
78. Chapter 78

Julieta was humming a warm little tune to herself as she was working on a few arepas for breakfast here in the early morning.

The little piece of time where she would have some time for herself before everyone else got up and another loud day would begin.

How could Julieta not be humming a happy satisfied tune?

It was now three weeks since Casita had fallen down. And though you would think that would leave the family distraught and devastated. The complete opposite had happened. They had never been happier nor closer before.

Julieta saw her three daughters spend more time together than they ever had before, and laugh together.

Her beloved husband would be joking around and make very bad dad jokes with Felix.

Pepa was nothing but sunshine. Happy and filled with energy as she always looked like she was almost waltzing.

Her Mama had now settled with just being content. Alma would often just sit, observe, and look content and happy. Allowing the family freedom and finally just trusting that they would be all right.

And then of course there was her brother. Sure it was a bit of a roller coaster. He had bad and good days. Sometimes a day would start out really bad where he would be retrieving into his own shell but then end up good anyway where he would be smiling again by the evening.

Or reverse. It could start as a good day and then something happened at Casita where they now had cleared everything out and were ready to work on a foundation. And he would be more reclused in the evening. But he always tried. And he was actually smiling! And laughing and sometimes, just sometimes playing around.

And it was wonderful. Speaking of which, Julieta had outright become used to Bruno probably being the first one she saw in the kitchen every morning and now he came in again.

A smile on his lips and his eyes shining, proving his good mood. "Juli!" he beamed happily by the sight of her and Julieta chuckled amused as Bruno went for the coffee as usual ready for him.

Pouring himself a cup, putting in some sugar. And though Bruno was actually not one for putting heavy cream in his coffee. Heavy cream was still an added calorie so he did it knowing it would make Julieta happy. And it did. She smiled warmly at the sight.

Bruno grinned as well as he was leaning against the counter taking a sip. His sunburn had long since gone away and been replaced by a warm bronze tan that made Bruno look a thousand times better.

The shadows under his eyes were hardly even noticeable anymore. Sunlight and plenty of sleep had truly done wonders for him. As well as the removal of stress.

Julieta had to admit… She couldn't even remember Bruno ever having looked so… Light. Not small but like he wasn't carrying the burden of the entire world on his shoulders anymore.

And Julieta swallowed as she again realized it was his gift he had been carrying, all alone, making him slump together like that over the years.

… They hadn't talked about it yet. Everyone had decided that they needed to allow Bruno a certain amount of recovery before they started to prod about his feelings.

At one point they did have to make him open up to them. Like they had been opening up to each other. But they also did not want to rush it or push him. Bruno needed to know that he was indeed safe with his family.

Then Julieta smiled at him. "Feeling good this morning?" she asked.

"Feeling great." Bruno beamed. "Are you sure your magic is gone? I feel like your food has been doing wonders. I haven't felt this good since." he blinked. "Huh… I don't remember."

Julieta smiled a little sadly then shook her head. "Good food does heal. With or without magic," she informed.

"Juli… I need to tell you something." Bruno whispered. "You're not going to believe this."

"Oh?" Julieta asked.

"Well you see…. I'm hungry." Bruno said and Julieta blinked and Bruno grinned as he stood up. "Isn't it great? I haven't felt hungry for ages. And now… I'm hungry!" he beamed. "I think I might be finishing my plate today!"

Julieta gasped. "That's wonderful," she said and Bruno beamed happily. Rightfully proud of himself. "Oh come here." she hugged Bruno and he chuckled amused as Julieta let go and Bruno lifted his coffee cup for a drink.

Just then the final triplet stepped in and Bruno brightened up.

"Ah! Pepa!" Bruno shouted happily as he put down his coffee cup just so he could grab Pepa's hand and swing her around. Then grab her again.

"Bruno." Pepa laughed amused. "What's the occasion?" she asked.

"Occasion?" Bruno asked. "I'm here. You're here! The family is all here. What other reason do we need to celebrate really?" he asked as he pulled Pepa back up.

Pepa chuckled amused. "I can't argue with that." she fully agreed now standing by herself again.

"Bruno is feeling hungry," Julieta informed. "He thinks he might finish his plate this morning."

And Pepa gasped. "Really?" she asked.

"Yeah." Bruno grinned. "Look I can't promise anything. But I have a good feeling."

"Take your time," Julieta smirked. "We'll have you asking for seconds in no time!"

And Pepa shouted as she threw herself at Bruno and wrapped her arms around his neck cheering happily just as Mirabel arrived to set the table like she did every morning. Grinning at her family. And Bruno started to help Julieta fold the Arepas like he had done countless of times in the past. And it just felt so good doing it. As they both smiled and chit-chatted while working.

Bruno did in fact finish his plate. And he was grinning proudly and Pepa cheered. Alma as well was smiling amused, wiping away a renegade tear as Bruno blushed. Sipping at his coffee.

Camilo couldn't help but snort. "He asks for seconds and he is being treated like I hero. I ask for seconds and I am greedy. What's up with that?"

"You know this is impressive," Mirabel commented as she rolled her eyes. "He's working really really hard to become better."

Camilo smirked. "Yeah I know," he said. "I just had to say it."

Indeed Bruno was a shining light, showing that things could be fixed. Nothing was truly lost and if he could fix these things. They could fix a building. It seemed like nothing in comparison.

Mirabel couldn't help but laugh as she put her hand next to Bruno's. "Wow look! We match now!" she pointed out. "You were way paler than me when we began!"

Bruno nodded as he beamed happily. "It was always kind of cool growing up. Your mama and I had the same skin. But it's Pepa and me who have the same eyes! And of course, all three of us have curly hair." he commented pulling out in a curl.

"Indeed! Look! Same eyes." Pepa pointed at her own eyes that were indeed dark green. The same color as Bruno's. "And Camilo has them too!" she said making Camilo grin.

Alma smiled amused. "They are your father's eyes. Julieta got mine."

"I wish I had green eyes," Antonio muttered.

"You got your father's eyes honey." Pepa chuckled padding him on the head. "Like your sister."

"I got my mother's eyes. But they see like my fathers." Mirabel smirked tapping on her green glasses. "So I suppose that's kind of a mix. Oh I suppose that means I also have Abuelas eyes!" she beamed happily and Alma chuckled amusedly.

Bruno smirked amused. As the entire family just started to explode talking about what features they shared and what they didn't. And where those features came from.

A kind of talk only a family could have.