
22. Chapter 22

Julieta's wedding day had been at spring. So they decided to set Pepa's wedding day in autumn to make their anniversary days separate.

Growing up as triplets neither Julieta, Pepa or Bruno had ever had a day that was completely their own. Obviously sharing a birthday.

They didn't really mind though. As children, they had liked doing everything together but still… It would be kind of nice just having one day of the year to call their own.

Then there was also the fact that since Julieta's marriage had only been the year prior. People weren't quite as excited for this one.

They were excited but not… Quite as much. Some of the special air of the day had kind of been lost.

Which was both kind of nice because then the pressure wasn't quite as big. But also Bruno felt awful for Pepa that her day clearly wasn't getting the same amount of attention.

Trust it to Felix though, to be nothing but smiles and just happy that it was going to happen.

Agustin had elected to change his name to Madrigal rather than Julieta taking his name because of the importance of this family and the fact he had an older brother who was carrying on his own family name already with his own family so it was all good.

For Felix, it was an absolute no-brainer! He was an orphan who had no idea what his parents had actually been called and thus his last name had just been chosen by an accountant based on what letter came next in the alphabet from the kid that was delivered previous to himself.

His last name had no actual meaning. Unlike the name of Madrigal that had plenty of meaning and Felix was beyond excited over the prospect of carrying it on.

This time as Pepa asked Bruno to walk her down the aisle it felt more casual and like a… Well of course Bruno should do it now that he had done so with Julieta.

Still, Bruno was delighted that it clearly meant something for his sisters to have him there.

There really wasn't any need to buy new suites for the wedding. To do so felt like a complete waste of money that could be spent on other things.

That still didn't change that the morning of Pepa's wedding. She was a nervous wreck!

Impressively the sky outside was still blue. Showing Pepa's amazing level of control… Well… Kind of.

"Clear skies." Pepa gasped as she inhaled and exhaled. "Clear skies! Clear skies! Clear skies!" she ranted while Alma annoyed tried to fix the hair.

Bruno looked concerned at his sister Julieta as well was moving nervously.

"Ahem." Bruno coughed into his hand. "Pepa… Maybe you should just… Let it out?"

"Brunito!" Alma huffed. "Pepa can handle it! There will be clear skies today!"

"Sorry." Bruno glanced away.

"Bruno." Julieta then pushed him. "The thing!"

"Oh right." Bruno cleared his throat then pulled out a little black box. "So erh Pepa," he said.

"What!" Pepa exclaimed.

Bruno's eyes widened and then he swallowed. "Well… You know how I didn't have to buy a new suit for this. And you just gave Julieta your bridesmaid dress. So we got a little extra money and erh… This is for you." he offered her the box. "I hope that's okay."

Pepa halted as she looked at the box then accepted.

"It was Bruno's idea." Julieta smiled. "And we picked them out together."

Then Pepa opened the box and she gasped. In the box was a pair of earrings. Gold. Looking like two suns and she looked up at her siblings.

"Because… You're our sun. You know." Bruno said.

Then Pepa swallowed. And she sniffed. "I LOVE THEEEEEM!" she cried as she jumped up and embraced her siblings who both chuckled.

Just as quickly Pepa sat down in front of the mirror again and didn't hesitate to put on the earrings as she gasped. "They are perfect!" she grinned now in a big wide smile. And then she moved her head left and right to have a good look at them. "No don't tell me." she gasped. "Is that real gold?" she asked.

"Well," Bruno smirked. "You only get married once," he stated. "Well hopefully."

Horrified Pepa looked at Bruno.

"I-did-not-have-a-vision!" Bruno quickly blurted. "I don't do visions far into the future unless people ask! You know that! And the ones I don't control only look a day ahead at most! And I haven't seen anything today! I swear!"

"Right... Of course. Sorry!" Pepa gasped then touched her earrings again. Quite stunned. "These had to cost more than a suit and a bridesmaid dress though!" Pepa pointed out.

"We wanted your day to be special," Julieta informed. "We're just glad you like them."

Pepa swallowed. "I am never… Never ever taking them off." she gasped and then she cried as she embraced them again.

"Pepa," Alma warned.

"Ah right." Pepa gasped as she stood up. "Clear skies!" she exclaimed. "Clear skies. Clear skies! Clear skies!" she exclaimed.

As Bruno walked with his family to church. The sky was still absolutely beautiful. Pepa on the other hand only got more and more worked up.

To Bruno, she seriously looked like a spring that was going to snap at any second. Her eyes were squinted and she kept repeating her chant. Over and over and over.

"Is she alright?" Agustin finally asked only to get a dash from Julieta signaling him to keep quiet.

Alma was of course the perfect picture of control as she was walking with a straight back pretty much deciding their walking speed while Pepa was grabbing Bruno's arm to keep herself standing. Squishing it so hard that it actually started to hurt.

Felix was not with them. He should be at the church by now waiting for them all…. Kind of a shame. He was usually pretty good at defusing this kind of tension with his smiles.

Well… This was Bruno's job now. So he offered Pepa his best smile and his best wink. "It's going to be okay!" he assured her. "What's the worst that could happen?"

At that Pepa seethed and she glared at Bruno.

"Sorry," Bruno whispered and looked up as he cleared his throat.

As they had reached the entrance of the church things weren't much better.

The bells were ringing indicating that soon the organ would start playing and it was soon time. Everybody would be waiting inside and Felix would be waiting at the alter and Pepa... Was not doing good.

She seemed to be sweating bullets, the sweat just ran down her face while she was gasping for breath.

Then Bruno cleared his throat, inhaled deeply, and put on his best most charming smile as he approached Pepa again just as a sweat drop landed right on the floor. Looking like a little raindrop.

"Oh don't worry!" Bruno then smiled as he took Pepa's hand. "You could wear a burlap sack and Felix would still think you're beautiful!" he exclaimed.

Pepa blinked then looked at Bruno.

"All he wants to do is to dance with you all night! Like this!" Bruno laughed as he swung Pepa around like he had done so many times when they were kids and Pepa smiled seemingly relaxed a little and Julieta smiled amused as Bruno let go. "I mean. What's the worst that could happen?" Bruno asked as he moved in. "Oh look at that. Looks like rain." he joked.

At that Pepa froze. Her eyes widened. "What?" she asked.

And Bruno jumped back. "Tha-That's not what I meant!" he gasped.

It was too late. Pepa was horrified. And then it was like the wind just picked up at their feet. "Everything needs to be perfect." Pepa gasped. "Mama worked for months… It needs to be perfect." she hyper-ventilated. "Clear skies…" she gasped. "Clear skies. Clear skies. CLEAR SKIES!" she screamed.

And then the doors just burst open. Torn open by the massive wind only to reveal a room in chaos as people were screaming and yelling. Taking refuge beneath benches as psalm books and candelabras were flying all around the place and Pepa screamed in despair.

"NOOOO!" Pepa shouted and then cried as she turned clearly about to run.

"Wow! Hey, WAIT!" Bruno screamed as he caught Pepa's arm and managed to pull her back.

"LET ME GO!" Pepa screamed. "I ruined it! He's gonna leave me! I ruin everything and I'm going to be aloooone!"

"NO!" Bruno shouted over the massive winds. "We are going up there! Come on!" he grabbed Pepa's arm tightly and started to brave the storm inside of the church while Pepa screamed. Making both hagel, rain, thunder, and snow appear.

Bruno though kept a tight grip on Pepa making sure she wouldn't get knocked over as they kept walking forward and then suddenly.

A big laugh sounded and Bruno looked up to see that it was Felix.

"WONDERFUL!" Felix beamed happily and Pepa looked up. "It's just like the day we met!" he beamed. "Agustin play!" he asked and Agustin stumbled up to the piano to make a chord and then suddenly. Agustin was playing a tango while Felix laughed and was dancing past any and all flying objects right towards Bruno and Pepa.

Bruno swallowed as he held Pepa's shoulders and then talked in her ear. "Someday you will meet someone who won't just walk through the hurricanes to get to you. He will dance through them," he said and then shouted loudly. "FELIX CATCH!" and he just pushed Pepa right in front of him and right into Felix's arms who grabbed her happily.

Then swung her around and got her up at the alter. "LET'S GET STARTED!" Felix beamed while Pepa was all tears.

Frantically the priest began as the storm continued. They nearly dropped the rings that threatened to be torn away but finally, the rings had been exchanged. The vows and when Felix was told he could kiss the bride.

He happily grabbed her. Dipped Pepa down and kissed her right on the lips.

And as he did Pepa reached up her hands to put them around Felix's neck as finally. The sun broke through and people clapped… Mostly in relief. But finally in actual happiness.

Sadly though as they got outside at where the reception was supposed to be… Everything was wrecked. Tables were flung everywhere. Lanterns had been destroyed… It was a mess.

"Look at this!" Felix just beamed. "Our wedding reception will be a picnic! That's amazing!" he laughed. "You can sit wherever you want! Eat how you want! It's glorious!"

And Pepa laughed amused as people cheered happily and started to work on getting tables back up on the ground. And Bruno and Agustin rushed inside to fetch blankets they could use for the picnic idea.

Soon the band came and there was music after all. Pepa was now laughing as she danced with Bruno. Her golden earrings dangled from her ears and Bruno smiled as he gave her a final twirl to pass Pepa over to one Felix who looked beyond impatient to just grab her so he could swing Pepa around himself.

And Bruno sighed deeply as he stepped back… That was so close. And he groaned deeply only to realize his mother was standing right next to him.

Alma offered Bruno a stern glare. "You told Pepa it was going to rain." she reprimanded.

Bruno lowered his head. "Sorry."

And Alma sighed. "Sometimes… Maybe it's just better if when you have a vision… Just don't say anything."

"But I didn't…:" Bruno began and then closed his mouth almost biting his own tongue.

"We were very lucky this didn't become a complete failure." Alma frowned then wrinkled her nose at all the people sitting on the ground eating the food. Clearly, she didn't really approve of this alternative.

"I know." Bruno lowered his head. "Sorry."

"Well." Alma sighed. "The wedding was successful. I suppose that's what matters," she said.

Bruno nodded.

"You need to find yourself someone as well." Alma pointed out. "Perhaps that young Escalante…"

Bruno had to stop himself from groaning deeply. But bowed his head. "Si Mama," he said. "I'm… Just going to make sure there's enough wine," he said as he backed away and then finally turned around so he could walk away and flee the scene.

Just as he did Bruno's eyes flashed a green and he groaned deeply as he closed his eyes to hide it. A short image appeared. The wall he had fixed up and… The crack was spreading.

Then Bruno opened his eyes and he sighed. It was one of his smaller visions which meant it was probably happening right now in this very moment and he sighed. "I'll fix you up tomorrow Casita." he assured as he padded the house.

For now though… Bruno was going to get himself a healthy glass of wine to calm his nerves. Then he looked towards Pepa who was still dancing with Felix and she looked… So happy.

And Bruno halted as he stood up and smiled… Okay, maybe this hadn't been so bad at all. The most important one here was Pepa and she was shining like the sun itself.

"Good on you Felix," Bruno whispered to himself. "You gotta take care of her now. She's quite the handful," he stated then shook his head. "But you knew that already and you actually like it that way." he chuckled to himself.