
98. Mega-Leech

Scene: The girls' restroom. Mylène is calming herself down in front of the mirror.

Mylène: (places her hand on her badge) I'm not scared, I can do this. (places her hand on her chest) I'm not scared, I can do this. I'm not scared, I can do this. (inhales and exhales) I'm not scared, I can do this.

"What am I psyching myself for?" Mylene asked, curious to know what she's preparing for as well as everybody else.

"Remember when Mayor Bourgeois tried to do the Space-Dumpster Program a while back?" Angel asked in which the audience members nodded in confirmation as they remembered. "Well, Mayor Bourgeois has started a new project that is supposed to be eco-friendly. But, you found some flaws within that, Mylene, which is why you're protesting against it along with Ivan." Everyone nodded in understanding while Mylene had a nervous look on which flawed eco-friendly project Mayor Bourgeois will be creating as she remembered his failed Space-Dumpster Program.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont courtyard. Mylène gets out of the locker room whereas Ivan with their poster signboards is waiting for her.

Mylène: Sorry, it took me so long, Teddy Bear.

Ivan: No worries, you were quicker than ever. You keep getting better and better at this. I love you, little mouse. (They kiss each other.)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette tries to avoid the noise of the bulldozer with her pillow but succumbs so she goes to her balcony and becomes startled when she sees Mayor Bourgeois speaking in front of the audience about the Project Oxygen at Place des Vosges.

Mayor Bourgeois: Some time ago, during our Space-Dumpster Program, I promised Parisians the end of pollution. And now I'm keeping that promise with Project Oxygen! (He indicates the Project Oxygen. The audience takes some photos. Marinette suddenly hears and looks at Mylène and Ivan protesting while holding the signboards at the corner.)

"PROJECT OXYGEN?!" Everyone in the audience loudly questioned in confusion, including Chloe who is curious to know what her father is planning to do with this project.

Mylène and Ivan: (from a distance) Stop Project Oxygen! Stop Project Oxygen! Stop Project Oxygen! Stop Project Oxygen!

"If Mylene and Ivan are protesting against it, then the project must be flawed and is not as good as it seems," Marinette noted in which everyone else murmured in agreement.

Mayor Bourgeois: (notices them and sighs) Officer Roger, please deal with those protesters.

Roger: But Mr. Mayor, they're just kids.

Mayor Bourgeois: They're protesters. Just do your job.

Mylène and Ivan: Stop Project Oxygen! Stop Project Oxygen! Stop-

Roger: Kids, uh, you need to leave now.

Mylène: We can't, Officer. This is too important. They're planning to cut all these trees down.

"I knew this "eco-friendly" project was too good to be true!" Mylene said in despair at the thought of the park's trees being cut down with her boyfriend hugging her in comfort. Meanwhile, everyone else is still confused about how this project will benefit the environment.

Roger: Yeah, but ultimately, there'll be less pollution.

Mylène: (in anger) No, there won't! That's just what they want you to think.

Mayor Bourgeois: (from the distance) Roger! Your job is not to chit-chat with the troublemakers but to maintain order.

Roger: Come on, kids. Let's be reasonable.

"Deja vu much? Those two guys are acting like their daughters!" Angel pointed out to her audience (especially Chloe and Sabrina) towards Mayor Bourgeois and Officer Roger on-screen. After realizing it, the audience (including the two girls themselves) chuckled in agreement.

Mylène and Ivan: (pauses for a while and continues to protest) Stop Project Oxygen! Stop Project Oxygen! (Roger sighs.)

Scene: Police car. Mylène and Ivan are faced in anger.

Roger: (enters the car) Sorry, kids. I don't have a choice. I'm escorting you home to your parents. (starts to drive)

Scene: Marinette's balcony. Marinette sees the police car driving away.

Marinette: Tikki, what should I do? Should I transform?

Tikki: I don't know, Marinette. Usually, the police deal with bad guys, but Mylène and Ivan are good guys, right?

Tom: (voiceover) Marinette!

Marinette: (gasps) I'm gonna be late again! Quick, Tikki! (runs away with Tikki)

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. Marinette runs fast on her way to the classroom.

Miss Bustier: Marinette Dupain-Cheng? (Marinette screams after opening the door and falls down)

Marinette: (raises her hand) Present. (goes to her seat)

Everyone in the audience once again giggled at another of Marinette's clumsy moments on-screen while Marinette blushed pink in embarrassment.

Miss Bustier: Mylène Haprèle? (The entire class startled up when they didn't see Mylène.) Mylène?

Marinette: She's not here. Officer Roger took her and Ivan home because they were holding a sit-in and blocking a bulldozer.

Miss Bustier: What? (The class all gasp.)

Alya: (looks on her phone) Well, they must have been protesting the city's plan to rehabilitate Place des Vosges.

Kim: (gasps and whispers to Max) What does rehabilitate mean?

"Kim, rehabilitate simply means to restore something or someone back into good or healthy condition," Max answered his best friend's question on-screen. Kim nodded in understanding while everyone else bowed their heads in exasperation towards the simple-minded athlete.

Alya: (reads the news article) It says here: Project Oxygen will be a breath of fresh air for Paris.

Marinette: A breath of fresh air? It's weird that Mylène and Ivan would be against it.

Miss Bustier: (slams onto the desk) Regardless, Officer Roger has made a huge mistake. (calls Roger. Meanwhile in the police car, there is a call on Roger's phone and answers it.)

Roger: Miss Bustier, is there a problem with Sabrina?

Miss Bustier: No, your daughter is fine. However, there is a problem with Ivan and Mylène. They weren't doing anything wrong, were they?

Roger: Well, it's complicated. I'm escorting them home, just following orders.

Miss Bustier: Well, I'm ordering you to bring them back to Place des Vosges. I'm coming to get them. (ends the call and says to the entire class) Follow me, children. Today's class will be dedicated to civics education with real-life practical experience. (The class eagerly starts to line up in front except Alya who starts to record a video from her phone.)

Alya: (on the video) Hey, Ladybloggers! Just because there aren't any supervillains attacking Paris right now doesn't mean there's nothing super going on. (shows Miss Bustier opening the door) We've never seen Miss Bustier so worked up, so get ready to see some action. Stay connected, peeps!

Scene: Place des Vosges. The audience gathered around the side of the square with Mayor Bourgeois.

Hessenpy: The chainsaw is in good condition. (checking the chainsaw) It will be operated only by an adult who has read the instruction manual. (gives the chainsaw and a helmet to him) Everything's in order, you may proceed. (gives a thumbs up. Mayor Bourgeois is about to cut down a tree when Miss Bustier speaks abruptly.)

Miss Bustier: Mr. Mayor, what are you doing?!

Mayor Bourgeois: I am rehabilitating the Place des Vosges square.

Miss Bustier: By cutting down a tree?!

Mayor Bourgeois: Yes, but, I- (Mylène and Ivan continue to protest.)

Roger: Shh! Shh! Uhhh, Miss Bustier told me to do it.

Mayor Bourgeois: Who pays your salary, Roger?!

Roger: You do, Mr. Mayor. I, I mean, Paris City Hall does.

Mayor Bourgeois: You obey me! Take those troublemakers right back home! (Roger is about to turn around to Mylène and Ivan when Miss Bustier stops him.)

Miss Bustier: Roger, don't do this!

Roger: (looks at the two, confused) Whose orders am I supposed to follow?

Mylène: Stop Project Oxygen!

Mayor Bourgeois: You see? I can't rehabilitate in peace. They're disrupting my ceremony.

Mylène: That's because your project is unethical and uneco-friendly!

Mayor Bourgeois: Nonsense! Look here! (clicks on the remote. They all gasp when they're about to see the commercial. The commercial starts with the Tsurugi brand and the Gabriel brand. Smoke is around caused by the cars and the factories belching.)

Commercial: Because air is life, the city is teaming up with Paris's most significant investors. (The smoke slowly covered the sky, which the mom and her daughter feel hopeless. The Oxygen Tower releases the breeze of fresh air.) To transform pollution into pure fresh air, that will then be sold in a unique container designed by fashion mogul, Gabriel Agreste. (Adrien is floating over the clouds spraying some fresh air around him.)

Adrien: Oxygen isn't just a breath of fresh air. It's life itself. (sprays the entire screen)

Commercial: Oxygen! Get a whiff of life. (It ends with the Oxygen Tower with Adrien and the Oxygen Tower.)

Marinette: (lovestruck) He is so beautif- (Alya points out Marinette to Adrien.) Oh, I meant, it… is so beautiful, your commitment… to save the planet.

"OH, BROTHER!" Everyone in the audience (except for Marinette and Adrien) loudly deadpanned in annoyance towards another of Marinette's lovestruck moments towards Adrien on-screen.

Adrien: Father told me it was an ad for a new cologne.

"A new cologne called Oxygen?! Yeah, that'll fly off the shelves!" Alix sarcastically snorted towards Adrien's naivete with everyone else facepalming in agreement while the blond boy blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm just repeating what my father told me!" Adrien retorted back in defense in which everyone else giggled in response.

Kim: So that's rehabilitating? It actually looks kinda cool.

Nino: Yeah, what's not ecological about it, Mylène?

Rose: It's super eco-friendly, it'll de-pollute the air in Paris and make it fresh! (spins around frantically)

Mylène: (sighs disappointedly) You're letting yourselves be fooled by pretty pictures shown like that. Project Oxygen seems great, but when you look closer at the details, it just doesn't hold up. In reality, they're cutting down (indicates the trees around them) our best natural filters, trees. (indicates the Oxygen Tower) And replacing them with artificial filters, their tower, and making us pay for all of it. (turns to Mayor Bourgeois) Mr. Mayor, instead of destroying all these trees, wouldn't it be better to build more parks?

"See what I mean, everybody?! This project is cutting down our trees which are very important in naturally giving us our oxygen for free. And what's worse, in exchange for artificial oxygen made from polluted air that is absorbed and cleaned by that tower that is sold in containers that we have to pay for!" Mylene pointed out, repeating what she just said on-screen and everyone else began to understand what was wrong with the project.

Mayor Bourgeois: Well-

Chloé: (interrupts) Who cares about a lame ugly tree when you can have a gorgeous designer container from Adrikins' daddy, Gabriel Agreste instead? (Adrien looks down) Besides, there'll be a tree on the label, much prettier than the real thing.

Mayor Bourgeois: And the floor in the tower will be built with recycled wood from the trees we cut down. Very eco-friendly.

Chloé: And real trees have to be watered. Talk about wasting water! (Mylène starts to get scared when Marinette puts an arm on her shoulder.)

Marinette: Mayor Bourgeois, perhaps Mylène and Ivan have misunderstood your project. Do you really want to take away the trees, a natural and cost-free air filter, and replace them with a tower that will absorb polluted air? So that afterwards, you can clean the air and sell it back in plastic bottles. The same bottles which will become trash and pollute our oceans?

Mayor Bourgeois: Yes, that's it. (All of them gasp; Marinette smirks.) Uh, I mean, no. Of course not! It's not that simple. Ecology is complicated, especially for children your age. Leave these things to the adults. (Alya continues to film and faces the camera on Mayor Bourgeois)

"Wow! How do you know so much about ecology, m'lady?" Adrien asked his girlfriend, shocked as well as everybody else (including Miss Bustier) towards her ecological knowledge that managed to rattle Mayor Bourgeois on-screen.

"I do some research. I like my designs to be as eco-friendly as possible," Marinette answered in which everyone else murmured in understanding. "If you'd like, I would really love your input on that, Mylene."

"I'd love to, Marinette!" Mylene said as she beamed at the thought of helping both her friend and the environment.

Alya: So actually, your project is all about cutting down our trees and closing our favorite park. (faces the camera on Miss Bustier)

Miss Bustier: And if Mylène and Ivan are trying to stop this, then we are on their side.

Marinette: It's true. The Mayor's solution for fighting pollution is misguided.

Mylène: Like so many other so-called miracle solutions that are supposed to deal with ecological problems. The thing is there's never just one simple solution that can fix everything. What we need are lots of small solutions that can tackle the problem all at the same time. That's why there has to be a lot of us all working together.

Marinette: Good thing you and Ivan got involved to stop this, but why didn't you guys tell us about it? The whole class would have come with you. (Ivan comes to Mylène, both looking sad and disappointed.)

Mylène: We did, Marinette. (shows the flashbacks of them protesting while schoolmates are having a conversation outside the school, Max and Kim are carrying their lunch, and Alix is listening with her headphones) We've been demonstrating against Project Oxygen for the past six months and we did everything we could to get your attention.

"We're sorry in advance for this, Mylene. But, believe me! All of us will be on your side on this now that we proved that this project really is flawed," Marinette said to her friend with everyone else cheering in agreement much to Mylene's excitement. Everyone except for Chloe who's torn as she begins to see the flaw in her father's new project, but doesn't want to fight against him.

Marinette: We're so sorry. We were just so busy doing... I don't know what it was we were doing.

Rose: We're so lame.

Mayor Bourgeois: This is all very touching but I've got a project to launch.

Mylène: (stops him) Stop Project Oxygen! (Her classmates started to join her protest. Alya, on the other hand, takes a video of them.)

Class: Stop Project Oxygen! Stop Project Oxygen! Stop Project Oxygen!

Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Sabine watches the whole video posted on the Ladyblog.

Mayor Bourgeois: (on the video) Come on! Will you just let me rehabilitate in peace!

Sabine: Tom, isn't that Marinette there?

Fred: (at Collège Françoise Dupont. He looks at his phone) Mylène?

Nora: (at the Césaire apartment with Ella and Etta Césaire and looks at her phone) What's this clown up to? Hang on, I'm coming down.

Scene: Place des Vosges.

Mayor Bourgeois: Roger, do something, will you?!

Roger: To tell you the truth, Mr. Mayor, I've been thinking and it seems like these kids are onto something.

Mayor Bourgeois: You're not paid to think, Roger, but to obey! (Various civilians come to stop the project)

"Yep. Like fathers, like daughters," Alya deadpanned towards Mayor Bourgeois and Officer Roger on-screen with everyone else groaning in annoyance, except for Chloe and Sabrina who blushed in embarrassment.

Tom: You lost your mind, Mr. Mayor? These are just kids!

Fred: I support my daughter one hundred percent.

Nora: No one's messing with any trees on my watch!

Mayor Bourgeois: I'm trying to help you people! (infuriated) Ah, you're all being ridiculous!

Adrien: (walks over to Marinette) Sorry, Mayor Bourgeois, but we can't let you do this. (He holds Marinette's hand. Marinette suddenly blushes. Wayhem arrives with a few other people)

Wayhem: (with his Adrien cutout) Adrien wants to save the trees, we're gonna save the trees! (everyone cheers)

"Did Wayhem really have to bring that cutout of me?!" Adrien asked in exasperation towards his number-one fan on-screen much to everyone else's amusement as they giggled in response.

Nadja: Mr. Mayor, it seems everyone is opposed to Project Oxygen, including Adrien Agreste, even though his own father is involved. Are you going to resign?

Mayor Bourgeois: Yes. I mean no! I don't know.

Scene: Gabriel's atelier. Gabriel watches live coverage of the protest which is posted on Ladyblog.

People in the video: Stop Project Oxygen! Stop Project Oxygen! (A call from Mayor Bourgeois pops out from his computer and answers it.)

Mayor Bourgeois: (on call) Gabriel, it's André. I'm a bit overwhelmed here with our project. I need your help!

Gabriel: Don't worry, André. I'm sure you'll find a way to change people's minds. When one fights for a good cause, one always finds a solution. (ends the call while André whimpers) And if you don't find a solution, my old friend, destiny will come to your aid. (He presses the buttons from the painting of Emilie and heads to his lair.)

Scene: Place des Vosges.

Nadja: Mr. Mayor, it's just been confirmed that citizens are banding together all over Paris to protect the trees. What do you have to say? (Reporters continue to interview Mayor Bourgeois who is overwhelmed.)

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. The window opens.

Shadow Moth: A powerful man rendered powerless. His plans disappear into thin air. This calls for the strongest of actions. (pulls out a feather and creates an amok and creates an akuma) Amok, akuma, go forth and evilize our dear Mayor. (the akuma and amok flies out)

Scene: Place des Vosges. Mayor Bourgeois is devastated when the akuma and amok enter his sash.

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Malediktator, I am Shadow Moth. They're challenging your authority? Why bother trying to convince them when you can make them change their minds?

Mayor Bourgeois: I'd like to, Shadow Moth, but I can't be everywhere and control all my fellow citizens at once.

Shadow Moth: You can't do this alone, but it's only because you're lacking a good deputy. I'm giving you the power to create your own sentimonster to assist you. This will allow you to be everywhere at once and force everyone to agree with you. All I ask in return are Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous.

Mayor Bourgeois: Excellent political strategy, Shadow Moth. (transforms into Malediktator and the reporters gasp.)

"Daddy!" Chloe exclaimed in despair in response at seeing her father being re-akumatized into Malediktator with Sabrina trying to comfort her.

Malediktator: Greetings, my fellow citizens! (summons Mega-Leech) By the power vested in me, Mega-Leech, clone me! (enters Mega-Leech's mouth and releases millions of tiny clones of him)

"OK, Daddy as one big bad Malediktator was bad enough, but this is utterly ridiculous!" Chloe exclaimed in both despair and exasperation at seeing her akumatized father cloning himself thanks to the sentimonster Mega-Leech. Everyone else murmured in agreement, creeped out by the mini-Malediktator clones.

Mini-Malediktator: Here I am, my fellow citizens! (Another clone of him enters Nino's ear.)

Mini-Malediktator: (clears his throat) Now, fellow citizens!

Nino: (possessed) I will be everywhere!

Reporters: Everywhere! (runs away)

Kim: Oh, so that's rehabilitating. (a clone enters his ear) I'm root for clean air, my fellow citizens! (starts to kick a tree)

Max: (a clone enters his ear and he joins Kim) You've got it, my fellow citizens! (Marinette and Adrien run away to find a place to hide, while Nadja, Tom, Alix, Rose, Juleka, and Nora start to destroy the trees around them. Meanwhile, a clone tries to enter Mylène and Ivan pushes her away.)

"This is horrible!" Mylene said in despair and somewhat guilt that almost everyone is hypnotized by mini-Malediktators and are cutting down the trees in the park.

Ivan: NOOOOOO! (The clone entered Ivan's ear instead.) And I find that! Long live Project Oxygen, my fellow citizens! (Mylène runs away whereas Adrien hides behind a column.)

Adrien: Come on!

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out!

(Adrien transforms into Cat Noir. Alya tries to avoid multiple clones from entering her ear when Cat Noir hits a clone with his staff.)

Mini-Malediktator: Oh, I forbid you to touch me, my fellow citizen!

Cat Noir: And I forbid you to forbid me, Mr. Mini-Mayor! (slingshots the clone away)

Alya: (a clone enters) Get Cat Noir, my fellow citizens! (Ivan, Kim, and Max chase him after.)

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Malediktators, seize his Miraculous! (Cat Noir fights them back and lands on the fountain.)

Cat Noir: (worried) I don't know where you are, but I can sure use a helping paw, m'lady.

Scene: Streets. Three clones chase after a woman while Marinette hides in an alley.

Marinette: (opens her purse) Come on, quick-

Mylène: (appears) Marinette, we can't stay here! (grabs her arm) Follow me! (opens the manhole) Come on, we can hide down there.

Marinette: Oh, yeah, but I... I can't. I... I'm afraid of sewers.

Mylène: There's no shame in being afraid, Marinette. I'm scared, too, of the dark, of humidity, of germs, and even mice! I was really frightened about protesting this morning but I plucked up my courage, and managed to do it anyway. Now we've got to escape and find a way to help the others. If you ever get too scared, just hold this badge (gives her badge to her) and remember, fear is a natural reflex but you can overcome it.

Scene: Sewers. Marinette and Mylène climb down.

Marinette: (opens her purse) How am I gonna do this? Oh, I know! (pretends) Oh, no! A Mini-Malediktator! Get away, Mylène! (screams) I made up! Help us to de-pollute Paris, my fellow citizens! (Mylène runs away in fright. Tikki appears.) I know, that wasn't very cool, but I had no choice. Come on, Tikki, we need Ladybug! (runs behind) Spots on! (Ladybug exits through the manhole.)

"Sorry about that in advance, Mylene," Marinette said to her friend with a nervous smile.

"It's ok, Marinette. We really do need Ladybug right now," Mylene said with a small chuckle as she also waved her hand in dismissal.

Scene: Place de la Concorde. Cat Noir runs away and climbs to the Ferris wheel. He prevents the clones from entering him when a yoyo ties his staff and pulls him up.

Cat Noir: M'lady! Thanks for dropping by. (grabs a clone)

Ladybug: That was a close one.

Mini-Malediktator: Hey, let me go!

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (receives an ice skate) An ice skate?

"What does that mean? You have to go to the ice rink?" Kim, as simple-minded as he can be, asked about the ice skate Ladybug was given as a Lucky Charm. Although also confused about the ice skate, everyone else shook their heads in exasperation towards the teen athlete, thinking what he just said sounded kind of stupid.

"I think I'm gonna use the blade on the ice skate to slash Malediktator's akumatized sash apart," Marinette said as soon as she got the idea and pretty soon, everyone else murmured in agreement as well.

Mini-Malediktator: Release me! You must respect my authority, my fellow citizen! I demand that you stop! (Using her Lucky Vision, she sees his sash and the metal blades under the ice skate. She uses the blades to tear his sash apart causing the akuma and amok to be released. The clone detransforms into tiny Mayor Bourgeois.)

Cat Noir: You make it look so simple, m'lady.

"Yeah, not so simple," Angel pointed out as everyone else looked at her in confusion, but she responded by pointing to the screen.

Ladybug: No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (captures the akuma and the amok) Gotcha! (releases the butterfly and the feather) Bye, bye! (about to throw the ice skate into the air) Miraculous-

Cat Noir: Ladybug, look! It didn't work. (They see people who are still controlled by the clones and Mega Leech continues to release more clones.)

"Unfortunately, as the Malediktators are cloned, so are the akumas and the amoks within them. So, you have to take down all the mini-Malediktators, gather all the akumas and amoks to purify, and stop the sentimonster from making any more," Angel explained and the audience groaned in annoyance as soon as they understood the problem.

"Let me guess: this is where the Mouse Miraculous' power of multitude comes in?" Marinette asked as soon as she heard that they have to take down all the mini-Malediktators.

"Bingo!" Angel said, confirming the blue-haired girl's question and everyone else murmured in understanding and excitement of seeing a new superhero. Meanwhile, Mullo began to shake a little in excitement to see who's going to be her new holder.

Clones: Take their Miraculous, my fellow citizens! (The clones start to chase Ladybug and Cat Noir.)

Ladybug: The akumas and the amoks must have multiplied at the same time as the Malediktators. Capturing just one doesn't solve the problem. There are millions of them!

Cat Noir: So what's the miracle solution, m'lady?

Ladybug: The thing is there's no one miracle solution. What we need are lots of small solutions that can all tackle the problem at the same time. That's why there has to be a lot of us working together. And I know who can help us! Buy us some time, Kitty Cat.

Cat Noir: How come I'm always the one who has to buy some time? Catch you later! Woohoo! (He starts to distract them on top of Obélisque de Louxor.) So you want my Miraculous, fellow citizens? Then come and get it! (Ladybug starts to run away.)

Scene: Sewers. Mylène cries alone in despair.

Ladybug: (appears) Mylène?

Mylène: Don't waste your time on me, Ladybug. This is all my fault. I wanted to save the trees and because of me, everyone is uprooting them. If I hadn't gotten involved, none of this would have happened.

Ladybug: You're wrong. You're not the problem, you're the solution. You've got great ideas. (opens her yoyo) Mylène Haprèle, here is the Miraculous of-

"I'm gonna get the Mouse Miraculous?!" Mylene loudly asked in shock, not knowing whether she should be excited or scared. Angel confirmed it with a nod and everyone else began to congratulate the girl who is still torn between two conflicting emotions.

"Can't wait to work with you!" Mullo said excitedly to Mylene who cowered a bit from the kwami's enthusiasm. Noticing this, Mullo set herself down next to Mylene which successfully calmed the latter down in which she smiled at and petted her future kwami.

Mylène: (interrupts) No, Ladybug! I can't be a superhero. I'm scared of everything. Look, I have a badge for my fear of water, one for my fear of beasts. I need a necklace to help me get over my fear of badges!

Ladybug: Do you realize how many fears you've managed to overcome? The objects that help you get over your fears are just like the Miraculous and you fight everyday to defend a cause without anyone noticing. That's just like having a secret identity. And this, you already are a superheroine. You just need one last badge. (Mylène is now convinced at last. She opens her yoyo once again and takes out the Mouse Miraculous.) Mylène Haprèle, I am proud to entrust you with the Miraculous of the Mouse. You will use it for the greater good. (Mylène takes the Miraculous and Mullo as a bright ball flies around her and then appears.)

Mullo: BOO! (scares Mylène and then chuckles)

"Wow, you really do get scared easily," Mullo said to her future holder in surprise which dampened Mylene's mood. "But I'm sure you have what it takes!" Mullo then said in an upbeat manner which lifted the young girl's spirits.

Ladybug: Mullo, that's not nice. (to Mylène) True courage is not the absence of fear. It's persevering even though you're scared. (Mylène wears the Miraculous.)

Mullo: You only have to say one thing. Mullo, get squeaky!

[Transformation Sequence]

Mylène: Mullo, get squeaky! (Mylène transforms into Polymouse.)

Polymouse: Wow! (amazed by her costume)

"Wow!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed in excitement and awe of Mylene's transformation into Polymouse while the girl in question just looked at her superhero form in jaw-dropping shock.

"Nice superhero outfit, Mylene! It really suits you!" Rose excitedly gushed at her friend's superhero form.

"Rose is right. Looking cute as ever, Mylene. And I know you can do this if that ever happens," Ivan said to his girlfriend as he kissed her head, in which she began to beam and smile more confidently.

"So, what's my superhero name? Multimouse like Marinette was?" Mylene asked excitedly about her superhero name as well as everyone else.

"No, your superhero name is Polymouse," Angel answered with a smile.

"Polymouse," Mylene whispered to herself as she prepared to see herself in battle on-screen.

Ladybug: With you here, I know that we can do this. (gets the ice skate) This will help with the mini-Malediktators' sashes. (Ladybug and Polymouse start to run off.) You'll release the amok and akuma from every mini-Malediktator in Paris by calling upon your special power of Multiplication.

Polymouse: But what about the sentimonster? It'll just clone more.

Ladybug: You free the Parisians, I'll deal with the sentimonster.

Polymouse: How are you gonna do that?

Ladybug: We just need a lot of people to take on the problem at the same time.

"So, aside from the two of us and Polymouse, I will recruit other superheroes for help?" Marinette asked as she pointed to herself, Adrien, and Mylene, based on what she just said on-screen.

"Yep! So while Polymouse takes care of the mini-Malediktators, you and Cat Noir along with a few other superheroes take care of Mega-Leech," Angel answered as she also nodded her head in confirmation.

"Which superheroes?" Adrien asked curiously as well as everyone else.

"You'll see," Angel said as she pointed to the screen, getting the audience's full attention.

Polymouse: That's what I always say about the fight for the environment.

Ladybug: I told you, you have great ideas. (They stop at the wind turbine directing up to the grate. Polymouse hesitates for a while.) It's the only way to quickly spread your powers throughout Paris. It's natural to be scared but you can...

Polymouse: ...overcome my fear and go on despite it. I know. I'm not scared, I can do this. I'm not scared, I can do this. I'm not scared, I can do this! (jumps to the wind turbine) Multitude! (clones millions of her and passes through the grate)

Scene: Place des Vosges. Her clones, each with their ice skates, start to fight the mini-Malediktators. One clone enters Max's ear.

Polymouse: (with her ice skate tied on her tail) Stop Project Oxygen!

Mini-Malediktator: Nothing will stop Protect Oxygen. (Polymouse hits him with her tail. They start to fight against each other.) Where is my- (Polymouse slices his sash in half. They both leave Max's ear. Other Polymouse clones do the same to the Malediktator clones in Kim, Rose, Juleka's ears. Akumas and amoks get released from the sashes and mini-Malediktators detransform into mini-Mayor Bourgeois clones.)

"Awesome, Mylene!" The teens exclaimed excitedly in response to seeing Polymouse and her clones against the mini-Malediktators.

"Thanks, everyone. Although I find it kind of gross that I'm climbing into people's ears," Mylene said with a smile then winced in disgust about the ear thing. Everyone else chuckled in agreement.

Mini-Mayor Bourgeois: What am I doing here? (notices his clones) Who are you? Why are we all so little?

Everyone in the audience (including Chloe) snickered at the sight of squeaky little mini-Mayor Bourgeois clones acting all confused.

Scene: Place de la Concorde. Cat Noir distracts the people onto the van while Ladybug swings onto it.

Ladybug: It's all good. We've got some backup now. (Cat Noir grabs her wrist and Ladybug notices that he is already possessed.)

Cat Noir: I've got her, my fellow citizens!

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Bravo, Malediktator! Take her Miraculous! (A clone of Polymouse jumps into Cat Noir's ear.)

Polymouse: Yoohoo! (Mini-Malediktator is thrown off from Cat Noir's ear with his sash destroyed. The akuma and amok are released and the mini-Malediktator detransforms.)

Cat Noir: M'lady? What just happened?

"Just in time, Mylene!" Marinette said as she beamed excitedly at her smiling friend as well as everyone else.

Ladybug: You were under the control of a Mini-Malediktator, and you really need to work on your jokes. (screams. The van starts to shake caused by the people shaking it.)

Cat Noir: Guess I gotta buy more time?

Ladybug: Just enough for me to get the whole team together. (swings away. Ladybug gives Zoe, Nino, Kagami, and Max each their Miraculous.)

"As you can see, you've recruited Vesperia, Carapace, Ryuko, and Pegasus," Angel pointed out on the screen to Marinette and everyone else. Meanwhile, the teens mentioned (Nino, Kagami, and Max) beamed in excitement at seeing themselves in action again as well as their kwamis.

Scene: Rooftops. Ladybug comes, along with Vesperia, Carapace, Ryuko and Pegasus.

Cat Noir: Hey, guys, wait up! (removes a mini-Malediktator) Group pose! (They all pose as a team. Ladybug thinks about what to do to defeat Mega-Leech.)

Ladybug: Pegasus, teleport Vesperia!

Pegasus: Voyage! (makes a portal above Mega Leech)

Vesperia: (jumps into the portal) Venom! (paralyzes Mega Leech. Meanwhile, the clones of Polymouse defeat the mini-Malediktators one by one causing the akumas and amoks to be released.)

Ladybug: You're up, Ryuko!

Ryuko: Wind Dragon! (gathers all the akumas and amoks around Paris together as one giant ball)

Ladybug: Carapace!

Carapace: Shell-ter! (traps all the akumas and amoks Ryuko gathered around the city, allowing Ladybug to capture them all at once.)

Ladybug: (captures the akumas and amoks one by one) TIME...TO...DE-EVILIZE! (releases all the butterflies and feathers) Bye, bye! (Mega-Leech is vanished and Polymouse turns back to normal size with the Lucky Charm.)

Polymouse: Thank you, Ladybug. (returning the ice skate)

Ladybug: Miraculous Ladybug! (throws the ice skate into the air. Everything turns back to normal, and all the mini-Mayor Bourgeois clones turn back into one Mayor Bourgeois.)

All seven: Pound it! (Ladybug creates a magical charm for Mayor Bourgeois and gives it to him.)

"Pound it!" Marinette, Adrien, and the teens involved in the battle (Mylene, Nino, Max, and Kagami) did a group fist-bump before the main couple kissed in victory.

Ladybug: Mr. Mayor, this is a magical charm. It will protect you from becoming Shadow Moth's victim ever again.

Mayor Bourgeois: Thank you, Ladybug. I really am so sorry. It's a good thing you were here to protect Paris.

Ladybug: I'm still worried about something, Mayor. What's gonna happen with Project Oxygen?

Mayor Bourgeois: Well, uh..., it will have to be re-examined by a commission of experts but...

Ladybug: We're all counting on you to do the right thing. (The heroes all leave.)

Scene: Sewers. Zoe, Nino, Max, Kagami, and Mylène return their Miraculous to Ladybug.

Ladybug: You've been incredibly courageous today, Mylène. You should be proud of yourself. Bug out! (runs off and Mylène smiles back.)

"You were awesome, my little mouse!" Ivan said excitedly as he proudly kissed his girlfriend's cheek and everyone else cheered in agreement.

"I told you that you got what it takes!" Mullo said, cheering to her future holder.

"Thanks. Plus, I think spending more time with Mullo and the Miraculous will help me get over my fear of mice," Mylene said half-jokingly as she blushed at the praise. Everyone else chuckled at the joke in agreement.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: Thanks to your allies, you stole my victory from me today, Ladybug. But I'm already marching towards the next battle. And this time, I'll be the victorious one. (laughs evilly and his window closes)

Scene: Place des Vosges.

Mayor Bourgeois: Parisians, I have heard the voices of our young people. They are our future, the future where the Place des Vosges will remain and the trees will continue to clean our air. (audience cheers)

"Yes! We stopped Project Oxygen!" Mylene cheered along with everyone else for winning the battle regarding Project Oxygen.

Hessenpy: (checking the shovel) This shovel is in good condition and will be operated only by an adult who has read the instruction manual. You may proceed. (Mayor Bourgeois starts to dig.)

Miss Bustier: On behalf of your constituents, Mr. Mayor. I'd like to thank you for the wise decision you've just made.

Mayor Bourgeois: I only did what was right, Miss Bustier.

Marinette: Congratulations, Mylène! You and Ivan won the battle.

Mylène: We all won together, Marinette.

Mayor Bourgeois: (struggles) Goodness, it really is quite difficult to plant a tree.

"Looks like he's gonna need our help," Ivan said to his girlfriend as they and everyone else chuckled at Mayor Bourgeois struggling to plant a tree on-screen.

Mylène: We'll help you, Mr. Mayor.

Marinette: It's good that we finally opened our eyes even though you looked gorgeous in that commercial.

Adrien: What was that, Marinette?

Marinette: Uh, nothing! I just wanted to say that it was great that we all opened our eyes to the complex problems that were hiding behind that gorgeous commercial. That's what I meant, and not at all what I said before. (laughs uncomfortably while shoving away Alya along with herself)

"Same old Marinette!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed in amusement much to the blue-haired girl's blushing embarrassment.

Scene: Agreste mansion. Adrien comes back home when Gabriel steps out of his way.

Gabriel: Adrien, you took a stand against me today.

Adrien: I didn't take a stand against you, Father. I took a stand against a project that my friend showed me that was bad for Paris and for the planet.

Gabriel: (waves his hand) Adrien. Go to your room.

Adrien: (saddened) Yes, Father. (walks away past him. Gabriel turns around and twists Emilie's ring on his finger)

"I hope he doesn't punish me severely for that," Adrien said as he gulped at the moment between him and his father on-screen with everyone else murmuring in agreement.

"The next episode is called Guiltrip which is another sentimonster," Angel announced to her audience, but then turned to Juleka. "Juleka, you're akumatized into Reflekta…again."

"AGAIN?!" Everyone in the audience (including Juleka herself) exclaimed as they groaned in annoyance while Angel started up the episode.