
63. Chapter 63

Outside, in the house of Madrigal things were not going too well. The cracks were everywhere and spreading through all the stairs and rooms.

A massive dark cloud had formed above Casita itself, threatening with storm and rain as the cracks spread and formed.

"Where is that girl!" Alma huffed as she walked through the entrance hall, cracks forming right behind her.

Mirabel had gone missing as if she had just sunken into the ground. And the entire family was in an uproar yet again.

Pepa was sitting on the stairs, gasping for breath while chanting her little chant. "Clear skies. Clear skies." and Felix was rubbing her on the back to comfort her to the best of his abilities. Though he was honestly getting annoyed at how much Alma was snapping at his clearly distressed wife.

Julieta looked rather nervous as she glanced around and then Agustin entered as well. "She's not in the attic," he informed. "I don't understand. This is not like her."

"Then what is like her?" Alma asked. "She broke into Bruno's tower! She knows that's not allowed!"

"Well, maybe that wasn't so bad," Agustin said. "She found the vision, didn't she? The one we couldn't find."

"Speaking of vision." Alma gasped. "You knew she had found it! Why didn't you tell me?"

Agustin narrowed his eyes at Alma.

"You should have told me the second you saw that vision!" Alma exclaimed. "Think of the family!"

"I was thinking of my daughter!" Agustin replied back as Julieta stepped next to her husband to stand with him against her mother.

Just then an icy cold wind flew over them and Alma huffed.

"Pepa! Calm down!" Alma demanded of her red-haired daughter now being covered in her own snow and Felix trying to get it off her.

"I'm doing my best!" Pepa exclaimed and Felix huffed.


"You're lucky it's not a hurricane!" Pepa exclaimed.

"Mama," Julieta spoke, her heart tightening. "You've always been too hard on Mirabel," she said just as another crack crawled over the wall next to them.

"Look around!" Alma gasped. "We must protect our family! Our Encanto. We cannot lose our hope."

And just then the front door opened. Revealing multiple townspeople, all looking at them with scared question eyes. As behind them, the threatening weather was showing as well.

Finally one of the older men spoke. "Senora… People in town are getting anxious about the magic. They want to see you."

Alma inhaled deeply. Then offered Agustin and Julieta a last glance. "Mirabel was in that vision for a reason," she said and then headed towards the door. "Find her." were her final words before she left. Closing the door behind her and she was gone.

Julieta's mouth retrieved in a frown as she grabbed her husband's hand tight, feeling comfort in his presence and how as always, he was an eternal support in her life.

"Why." Pepa hissed. "Why is this happening. And why now?" she asked the ice continuing. "Everything was fine. We were fine! And then one of his stupid visions."

"Hermana." Julieta turned to her sister.

"Urrrgh! He never goes away!" Pepa exclaimed grabbing her head. "Of course! His prophecy just shows up and everything just goes wrong isn't that how it always is huh?" she asked. "Every single time! It's always about Bruno!" and a clap of thunder erupted outside lighting up the entire house.

Julieta frowned as she let go of her husband's hand and stepped forward. "PEPA!" she exclaimed and Pepa looked up.

"Stop fooling yourself!" Julieta demanded. "You saw that vision. We all saw that vision! You know what it means!"

"Oh yeah?" Pepa asked a she stood up, thunder all around her and cracks coming from her feet. "It means he left! He knew this entire thing would happen and instead of being a man and warning us he fled like a coward!"

"You know better than that." Julieta huffed. "You know what he was like! He would never hurt this family."

"Then why did he?!" Pepa screamed. "He really thought him leaving wasn't going to hurt us huh?"

"He left for the same reason I didn't tell Alma about the vision," Agustin said. "This is how everyone would react once they saw it. Clearly! He was trying to protect us! And my daughter!"

"WELL HE DID A POOR JOB OUT OF THAT DIDN'T HE!" Pepa screamed and then she silenced. And then she sniffed as suddenly the wind was gone. But instead, there was heavy rain.

"Mi Amor," Felix whispered as he stood up, then gently put a hand on Pepa's shoulder and Pepa turned to him.

With painful eyes did Felix look at her. "This isn't how you feel is it?" he asked. "I was angry with him too… I didn't understand." he swallowed. "I didn't understand so it was easier to be angry."

Pepa sniffed, the rain growing heavier.

"Pepa." Julieta whispered. "What… Do you really feel?" she asked.

Pepa looked at Julieta and she swallowed.

"Ten years is a long time," Julieta whispered. "It's enough now Pepa…. You need to let it out."

"I...I…" Pepa swallowed. "I just… I thought he was fine you know?" she asked in a broken voice and snot running out of her nose. "He always said he was just fine. But this is Bruno and he always says that so why didn't I ask more? I should have known something was going on when he stopped dancing with me in the living room… But I don't remember when that happened. I don't remember when he stopped!" Pepa lifted her hands and banged her forehead. "We danced all the time when we were young and then we didn't… And I don't know how that happened or why I didn't notice. I should have noticed! Why didn't I? We're triplets. We are supposed to be triplets! How couldn't I have known?" she gasped as Felix handed her a white handkerchief which Pepa accepted then blew her nose.

Now her makeup was just running all the way down her face too. And then she continued while the others listened.

"And I am mad... I am so... So mad!" Pepa gasped.

"Who are you mad at?" Julieta asked.

"I don't know... Bruno. For making me feel this way. I'm mad that he was... So unhappy and didn't tell me. So he just left instead! Apparently, he thought that was a good idea. Even though he promised that we would always be together. So he lied to me." Pepa sniffed. "I'm mad at Mama... For always shushing me and telling me to calm down! And I am mad at myself." she swallowed. "Bruno looked so... So miserable sometimes. But I thought it was fine or... You know. When I asked him he said it was fine so I just kind of believed him. But... It wasn't fine. The way everyone talks in town... They are still doing it and I just. How could I have known he was so unhappy? ... No... I knew. I should know. We had a fight… Not long before he left." Pepa swallowed. "I told him he should just stop having visions and he… He looked so sad. I tried to say sorry but he… He just agreed. I wish he would have been mad at me or talked back. But he didn't... he never does. He's just being miserable instead. But I didn't know what to do. And I just… I wish I could take it back. But I can't… We argued and I…" she sniffed. "And then he left and I don't know if he's dead or if it's even worse. And I keep thinking… I should be out there looking for him but where? And then I tell myself he's probably happier out there. And then I get mad at him for making me worry... But then I realize he might be hurt and I just don't know and... And I just. I'M SORRYYYYYY!" Pepa cried loudly as she grabbed Felix and hugged him tight while the rain from the outside was now also falling inside drenching them all. But no one complained about it.

Also were they so focused on Pepa that they didn't even notice, some cracks in the wall just quietly healing themselves and vanishing.

"I'm sorry I didn't help… Bruno." she cried loudly as she clutched her husband tight and Felix embraced her back holding her tight.

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of it… I just… I want my brother. Please… Just give me my brother back. Casita." Pepa gasped as she looked up towards the ceiling. "I'll do anything. You can have my gift back if you want… If there's just one more miracle left in you… Please… Please… Just… Give me my brother back! I WANT MY BROTHER!" She screamed.

"It's okay mi amor. Let it out…. Let it all out." Felix whispered as he padded her on the back. "You held unto this for far too long... You need to let it out."

And then Pepa deflated together, her scream now turning into sobs as she buried her face in Felix's shoulder while the heavy storm, now had turned into a gentle breeze. And the heavy rain. Just a light drizzle.

Then Julieta put a hand on Pepa's shoulder and Pepa looked up with tear-filled eyes.

"It wasn't because of you," Julieta whispered. "He left so that prophecy would never make it out… It was to protect Mirabel. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes I did," Pepa whispered as she looked up. "He didn't come to us… Any of us… He must have thought he had to do it alone… I am just so… UH I AM SO MAD AT HIM!" she shouted making a thunder crack. "He's making me feel like this. He's always making me feel! And you know how it is with me and feelings! I need to be fine! So a hurricane doesn't happen! I need to be fine! But that stupid Hermano of ours is still making me feel! And I'm so mad and I… " she looked up. "I just want to see him."

"I know. I do too." Julieta replied and she swallowed.

"He must hate us so much." Pepa's lip quivered.

"No. You know how Bruno was." Julieta shook her head. "He would never resent you for a moment… He." she sniffed wiping away a tear. "That stupid fool was always afraid of being in the way. But he would always be there to help us.. It's exactly who he always was."

Pepa's eyes watered and then she stood up, letting go of Felix… Only to throw herself right at Julieta and hugged her tight as she cried and Julieta cried as well.

And the two sisters embraced each other, clinging to each other, as even more cracks started to slowly mend.

Agustin smiled warmly as he looked at his beloved wife hugging her sister tight then he halted… Just halted. He turned his head, up towards the corner of the upstairs, a door that was hidden by a small passage. But there was a bright light coming from it. "Gu-Guys." he gasped.

"What is it Agustin?" Julieta asked.

Agustin shook as he pointed up and they all followed his finger, towards the hidden door and there was… A bright light shining.

"BRUNO!" Pepa screamed as she let go of her sister and stormed up the stairs closely followed by the others until they were all in front of the door that had been dead for a decade. Now shining brightly.

Pepa gasped. "Bruno!" and she grabbed the door handle opening it up only to stop. The entrance was blocked by rocks that had fallen down. It was impossible to get inside and she screeched. "Bruno! BRUNO ARE YOU IN THERE! Can you hear me? BRUNO!"

"Mi amor." Felix pulled her back. Then shook her head.

"But." Pepa stammered.

Julieta swallowed as she closed the door again and now saw it fade into a more normal glow, looking like the other doors.

"What does it mean?" Pepa asked.

Agustin swallowed. "It could mean… Anything really. The magic is all out of order."

Pepa gasped.

"But it might be good!" Agustin stated then bit his thumb. "Maybe."

Pepa swallowed. "Casita." she looked up. "If… If you have only one miracle left in you," she whispered. "I… I want my brother back. Please." she asked.

Julieta nodded. "One miracle… Keep my daughter safe. And let me see my brother."

"I'm in on that wish." Felix nodded.

"And me," Agustin replied sadly looking at the door. Now glowing so innocently. "Come on. We need to find Mirabel before Alma does," he said and they all nodded in agreement as they slowly moved out and Julieta was squinting her eyes as she held her hands in prayer.

Just one more miracle… One last miracle.

They had already received so many miracles and so many gifts. It was a lot to ask but still, Julieta did.

Protect my family… Let us be together again. As a family. Please.