
57. Chapter 57

It didn't go away…. He didn't go away. Mariano didn't go away.

And worst of all. EVERYBODY was so happy and so delighted!

Mariano seemed to bring nothing but happiness to the house of Madrigal, and everyone in the older generation loved to compliment on how nice and just perfect he was!

Abuela Alma hadn't looked this happy since… Since when Antonio had been born! And before that Isabela had to think a really… really far way back. Back to when Isabela had been like… Ten or eleven years old.

And they would all ask how it was all going. When the next date was going to be? And they would help arrange dates for them…. Great.

Isabela needed to get rid of this man. She didn't know how yet. But she had to find a way. A reason to break up with him! Any reason!

People broke up with each other all the time for any number of stupid reasons, right?

So what reasons could Isabela find to break up with this guy!

Was he being rude? … Nope. He was always very polite.

Inconsiderate? … Nope. He was so considerate of the family and everyone around him that it hurt.

Did he smell bad at least?… NOPE! For some reason, Mariano smelled of citrus fruits and gentle lavender.

His hair was never greasy. His teeth were shining white. His physic was strong and not just for show as he easily helped people move their tables.

He never lost his temper. He never shouted or used profanities. He was never in any fights. Everybody liked this man.

He was the perfect human being. HOW WAS THIS EVEN REMOTELY POSSIBLE!?

Had some mad scientist just created Mariano in a lab to make the most perfect human male that elderly women just people couldn't help but adore? What was going on here?

Finally…. One day Isabela was waiting for Mariano to pick her up for a date. And then finally… finally there was a mistake.

Mariano didn't show up… YES! Isabela could break up with him now, right? He was a no show! Awesome!

And Isabela was in a good mood until suddenly… Frederico, Mariano's friend came running and stood there at the door. Gasping.

"Sorry! Mariano couldn't come. But he wanted Isabela to know that he's really sorry." Frederico said. "His mother fell down and couldn't get up. He's carrying her home himself."

Isabela wanted to slap herself over the face. How could she break up with him over Mariano carrying her mother home? It would make her look like an absolute monster!

"Oh, dear!" Julieta was suddenly behind Isabela gasping. "Is she all right?"

"She's fine," Frederico informed. "Just a sprained ankle. Or at least that's what we think. Oh and Isabela. These are to you. From Mariano." he offered her a massive bouquet of pink roses. "Because he couldn't make it. He's really sorry. But he knows pink flowers are your favorite so."

Isabela was stunned quiet. As she now stood there… With her massive bouquet of pink flowers in her hands, she didn't know what to do with.

"Oh my gosh," Luisa whispered from the door behind them where she had half hidden. "That's so sweet."

With horror in her eyes did Isabela turn towards Luisa who seemed to be on the verge of tears.

"Isabela why don't you take an Arepa over to the Guzman's house?" Julieta asked kindly. "It should heal Paula's foot up in a second. In fact, take a couple with you!"

There was no way out…. No way out. Isabela was doomed.

As proven while Isabela was trying to hang out with her friends… And they were all the same too.

"You're so lucky Isabela!" Victoria gasped. "You're so perfect! And he's perfect! And together you are the perfect couple! You have the life of your dreams!"

"My dreams." Isabela forced her smile. "Right…. Great… Amazing."

And then of course there was Alma, who smiled so softly. For once her smile was warm and genuine. "It's just what we need," she said at the dinner table. "This is good for the family. For all of us."

She was happy… They were all so happy… Isabela was doomed.

And she had no reason to complain. How could she complain? Her future was set, and it was a perfect future just like it was promised to her.

A future set in this beautiful house. Together with this handsome and very considerate man. Probably a whole bunch of children.

Isabela could spend the rest of her days being prim, proper, and perfect. Setting a good example for the Encanto and be the bright light of her family.

The future of any woman's dream! Other women would kill to get what she had. The entire family was looking at her with so much pride and joy.

And Isabela just wanted to run away… Run far… Far away.

Help me please!

Then Mirabel would walk by and roll her eyes. "Hey perfect Princess. Your perfect hunky man is at the door," she informed and walked away.

….. Isabela wished she didn't have to be perfect. Then she could punch Mirabel in her stupid face!

No… No. Isabela inhaled a deep breath and exhaled. She was better than that and better than stupid Mirabel! And so Isabela marched to the door to greet Mariano, if for nothing else than to spite her dumb little sister.

Julieta sighed deeply as she was standing in front of a door. The door looked old, worn out, and like it might be fallen apart.

The portrait on the door was that of a man. With wild fluffy hair and open eyes that seemed to be looking out into the room.

Julieta's youngest daughter had just turned fifteen the other day. And that meant…

Ten years. It had been a whole ten years. "Oh Bruno." Julieta sadly whispered the name no one would mention.

It didn't feel like ten years. She still remembered the night. And what made it so shocking was almost… How quiet Bruno's exit had been.

There had been no loud declaration, no yell for help, no letters left behind, no hints… No nothing.

One night he had been there. And then he hadn't been… And that was it.

When Bruno had left to talk with their Mama, there was nothing to indicate that this was the last time that Julieta was ever going to see him.

He had just been there… And then he hasn't been. And there was not a single clue hinting at what might have happened. Nothing to go on… Except.

He had gone to have a vision. And that was it.

"What did you see Hermano? What was your vision?" Julieta asked. But as usual, there were no answers… It was just an old door. It even looked old, unlike the others.

Ten years… The family had become better. Or at least they had become better at hiding it. The gaping hole left behind. The inability to gain any closure…

She could ask why all day and night. But there were no answers. Bruno had left no clues behind…

He had just been there… And then he wasn't.

Julieta turned around. It didn't help to linger… There were no clues. They just had to move on. March forward. Like they always had.

Mirabel was smiling down at her cute little cousin who was walking with her towards the dinner table. "So. It's your birthday next week huh," she commented.

Antonio nodded as he smiled proudly. "I want a jaguar for my birthday."

"A jaguar?" Mirabel asked. "Antonio I don't think that's going to fit into the house."

"Really?" Antonio asked looking extremely disappointed. "But they are so cute!"

Mirabel shook her head. "Maybe ask for something a little smaller?" she asked. "Maybe a dog."

"Dogs are amazing!" Antonio grinned. "But not as great as a jaguar."

"Can't argue with that. But yeah I don't think a jaguar is a good idea… All though." Mirabel hesitated slightly then smiled. Now she knew what to make for Antonio! Awesome!

Antonio silenced. "They say everyone else got their doors and gifts when they turned five. Do you think I will…"

Mirabel hesitated. "I don't know Tonito," she said. "I guess we'll have to wait and see. Maybe there will be a door for you on your birthday and then… We'll probably have a ceremony. And you'll get your gift."

Antonio smiled. "I hope so," he whispered.

And then he turned five… And there was a door.

Alma exhaled a deep breath of pure relief. "The magic is still strong," she whispered. "It's still there." she held her own forehead. "Good. Now the Encanto can see for itself. The magic is strong!" and she looked up. "We must invite the people. It must be perfect! Then everyone will know the magic is still fine and we can forget all of that… nonsense." she ended.

Mirabel looked down… her own five year birthday. People had been insecure about the magic since then.

But yes. If Antonios ceremony went well. It would silence any and all doubt and finally… Finally, the Encanto should be able to move on.

At least that was the hope.

Nothing could go wrong now… Nothing.

Behind the walls, Bruno mumbled his chant as he jumped over the cracks, careful not to step on any of them.

He reached one of the twists and grabbed the salt in one of the bowls he had strategically placed all around his route at the correct places.

And then he had run out of salt when filling up his bowls so he had to resort to sugar… In a hopeless attempt to stop the cracks through sheer force of will and rituals meant to expel bad magic and bad luck.

Part of Bruno knew it was completely irrational. Clearly, it wasn't working! There were new cracks every single day now! And they were spreading and spreading. Right in front of his eyes… It scared him.

So Bruno allowed Hernando to take over now when patching cracks. It was easier that way, when he was busy pretending to be Hernando he wouldn't panic and his work continued.

He would mumble to himself, make up his stories and just continue talking while working.

"I guess the amnesia plot is pretty cliché." Bruno talked to himself. "But it's such a good one you know? The love is forbidden! And erhm… Emilio is just trying to take care of her. But he sees her more like a mother. Cause he lost his mother. Who would be Maria's sister cause… She's Emilio's aunt. It's a thing… It's a whole family thing. Knock-knock-knock! Knock on wood!" Bruno knocked after having finished the current crack and jumped down only for another one to form behind him and Bruno screamed as he jumped back.

They were everywhere now. And they were forming quicker than Bruno could fix them! The house was about to collapse… Right on top of him!

NO! No! Bruno grabbed his head. There was still time… There was still time. The fate was undecided… It could be fixed… It could…

Bruno gasped for breath then shrieked. Dinner! It was almost time for dinner! Bruno could not miss family dinner!

And so he hurried back to his room. For all of this time, he had never missed a mealtime and he could not start now it was… The closest he had to a sense of normalcy. The best thing in his day… If only Bruno knew… What to do… How to… how to protect them. How to help.

Was it really too late? When the cracks were simply forming quicker than he could fix them… What could he do?