your head tells you to?"

She rechecked her phone again and scroll down through her social media.

"It is really here. I swear."

"But we don't even see one stall at all."

She wasn't ready to give up and began to survey with whoever pass by her. Some of them shook their head without even her asking. While some pervert was just gazing towards her and pretending to show the place. Kazuyoshi was unable to ignore this and kick the pervert ass, leaving him to fall by the road side.

Natsumi was pretty shocked with his action and mouthed a 'why'.

He didn't really answered and pulled her to some ice cream shop. He asked her to order something special because he was craving to eat some and went out to ask the locals.


"Young boy, you are right about this place but it was on the other side. This place might look the same as in the picture but that place was on different district." An old lady, which is selling teobokki explained.

"Walked straight from here and turn left and just walked straight and you will see it on your right," she added. She then extended her hand and gave the packed teobokki to him.

He gave her money in exchange for the it. He wanted to ask her not to return but it will go against the culture and he knew the old lady won't like it.

"Thank you, madam." He thanked for the imfromation and the food, and quickly went out from the stall.

"Come again, young boy."
