
68. Chapter 68

Julieta swallowed as she was sitting there, close to her brother and sister. Like she had done so many times in the past. When they had been children… And also when they had been young.

It's funny how familiar and natural it felt, even though Julieta knew it had been a very long time since they had done this last.

In her head… Julieta tried to go over the day's events. Everything that had happened.

Isabela's failed engagement dinner, the vision that had appeared… Bruno's vision. The cracks that had formed throughout the entire house. Pepa finally breaks down confessing her true feelings. Bruno's door acting up.

Mirabel and her Mama had that fight making the entire house finally collapse. Then Mirabel had vanished and they had spent the whole night looking for her… Worried sick.

Finally, though Mirabel came back to him. And she didn't look how Julieta had expected her to.

Julieta had assumed she would find a scared and heartbroken girl. But Mirabel was happy and full of energy as if she had been given a great revelation and was now ready to share with everyone.

Mama had come too and she too was smiling, not looking at all as devastated as Julieta would have thought. In fact, it looked like a massive burden had been lifted from her shoulders. A burden she had held onto for so long and then suddenly…

Mirabel had pulled a figure out from the shadows.

At first, Julieta had not been able to entirely comprehend it. She recognized the green ruana the second she saw it of course.

As well as the black curls and the slight frame. But still, it took far too long for her mind to click. Only as a big pair of dark green eyes was nervously looking towards them, belonging to such a familiar face, did it all just click and she screamed as she ran forward with Pepa.

Julieta had bee surprised as the thing she touched was actually SOLID! It wasn't just a figment of a dream that vanished to the touch.

He was here! Somehow Bruno was here!

Though… Something was clearly off.

He was moving in twitches, he was stumbling over his words, he was shaking.

Now Bruno had always been a rather skittish sort. Though admittedly it had gotten worse over the years and Julieta hated to admit to the truth, she had let it happen.

But this was a whole other level. Especially as Bruno seemed to just leave the space entirely and went into hyperventilation. And finally he just seemed to collapse from sheer exhaustion.

Still though… Like Mirabel said. They could fix this… Together… They could fix it.

Bruno was here. So there was hope! That was all that mattered.

Julieta swallowed as she now felt Bruno's heavy head on her shoulder, he had finally stopped shaking and had now drifted into a deep sleep while people moved around in front of them. No one was demanding that Julieta or Pepa stood up to help.

Which Julieta was more than thankful for, she didn't want to leave… What if she looked away and he vanished again? What if something happened?

Julieta looked down at her brother and her heart sank.

Though Bruno looked a lot more peaceful now he still looked awful.

Bruno had always been thin, even lanky. But now it was more than that, he wasn't just skinny he was bony. The Ruana was hiding most of it but still, the collar bones were protruding from the neck opening.

She could see his wrist and bony fingers resting on his lap… It didn't look very good.

Then there was Bruno's skin that had an oddly grayish tone to it. It wasn't supposed to be like that. Bruno's skin was supposed to be a warm golden bronze, much like her own. He was far too pale. But unlike Pepa it wasn't natural.

There were deep dark shadows under his eyes that seemed etched unto his face, and his cheeks were sunken in giving him such a gaunt appearance.

All though… Julieta couldn't help but fondly notice. His hair wasn't greasy, it was clean and fluffy. Softly laying across his head and a few unruly strains even fell over his face.

Bruno didn't smell of rot nor mold, as you might have expected for someone who had lived inside of the walls for ten years. There was a slight smell of spackle and a little sweat, probably from his mad dash to find Mirabel.

Apparently, he had been riding out to find her… But yeah. At least he had kept himself clean. Their Mama had always lectured them how important it was to maintain good hygiene. And Bruno had always done whatever their Mama told them to do. As if his life depended on it.

Pepa too was looking at their brother between them and she looked up. "He never left," she whispered and she swallowed. "In the walls? And he checked in on us…" her eyes grew misty and Julieta couldn't help but look up again. At the old cracks patched completely up.

Pepa's lip was quivering. "How much do you think he heard?"

Julieta glanced down. She rather not want to know… She had followed her mother's and Pepa's wish not to talk about Bruno. Because bringing up his name clearly hurt them.

Now though she realized not talking about him was probably the biggest mistake of her entire life. Then she glanced up at their Mama who was talking to one of the townspeople.

"That's so very kind of you." Alma spoke to old Garzia. "But… I think right now our family needs to stick together. At least for the first couple of nights. There must be somewhere where twelve people can stay together… I know it's a lot. But.. " she halted.

Old Garzia glanced at Bruno sitting between his sisters then back at Alma. "I understand," he said. "Your family needs each other in these times. Sorry. I only got three extra beds."

"And it was so kind of you to offer." Alma smiled gently. "For now though."

Garzia nodded. "I'm glad to see he's okay," he said. "I was honestly afraid the village had finally managed to drive him out of town and…"

"Thank you," Alma replied in a smile. "I'm glad it's not everyone who bad mouths my Brunito."

Garzia shook his head. "How could I? I am old enough to remember when he was a kid. He was always such a caring soul. Looking after his sisters and then his Sobrina's and Sobrino like that."

"I agree." Alma smiled warmly.

Just as they spoke of it, the largest of the children quietly stepped forward. Luisa, even though she was big, she had always been gentle. And she looked very nervously at Bruno as her lip quivered. "He… He's okay? Right?"

"I think he will be," Julieta said. "He just… Needs some rest. And some food."

"And sun. And fresh air." Pepa replied as more of the third generation came all looking a little nervous about what to do.

Isabela was there, nervously glancing at Bruno. Camilo looked outright confused. Mirabel however was just amused and Dolores was shaking her head.

"I… I remember him." Luisa whispered. "Not… A lot. But I remember that he was always really nice." she said. "He never got angry even when I broke stuff. And… He made me laugh I think."

Isabela glanced down. "He told us bedtime stories," she said and Luisa's eyes widened.

"That's right." She gasped now Camilo gaped.

"Scary stories." Camilo suddenly realized. "He told me scary stories."

"Cause that's what you asked for," Mirabel said. "He told me adventures."

"And romances for me." Dolores chuckled then silenced.

"So… He was here. All of this time?" Luisa asked. "In the house?"

Julieta's eyes watered but she nodded.

"I saw the place," Mirabel said. "Behind the walls of Casita, it was like… A giant labyrinth. It was massive! You know like how your rooms are so big they shouldn't possibly fit into the house?" she asked. "I think the space he was in was like… A space between the real house and your rooms. It was kind of crazy. The halls just kept going on and on, and there were tall walls you needed to climb to get from one place to another and.." she halted. "But also. It was completely falling apart like… All the cracks were just hidden away in that space. It was everywhere behind there. And all patched up."

"But if he was here all the time," Camilo said. "I don't understand. Why didn't he just go outside?"

Julieta looked down and she swallowed. "Because he thought we didn't want him."

There was silence, dead silence. And then. Luisa sniffed, and she cried.

Isabela padded her sister on the back.

Then Mirabel looked at Camilo. "So…" she said. "Seven foot tall?"

Camilo's eyes narrowed. "How was I supposed to know?" he asked. "I was like… Five when I saw him last! Also I didn't know he might actually hear me. It's called a prank Mirabel!"

"Your impression of him was awful," Mirabel replied dryly. "You made him look like a menacing demon and look." she gestured at the sleeping Bruno. "I don't think I have ever seen anything less menacing. Tonito is scarier than that when he doesn't want to brush his teeth."

Camilo was clearly not happy about the lecture as he pouted annoyed.

Then Alma came towards them, looking a little nervous about what to do, but spoke. "I think I found a solution for the sleeping arrangement problem," she said. "The Parish house is always open for people in need. It has rooms with beds, for exactly this kind of situation if someone in town needs a place to stay. There is even a kitchen and a mess hall we can use."

Camilo blinked. "Don't people need those rooms for after Sunday church?" he asked.

"I'm sure they can manage at least for a while," Alma said. "At least for the few first days, I want our family to stick together. After that, there are plenty of people who have offered to lend their guest rooms. We will figure it out." then she looked nervously at Bruno and she swallowed. "Mirabel," she spoke and Mirabel looked at her.

Then Alma looked at Mirabel. "I… Tried helping Brunito in the past. But all I did was push him away. I know he needs my help. But I don't know how to help him." she swallowed. "How do you think we should proceed?" she asked.

Mirabel smiled amused as she walked over to Alma and took her hands. "The first thing you should remember is this," she said. "Bruno loves this family. He wants to be a part of this family. So much." she said. "So give him the time he needs to find back on his own. Give him space," she asked.

"But." Alma began.

"This is not going to be fixed in just one day." Mirabel shook his head. "But he really wants to help. To be a part of the family. Just like I do. So he's gonna try. Just let him." she said. "Know that he is trying. And will be trying! Just give him time! And accept him… Not for what you want him to be or who he was. I know it won't be easy. But you have to accept him for who he is now. See him now! We won't be going backward. We have to go forward."

Alma smiled fondly. "When did you become so wise?" she asked gently touching Mirabel's cheek.

"Eh. I had a lot of mentors." Mirabel shrugged. "Big family. Lots of cousins and stuff. Oh and one Abuela. She's pretty smart too sometimes."

Alma chuckled amused.

"I can count on all of you too right?" Mirabel asked her other family members. "I know it's confusing. But Tio Bruno has been looking out for us for ten years! He worked to keep us safe. All of us! He kept the secret about the vision so the townspeople wouldn't blame me the way they have always blamed him! You saw how they were just ready to blame him for everything even though he had nothing to do with it! That would have been me. But he made sure that wouldn't happen."

Julieta's heart just swelled with pride. How her daughter just seemed to know what to say and bring everyone together and how… She wanted to help her Tio.

Julieta had so many fond memories. Of how attached Bruno had been to the kids, and how much they used to adore him.

She hoped the kids too would have those memories resurface some more. Mirabel seemed like she had started to remember even though she had been so young.

"Well. When you put it like that." Camilo blushed slightly. "Of course Mira beside." he glanced at Pepa. "This is clearly important to Mami."

Pepa glanced down, then she looked up again. "I have been unfair to all of you," she said. "I… Robbed you of your Tio. Even the memories of him." she swallowed. "I wasn't angry because I hated him… I was angry because…. I missed him." she said. "So much. And I never knew what had happened to him."

Camilo nodded slowly.

Then suddenly Bruno turned and they all halted, only for Bruno to press his face up against Pepa's shoulder. Still fast asleep.

"Wow… Amazing he hasn't woken up yet." Camilo blinked.

"Well. He has been up all night looking for me. Just like you guys." Mirabel smirked. "Except in his case, his anxiety is like… Ten times worse. But he still confronted his Mama and his entire family. He's exhausted."

"We'll look after him," Julieta promised.

"Perhaps we all need rest." Alma sighed. "We have all been up all night." and they all nodded.

"Also… Mama." Luisa looked a little nervous. "Papa is at the doctor. He wanted me to tell you he was fine and you shouldn't worry about it."

At that Julieta's eyes widened. "What?" she asked. "What is he doing at the doctor?"

"He's…" Luisa halted. "Covered in bee stings." she reminded them. "He actually vomited too. Tio Felix is with him making sure he'll be alright."

The color drained from Julieta's face… Right. In the past, they never had to take his bee allergy that seriously as one bite of Arepa would fix Agustin right up. Now though… Now was clearly another story.

"Aye ya ya." Alma shook her head. "Well, it's good that Felix is with him."

Julieta bit her lip. She had been so preoccupied with her brother she had forgotten to tend to her husband. And the guilt hit her. But also she didn't know what to do here. She wanted to check on Agustin but also she did not want to leave Bruno!

"Hey." Pepa looked at her. "Felix is with him! This is the point of Family, isn't it? One can take over when the other is occupied. Also, he clearly wanted you to stay with Bruno. That's why he asked Felix to go with him instead of you."

"Right… Right." Julieta exhaled deeply.

Mirabel smirked. "As long as we're together. I'm sure Papa is fine."

Julieta exhaled deeply. "Indeed. Your Papa does get hurt a lot. But he also bounces back all the time. He's wonderful like that."

Mirabel shook her head amused. Well, they sure had some adjusting to do! But they would figure it out! For sure.