
74. Chapter 74

In the evening as Bruno was watching an old recording of a Telenovela with a couple of family members.

Agustin, Felix, Dolores, Luisa and Alma.

Julieta and Pepa were hunched over books. Both were determined to help their brother to the best of their ability.

Sadly with the magic now gone. A bite of Julieta's food wouldn't just instantly heal all the sunburns like they usually would have done for Pepa when she hadn't been careful. Nor could it heal any other ailments magically. So they had to do this the old fashioned way and they would.

Julieta's books were the ones about nutrition and food. How to treat a person who had suffered from starvation. And sadly she had to conclude it was going to be a long process… Bruno had eaten with them for three meals now and thus far it never looked like he ate anything.

But he did! Julieta reminded herself. He did eat and was working very hard to please them. He was actually doing a beyond an amazing job.

Pepa was on the book that had a chapter about sunlight and the lack there off…. It wasn't a pretty chapter at all.

Apparently not getting sunlight really messed with people's heads in a bad way. And after ten years it was actually incredible that Bruno was doing this well… It just went to show his sheer determination and willpower to keep patching cracks to keep them safe and Pepa swallowed.

She still felt awful. The idea that Bruno could hear their dinner conversations all this time, and he heard her complain about the stupid wedding and snapping at people for as much as mentioning his name so he assumed they didn't want him and he should stay hidden.

Pepa had done that… She had done that to her brother! If she had just… Done something else. Spoke fondly and openly about him. Asked him to come back… ANYTHING… Things might have been different.

And her eyes stung again as she swallowed. They couldn't go back, like Mirabel said, they had to go forward. And Pepa would be dammed she wouldn't do what she could now.

And she also had to keep checking on Bruno…. It was just. Pepa kept having to make sure that Bruno was actually there. And not just a piece of her wild imagination in her hope and desperation to see him again.

So Pepa checked on them in the common area where there was a television and saw that Bruno had fallen asleep again. He really slept a lot…. Well, these days had to be extremely overwhelming for him and he had worked hard this day too. Just like everyone else.

Luisa looked down at her sleeping uncle with his face red from the sunburn. "Maybe I should put him to bed," she said.

Agustin nodded. "That would be very nice of you Mija."

Luisa nodded as she stood up and then carefully… Just picked Bruno up in a bridal position. Making Pepa smirk amused as she turned back to Julieta and her books.

Luisa managed to take Bruno to the hall before Bruno groaned slightly and then opened his eyes as he looked up and yelped.

"Woah!" Luisa had to shout as she almost dropped Bruno and managed to hold him up again.

"Lui-Luisa!" Bruno gasped then gaped as he glanced down. "I thought you lost your gift!"

"Yeah, I did," Luisa smirked. "That sure would have been a problem if you weren't skinny as a twig."

Bruno's mouth shut tight and he looked down. "Erhm… Could you put me down por favor?" he asked. "I… I can still walk by myself."

Luisa nodded as she put Bruno down, only to have to steady him as Bruno almost buckled under and then hissed by the touch on his sunburn. Then he glanced up at Luisa.

"Are you okay Tio?" Luisa asked concerned.

Bruno nodded. "Sorry… It's just… You have gotten really… really big." he had to admit as yeah. Bruno did look like a child standing next to her. "I still remember when it was me who would carry you around."

Luisa's eyes watered and she nodded.

Bruno blinked as he looked up at her, then padded her on the arm. "Don't worry about me," he asked. "How are you holding up? I'm understanding that losing your gift has been a pretty big blow huh?"

Luisa nodded. "I can't do the things I used to." she swallowed. "And I feel like I should… But I can't… And I don't want to let everyone down!"

Bruno nodded his entire attention now solely on Luisa.

"How are things going to be handled when I can't help like I used to?" Luisa asked.

Bruno shrugged. "I'm sure they'll find a way," he commented. "I mean. Most people in the world don't have a young lady with a heart of gold and super strength in handy. And they seem to be doing just fine."

Luisa looked up then nodded slowly.

"Mirabel said you haven't been using your gift for ten years," Luisa whispered. "So you just… chose not to?"

Bruno halted then swallowed. "Well… Yeah," he admitted.

"I had no idea we could do that." Luisa breathed.

"Well… I don't know how it works." Bruno admitted. "Also my gift is… Not quite like yours. I mean yours was active all the time and I had to…. Deliberately use mine. Well, at least for larger visions."

Luisa nodded thoughtfully.

Bruno smirked slightly. "I remember when you were a kid. You were protecting the smaller ones even before you got your gift," he informed and Luisa blinked. "Oh there was when this big spider had gotten into the nursery and Mirabel was screaming. You just stepped right in front of her and said. I protect, no afraid... And you sure did. Protect her I mean. And Camillo."

Luisa blinked.

"I guess what I am trying to say is." Bruno hesitated. "We…. We aren't just some stupid magic gift. No, I didn't need to be able to see the future! Why would I need that? Who needs that?" he asked. "And you don't need to be lifting mountains! I mean… I think it's pretty obvious that you have done more than your fair share! Ever since you got that gift." and he put a hand to his head. "I always hated that we allowed five year olds to do it."

Luisa's eyes widened. "huh?"

"And then you ended up thinking the entire Encanto was your responsibility." Bruno commented now working himself up. "honestly it makes me mad! You were this high!" he measured to his own midsection. "It was too soon if you ask me! Way too soon! And now the entire town had just gotten used to taking advantage of you! And that's not okay. That's very much not okay! You were given tasks before you learned how to say no! That's awful! And you have such a good heart. Always ready to step forward! Even before that gift! So of course people would end up taking advantage! Even if they didn't mean to!"

And Luisa just cried as she picked Bruno up again for a hug and Bruno yelped as he shouted.

"Auw! Luisa! Sunburn! Hurts." Bruno hissed.

"Arh! Sorry." Luisa put him back down. "Sorry."

"It's okay." Bruno gasped then looked up. "Are you okay?" he asked and Luisa nodded. "That's good," he said. "Luisa the great truly is an amazing hero for sure! She has a heart of gold and protects the entire town. But listen… It's not her job to solve every little issue. That's ridiculous. After having completed a task. Luisa the great still needs rest. Otherwise, she won't be ready for the next one."

Luisa suddenly gasped as she looked up. "Twelve tasks," she whispered.

Bruno groaned as he held his forehead. "Sorry… I'm really sorry. I… Need to go lay down." he said. "My head kind of… Erhm."

Luisa nodded. "I'll go get you some water," she said. "Mama says you need to drink a lot of water. You just go lay down."

"Sorry." Bruno groaned again.

"It's no trouble," Luisa smirked. "It's a small task for Luisa the great," she stated in a smile as she turned so she could walk to the kitchen and grab of a pitcher of cold water. Smiling all the way over there.