
29. Chapter 29

Right now both Julieta and Pepa had each their baby to worry about less than a year old. Plus they had their duties to the Encanto using their gifts to help the community.

And their husbands both had actual jobs.

So it became a pretty natural thing that Bruno looked after the older children while the others were busy doing the day.

Maybe… That's why he noticed and the others didn't. That their behavior had changed. And it broke his heart.

Isabela who used to be completely wild and uncontrollable was now walking around with squared shoulders and tried to be prim and proper.

In the first days after getting her gift, Isabela had been as wild as always which resulted in flowers everywhere. In the worst places too.

In the cupboards, in the food, in the sinks, in the drains blocking any water, vines blocking the doors so people couldn't open them, and then… Isabela had finally gotten the very stern talking from Alma.

Isabela had gotten a gift now which meant she was an adult! And she needed to be responsible as she represented the family who held the entire Encanto together and people were looking to her to be that good example for everyone else.

Isabela had taken that seriously… Very seriously. She was happy and proud in her new role as someone people admired. She had always loved to be the center of attention. That hadn't changed.

But she was no longer running around or playing in the dirt. Her carefree life was clearly over at the tender age of five.

And then there was sweet little Dolores who beforehand could talk loud and long about all sorts of things. Whatever she had heard and observed.

She had started to talk very quietly, in a quiet little voice and only small sentences. She would often just sit somewhere secluded, completely still, presumable listening to all sorts of things around the Encanto.

Luisa was so cute. She was nearly three years old now and already as tall as her five-year-old older sibling. She always wanted to help and she wanted to protect.

When the babies had woken up doing the night and started crying Luisa got up from bed and then started to tug the babies in all by herself. "It will be okay," she said in her small voice. "I protect! No bad happen! Sleep now."

Already Luisa had taken the responsibility upon herself to look after the babies and protect them. Who knew what sorts of responsibilities she was going to take on all by herself once she had a gift.

That was the thing… These children clearly deeply admired their parents and the idea of these gifts helping everyone. The idea of being the glue that held the entire Encanto together.

You didn't need to ask the children to be responsible. They did it by themselves… And clearly had no idea what they were actually going into or what they were giving up. They were so innocent and believed Alma with blind naivety. Proud whenever Alma gave them a small nod of approval and ashamed when she frowned at them.

This afternoon Bruno was searching for Dolores. Luisa had been put down for her nap and Isabela was out with her mom today… And then of course Bruno had lost Dolores.

She was probably sitting somewhere, listening, like she often would. Bruno knew that all he had to do was to call for her and she would hear him no matter where she was. But Bruno didn't actually like the idea of forcing her out of whatever she was doing… What if she had fun for once?

Finally, Bruno found the little girl just sitting outside on the grassy front. Looking towards the Encanto while not saying a word… listening to it.

Bruno hesitated a bit but then walked over to the little girl and sat down next to her. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he pulled out his current rat Gabriela and gently started to pet her.

Gabriela was his second rat. Sofia had been such a faithful companion but rats usually only tend to live for four or seven years… Sofia had lived for nine. So that was actually really good. And she had passed away very peacefully nestled up in her favorite spot in Bruno's room.

"The Guavez are planning a surprise party for their daughter." Dolores suddenly spoke.

"Really? That's very nice of them. I'm sure she'll be really happy." Bruno said kindly.

"Old Senora Vega is complaining that her husband always complains that her food isn't very good… They have been together for forty years. And Senor Castillo is looking at rings so he can ask Victoria Banderas to marry him."

Bruno nodded. "Lively day in the Encanto."

"It's always like this," Dolores informed. "People making plans. Talking to each other about each other. And then try to keep that a secret…" she halted.

"Dolores?" Bruno asked. "Is everything all right Sobrina?"

Dolores swallowed. "I…" she whispered. "I think sometimes I hear things I am not supposed to hear," she whispered.

And Bruno's eyes widened. "Oh."

Dolores eyes squinted. "Sorry."

"It's okay! It's okay!" Bruno said holding up his hands. "Sometimes I see things I am not supposed to see!"

At that Dolores, eyes widened as it dawned on her and she wide-eyed looked up at Bruno.

Then slowly Bruno lowered his hand as he looked at his little niece…

Dolores swallowed. "What do you do?" she asked in a whisper. "When you hear something… You weren't supposed to hear? And now you… know. And I can't just… not know anymore."

Bruno's heart twisted. He couldn't believe he now had to have this extremely adult conversation with a five year old girl. He was lost for words.

Then Bruno cleared his throat. "That's a tough one," he admitted. Determined to not sweep this one under the rug and take Dolores seriously! He knew it was always the worst when people told him not to worry or had treated him like a child even when he had been five himself. "Do you ignore it or do you point it out… That's always a difficult choice."

Dolores nodded as she wide-eyed looked up at Bruno with her huge round eyes.

Bruno sighed as he lowered his head. "I'm sorry Dolores. The truth is that sometimes… No matter what you do. It's not going to make people happy. You can keep quiet and then people will ask you why you didn't tell them… And you can tell them and they will ask why you told them."

"Oh." Dolores hung her head.

"Tell you what," Bruno said as he lowered Gabriela. "You can borrow Gabriela whenever you want. See… She's amazing at listening! And she never gets mad and she never gets disappointed. Also, she's really good at keeping secrets! She hasn't told on me yet!"

Dolores tilted her head as she looked at Gabriela in Bruno's hand then slowly reached out a hand and petted the rodent and Bruno quietly transferred Gabriela to Dolores's lap so she could sit there and pet her quietly.

"I'm sorry," Dolores whispered.

"About what?" Bruno asked.

"I did hear you talk to her," Dolores said. "I suppose I wasn't supposed to hear that either…"

"Oh." Bruno halted. "Well… You don't always get to control it. You know that sometimes I just… see things as well. It happens."

Dolores nodded. "I hear what people are saying about you… In the Encanto."

"Ah." Bruno halted.

"I don't believe it," Dolores said. "How could you make Father Mendoza's hair fall out?"

Bruno smiled amused. Well, that was one of the less bad rumors. But clearly, one that had confused Dolores…. Chances were though. She had heard the others too… All of them and Bruno swallowed.

"Look…. Don't worry about what they are saying about me," Bruno said. "The important part is that you already know it isn't true! People are saying all kinds of stuff. All the time."

Dolores nodded. "They sure do."

"And sometimes… When bad things happen." Bruno sighed. "They will be looking for someone to blame. Even when it's no one's fault…. Dolores. Whatever happens. Don't let them blame you. Okay?" he asked. "I know that you are a sweet girl. Everyone in the family knows. You are kind and thoughtful and a wonderful Sobrina… And if there's something you don't want to do. Something you don't want to tell… Do what you feel is right! And tell us when you are upset. Just someone. It can be me or your Mama or your cousin Isabela. So... Talk to us all right?" he asked. "And don't let people pressure you into… Doing something or telling about something when you don't want to! You have a right to say no! And use or not use your gift as you see fit."

Wide-eyed Dolores looked up at Bruno and then suddenly she just dived forward and hugged him. Gabriela squawked in surprise as she fell off Dolore's lap.

Bruno swallowed and then gently padded Dolore's hair. "There there," he whispered.

"There's so much…" Dolores whispered. "So many things…. So many voices."

Bruno nodded as he gently padded the girl. This time someone was going to listen to her.

"Abuela says we are the center of the Encanto. People look to us." Dolores whispered.

Bruno closed his eyes. And then exhaled deeply. "The Encanto is doing fine," he said. "Don't worry about it."

And Dolores nodded while Bruno tried to hold back his frustration… Five… She was five. And like with Isabela she had been forced to become an adult overnight. Having no idea what that stupid door entailed. Thinking it was all going to be great and amazing. Cause she was five.

But of course, he was Bruno Madrigal… He was the one in the wrong. Like he always was! Because he couldn't do anything right.

At least though…. He could be there for the children…. Or at least he could try to be. And Bruno exhaled deeply. What an absolute mess.