
We'll Ride or Die

We'll Ride or Die To you I'll never lie for you I'll take a life I swear You'll be the Bonnie and I'll be your cylde To the End I will be with you I swear Most likely I might die with you

LornaCrayshil · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


I enter the hall and there were bunch of girls and Prison rooms there but the officer just kept pushing me to keep moving.

Girl 1 : We got a new cutie

All the girls : Woohoo~

The officer opened one room which one girl is in and she pushed me inside.

"Don't push me lunatic " I mocked and she raised her hands up to slap me but I hold her hand and slapped her.

Girls : Woooo

"You damn petty thief slapped me" she holds her cheek which is currently turning into a tomato.

"Want more?" I laughed at her being scared of me after the hot slapbshe received.

"I can assure you one thing, you will die here" She said and ran off like a chicken.

I turned back to sit but I bumped into my jailmate . She was standing behind me and I didn't know she was there.

"Watch it moron " she insulted  me 

"What the fuck did you just spill out?" I am pass mad , i'm angry .

"I said WATCH IT MORON , You've got some serious hearing problems girl , did that slap you gave to that annoying lady affected y-" before she could even finish the sentence, I gave her a very hot slap, she fell on the floor and the other started shouting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"

"You are very stupid for saying that , do you want to die ?" I said and walk pass her but I was shocked when she suddenly pull me back and hitting my head on the door iron.

Of course I'm in pain but I have to stay strong and show this bitch who the boss is .

I hold her neck , choking her and punched her stomach , she coughed out blood and I kicked her leg so she was weak too stand. She fell on the floor and I sat on her stomach , I started punching her face and some teeth fall out but my left hand was still on her neck choking her.

She passed out and I didn't even bother to stop , I just kept punching her face because she deserve it .

I was stopped by the male officers that came in and carried me From her stomach. I was slapped multiple times by the officers before some people came to carry out the girl.

I saw a really handsome officer looking like a model in police uniform and I read his name tag . It says KIM TAEHYUN

"You are a monster"  HE officer said before leaving.

... Lunch...

...Next day in Jail...

I sat alone on a lunch table with my lunch, I don't want to have any friends here because of what happened yesterday.

I focused on eating my food and there was no disturbance until I saw some girls in front of me . They were five , one of them sat down but I tried to ignore them.

I continue eating my food until one of the girls dragged the food away from me and that was when I looked at them giving them the -what.the.fuck- look.

"Can you see that we are here " the one that sat down said . "Would you mind giving me back my food?" I said rudely and obnoxiously.

"I'm sunhi , we watched you yesterday and we like your skills so we would like you to join us" She said

Of course , I am not here to join groups and we are not in the same category so I just want to be on my own . I stood up and rolled my eyes at them "Retarded lunatic" I left the table .

"STOP!!!" one of the girls uttered and I stopped and looked back . I don't want any trouble or problems

"What " I said

"Do you know who you are talking to?  SONG SUNHI" She said.

"So? Is your name gold? Don't bother me , I want to have a peaceful time sleeping and I don't want to hurt anybody" I said

"Out there , you got powers , in here , I got powers " she said before her minions came to attack me . Of course I will beat them and they will cry to their mommy .

...5 mins later...

I finished beating the four girls remaining sunhi herself.

She came running and attempted to punch me but I just hold her punch and pushed her away . I carried one of the tables and hit it on her head , she started bleeding and the officers came the second time to take her for medical help .

"You are a monster" the same officer said again before leaving.

...the Next day...

... Dinner...

To be honest , this place sucks but it's worth it to have some girls scared of me . 

I sat on the same table I sat during yesterday's lunch  and some girls came and threw my food away . What the fuck !!!

"I heard you are a petty thief that got caught but I am way past your level" One of the girls said .

"Excuse me , who the fuck are you ? And why the hell in bikini bottom would you throw my food away" I said angrily because why would they throw my food away.

"That's no way to talk to me you ugly ass" She said and poked my shoulder. Poking my shoulder is one thing but saying I am ugly when I know that I'm pretty is crossing the line.

"Don't touch me loser"  I stood up

"How dare you call me a loser , you ugly ass" She said and poked my shoulder again with her middle finger . I hold her middle finger and broke it.

She screamed in pain and I punched her nose , she fell down and passed out. Her minions were scared to fight with me because they know I will win.

The officers came and the creepily cute officer named Kim taehyun swiftly pulled my arm and dragged me to his office .