
17. Chapter 17

With incredible speed, Felix had become a main feature of casita Madrigal.

Since he had no family of his own and was living in a tiny little one-room flat that had nothing in it. It probably wasn't such a wonder that he liked to hang out at the casita with the Madrigals.

And he loved helping out with whatever needed to be done.

Which meant… The few jobs Bruno did have. Such as picking up groceries when they happened to run out or fixing things to the best of his ability. They were suddenly done by Felix… He always went to town anyway because it was his job and he was better with a hammer than Bruno was.

Bruno was not sure how to feel about that. He liked Felix. And most importantly Felix made Pepa really happy.

They had actual fun in the evenings. Felix had a way of lightening the mood and making what had seemed like such a big deal before. No deal at all.

Both his sisters were so happy with their boyfriends and Bruno was happy for them! He really really was!

It just felt a little strange… no longer being the first one asked when something needed to be fixed. No longer being the man of the house. He was just… Sort of there.

Still, it was a good thing that Bruno honestly liked both men. And they even would have fun hanging out. Just like now!

It was about three years since Julieta had first started dating Agustin. And Felix had arrived at the Encanto around two years ago.

All three men were sitting on the couch in the living room. Bruno was in the middle. Agustin on his left and Felix on his right. And they were all watching television.

"Come on man!" Felix exclaimed at the TV-Screen. "You gotta follow your heart! That Benicio is no good for you! He's cheating on you already!"

Agustin was wiping his eye with a little handkerchief. "Come on Imelda. Hector loves you! So what if he got no money. He has… Heart."

"Quiet quiet!" Bruno waved his hand. "She's going to go for it! She's going to run away from the house!"

"Do it Imelda!" Felix cheered. "Get out of there. Don't get married to that loser!"

The woman in black and white on the screen was resting her hand against the window and then. She looked up.

"I have decided! I must stay and I will marry Benicio!"

And all three men just let out a big. "NOOOO!" As the credits rolled ending the episode.

"Why would you do that huh?" Felix asked. "You don't give up true love when you find it!"

"True," Agustin said then quieted as he looked over his shoulder. "Julieta is not here is she?" he asked.

"No she left midway through the episode," Bruno said. "She's probably in the kitchen. Dinner is in about half an hour."

"Ah good. Guys…. You can keep a secret right?" Agustin asked.

Wide-eyed the two others silenced and nodded.

"So erhm Bruno… There's something I have been thinking about. And I sort of wanted to talk to you first." Agustin said. "Just… So there won't be any bad air between us."

Bruno blinked a bit confused but nodded. "Sure…"

Then Agustin pulled a little black box out from his pocket and opened it to reveal a glistening ring making both men's eyes widen.

"Bro!" Felix gasped.

"You… You think Julieta will like it?" Agustin asked.

"How could you afford that?" Bruno asked.

"I saved all my tips for the past two years," Agustin admitted. "And finally I had enough…" he looked up at Bruno. "I want to ask her to marry me."

"Broooooooo." Felix gasped. "That's amazing! You gotta go for it man!"

Agustin looked expectantly at Bruno. "So… What do you think?"

"Huh?" Bruno asked. "oooh." he realized. Agustin was basically asking permission to ask Julieta to marry him… It was not something he had to do. But it was considerate regardless. "Well I think." he coughed into his hands. "Julieta is lucky," he said in a small smile. A little bit sad. "You have been taking really good care of her and… And knowing that you'll continue looking after her. And make her smile the way you do. That's wonderful."

And Agustin gasped and then he smiled. "Thank you," he whispered. "Maybe I get to call you Hermano soon then."

"It would be an honor." Bruno smiled and Felix sniffed as he wiped away a tear.

"I'm crying already." Felix swallowed as true enough his voice was slightly cracked.

Agustin was shaking lightly. "You think she'll say yes though?" he asked. "I… I mean."

"Honestly?" Bruno asked. "I would be very surprised if she said no," he said.

Agustin looked at Bruno. And then he smiled. "Well coming from you. That's actually quite assuring."

"Does Mama know you're intending to ask?" Bruno asked.

"Yes… I asked her permission yesterday." Agustin admitted. "She seemed rather pleased. So that's good. Honestly, that scared me more than the thought of asking Julieta tonight."

"Oh you want to do it tonight?" Felix asked. "That's great. I have to go tell I am definitely staying for dinner!"

Agustin chuckled. "No pressure I suppose." and Bruno gave his shoulder a little squish and then offered him an encouraging smile.

That night. After dinner and before dessert. A very nervous looking Agustin got down on the floor. He was on one knee beside Julieta and finally, he offered her the ring.

Julieta's eyes were wide. She was in deep shock.

"So erhm… What do you say?" Agustin asked nervously.

"I… What I mean." Julieta's eyes watered and then she sniffed. "YES! By god yes!"

"You mean it?" Agustin gasped and Julieta nodded wildly as she was one wide grin.

Agustin gasped as he stumbled up to put the ring on Julieta's finger. It fit perfectly. And then the two kissed while all the rest at the table clapped and cheered.

Bruno included who was one big smile while he cheered at the two.

Quickly a wedding date was set for next spring. It would only be four months from now and the entire Encanto was in an uproar.

One of the Madrigals was being married! It was pretty much a town event and everyone was deeply excited about it. There was nothing but chatter and talks about how they were going to celebrate.

Even Bruno forgot all about his woes as he was busy helping in the planning. Figuring out how the seating was supposed to be. They decided on an outdoor party where the entire town could come.

There would be music. Of course! Dancing. Colorful lanterns. It was going to be wonderful.

And then one day as Bruno was transporting a huge box of candles to the casita Julieta ran up to Bruno and grabbed his hand to pull him into a corner.

"Hey, Julieta. What's up?" Bruno asked in a warm smile.

"Heh." Julieta smiled up at him. "So… There's something I would like to ask you."

"Sure." Bruno nodded assuming it would be about decorations or help with the food or something.

Then Julieta looked up at Bruno. "So well… We don't have a father." she reminded him.

Bruno blinked as his brain tried to make the connection to that and whatever Julieta wanted. "True," he said.

"So… Since we don't have a father." Julieta hesitated. "I was wondering if you would walk me down the aisle?"

At that Bruno's eyes widened. "Me?" he asked.

"Yes. I couldn't imagine anyone else!" Julieta gasped. "Pepa is going to be my maid of honor! Agustin talked about asking you to be his best man but… I wanted to ask you first! It would really mean a lot to me if you would." she swallowed.

Bruno was stunned for words. And then he smiled. "It would be an honor Julieta." he said very sincerely. "Are you sure though? You don't want Mama to do it?"

Julieta shook her head. "I'm asking you! I want you to stand next to me in church! And I expect you to do the first dance with me too of course."

A sob nearly stuck in Bruno's throat as he gasped for air and sniffed.

"Bruno are you okay?" Julieta asked.

"Yes... Yes sorry." Bruno sniffed as he wiped a tear away from his eyes. "Of course I will! I would love to!

And Julieta beamed happily as she jumped up and hugged Bruno around the neck. "Thank you Hermano."

Bruno halted and then he relaxed as he smiled. Wrapping his arms around his sister to return the hug. "No," he said. "Thank you Hermana."

Julieta beamed as she looked up at Bruno. "This is going to be the best day ever." she gasped.

Bruno smiled at her. "I'll make sure of it! I swear on it," he stated and Julieta beamed as Julieta giggled. Though as Julieta dashed off the first promise Bruno made to himself that for the love of god! No matter how much they begged. He would not look into the future in regards to Julietas wedding day! He was pretty convinced at this point that that by itself would be really bad luck!