
32. Chapter 32

Bruno hissed a loud painful whine as he just stood there with his nails inside of his mouth, looking at the wall in front of him. The cracks were now at eye height.

They had spread from just being down at his foot to now being as tall as him on this one wall. "Oh, that's not good…. That's not good. No no no. Not good at all."

Just then the floor beneath Bruno seemed to give in and Bruno screamed as he jumped aside only to see a little crack form under him where he had just been standing. "Argh! No! Don't do that!" he screeched as he fell down on his knees. "You're all right Casita! Everything is fine! Everything is just fine! I can fix this. Okay? I can… I can fix this! Mama won't have to worry. It's going to be fine! It's going to be fine!"

And then Bruno started the process again of mixing spackle so he could apply it all to the cracks. Honestly at a complete loss of what else to do.

Why was this happening? What did it mean?

Swallowing Bruno already knew he had the best chance of figuring that one out… Unlike anyone else. He had the option of looking into the future to look for a clue.

The issue just was… His visions had never changed anything! Never! He just saw stuff and it happened! It was completely and utterly… USELESS! And Bruno threw his spatula away in complete frustration so it harshly hit the wall and fell down. Then gasped for air and covered his face with his hands.

"Sorry… Sorry, Casita. That's not what I meant. It's not you i'm mad at." Bruno whispered as he headed over to pick up the spatula again. Then gently padded the wall where it had hit and returned to the cracks to slowly continue his work.

"Knock on wood," Bruno whispered as he knocked on the floor. "Knock on wood… No more bad things… Knock on wood."

And finally. Bruno's work was done and he made his way back to Casita proper outside where he carefully crawled out of the portrait and made sure it was closed probably before standing back. Sighing deeply.


"AAAARGH!" Bruno screamed in shock and surprise as he twirled around and was suddenly faced with… Himself?

"Look what I can do!" His double ganger grinned loudly. As suddenly his eyes started to glow bright green. "I can make them glow on command! Cool right?"

Bruno's eyes were wide as he looked at his own clone with a big wide grin on his face and bright glowing green eyes… That… That's what he looked like when it happened? Well, no wonder people were so freaked out. That was creepy.

"Tio?" and then suddenly his double was gone replaced with his little nephew looking wide-eyed up at him.

Wide-eyed Bruno looked down at him. Shock and horror all over his face. For a moment they just stood there.

"That… That's great Camilo." Bruno forced a big fake smile. "I mean… Good job. I just… I'm going to see if your Tia Julieta needs some help in the kitchen or.." and he hurried out of there holding up a hand to his face as if to shield himself. Or shield others from seeing his eyes.

As Bruno reached the kitchen he had to admit his excuse had been a really bad one. There was no one in the kitchen as it wasn't time for preparing dinner yet. But that suited Bruno fine as he could pick up a glass and pour himself some water with his poor shaking hands. He emptied out the glass in just one go and gasped deeply for breath.

Okay, calm down… Calm down! Bruno grabbed the salt and threw some over his shoulder. Then took a deep breath…. Held his breath for three seconds and exhaled again trying to will his own heart to calm as he poured himself another glass of water and took a sip. "Cracks… Cracks are fine. I mean what is a crack really? Just a crack… Crack-crack-crack. Actually sounds pretty funny when you say it like that." he commented as he put the glass to his mouth.


And Bruno just spat the water right back out as he jumped in shock, then turned to see his older sister looking deeply concerned at him.

"Oh! Juli! Hi!" Bruno laughed nervously. "What are you doing here?"

"It's…. The kitchen." Julieta pointed out. And as all knew the Kitchen was Julieta's domain.

Bruno closed his eyes… Stupid question.

"Erhm… Hermano." Julita tried. "Are you… Okay?"

"Me? Yes. I'm fine. I mean why wouldn't I be?" Bruno asked as he tried to lean casually up the counter only to fail miserably at that and he stumbled Then finally got up again and managed to lean correctly. "I'm doing great!" he stated grinning the world's most forced grin.

Wide-eyed Julieta looked at him as she held her hands in front of her. "Are you sure?" she asked.

"What do you mean Hermana?" Bruno asked trying to give her an assuring smile.

"Well… You have been acting a little." Julieta hesitated a bit. "Weird."

"Pfff. I've always been weird. There's nothing weird about that." Bruno stated. Then halted and he groaned.

"Bruno." Julieta stepped forward with big concerned eyes as she looked at him. "Is something bothering you?" she asked.

And Bruno swallowed… Julieta already had so much to worry about. Three growing daughters. An entire Encanto that relied on her healing. A family where she was the main provider of the cooking. And yet still she had time to worry about her quite honestly… Weird and very adult brother. Who should have been able to handle himself a long time ago.

"No." Bruno finally said. "Nothing is wrong. I'm fine."

Julieta looked at him. "You sure?" she asked.

"Yes." Bruno nodded. "I mean what could be wrong? Cracks! I mean Sacks!… Hags? I mean… Hehehe. Yeah, I'm just going to go." he said and fled the kitchen leaving a very stunned and honestly pretty concerned Julieta.

It was supposed to be such a small track to Bruno's room. But there were so many people in the house now. Felix loudly yelled at him with a big smile on his face. Luisa asked some sort of question. Mama huffing something.

Ignore… Just ignore… Bruno just needed to be alone and so he headed into his room. He wanted away. Away from all of the voices and sighed in deep relief as casita like always provided for him.

His seer's room was now high above. Far removed from everything. He could hide there and no one would ever bother him on what could pretty much be called a mountain top and so Bruno allowed the sand to transport him up there where he could enter the round door and be alone with his thoughts.

Once in there Bruno sat down and sighed a deep sigh of relief… Maybe… He just needed a break.

The pressure did feel very strong. Every time Bruno had to worm himself out of going to the Encanto and he ended up lying… He hated doing it. Lying about the cracks too… Pretending that he was fine.

Even Bruno could see that he was not fine. The knocking on wood had become outright compulsive these days. He felt nervous when he didn't do it. And had to sneak one in.

His appetite had been sorely lacking, it was just hard keeping the food down. And Bruno just needed that glass of rum before bed to calm his nerves enough so he could sleep.

It would be so easy to just empty the whole bottle. But then he would run out of rum… and he would be figured out the next morning. No… One glass to calm the nerves so he could sleep. That was all.

Bruno sighed deeply as he laid back on the soft sand just enjoying the quiet, allowing his sore body to relax and then without thinking too much. He drifted off to sleep.


"GAH!" Bruno shouted in surprise as his eyes opened wide and he saw two dark skinned girls standing right above him looking down at him with wide eyes. "I-Isabela! DOLORES!" he shouted as he sat up and all the sand just ran right off him.

Startled the two girls stepped back and wide-eyed Bruno looked around himself just to confirm. This was his seer's room. People weren't supposed to be able to get up here very easily. Then he looked at the girls again. "How… How did you get up here?" he asked.

"We used Isabela's vines. She could pull us up." Dolores informed.

"Ah." Bruno realized. Then groaned as he rubbed his face. "Isabela. Dolores…. What is the rules about our private rooms?"

"Don't enter without permission," Dolores whispered.

"But Tio you never let us go into your room!" Isabela pouted. "We just wanted to see it!"

"Hmrpf." Bruno groaned deeply as he rubbed his face.

"Huh. So this is why there is always sand falling off you." Dolores blinked as she looked around.

"Why sand though?" Isabela asked amused. "What is it for?"

"Well… ahem," Bruno said. "See it's when I have one of the big visions. The sand will rise up and shape the things I am seeing so other people can see it too."

"What?" Isabela gaped as she looked at Bruno. "Woooow! Can I see?"

"No." Bruno groaned as he rubbed his forehead.

"But Tioooooo!" Isabela cried. "It's not fair! Anyone from the Encanto came come here and have a vision but you won't give one to us? That's so unfair!"

"It's not that…" Bruno groaned deeply as his headache seemed to intensify.

"Please!" Isabela yelled as she grabbed his Ruana. "Please Tio Bruno! PLEEAAAAAAASE!" she cried.

Bruno sighed deeply… He knew Isabela. She was as stubborn as Alma. Once she had set her mind upon something she was never going to let it go. And he was tired… He was so tired.

"Look… Let's make a deal." Bruno said. "One vision. Only one." he held up a finger. "And you will never ask for another one. You will not tell your sisters or cousins that you got one. This one is going to stay between the three of us."

Isabela's eyes widened and then she nodded eagerly and Bruno sighed deeply.

Okay… Something that couldn't be miss interpreted. Maybe if he just showed what Isabela was going to look like when she got older and nothing else. And that would be it…. Yeah. That could work.

With a groan did Bruno head towards the box in the corner and started to pull out items without even thinking.

Wide-eyed did the two girls look at it as Bruno arranged the small piles of leaves to ward off evil spirits. He put a match to them and threw salt over his shoulder as he grounded himself then sighed. "Come here," he asked and the girls ran over then sand down while Bruno offered them his hands. "Hold unto me," he asked.

Wide-eyed the girls did what they were told. Both grabbed a hand and then grabbed each others so they were sitting in a little circle.

And then Bruno took a deep breath. As he did… The winds started to slowly rush at the ground and picked up the sands as they started to whirl.

The girls gasped as the winds got stronger and the sands swirled all around them and the girls screeched as they almost got knocked over. But Bruno's strong hands kept them in place making sure they wouldn't fly away. And then he opened his eyes that were now shining bright green.

Not just a flash like the girls had seen before. No… Now glowing. And the sands started to glow as well around them as the girls gasped.

"There!" Isbela gasped. "That looks like a person!"

Bruno frowned deeply as slowly the image became clearer and clearer before finally showing a grown up Isabela. And she was beautiful! Jumping in the air and grinning and Bruno exhaled relieved.

"Okay, you've seen now. That's it." Bruno said as he prepared to stop.

"No wait! THERE'S MORE!" Isabela shouted and Bruno halted as he looked up. And then true enough around Isabela her flowers appeared, multiple vines and he frowned.

"Your gift…" Bruno frowned. "Your gift it… It's going to grow!" he gasped as the plants kept growing and then changing. Becoming more than just flowers and the adult Isabela was shouting happily. "Your powers are going to grow and… And… A promise?" he asked as Alma appeared and adult Isabela beamed happily. "It's going to be yours Isabela. Your future! And it's a great future! Oh, that's wonderful!" he beamed as the image of adult Isabela twirled around throwing all kinds of flowers all around herself.

And then the sand settled down. Bruno's eyes faded and he reached up to pull down a jade slab that had the image of an adult and extremely happy Isabela on it, as well as all of the flowers of all different kinds.

"Here." Bruno offered the slab and Isabela grabbed it so now both girls could see it and exclaim.


"You're so pretty Isa," Dolores whispered. "You look like a princess."

"Isabela is very pretty," Bruno smirked fondly. "But you Dolores! You are the cutest of all!" he pinched her cheek and Dolores giggled.

"Now do Dolores!" Isabela gasped.

"We made a deal didn't we?" Bruno frowned. "You get one! We agreed."

"But that's not fair! I got this!" Isabela held up her own prophecy. "And Dolores doesn't get anything? Really Tio."

Bruno groaned deeply. "Fine," he muttered. "But that's it," he stated.

"Can you tell me what the love of my life is going to look like?" Dolores asked excited, ever the little romantic loving her romance stories.

Bruno groaned dissatisfied… The love of her life? Not everyone was lucky enough to get a love of their lives. Bruno should know…. But then again. He looked at Dolores. How could anyone not like someone so damn cute? Of course, she would get a wonderful love at one point and he sighed deeply.

"Okay… Okay then. Take my hands." Bruno asked and the girls eagerly did as Bruno inhaled and the sands rose again, shining green and taking shapes.

And then slowly it formed the shapes. Of a young man with a charming smile.

"Oh my." Dolores gasped. "He's gorgeous!"

"Is that it?" Isabela beamed happily. "The love of your life?"

"The man of your dreams." Bruno smiled. Happy for his niece's happy future.

"Uh uh!" Isabela squeaked. "He's doing something! Look!" she said as slowly. The man was sitting down on one knee. Pulling out a small black box.

"EEEEHHHHHH!" Isabela squealed. "You are going to be married to him!"

And then suddenly a figure appeared behind the man. An older Dolores watching from the opposite side of the table. And in front of the man sitting on a chair was… A different woman. Obscured. But clearly not Dolores as she had long smooth hair. And then… The sand fell down. Together with the slab that clearly showed the man proposing to someone else while Dolores was watching it happening.

Wide-eyed did Dolores look at it. Then up at Bruno. Tears emerged in her eyes.

"I… I'm so sorry." Bruno gasped. "That's not what I… I mean… I…"

And then suddenly Dolores sniffed. And then she cried as she stood up and ran.

"DOLORES!" Isabela shouted as she got up and ran after her.

"GIRLS!" Bruno screamed as he stood up and then halted… What was he going to say? What could he do to make this any better? And he yelled as he grabbed his own hair and squatted down allowing the girls to just get out of there.

Bruno wished he could just stay up in his tower… Forever. But dinner approached and sooner or later someone would come for him. And thus Bruno made his way down, his heart heavy from the confrontations that had to come. He didn't have to wait long. Barely had Bruno made it out of his room before he was faced with an angry mom and a cloud over her head promising thunder.

"What did you tell my girl?" Pepa asked angrily.

"Pepa." Bruno gasped.

"She has been crying! And I can't calm her down! And she won't tell me anything. Isabela though told me it was you!" Pepa gasped.

"She… Asked for a vision!" Bruno exclaimed.

"And you gave it to her?" Pepa asked.

"I'm sorry! They had gotten into my seer's room! I didn't know how to say no!" Bruno exclaimed.

"And now she's crying because of the vision." Pepa seethed. "What were you thinking! There are things children don't need to see!"

"I KNOW THAT!" Bruno shouted. "But what am I supposed to do here? I just see things and it happens!"

"You don't need to show those things to the children." Pepa hissed.

"Well maybe I should just stop having visions then!" Bruno exclaimed.

"Maybe you should! That sounds like the best answer! JUST STOP WITH THE STUPID VISIONS BRUNO!" Pepa yelled back as thunder erupted outside. The moment she said it though Pepa's eyes widened and she covered her mouth.

Bruno looked at her with such defeated eyes. Absolutely defeated and outside… there was now falling a heavy rain.

"That… That's not what I meant." Pepa swallowed. "Bruno I'm sorry I just…"

"No. No." Bruno held up his hand. "You're right…" he sighed deeply. "You're right."

Pepa shook her head. "Your gift is wonderful."

"Is it?" Bruno asked. "Can you tell me one good thing my visions have brought?" he asked. "Just one!"

"I'm sure there's something," Pepa said. "You helped Julita and Agustin find together."

"No I just saw Julieta and Agustin eventually holding hands!" Bruno said. "Something that would have happened. Vision or no. It didn't change anything. It never changes anything! He would have asked her out eventually!"

"Bruno." Pepa gasped.

"I just see things!" Bruno exclaimed frustrated. "I see bad things and they happen! And I can't stop it from happening. What am I supposed to do here?"

Pepa glanced down on the ground. She clearly had no words. As evident by the rain that had now found its way inside. Specifically above her head and drenched Pepa's yellow dress.

"You said that one day…" Pepa whispered. "A man would dance through a hurricane to get to me."

"That wasn't a vision Pepa. I made that up." Bruno sighed impatiently and wide-eyed Pepa looked at him. "I made it up… Heh." he wiped away a renegade tear.

And Pepa was wide-eyed looking at him. A tear rolled down her face. Mixed with the rain coming from her cloud.

"And now I made you upset too." Bruno groaned deeply. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry Pepa."

"It's okay," Pepa said swiping a drenched curl behind her ear. "I just don't like to see my daughter upset and I guess… I wanted someone to take it out on."

"I made her cry. You were right about that." Bruno said sadly. "I don't want to make my nieces cry." he glanced down. "Or my nephew," he added then swallowed as he looked at Pepa. "And certainly not you... I'm so sorry."

"I know Bruno." Pepa sighed deeply. "Maybe it really is for the better then... If you just… Don't tell people their futures." she said. "And especially the kids."

Bruno nodded sadly. "Yeah… You're right. That would be for the better."

Then Pepa walked up to Bruno and then… She hugged him so now the cloud was making them both wet. Bruno didn't mind though. Now no one could see the traitor of a tear that was running down his face.

"I love you hermano. You know that right?" Pepa asked.

Bruno nodded. "Yes… I know," he whispered.

And then Pepa stood back as she looked up at him. "You should get some sleep. You look terrible."

"Can't… Dinner." Bruno groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

"I'll tell Mama you're sick. Go sleep." Pepa asked.

"Okay." Bruno nodded as slowly he removed himself.

"You'll be okay?" Pepa asked.

"Yeah… I just need to sleep. Like you said." Bruno assured.

And Pepa nodded. "Go straight to bed now."

Bruno smiled amused. "Sure," he said and turned around to show that true enough. He was walking towards his door and finally, Pepa left.

Bruno did do as Pepa had asked and walked to his room and threw himself down on the bed. Feeling so exhausted… And honestly, he felt like crying.

Which was pathetic. He was a grown man after all.

Then Gabriela came scurrying towards him and sat on his bed frame and Bruno looked up at his rat. "Ones again… I just made everything worse," he said. "Sometimes I think it would be better if… If I wasn't here… You know? Everyone would be so much better off if I didn't always screw up… Seriously what am I doing except bringing everyone else down?" he asked as he pressed his face into the pillow. "I'm sorry Dolores." he swallowed. "I'm sorry."