
13. Chapter 13

"Brunito Madrigal! You need to get out of the house!" Alma lectured her twenty-one-year-old son. "You can't just stay inside all day! What will people think? That you are lazy good for nothing bum. And I know that's not who you are! You are better than that Brunito."

Honestly… There was nothing Bruno wanted more than to just stay at home. Forever.

He was sick of the Encanto. He was sick of people. He was sick of the way they looked at him. He was sick of people demanding to get their future read. Only to be mad at what they were being told. He was sick of being treated like he was a walking curse by random people.

If Bruno could just board himself up inside of his room he would. But that wasn't allowed because they always needed to eat breakfast and dinner together. And if Bruno didn't show up, Alma would send one of his sisters to get him and he would be chewed out.

"Surely there's something you can do in the Encanto," Alma said. "There's always something that needs to be done."

"Si mama," Bruno replied in an automatic voice.

Then Julieta stepped in with a smile on her lips and a basket in her hands. "Why don't you follow me to town Bruno?" she asked. "I'm just going to see if anyone needs any healing. And I would love the company."

Bruno looked at Julieta. Well… there was no escaping now. But also… When he was with Julieta or Pepa. Things weren't really so bad and it was a lot easier to be in town. He offered her a small thankful smile and nodded. "Si. I would like that," he said and Julieta smiled brightly.

As it turned out it was a nice and sunny day. And as Bruno was just taking a casual walk chit-chatting with Julieta. He actually ended up enjoying himself.

And then someone came running. "Senorita Madrigal! Thank goodness you're here! We need some of your food!"

And Julieta gasped. "Of course!" and then both she and Bruno ran with the man until they finally reached a bench and… What might be a human sitting on it.

That guy looked… awful. Parts of his face were terribly swollen and his hands seemed to be twice the normal size of hands while his lip was just hanging out drooling and the glasses looked really weird not fitting on the swollen face.

"Oh you poor thing." Julieta gasped as she sat down on her knee in front of the guy and pulled an arepa out from her basket and put it in the guy's mouth.

The result was instant. Suddenly the guy looked like a normal human being again. A pretty young guy. Just slightly younger than Bruno and Julieta. And many would probably consider him a rather handsome and neat looking young man. Though right now. He was wide-eyed looking at Julieta. His cheeks flushing deep red and he swallowed.

"How are you feeling now Senor Cueva?" Julieta asked.

"Oh… OH! Wonderful! Just like always Senorita Madrigal!" The young man exclaimed as his eyes were directly on Julietas face. "Truly wonderful..." he breathed.

"Oh hey." Bruno blinked. "You're that piano guy. I didn't even recognize you with all the swelling."

That made the young man startle as he jumped up and looked up at Bruno. "Se… Senor Bruno Madrigal!" he gasped.

Bruno frowned. "Si," he said in an annoyed tone.

"It's not often we see you around here is it?" The young man tried to say in a conversational tone though he was clearly nervous. And even laughed a little nervously as he eyed Julieta. "It sure was lucky you were here." he smiled.

Julieta smiled her kind smile. "What happened to you?" she asked.

"Oh… Well… I'm pretty allergic to bees." Young Senor Cueva then admitted. "And I got stung."

Bruno's eyes widened. "All that from one bee sting?"

"Well… It was a couple. I… fell into a beehive." Cueva admitted.

Again Bruno was stunned.

"You poor thing," Julieta said again and found another arepa in her basket. "Here! If you feel anything is wrong you can eat that! And don't hesitate to come to the house if anything more happens!"

"Ah yes! Of course!" Cueva beamed. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

And Julieta chuckled. "It's why I am here." she winked. "It was nice seeing you Agustin," she said.

"Ah! Yes! And it's always nice seeing you, Senorita Madrigal! Julieta!" Agustin Cueva blushed deeply. "And you too of course Senor Madrigal!"

That made Bruno halt in deep surprise. "I mean… Sure," he said.

And Agustin was one wide smile. Which actually seemed pretty genuine… Which was confusing because it was not Pepa, Julieta or Alma smiling.

"See you later then!" Julieta grinned as she waved and Agustin eagerly waved back as the two Madrigal siblings continued their walks.

"Well he seems… Nice." Bruno commented.

"Honestly I don't know how he manages." Julieta shook her head. "Agustin gets hurt even more than you do Bruno."

"Oh really?" Bruno asked. "That's funny. He never came to have his future read. At least I don't think he has." he frowned thoughtfully.

"Not everyone constantly wants their future read you know." Julieta pointed out. "Some likes the surprise."

And Bruno glanced up. "Huh."

The next morning just as breakfast finished they had a surprise visitor as suddenly Agustin was at the door. His hand again swollen up to double size. "I am so sorry," he said. "I just… You know. Got stung by a bee." he said.

And Julieta looked at him with so much pity. "You poor dear! Don't worry though I got just the thing! I just made empanadas for our breakfast! Just wait for a second!" she exclaimed as she rushed back to the dining room to grab a fresh empanada and then ran back out to hand it over.

Then the next day… In the afternoon. It was knocking on the door yet again. And there was Agustin now with a swollen food.

And by the third day… Bruno didn't need to read the future to know what was going to happen. It was pretty obvious. Yup! Agustin. With a swollen shoulder. This was getting absolutely ridiculous!

Finally, as Agustin came yet again a fourth time. Bruno walked out the back door. Circled around the house and waited for Agustin by the gate.

And then as Agustin passed the gate on his way back to the Encanto Bruno spoke up.

"So are you deliberately getting yourself stung by bees all the time so you can see my sister over and over?" Bruno asked.

Agustin jumped back in shock. Then wide-eyed turned to Bruno and he gasped in shock. "Senor Madrigal!" he gasped.

Bruno lifted an eyebrow.

"Oh. How nice to see you!" Agustin chatted in a friendly manner. "I didn't see you there."

Bruno didn't reply as he kept looking at Agustin.

"I… I mean… I hope everything is alright." Agustin now fumbled over his words and Bruno sighed.

"Don't worry I won't curse you or anything." He said.

Agustin laughed a burst of small amused laughter. "I didn't think you would! I mean…. Would you?" he asked nervously.

Bruno looked at Agustin. "No. That's not part of my gift. I can only see the future and that's it."

"Yes, I figured." Agustin nodded. "I mean… People often say they are unlucky because you read their futures. But I am unlucky all the time and you never read my future so… I guess things just happen sometimes you know? You don't need to be cursed to fall down a ladder. Sometimes that just happens!"

Bruno was stunned into silence as he looked at Agustin. He didn't know why but he felt kind of surprised. "Oh," he said. Then he shook his head. "Anyway. Senor Cueva. Maybe you should stop getting yourself stung by bees you are clearly extremely allergic to." he commented.

Agustin's eyes widened. "It… It's not on purpose!"

"Really?" Bruno asked. Clearly not impressed. "For someone so allergic you would think you would be better at avoiding bees."

Agustin halted and then he looked down in shame. "I suppose it was a bad idea trying to hide that from someone who can see the future." he smiled a little amused.

Bruno rolled his eyes. "I don't have to look into the future to put two and two together."

And Agustin looked up. "Oh."

Bruno sighed deeply. "Look. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly risking your life getting yourself stung by bees. Why don't you just ask her out?"

"What? Me? I can't do that!" Agustin gasped.

Bruno was silent as he looked at Agustin. "So you'll just let yourself get stung by bees forever instead?" he commented. "And they say I'm the weird one."

"Heh." Agustin blushed. "But… What if I ask and she says no?" he asked. "That would be horrible! How would I be able to live with myself?!"

Bruno continued looking at the slightly younger man. "I think the risk is worth it when the other alternative is bees that are potentially deadly to you."

"You don't understand!" Agustin gasped. "If I asked and she said no… I could never get over the embarrassment!" then he halted. And then he looked at Bruno. "Wait a minute. You can see into the future!" he shouted.

"Huh?" Bruno asked.

"LOOK INTO THE FUTURE!" Agustin shouted. "See what she'll say if I ask her out!"

Bruno looked at Agustin. "Or you could just ask her out and figure it out yourself. It'll be faster." he pointed out.

"I can't! PLEASE SENOR MADRIGAL" Agustin begged as he grabbed his Rurana and shook it. "I have to know! Is there any chance at all she'll ever go out with me? Just tell me the truth."

Bruno looked at Agustin and then groaned deeply. "Fine," he muttered and Agustin gasped. "How-ever! If the answer isn't what you want you don't get to be mad at me for it!"

"I won't," Agustin assured. "Then you will have spared me the humility. And I'll be grateful for that."

Bruno sighed deeply. "Yeah that's what they all say." he rolled his eyes. "Meet me back here tonight. I'll go get your stupid prophecy," he muttered as he walked away. Annoyed and with hands in pockets.

"THANK YOU SENOR MADRIGAL!" Agustin yelled happily and Bruno sighed… yeah people were always thankful before they got the answer they didn't want. Dammit.

Urgh. Already as Bruno was sitting down in the sand with crossed legs he hated this…. He already knew that if this vision wasn't what Agustin wanted. Agustin would be sad, mad, and disappointed.

He may say it was okay. He may say he was grateful. But he would still be looking at Bruno with utter disappointment in his eyes and probably walk away with a bowed head. Then not talk to Bruno for at least a month and then even after that he would still be resentful deep inside.

It's how it was… It's how it always was!

Julieta, please don't let me down here. Just go out with him. Bruno begged as he knocked at the floor beside him. "Knock on wood," he mumbled before hitting himself… Please… Please don't screw up Bruno. And don't be bad luck!

That evening as Agustin came back to the gate of casita he looked like a nervous wreck. Bruno was already there. Sitting on the fence while gently petting his pet rat.

Then finally Agustin stopped in front of Bruno. Shaking nervously. "How did it go?" He asked nervously. "Senor Madrigal! What is she going to say?!"

Bruno smirked as he shook his head. "I have no idea what she is going to say. I only see images. I don't hear conversations." he said as he disposed Sofia into the pocket of his Rurana. "Should I beat you up in advance though?" he asked jokingly.

Agustin blinked. "What?"

"Looks like you'll be doing pretty well with my sister," Bruno informed as he pulled out a jade slab and showcased an image of Agustin and Julieta. Holding hands! They were holding hands in the image!

Agustin gasped as he took the plate in his own hands and looked at it. "Is this for real?" he asked. and he gasped. "I... I can't believe it! I!" and he was shining all over his face as he looked at the slab.

"Thus far all of my prophecies have become true," Bruno informed amused. "So yeah… You better not hurt my sister! Then I'll curse you for real!"

Agustin looked at Bruno. "You told me you can't actually do curses," he commented.

"I'll learn how to do it for my sister's sake," Bruno informed.

Agustin smiled amused. "Seems reasonable." he nodded and again Bruno blinked. "So… How do you think I should ask her out?" he asked nervously.

"Just ask her," Bruno said a little impatiently. "Julieta is a really nice person you know."

"I know." Agustin smiled all over his face. "She's so kind!"

Bruno nodded. "That she is." and he sighed. "I suppose I'll be going to see more of you soon huh," he commented.

"I hope that's not an issue." Agustin smiled sheepishly. "I would like to learn to know you more."

Now Bruno was completely out of it as he looked confused at Agustin. "Why?" he asked.

"Well Julieta always talks about you," Agustin admitted. "She keeps telling me how funny you are. And how you like to cheer her and Pepa up. She always shines so much when she talks about you!"

Bruno's eyes were wide. "Oh... Really?" he asked.

"Yes." Agustin sighed deeply. Then smirked at Bruno. "And between you and me." then he lowered his voice. "I do enjoy a good Telenovela myself."

"Huh." Bruno replied stunned.

"Have you seen Moonlight Dance?" Agustin asked. "That one was amazing."

"Yeah… I've seen it about three times," Bruno admitted. "If you like that one you'll probably like Falling petals as well."

"Oh thank you I haven't seen that one yet!" Agustin beamed. "I'll keep that in mind. Well." he cleared his throat. "I'll suppose I see you around Senor Madrigal."

Bruno nodded his head oddly amused. "Indeed Senor Cueva."

And the next morning it knocked at the door again and Julieta went to answer only to smile amused. "Senor Cueva. Another bee sting?" she asked.

"Erhm… No." Agustin said. "I am not hurt. And I have not been stung… I was just wondering." he nervously stood. "Would you… Like to go out with me?" he asked. "Maybe tonight? I mean… If you have time."

Julieta was standing there completely stunned. "Go out with you?" she asked. "I mean… Yes! That sounds fun! I should be free tonight!"

"GREAT!" Agustin beamed. "I'll… Swing by and pick you up at six then!"

"Sure," Julieta said and Agustin grinned.

As Julieta returned to the dining room she looked honestly surprised and a little shocked.

"Urgh! FINALLY!" Pepa exclaimed. "He just kept coming and coming! I was wondering when he was just going to ask!"

Julieta's eyes widened. "You knew he wanted to ask me out?" she asked.

"Oh come on it was so obvious! Right Bruno?" Pepa asked.

"Eh." Bruno shrugged. "I wouldn't know," he said as he ate.

"Yeah right." Pepa rolled her eyes.

Alma however was smiling. "What a fine young man. I do like this one."

"You know…" Bruno hesitated. "I do too. He seems nice Julieta."

And Julieta beamed. "Well if he has the Bruno stamp of approval then I know I'm safe!" she beamed happily. "And you're right," she said kindly. "He is very nice."