
50. Chapter 50

It was just another normal family dinner at the house of Madrigal.

Mirabel who was soon to turn ten was sitting very neatly next to her cousin Camilo so they could discuss plans for the following day.

Isabela was the perfect picture of the perfect princess like she usually would be, sitting with a straight back and gracefully eating her dinner.

Of course, it was Dolores who could throw the entire dinner off by a simple sentence that seemed to come out of nowhere.

It came as Pepa reached for the wine bottle to pour herself a healthy glass and Dolores looked at her.

"I don't think you are supposed to drink Mami." Dolores commented, her voice aloof and oblivious as it often would be.

Pepa frowned slightly while still pouring her wine and then promptly put down her bottle. "And why is that?" she finally asked as she picked up her wine and put it to her mouth, almost as in defiance of her own daughter.

"Well… People are just always talking about how pregnant women shouldn't drink." Dolores commented and suddenly Pepa just spewed out her wine again.

Agustin coughed on his mashed potatoes and what none of them knew was that Bruno on his side of the wall had just been spitting out his own glass of water accidentally drenching five rats who now were all glaring at him.

There was stunned silence as everyone was looking at Dolores. And then at Pepa. Suddenly Felix dropped his fork making the sound of a metallic 'clank' go through the living room.

Pepa frowned deeply. "Dolores. Was that supposed to be a joke?"

Dolores blinked at her mother. "No," she said. "There's a second heartbeat coming from your tummy. I thought you knew."

Wide-eyed Pepa looked down at herself and so did all the others.

Bruno was now up on his feet and just pressing his face towards his little crack to try and get a look at his sister.

"Tia Pepa is pregnant?" Mirabel asked and then she gasped. "That's amazing Tia!"

"Huh?" Pepa looked at her little niece clearly still a little dazed.

"It is!" Felix stood up. "Pepa! Mi Amor! How wonderful!" he beamed at her.

"So-Sorry. I just need to… Take this in." Pepa gasped. "I mean I did miss my period last month but I thought that was because… You know. Ahem." she cleared her throat.

"Cause you're old." Camilo finished for her only to get a glare from Pepa.

"This is wonderful," Julieta said. "I just hope that it's… Safe," she whispered.

"We'll take good care of her!" Alma stated. "And make sure that the new Nino will be healthy and safe! Thank you Dolores for informing us. So Pepa now knows she needs to take care of herself!"

Pepa sighed as she held her forehead. "Did you have to say it like that though Dolores?" she asked. "It's just like when I was first pregnant with you and Bru-" she cut herself short and snapped her mouth shut. "Never mind! Nothing."

"Hahaa!" Now Felix was behind Pepa. Beaming happily. "Another one." he breathed. "Camilo you'll be a big brother! And Dolores you'll have someone else to look over."

"UH UH!" Mirabel waved her hand. "I can sew a baby blanket! And clothes! And whatever you need!"

"I'll protect the baby! No matter what!" Luisa proclaimed.

Alma chuckled amused. "A new miracle." she nodded. "It warms my heart to see how we will all be working together as a family. Like we should."

"I…" Pepa whispered. "Yes… I hope things will be all right," she said putting a hand over her stomach. "Sorry, little one. I didn't mean to.."

"I'm sure as long as you're eating Julietas food every day things will be fine!" Agustin beamed. "I'm ready to swear I have more energy now than when I was in my twenties! Ever since I began eating her food every day even my old back pains just kind of went away."

Julieta frowned. "Now that I think about it." she hesitated. "Our friends our own age… They all complain about these aches that come with age but… I haven't experienced it at all. You don't think?"

They all turned to the food.

Bruno as well on his side on the wall wide-eyed held up his Tamale and looked at it. By all means, Bruno's body should be hurting from his own sleeping arrangements these last few years and his… not very good lifestyle. But it wasn't. His body was surprisingly strong and fit, still perfectly able to jump over those drops and climb the tall walls every single day.

He was running, climbing, and jumping while sleeping on the floorboards and his body felt fine. Then slowly he put the Tamale into his mouth and chewed slowly... Maybe just not question it and be thankful that Julieta's food was keeping him healthy.

"It just goes to show!" Alma said. "What a wonderful gift Julieta brings us! She not only heals injuries as they happen but keeps us healthy and our bodies strong. So eat up. Especially you Pepa. Make sure that it's Julieta's food you eat until the new one arrives!"

Pepa nodded seriously. "Yes. Of course."

"Don't worry." Julieta smiled. "I'll make sure there will always be some food for you if you need it!"

Bruno nodded determinedly. He would not strip the kitchen bare doing the night for as long as Pepa carried that child.

…. Another niece or nephew? Bruno could barely even breathe as it hit him. That was so wonderful and amazing! How he looked forward to seeing if it would be a boy or a girl.

Would it be wild like Mirabel or shy like Dolores? Gentle like Luisa? Or strict like Isabela. There were so many possibilities. What was this little Sobrina or Sobrino going to be like?

Bruno couldn't wait until he got to hold him or her… Then Bruno halted… Oh right. He wouldn't be able to hold the little new one.

He had held every single one of his nieces and his nephew when they were small. But this new little miracle… He wouldn't.

Still though… A little one. How exceptionally wonderful and Bruno smiled as he stepped back.

Good on you Pepa. This kid will be wonderful. I just know it.

It took a few days. But soon enough Pepa was just as excited for the new baby as everyone else was.

She had been shocked at first because Pepa hadn't really thought she was going to have any more children… Like Julieta also believed she was finished with it. They all thought this would be it for this generation.

But now everyone was happy as her stomach started to slowly grow and Bruno was as excited as anyone as he would look towards the dining room at every meal to try and catch a glimpse of her and make sure she looked alright.

The days the family decided to eat outside was a painful panic for Bruno. Because now he couldn't see her or make sure that the little new one was doing okay.

Steadily though Pepa's stomach was growing bigger and the family excitement grew with it.

Unfortunately for Bruno, he started to have problems in the walls… It was strange. He walked his route as he usually did but suddenly. It felt like the walls themselves started to close in on him. Any breathing was stuck to his throat, his heart would not settle.

It was like there was a never ending darkness above Bruno and he wanted to scream and run.

"Let…. Let me out." Bruno gasped. "Ple-Please! I need to be outside!" he cried as he ran but then forgot the floorboards and fell.

Barely did Bruno manage to grab a board and pull himself up only to realize. He had forgotten to knock at the last corner… I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

"knock on wood!" Bruno exclaimed as he knocked. "Knock, knock, knock! Knock on wood!" and suddenly a crack formed over Bruno and he screamed as he stumbled back.

It felt like there were a hundred cracks… A thousand and Casita was about to fall down and bury Bruno alive.

"No! No no no!" Bruno fell down and pressed himself into a corner as he grabbed his head and cried. "I'm sorry I forgot to knock I'll never do it again!" he gasped.

And then there was silence… A deafening silence in here in the darkness as Bruno gasped for breath. And that seemed even worse. His entire body was shaking and Bruno was blinded by fear.

"Help me…" Bruno whispered. "Mama… Help." he cried. "Juli." he covered his ears. "Pepa… Help. Please….. Please." but no one answered. He was alone at this empty space far into the labyrinth of constantly twisting hallways that created a magic house.

Bruno gasped for breath. What would Mama do here? She wouldn't be taken down so easily… What would Hernando do?

Hernando… Foolish and not at all strong. But he fears nothing. "I am Hernando and I fear nothing." Bruno gasped. "I am Hernando and I fear nothing…. A dragon the size of a mountain. No problem. For I am Hernando and I fear nothing… Cracks. Cracks are nothing cause I am Hernando and I fear nothing…"

Bruno just kept mumbling that to himself over and over. Repeating the sentences and making up stories and then slowly, his heart rate returned to normal, and slowly could Bruno stand up again to look at the new cracks that had formed in the ceiling and wall above him.

They were indeed… Very scary… Especially down here in the dark where it didn't seem like anyone would respond to Bruno's cries for help.

"Hernando is not scared." Bruno gasped. "No no… Hernando is not scared. He'll do his job no matter what… I gotta go find the spackle. Yes… spackle." he swallowed as he headed back. "Spackle is good… Hernando would laugh at those cracks and that spackle… Yes… Good."