
93. Psycomedian

Scene: Cafeteria. Marinette is eating with Alya, Alix, Mylène, Rose and Juleka.

Marinette: Seriously, girls, I've tried multiple times, right?

The other girls: (nodding) Mhm.

Marinette: Of course, in the beginning it was a total disaster.

Scene: Flashback from "The Bubbler". Outside the school.

Marinette: I can't do it, I can't do it!

Alya: (facepalms and sighs) No, you don't, girl. You've been stalling all morning. Now's the time! (She pushes Marinette over to Adrien and Nino.)

Marinette: Aaah! (She stops right in front of Adrien.) Um, haha! Hey! (She waves nervously as she holds her gift behind her back.)

Adrien: (sharing a surprised look with Nino) Hey.

Scene: Cafeteria. The girls laugh.

Everyone in the audience lightly laughed along with the girls on-screen except for Marinette who began to blush pink in embarrassment.

Alya: (placing her hand on Marinette's shoulder) One of your best Marinette moments ever, no doubt.

Marinette: But over time I've gotten better, haven't I?

Alix: Like that time you were amazing at the Trocadéro?

Scene: Flashback from "Gigantitan". Trocadéro. Marinette sighs, and the girls look at her with annoyance.

Adrien: But we can take you home if you want it. (Marinette's friends are all filled with glee again.)

Rose: Whew...

Juleka: All right!

Marinette: No, it's okay! I'll take a coleslaw home. Thanks! (Marinette's friends become annoyed at her once more.)

Marinette blushed redder in embarrassment while everyone else in the audience laughed again, remembering that disaster.

Adrien: Okay... Enjoy your meal, then. (gets in the car) See you at school tomorrow! (He closes the car door, and the car drives off.)

Scene: Cafeteria. The girls laugh again. Marinette lands her hand on the table with shame, causing her small plate and glass cup to fall over, which Alya and Mylène catch quickly respectively.

Marinette: Fine. So I've made zero progress.

Mylène: That's not true, Marinette. Today, you and Adrien are friends! That's progress.

Scene: Flashback from "The Puppeteer 2". Inside the Agreste car.

Adrien: Is that true? We're still friends, you and me?

Marinette: Of course! But to be safe, maybe we should stop playing pranks on each other.

Adrien: (laughs) I know. I'm not good with jokes. The girl I'm in love with doesn't like them either.

Marinette: The girl that you- you're... (turns away from Adrien, heartbroken) ...you're in love with?

Scene: Cafeteria.

Marinette: Becoming friends with Adrien is the worst thing that could've happened.

Juleka: (mumbling) But you're special friends.

Rose: You can't have love without friendship. (As Juleka and Rose snuggle each other, Marinette grows a warm grin.)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont courtyard. Marinette paces up and down in front of her friends, thinking of a new strategy.

Marinette: Okay! Adrien needs to see me in a new light! As more than just a funny duddy buddy. Not just a clumsy, babbling girl who trips over her words. I need to be different, so I'll be the apple of his eye, girl of his dreams, the one! Then we'll finally be together! I'll jump for joy! We'll dance in each other's arms! He'll sweep me off of my feet- Ah! Then, we'll get married, have three kids, and a hamster named-

"That dream never changes, huh, Bugaboo?" Adrien teasingly asked his girlfriend who shoved him in response, resulting in more laughter from everyone else.

Alya: Marinette.

Marinette: A hamster named Marinette? That'd be weird. (Rose laughs.)

Alya: Girl, you don't see the beauty of your flaws. Your awkward gaga goofiness is what makes you special! Don't try to be someone else, be Marinette! (From afar, Nino and Adrien are watching one of famous comedian Harry Clown's sketches on Nino's phone.)

Harry: Ever wondered if you could recycle old socks? Try today's special in the cafeteria! (honks his iconic red nose prop) Honk! (Nino laughs at Harry's joke, while Adrien laughs at Marinette doing various humorous poses.)

"And while Nino is laughing at the video, Adrien was laughing at the girl doing these funny poses," Angel teasingly narrated for her audience, leaving them to laugh again.

Nino: See, dude? I told you! Hilarious, right?

Adrien: Uh... (laughs nervously) Right! Really funny, Nino.

Nino: I gotta show you his other sketches. It's insane that you don't know Harry Clown! (laughs)

"Dude, you don't know Harry Clown the comedian?!" Nino asked his best friend, surprised along with most others in the audience.

"I've heard of him a little, but never really seen his comedy acts. Comedy isn't exactly something my father is fond of exposing me to," Adrien answered in which his mood dampened along with everybody else.

"How ironic considering comedy is your thing as Cat Noir," Marinette pointed out with a chuckle, in which the audience laughed along in agreement.

Alya: I've always loved Nino's sense of humor.

Marinette: Of course! Laughter is the best medicine! If I can make Adrien laugh, I know he'd fall for me!

"Trust me, m'lady. You have NO problem in that department," Adrien pointed out to his girlfriend who playfully frowned while everybody else laughed hard in agreement.

Scene: Outside Collège Françoise Dupont.

Nino: Later, dude!

Adrien: See you, Nino!

Marinette: Why was Adrien laughing!? What was on your phone!? Come on, Nino! Tell me, please!

Nino: Chill, girl! It was Harry Clown's sketch about cafeterias. So funny. You've heard of him?

Marinette: Of course! He's even one of my parent's customers. He always comes to buy bread at 5 pm. - Which is right now! (runs off to her family bakery)

Nino: (befuddled) Uh... No problem! (waves)

Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Sabine gives Harry Clown a baguette.

Harry: Thanks, Sabine! Have a nice day, Tom!

Marinette: (rushes inside) Phew, you're still here!

Harry: Marinette?

Marinette: Harry, how much longer will you be doing your new act in Paris?

Harry: My final performance is tonight!

Marinette: Oh, shoot. Well that's that, I guess.

Harry: Oh, but you've already seen it with your little family. Honk! (honks his nose, causing Tom and Sabine to laugh)

Marinette: Actually, it's not for me. It's for... for this boy in my class, Adrien Agreste. He's a big fan of yours and... I thought he would've liked a chance to go to your show and we could've laughed together, side by side...

Harry: You're just a little bit crazy about that boy. (squeezes his nose again) Honk!

"Seriously, Adrikins?! A practical stranger can pick up Marinette's crush on you, but you can't?!" Chloe asked in exasperation in which the blond boy blushed pink in embarrassment while everyone else chuckled in agreement.

Marinette Ah— no, no no no! I'm not! (chuckles) Why would you think that? ... Never mind. I would never have the guts to invite him anyway. And even if I did, his father would have never let him go out on a school night.

Harry: Well, I know Gabey pretty well!

"GABEY?!" Everyone in the audience loudly asked as they smiled in amusement at the nickname Harry just gave Mr. Agreste.

Marinette: Gabey?

Harry: He designed the French fry costume for my first act years ago (shows Marinette the photo of the costume design).

"My father made that?!" Adrien loudly asked in disbelief as everyone else laughed hard at the thought of Mr. Agreste designing a French fry costume.

"Even the most well-respected fashion designers have to make designs they don't particularly like to please their clients," Angel pointed out in which everyone else nodded in agreement while they still laughed at the French fry costume.

Marinette: Gabriel Agreste made that? Wait. You know Adrien's father?!

Harry: I'll talk to him. I'll promise you at the closing night, I'll have two special guests, you and your classmate whom you don't have a crush on at all. Honk!

Marinette: Seriously? Oh, thank you, thank you! But, uh, what are you gonna say to convince him? Because, you know, Adrien cannot suspect anything, I mean—

Harry: Trust me, Marinette. (honks her nose) Honk! (Tom and Sabine laugh again, and Marinette smiles)

Scene: Gabriel's atelier.

Gabriel: Why would Adrien want to see you on stage?

Harry: Because I'd like to offer him... a role in my next movie!

Gabriel: "Super-Fry Saves The Day"?

"OK, even if I wanna do a comedy movie, that would not be my first choice," Adrien said, surprised at the movie proposal Harry just made. Everyone else nodded with a look of surprise in agreement.

Harry: This will be my most personal film. I wrote it all on my own. I even made some drawings! I brought back the character from my first show. Remember, Gabey? You did the costume.

Gabriel: I thought we agreed never to mention that again.

Everyone in the audience snickered loudly, reminded of the French Fry costume.

Harry: In the film, Super-Fry must save the day with his hero friends, Camembert Justice and Wonder Potato! Honk!

"Ooooh! I love that idea! Can I try out for the role of Camembert Justice?!" Plagg asked, excited once he heard Camembert Justice, much to the annoyance of everyone else.

"Nope. For three reasons: one, people aren't supposed to know you exist. Two, even if you did do the movie, the camera wouldn't be able to record you. And three, imagine if they dressed you in real Camembert cheese. I can't trust you not to eat your costume," Adrien pointed out, half-joking and half-serious in which everyone else (especially Master Fu and the kwamis) laughed hard in agreement.

Gabriel: A superhero comedy?

Harry: Of course not, my dear Gabey! I'm done with silly jokes. This is a serious movie with strong emotions, love, sadness, and a real proper villain like Hawk Moth! "I give you the power to be an evil French fry!" Honk! I'm meeting with my producer tonight to present the project, and if Adrien were there too, I could introduce them after the show!

Gabriel: I will have to approve the script if the project happens.

Harry: Of course, Gabey!

Gabriel: And I want all photographs of the fry costume I designed to disappear!

"Dudes, we gotta find those photos! We can use them for blackmail!" Nino excitedly pointed out and everyone else laughed hard in agreement.

Harry: No problem, my friend! Honk! (Gabriel watches Harry leaving.)

Gabriel: No one will ever take him seriously.

"Let me guess: Harry's the akuma?" Marinette asked curiously as well as everyone else in which Angel confirmed it with a nod.

"Wait till you see what he can do," Angel said which made her guests itching to see what Harry Clown does as Psycomedian.

Scene: Dupain-Cheng living room. Marinette and Harry run around the room in excitement.

Harry and Marinette: He said yes! He said yes! He said yes!

"See, m'lady? You don't need that guy to be funny!" Adrien said as he laughed hard at his blushing girlfriend and the comedian on-screen along with everyone else.

Marinette: I really hope you'd be able to get your film produced, Harry. Thanks to you, I'll get to sit next to Adrien at his favorite comedian's show! We'll have so much fun, laugh together, I can even tell some jokes. Except I don't know any jokes. He'll never find me as funny as you!

Harry: Laughter is serious business, Marinette. But I'll help you.

Marinette: Aren't you supposed to prepare for your meeting with your producer?

Harry: Don't worry, my friend. Super-Fry always wins in the end. Honk! (Marinette laughs.)

Scene: Grand Palais, outside, front.

Marinette: Are you sure I can do this?

Harry: We've rehearsed, and you're a natural, Marinette.

Marinette: But every time I'm alone with him, I get so flustered and—

Harry: You won't be alone. I'll stay right here. Honk!

Marinette: What if he doesn't laugh?

Harry: He will. You told me he knew my sketches. Of course, don't forget to always add the gimmick at the end. Honk! That's what gives rhythm to the sketch and lets the audience, I mean Adrien, know that's time to laugh. Yee-haw?

Marinette: (laughs) Yee-haw! (Marinette puts on a hat and walks over to Adrien.)

Adrien: Marinette?

Marinette: Oh! Adrien! You like Harry Clown too?

Adrien: Uh, I've been invited, but I...

Marinette: You think he'll do his sketch on the clumsy sheriff?

Adrien: Uh... the clumsy who? (Harry points his fingers on his head.)

Marinette: Ohhh! Oh, where did my hat go?

Adrien: Uh... right there. (Marinette nervously looks at Harry.)

Marinette: Yee-haw! (Marinette's sudden shout accidentally scares Adrien and he ducks his head down. Marinette notices this, and Adrien picks his head up and awkwardly giggles at her. Harry signs a circular motion) Oh, what? There it is! (laughs) Silly old me! (Adrien tries to pick up her cowboy hat, and Marinette does so at the same time, causing them to bump their heads.)

Marinette: Sorry.

Adrien: Sorry.

Marinette: Oh, there it is. Yee-haw...! (Adrien chuckles. Harry's phone rings.)

Harry: Bob, hi!

Bob: You're supposed to be here!

Harry: Of course, I haven't forgotten. Just give me five minutes.

Bob: We have a rehearsal!

Harry: Yes, I understand, but—

Bob: Get here now!

Harry: Not even two minutes?

Bob: No! Get here now!

Harry: Fine. I'll be right there. Honk.

Marinette: Check out my sheriff's star! Shiny, right? Yee-haw...?

Adrien: You're acting kind of strange. Are you okay?

Marinette: What? No, no, I'm fine. (laughs nervously. She looks back to see that Harry Clown isn't by the pillar anymore.) Look at the sheriff... Uh, I mean, the star! (Adrien takes a look at Marinette's badge, and water spurts out from the badge.)

Adrien: Why'd you do that for?

Marinette: I'm sorry. (runs off)

Adrien: Hang on! (Adrien tries to run after Marinette but Adrien's bodyguard stops him. Adrien watches Marinette run away sadly)

Everyone in the audience bowed their heads and groaned in annoyance at Marinette's disastrous attempt at comedy towards Adrien and his reaction on-screen.

Scene: Inside Grand Palais. At the dressing room.

Harry: And at the end, Super-Fry, Camembert Justice and Wonder Potato get thanked by the little guy they just saved and they all cry together.

Bob: (laughs) That's too funny!

Harry: No, it's not! It's touching! It's a serious superhero movie, Bob.

Bob: But you're a clown, Harry. No one wants you to make a drama. It will never bring us in as much money as your shows.

Harry: I'm not doing this for the money. When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a superhero.

Bob: (laughs) Well, write a comedy sketch about it!

Harry: No. I wanna speak to my public in a new way - to help people dream, to help them feel more emotions than just laughter.

Bob: The only dreams I care about are the ones my piggy bank has about being filled with more money. Forget about your movie! It's a bad idea. (rips off Harry's drawing, which shocked Harry) Your public is waiting for you! (tosses up the ripped drawing and storms away. Harry picks up the ripped drawings and puts them in his pocket. He walks out of the dressing room.)

Everyone in the audience began giving the comedian on-screen sad and pitiful looks along with a frown towards Bob for being mean and insensitive as usual.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. The window opens.

Shadow Moth: A comedian that no one takes seriously. How funny... and yet so sad. Time to take center stage. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize him! (The akuma flies away)

Scene: Grand Palais. Harry walks off and sees Marinette.

Harry: Oh! Marinette?

Marinette: It was a total disaster. The worst day of my life. Adrien didn't laugh once. He must've thought I was so lame! Your meeting didn't go well either? (The lights switch off)

Audience: Harry! Harry! Harry! Harry!

Stage manager: Harry, it's time!

Harry: (sadly) I'm sorry, Marinette. The show must go on. (When Harry walks away from Marinette, the audience keeps chanting "Harry!". The akuma lands onto Harry's belt bag.)

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Psycomedian, I am Shadow Moth. They refuse to believe that you can create other emotions besides laughter. Well, you're going to show them that no one can play with their emotions better than you!

Harry: Trust me, my friend. I'll wipe the smiles off their faces. (Harry transforms into Psycomedian. The audience laughs.)

Psycomedian: So, it's true. You'll never take me seriously. (Adrien rushes away. Pyscomedian's face turns into angry mode and honks his nose at them as they begin to battle each other.)

"What did he just do?" Adrien asked curiously as well as everyone else about Psycomedian's powers.

"His power is to make his audience feel any emotion that he wants to. For example, he just made them angry," Angel explained and everyone else nodded in understanding, though still shocked at the idea.

Adrien: Talk about dark comedy.

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Cat Noir.)

Bob: Forty years in the business and I've never seen this. A comedian who doesn't wanna do comedy! Can you believe that!

Psycomedian: Hey, Bob! Wanna laugh? I've got something for you! (Bob runs away.)

Marinette: Okay!

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: (unhappily) Tikki, spots on! Ha! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug.)

Scene: Outside Grand Palais.

Psycomedian: Where are you running to, Bob?

Civilian #1: Hey!

Civilian #2: Harry, you owe us a show!

Psycomedian: I can fix that! You'd rather be laughing? (face turns into laughter, causing them to laugh) Or crying? Boohoo! (face turns into sadness, causing them to cry)

Ladybug: You've lost your sense of humor, Harry.

Psycomedian: I'd like to think I've gained a wide range of emotions, Ladybug. From now on, I am Psycomedian.

Cat Noir: Cute name. I'm not sure how I'm "feline" about it.

Psychomedian: From now on, people will take me seriously and tremble with fear! (honks at them)

Ladybug: Don't look at him!

Cat Noir: No problem. I don't like creepy clown faces anyway.

Psycomedian: Thanks for the compliment. (Pyscomedian jumps up, lands down and fights Ladybug and Cat Noir and honks at the civilians, causing them to charge them.)

Ladybug: The akuma could be in his red nose!

Cat Noir: I'll take care of it. Cata-

Ladybug: Not so fast! We need a plan to get close to him without making eye contact. (Pyscomedian lands on top of the bus as Ladybug and Cat Noir jump off.)

Psycomedian: You wanna play cat and ladybug?

Cat Noir: For a comedian, he's really not that funny.

Ladybug: That's his problem actually. He doesn't wanna make people laugh anymore. Lucky Charm! (A makeup case appears) A makeup case?

"See? Whenever you cast your Lucky Charm, you change into your new Ladybug suit," Angel pointed out to Marinette about Ladybug's upgraded suit much to the excited astonishment of her and everyone else.

Cat Noir: Perfect for going out in style.

Ladybug: Of course! I can defeat him with my eyes closed.

Cat Noir: You mean... literally?

Ladybug: Yes. But you'll have to be my eyes, kitty. (winks)

Cat Noir: Clever, m'lady.

"You know, I've never heard of people making fake eyes on their eyelids when their real eyes are closed," Angel pointed out and everyone else (including Marinette herself) murmured in agreement, feeling the same way.

Scene: Parisian streets.

Psycomedian: Huh? You lose, my friend! (lands down) That's so sad! Boohoo! (face turns into sadness as he honks the horn)

Ladybug: (does a fake cry) Ohhh! Noooo!

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Such a beautiful emotion, Psycomedian. Seize her Miraculous! (Pyscomedian starts to move his hand slowly to Ladybug's earrings.)

Cat Noir: Now, Ladybug!

Ladybug: Boohoo! (opens her eyes and snatches his nose)

Psycomedian: Hey! That's not fair!

Ladybug: Cat Noir, now! (tosses Psycomedian's nose to Cat Noir)

Cat Noir: Cataclysm! (destroys the nose)

Ladybug: No more evil-doing for you, li- (sees that the akuma is not here) What?!

Psycomedian: (cackles) You're just a couple of amateurs! (Pyscomedian's face turns into madness, controlling Ladybug.)

"UH-OH!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed, nervous to see what emotion Psycomedian has set for Ladybug on-screen.

Psycomedian: This time I've got you!

Ladybug: You're gonna PAY FOR THAT, PSYCOMEDIAN! (Ladybug, in angry mode, starts to destroy Psycomedian, causing a lot of damage).

"Well, that wasn't very intelligent of him," Mr. Damocles said in response to Ladybug's brainwashed anger on-screen thanks to Psycomedian.

"I know! He could've made me laugh. He could've made me cry. But instead, he decided to pump me full of rage?!" Marinette asked in exasperation in which everyone else chuckled in agreement.

Cat Noir: Ooooh! It was a bad idea to get her angry. (A car falls down on the civilians as Cat Noir saves them. Ladybug attempts to punch Psycomedian but he grabs her wrist and throws her away as Cat Noir catches her and lands her. Ladybug ends up fighting Cat Noir.)

Cat Noir: Hey! I didn't do anything!


Psycomedian: Quite irritating, right, kitty? (faces turns into madness)

Cat Noir: M'lady, things are looking up!


Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Don't let them get away! Ladybug is right there!

Psycomedian: If they want to defeat me, they'll have to come and see me play - and I will choose the stage for their last performance. (walks away)

Scene: Parisian Streets.

Cat Noir: M'lady, Psycomedian made you lose control of your emotions. Just breathe. Calm down.


"Jeez, M! You look like you have an extreme case of PMS!" Alix snorted in response to Ladybug's brainwashed anger in which all the females in the room loudly giggled in agreement while the males (except for one) looked a bit uncomfortable at the mention of that topic.

"Um, what's PMS?" Adrien asked curiously as he raised his hand, causing some surprised stares from the others.

"Adrien, your father did teach you about puberty and adolescence, right?" Miss Bustier asked her student curiously as well as everyone else.

"Actually, Nathalie taught me. Well, on the guys' side of things. Not the girls," Adrien answered truthfully, still clueless about what happens to girls.

"Allow me," Tom reluctantly said as he came closer to Adrien and started whispering in his ear for more information about the facts of life. The more Tom explained, the more wide Adrien's eyes got in shock.

"And girls get this every month?!" Adrien asked very loudly in which Tom nodded in confirmation, which brought out blushes of embarrassment from the girls. "For the rest of their lives?!"

"Um, no. It usually stops when women are in their 50s. At the very least, late 40s," Tom answered and Adrien slowly nodded in understanding, though uncomfortable along with everyone else.

"I am so sorry, m'lady," Adrien then said as he turned to his girlfriend who gave him a confused stare along with the others.

"It's ok, kitty. It's a natural part of life. Nothing you have to apologize for. Can we just drop it now?" Marinette desperately asked to stop the subject of menstruation in which everyone else slowly nodded in agreement before Angel replayed the episode.

Cat Noir: We're about to detransform, we must find-


Cat Noir: Maybe once you transform, Psycomedian's spell will be broken. (Ladybug ends up being tied up in her yo-yo by Cat Noir.) Sorry, m'lady.

Scene: The sewers. Cat Noir jumps down with Ladybug being tied up.

Scene: Le Grand Paris. Bob runs inside, horrified.

Psycomedian: (kicks the door at Bob) Here's Harry!

Bob: Don't hurt me, Harry! I'm your producer!

Psycomedian: I'm not here to hurt you, Bob. I'm here to make you laugh as that's all you expect from me! (faces turns into laughter, causing Bob to laugh) Now you'll take me seriously and do my movie, huh?

Bob: (laughs) Never! That's a stupid idea!

Psycomedian: Read this scene and you'll see how touching it is!

Bob: (continues laughing) The only tears your audience will shed are tears of laughter!

Psycomedian: Wanna bet? Boohoohoo! (face turns into sadness, causing Bob to cry) Unless you want to spend your whole life crying, agree to do my film!

Scene: The sewers. Cat Noir detransforms back into Adrien and brings his Camembert to Plagg.

Adiren: Feeling any better, m'lady?


"NOPE!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed in amusement.

"And because she was transformed when she has been affected by the supervillain, Tikki's also been affected," Angel pointed out in which everyone else gave looks of shock at the idea of an angry Tikki.


Everyone in the audience (especially the kwamis) started snickering at the sight of Tikki eating her macaroon in an angry manner.

Adrien: (sighs) Maybe she'll calm down once she transforms again? (Plagg mumbles "I don't know")

Scene: Parisian rooftops.

Ladybug: LET ME OUT OF HERE! (Cat Noir sees Psycomedian making Bob laugh again.)

Cat Noir: Who still wears belt bags these days? No joke.


Cat Noir: Hey! Maybe the akuma's in something he keeps in there!


Cat Noir: Okay, but I can trust you not to do anything reckless, right?

Ladybug: RECKLESS? PROFESSOR RECKLESS CALLING ME RECKLESS?! THAT'S A JOKE! GRR! (Cat Noir sighs. He unwraps Ladybug.) LUCKY CHARM! (A helmet appears) SERIOUSLY?! (furiously destroys her helmet)

Cat Noir: Why'd you just do that!? It was obvious for once! We just had to put it on Psycomedian's eyes to keep him from using his powers!


"It was so obvious that it made me mad? That makes no sense!" Marinette said, shocked and exasperated at what she just did and said about her obvious Lucky Charm along with everyone else.

Cat Noir: Hey, leave my costume out of it. (Ladybug jumps off and swipes her other helmet.)

Civilian #3: Hey!

Cat Noir: Give us five minutes.

Scene: Le Grand Paris. Ladybug furiously appears with her eyes covered by Cat Noir's belt.

Psycomedian: Have you become blind with rage, Ladybug?

Cat Noir: Ha! That was funny!

Ladybug: YOU! YOU'RE ABOUT TO REGRET MAKING ME ANGRY! (Bob crawls off crying. Psycomedian and Ladybug begin fighting with such force. Cat Noir uses his Lucky Vision for the first time and looks at makeover items. Ladybug ends up throwing a fit while fighting Psycomedian.)

Psycomedian: You got something on your shirt, kitty?!


Cat Noir: Just a small touch right there... a little more there...

Ladybug: WHAT, ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE COLORING INSIDE THE LINES?! (Cat Noir quickly picks up the helmet and runs away. Ladybug throws a chair away and pushes Psycomedian as Cat Noir puts a helmet on Psycomedian's head. Ladybug uses her yo-yo to tie up Psycomedian.)

Cat Noir: There. He's immobilized. Let's go for the belt bag. Cataclysm! (destroys the belt bag as the akuma flies away)

Ladybug: THERE! IT'S OVER! EVERYONE CAN GO HOME NOW! TIME TO DE-EVILIZE! (catches the akuma) GOTCHA! (opens her yo-yo and a cured white butterfly flies out) GET LOST, LITTLE BUTTERFLY! (throws the broken helmet in the air) ALRIGHT ALREADY, MIRACULOUS LADYBUG! (The Miraculous Ladybug superpower gives the helmet back to the civilian, all the civilians back to normal, and Ladybug back to normal.)

"And then you change back into your old suit once you do your Miraculous cure," Angel pointed out further about Ladybug's upgraded suit in which everyone else nodded in understanding.

Ladybug: Phew.

Cat Noir: Feeling better, m'lady?

"Mental note: never anger Marinette!" Adrien said to himself and everyone else in which they (including Marinette herself) chuckled in agreement, seeing how scary she is when she's angry.

Ladybug: Yes. Thanks. (Psycomedian detransforms back into Harry. Ladybug takes a magical charm out of her yo-yo and hands it to Harry.) This is a magical charm. As long as you carry it with you, you can't get akumatized again.

Harry: Oh, thank you, Ladybug and Cat Noir. I really would've loved to have a superpower, just like you.

Ladybug: But you do have one, Harry. You make people happy!

Harry: I wish I could've touched their hearts.

Ladybug: Joy is an emotion. Probably the most beautiful and hardest one to create.

"Especially during these akuma times," Alya deadpanned in which everyone else murmured in agreement.

Harry: (becomes happy) Hey, Bob! (Bob slaps Harry's hand away.) Listen, Bob. My superhero movie could be moving and fun too! People will cry laughing when they see it! What do you think? Honk!

Bob: Heh.

Cat Noir: Maybe you should think about getting a new producer.

"NO KIDDING!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed, tired of Bob Roth and his ways.

Scene: Grand Palais

Tikki: Go on, Marinette. Just be yourself this time, and everything will go great. (Marinette walks inside.)

Marinette: Uh... Hey!

Adrien: Hey!

Marinette: Listen. I wanted to apologize for earlier in the line. I was trying to do Harry Clown's sketch, but... I don't have his natural comedic talent.

Adrien: Well it was a bit awkward. But you're wrong! For example this morning at school when you were talking to the girls, I had no idea what you were saying, but you were gesturing wildly, like this, and like that!

Marinette: Wait a minute, you mean you weren't laughing at Harry Clown's sketch?

Adrien: No, I don't think anyone can make me laugh more than Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Marinette: Oh, I make you laugh? Seriously?

Adrien: Mhm. (Marinette gasps in delight)

"Trust me, Dupain-Cheng: you are utterly ridiculously hilarious! Even without trying!" Chloe said to her former arch-rival who slightly frowned while everyone else laughed hard in agreement with the blonde girl.

"Anyway, the next episode is called Furious Fu. No need to guess who that is, right?" Angel announced as she had her head pointed towards Master Fu much to everyone else's shock (especially the old guardian himself and the kwamis).