
We eventually fall in love?

Layla_Karina · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Kazuyoshi pov

Today is the day that I will finally ask her out for real after being together for a long time. I pulled my drawer, and picked up the firefly hair pin I bought weeks ago, along with the confession letter. I spend my free time writing poems and some love quotes or doing something that might might impress her.

Hurriedly, I stuffed them in my bag and rushed towards the kitchen. Snatched my sandwich, from one of the plate and straight away ran for the exit door. Miyazawa or mostly called as Miya, which is my older sister accidentally bump in my way when I finally reach for the doorknob.

"What? Wanna fight early in the morning?" She said rolling her eyes. I was pretty immune with her eyes rolling and gives no shit about it.

As fast as lightning, I picked up her files on the ground and stacked them together. She's quite a busy business woman so she used to carry around a lot of files each time she go and come back from home.

After our parents passed away because of car accident, my grandmother was the one running the company alone. And as soon as my sister turned 20 she inherited the company.

Sometimes, I would saw her crying, weeping at night because of her overloaded stress. During this time, she would isolated herself in the room and won't even come out until the morning.

My grandmother, whom later on became the vice president, pity on Miya. In her age where youngsters oftenly spend their youth partying and dating or whatever enjoyments it is, my sister was forced to run the company.

Sometimes, my grandmother would drag me along to the company and experience it by myself. Yet, I couldn't even handle anything and ended up making a mess with everything. With this, my grandmother came up with the conclusion, that I'm not ready to take over yet. Hehe.

"Miya, Kazu do your best in your work and college." My grandmother said on top of her lungs.

"Bye grandma!" We said in unison and entered the car.


Along the way, my sister did nothing aside than teasing me. I didn't know just by mentioning Natsumi's name could made me lost in words and made me blushed hard. Though, I didn't even find it quite annoying which is pretty weird.

My sister nodded in an awe and admitted her defeat. "Alright, kiddo. If you need any love adviser, I'm here to help," she assured me with that sickening smile.

"Probably I won't ask to someone who has never been able to confess to her crush," I sounded pretty savage and silenced her for this.

We stop by starbucks to buy her favorite signature chocolate drink. I asked if the chauffeur wanted to drink something, however, he politely reject. Despite that, I still get him whatever I saw on the menu, like I always did.

"So are you going to confess to her today?" She coughed to make herself notice. "Ehemmm..."

"Um what?"

"Are you going to confess to Natsumi?"

I shook my head, denying. "That girl... Pfttt no way!" I don't know why I have been grinning hearing her name.

Wait a minute, how do she know about this? Didn't I announced we're actually in relationship?

I turned my head, facing towards her. I raised one of my eyebrow looking her.

"What? You think I know nothing about this?" She slurped her drink.

"Please don't tell grandma about this."

"Yeah, yeah. She wouldn't even want to have her surgery if she couldn't find you any suitor that could take care of you."

"Don't make it sound like I'm a kid. I'm already matured and ripened enough to face anything ahead."

She nodded and look at me in an awe, then she patted me, "Oh my gosh! You're speaking like one of the grown ups now. I'm proud of you."


"Only this time," she added while continued to scroll down the articles in her phone.

"So what ya been reading?"

"Ahh... Nothing. Just some news."

"You sounds like old hag."

She laughed, teasing me back until I have finally arrived to my

Thank u for reading this even though I have lack of vocabulary uses. I don't update regularly because I just felt like my English isn't good compared to the others. I would also like to thank for anyone who's actually read this cringe work of mine

Layla_Karinacreators' thoughts