
24. Chapter 24

Thankfully as the days went on… Bruno was not the only man frazzled in the house of Madrigal.

All three men were completely worked up and confused.

"Are you sure you should stand up for this long?" Agustin asked his wife who was in the kitchen. As she usually was.

Julieta rolled her eyes. "I'm fine Agustin. It's just a few Arepas. You know. In case someone needs them."

And Agustin was biting his nails because of it only to make Julieta glare at him. "Get out of here!" she demanded finally making her husband scamper away.

"Have you been drinking enough water?" It was Felix who nervously asked. "I heard that's extra important for pregnant women! Especially in this heat!"

"Yes, I have been drinking enough water!" Julieta exclaimed.

"And do you eat?" Felix asked.

"I make the food! Felix!" Julieta exclaimed and walked away.

"You-You're sure you're alright?" Bruno stammered. "You shouldn't strain yourself! Is there anything you need? I can get it for you."

Julieta glared at her brother. She loved him… She loved all three men in the house. But this was getting absolutely ridiculous.

"She's fine Brunito." Alma huffed as she was dusting off shelves in the living room. "Just give her room."

"But… The baby." Bruno stammered and then Alma send him a look.

"I know what pregnancy entails Brunito." Alma huffed. "I carried all three of you. At the same time!"

That made Bruno shut up at once and Julieta couldn't help but smirk amused.

Alma shook her head. "Your father was like this too," she informed. "Wouldn't leave me alone for two seconds. Honestly, it got on my nerves by the end of it."

Bruno blushed as he looked down and Alma shrugged as she left the room then Bruno glanced up at Julieta.

She was now five months into her pregnancy and was thus starting to really show. It was so strange to think about. There was a whole new life inside of her body… An untold number of possibilities and endless potential. Right there beneath Julieta's hand that was now rubbing her stomach.

Suddenly Julita jumped in her seat as she let out a little. "Uh!"

"What was that?" Bruno asked. "What's happening?" he asked. "Are you okay?"

Julieta chuckled amused. "The baby was just kicking," she informed and Bruno's eyes widened in deep shock. Julieta shook her head. "Here," she whispered as she took Bruno's hand and guided it to lay over her stomach and then suddenly. Bruno felt the kick and he gasped.

"See?" Julieta asked amused.

Bruno swallowed as he held his hand over the stomach and he felt another kick. "Energetic one. Isn't it?" he asked. They were not going to know the gender until the birth. That was pretty much decided and no one was going to ask Bruno or even joke about it again.

Julieta nodded. "Yup. Full of energy that one."

Bruno gasped as he sat down on the floor with crossed legs in front of Julieta and he swallowed.

"Are you okay Bruno?" Julieta asked.

"I'm just trying to comprehend this." Bruno gasped. "You're going to be a mom," he said.

"You've known for four months." Julieta pointed out.

"I know but still!" Bruno grabbed his hair. "You're a mom! Agustin is a dad! And I'm… Wow, I'm going to be an uncle."

Julieta chuckled amused.

"You're going to be such a great mom!" Bruno gasped. "And listen… Little one." he talked to the stomach. "Your Tio Bruno won't let anything happen to you okay? Whatever you need just." he swallowed.

Julieta smiled amused. "My baby sure is lucky," she said. "It's going to have such a great Tio."

And Bruno just beamed happily as he looked up at Julieta just as Pepa walked in. A dark cloud over her head and she groaned deeply as she fell headfirst into the couch.

Both siblings blinked as they looked at her.

"Pepa are you okay?" Julieta asked.

"I must be coming down with the flue or something." Pepa groaned. "I feel terrible. Like I'm going to throw up!"

"Erhm… Not to be rude." Bruno swallowed. "Maybe you should stay away from Julieta. What if she gets sick?"

"Bruno." Julieta scolded him.

"No that's a good point." Pepa groaned as she sat up. True enough looking pretty pale. "I'm sorry. I just. Hmpf!" she held a hand over her mouth.

"PEPA!" Bruno stood up.

And for a moment Pepa just sat there. Holding her mouth and then she exhaled as she removed her hand and leaned back. "I'm fine," she assured holding up a hand.

Quickly Bruno rushed to Pepa and touched her forehead. "Wow you're really sweaty." he gasped and then his eyes flashed green out of nowhere. "And pregnant," he said without even thinking.

There was silence… Complete and utter silence.

"What?" Pepa asked.

"Sorry!" Bruno gasped as he stood up. "I just…. You know… Saw."

"I'm…" Pepa slowly sat up. "Pregnant?"

Julieta gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands. And Pepa looked at her.

"Pregnant?" Pepa asked and her eyes widened. "I'M PREGNANT!?" She screamed.

Bruno bit his nails as he stood there. "Erhm… If my vision is correct. And… So far they always have been… Si?"

"I…. I did miss my period last week." Pepa realized as she gasped. Then she turned to Bruno who was nervously fipping. and then suddenly Pepa screamed as she jumped up and just hugged him making Bruno stumble backward. "I'M PREGNANT!"

"Woah!" Bruno gasped and then gaped. "You don't mind?"

"Mind? MIND?!" Pepa asked with a big grin on her face. "Do you realize what this means? Do you Bruno?"

"Erhm." Bruno halted.

Then Pepa let go of Bruno as she rushed towards Julieta. "OUR BABIES IS GOING TO BE ALMOST THE SAME AGE!" she shouted. "They can grow up being the same age! Like if they were twins!"

And Julieta gasped as she clapped her hands. "I am not pregnant with twins. But maybe you are? Then they can be triplets!"

At that Pepa turned to Bruno.

"I don't know!" Bruno exclaimed. "And I am not going to look. All I know is that you are going to tell Felix that you're pregnant. That's all I saw!"

"Felix." Pepa gasped as she stood up and then she ran. "FEEEEELIX!"

For about thirty seconds there was silence as Bruno and Julieta looked towards the door and then Felix's loud shout could be heard.


Julieta and Bruno both chuckled amused.

"Well that certainly was a surprise," Julieta smirked and Bruno shook his head.

"So… Two little ones then," Bruno smirked. "That's going to be wild."

Julieta shrugged. "Mama could handle the three of us. I'm sure we can handle two! I mean… How hard can it be?" she asked.