
43. Sapotis

Scene: The Césaire apartment. Marinette is speaking to Marlena Césaire on her phone while Alya is playing with her little sisters Ella and Etta, who are both wearing propeller hats.

Marinette: Yes, Mrs. Césaire. The girls are ready for bed. Uh... technically speaking... (chuckles) Yeah, we're good. Enjoy the movie! (turns off her cellphone)

Alya: Come on, bedtime, you little monsters! That's enough mischief for one day! (picks up her sisters)

Ella and Etta: It's not us! It's the Sapotis! (laughing)

"What is the Sapotis?" Ivan asked Alya curiously as he's never heard of it before.

"That'll be answered soon," Angel said on Alya's behalf while Ivan and the rest of the audience nodded in understanding.

Scene: Ella and Etta's room. Alya tucks each of her sisters into bed.

Alya: Off to bed, little Sapotis. You need to rest if you wanna be fighting fit for tomorrow.

Etta: It's not fair! We don't wanna go to bed! We wanna stay up with you!

Ella: Yeah! We wanna watch the movie and tell each other lots of secrets!

"Why do little kids always wanna act like us big kids?" Nino asked in exasperation as he also has a little sibling with the same desire.

"That's just their creative way of saying that they look up to you big kids. As idols. Mentors," Sabine said to the people with little siblings and after some thought, they smiled to themselves proudly.

Alya: And what kind of zombies will you be at the amusement park tomorrow if you go to bed late? Show 'em, Marinette. (In the doorway, Marinette pretends to yawn and feel exhausted after she wakes up in the morning) So what's it gonna be? Boring sit-down pajama party with the big kids, or...the super-fun cool amusement park tomorrow?

Ella and Etta: The amusement park! (both settle down to sleep)

Alya: That's what I thought. So, goodnight, Sapotis. (reaches down to remove Ella's hat)

Ella: Wait! Can we keep 'em on? Please?

Alya: All right. But go to sleep now. (turns off the light before closing the door and leaving the room)

Scene: Living room. Alya sets down a tray with a pitcher of orange juice and two glasses on the coffee table, and transfers the tray's contents to the table.

Marinette: (getting out two plates and spoons in the kitchen) You seriously have a technique down with your little sisters. But... uh, who are the Sapa... Sapo...?

Alya: The Sapotis? They're little monsters from a créole fable... who are always pulling pranks and making all sorts of mischief. (Marinette takes a tray with two slices of cantaloupe out of the refrigerator) Now that we're all alone I can finally tell you. (pulls out her phone) Apparently Ladybug has been around at least since the pharaohs. But no way can the Ladybug we know can be five thousand years old! So, I downloaded a great app that analyzed some recordings I had of her talking. Based on the frequencies of her voice, it turns out she's a girl our age!

"Uh oh! Alya's on yet another "Unmasking Ladybug" mission!" Adrien mockingly exclaimed in exasperation and everybody laughed harder in agreement except for Alya who just slightly frowned and pouted.

Marinette: Euhh.. (looks away from Alya's phone) Uh...Alya? The orange juice? (Marinette and Alya hear Ella and Etta chuckling. Alya looks over the couch to see that the pitcher of orange juice has been completely emptied. Alya groans)

Scene: Ella and Etta's room. Alya wipes both twins' mouths with a napkin.

Ella and Etta: It's not us! It's the Sapotis! (Alya leaves the room again when the twins both settle back in to sleep.)

Scene: Living room

Alya: What were we saying again?

Marinette: (sets the tray of cantaloupe on the coffee table) Uhh... (runs over to the TV and picks up some DVD cases) We were about to watch a movie! (chuckles and grins. She holds out three movie cases, but then notices that she's showing a DVD of a Ladybug anime; so she switches it to show the Kond Le Chien movie before chuckling again.)

"Ugh! Curse that anime!" Marinette exclaimed in exasperation and the audience especially Alya laughed hard in response.

Alya: Oh, yeah! Ladybug! She's like a high school girl. So to figure out who she really is, all we need to do is to find a girl our age who's always late—

Marinette: (interrupting) Don't you think there's a reason why she keeps her identity a secret? (Marinette and Alya gasp when they hear Ella and Etta chuckling again. They look to see that the two pieces of cantaloupe have been eaten. Alya groans again.)

Scene: Ella and Etta's room

Alya: (tensely) All right, that's enough! Get out of bed one more time and no one'll be going to the amusement park tomorrow!

Ella and Etta: (chuckling) It's not us! It's the Sa—

Alya: This is your last warning! No! Joke! (Ella nods. Alya leaves the room again when the twins both settle back down.)

"I hope our kids in the future won't be this bad!" Alya blurted out in exasperation and then quickly covered her mouth once she realized that Nino had heard her.

"D-d-did you say OUR kids, babe?" Nino asked nervously with a blush.

"Well, I was hoping. I mean Adrien's already okay with having kids with Marinette in the future. Why can't we?" Alya asked her boyfriend.

"Don't worry, babe. I'm not turned off by the idea. Just surprised. That's all," Nino quickly explained and Alya sighed in relief, causing everybody else to giggle in response.

Scene: Living room

Alya: What were you saying about her secret identity?

Marinette: Ladybug needs it to protect her family and friends. Otherwise the villains could use them to get to her. (Marinette and Alya once again hear Ella and Etta chuckling. They look to see that someone is using the remote to select an episode of Kond Le Chien. Alya walks in front of TV and groans angrily. Ella and Etta respond with laughter.)

Ella and Etta: It's not us! It's the—!

Alya: That's it! (picks up the twins)

Scene: Ella and Etta's room. Alya carries the twins to bed.

Ella and Etta: Come on, Alya! We won't do it again!

Alya: Yeah? Well, it's too late! (takes off both twins' propeller hats) We'll all go to the park when you can behave, some other day! Now go to sleep! (Alya leaves and shuts the door. Ella and Etta both start to cry.)

"Whoa! Harsh, Alya," Kim said in response to the scene on-screen.

"Well, when little kids test your patience, you gotta be very firm with them! That's probably why Lila's the way she is. Not enough discipline," Alya said in her defense and points to Lila. After serious consideration, everybody murmured in agreement except for Lila of course.

"Oh, shut up, you wannabe reporter!" Lila growled in response, but everyone ignored her and turned their attention back to the screen.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair

Hawk Moth: "I don't want another peep out of you!", "Wash your hands!", "Clean your room!". Kids should be able to do whatever they want to do, however they want to do it. (turns a butterfly into an akuma) Fly, my little evil one and akumatize them! (The akuma flies out the window)

"He must be very desperate for your Miraculouses. No good parent would ever say that in a million years," Tom noted about Adrien's supervillain father and everybody chuckled in agreement.

Scene: Césaire apartment living room

Alya: Well, if I knew who Ladybug really was, I'd keep it a secret. I would even help her! Like say, if you were Ladybug, I'd cover for you — when you needed to transform in school, go fight the "baddies", you know?

"And that's a promise, girl!" Alya quickly added, now that she knows her best friend actually is Ladybug and Marinette smiled at her in response.

Marinette: Oh yeah? Well, if I was Ladybug I wouldn't even tell you, to protect you from the "baddies", you know?

Alya: You serious? If I was Ladybug, I'd totally tell you! Because I tell my best friend everything.

Marinette: You're right, Alya. You should always tell your best friend everything. So come on. Spill the beans. Are you actually Ladybug?

"Well, I suppose that's one way for her not to look at you as a suspect," Kagami said, lightly giggling and everyone else followed suit.

Alya: Right. Like I'm telling you. Nuh-uh. (she and Marinette laugh)

Scene: Ella and Etta's room. The akuma enters through the window while the twins are fighting over a propeller hat.

Etta: It's mine!

Ella: No, this one's mine!

Etta: No, it's mine! (The akuma enters the propeller hat that the twins are fighting over. Both twins stand still with the light mask over their faces.)

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Sapotis, I am Hawk Moth. Your big sister's telling you what to do? Well, I'll let you be as mischievous as you want!

"So, if two or more people touch the same object infected by an akuma, they'd all be akumatized?" Luka asked curiously.

"Apparently so. It has happened more than once, you know. Like Alya and Nino who were both akumatized as Oblivio," Adrien pointed out.

"Not to mention Alya, Rose and Juleka when they were akumatized thanks to Adrien's identical-looking cousin," Marinette pointed out another example and everyone else nodded in understanding, remembering those experiences as well.

Ella and Etta: And do whatever we want? Like, stay up all night?! And go to the movies? And eat lots of desserts!? And drink orange juice?! And still go to the amusement park?!

Hawk Moth: Yes, yes! But calm down. From now on, no one will ever be able to punish you, because it will always be another Sapoti's fault. All you have to do is to take Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous, and give them to your good friend, Hawk Moth. Okay?

"Yeah, I doubt my sisters listened to that over having the ability to do whatever they want!" Alya snorted and everybody else giggled in amused agreement.

Ella and Etta: Okay! (both turn into Sapotis)

Scene: Living room. Marinette and Alya are watching Kond Le Chien. Alya and Marinette hear laughter in the twins' room.

Alya: That's it! I've totally had it with these kids! (marches over to the twins' room) Don't even try to blame this on the... (sees that her sisters have both turned into a pair of actual Sapotis) Sapotis? (The Sapotis jump out of the room, knocking Alya over, and start eating the food remnants on the coffee table.)

"Never using the Sapotis with my sisters ever again!" Alya promised to herself in exasperation and everyone else giggled in response.

Marinette: Maybe you were a little too strict with them. (The Sapotis suddenly multiply themselves and start to cause chaos in the room.)

Alya: Normally when you're firm with kids they don't turn into monsters! (Alya notices that a Sapoti is drinking from the fish tank. She tries to catch it but it leaps away. More Sapotis appear out of the fridge and make a huge mess in the room.)

Marinette: They're multiplying after they eat! (ducks down when a book flies toward her head) Aah!

Sapoti: (spying an open window) Window!

Alya: Marinette, the window! We can't let them out! (Marinette gasps, and tries to catch one of the Sapotis, but it and all but two of the clones escape from the apartment) Marinette, take care of these two! We've gotta bring them back! (Alya rushes out of her apartment and sees that the Sapoti clones are already causing chaos in the streets. The two remaining Sapotis also escape from the apartment. Tikki flies from Marinette into view next to her.)

Marinette: Time to transform!

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: Tikki, spots on! Ha! (Marinette in her pajamas transforms into Ladybug.)

Scene: Streets of Paris. Outside Le Grand Paris, Jagged Stone and Penny Rolling enter a limousine.

Penny: To the airport.

Sapoti: (turns to look back at the passengers from the driver's seat) Rock n' roll!

Penny: Hey, what's going on? (she and Jagged start to scream when two Sapoti clones start to drive the limousine at a fast speed)

Sapotis: Left and right! Right! (Nearby, another Sapoti clone falls into a garbage bin.) Whoa! (A garbageman dumps the bin into the back of a garbage truck, and numerous multiplied clones escape. Meanwhile, Théo Barbot is giving a tour to a couple on his rickshaw.)

Théo: On your left, La Académie des Beaux-Arts. And on your right, the Louvre museum. (The bus door next to him opens to reveal Sapoti clones. They attack Théo and the couple. Five of the clones ride off on the rickshaw.)

Sapoti driver: On the right...

Sapoti pedaler: La, la, la, la.

Sapoti rider: Wow! (Elsewhere, a man is whistling while sweeping the street.)

Sapoti: (through a traffic cone) Traffic! (Startled, the man falls down and sees the Sapoti clones laughing as they continue to cause a huge mess around him.)

"Ugh! Is there a limit on how many of those utterly ridiculous little monsters can multiply?!" Chloe asked in exasperation.

"It appears there is no limit when it comes to Hawk Moth's powers," Master Fu said in concern.

Scene: Adrien's room. Adrien is watching the news.

Nadja: (on TV) These miniature monsters seem to be attacking more and more people throughout Paris! (Two Sapoti clones attack Nadja) And...oh! (The screen shows the Sapotis rampaging in the streets of Paris. Another clone appears with a blonde wig to "report" the scene.)

Despite the danger the Sapotis monsters had caused, everybody had to burst into laughter at one Sapotis clone acting like a reporter in a blonde wig.

Adrien: I think we better take care of this, Plagg. Plagg?

Plagg: (hides all of his Camembert in a cupboard) These food thieves are real dangers! (closes the door) What are you waiting for?!

"Really, Plagg?!" Both Tikki and Wayzz asked their fellow kwami in exasperation.

"In case you haven't noticed, those little monsters can eat anything! I had to protect my cheese at all costs!" Plagg said in defense, causing the other kwamis to groan and everybody else to laugh in response.

[Transformation Sequence]

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (Adrien transforms into Cat Noir.)

Scene: Parisian streets. The Sapoti clones continue to cause chaos. One of the clones is looking at an opened traffic light control panel when Ladybug and Cat Noir both appear surrounding it.

Ladybug: It's forbidden...

Cat Noir: ...To play around with traffic lights! (The clone falls and gets its legs tangled in the wires.)

Ladybug: You're just in time, kitty. (removes the Sapoti's propeller hat and breaks it, but the akuma doesn't come out and instead the clone disappears)

Cat Noir: How'd you know to destroy the monster's hat?

Ladybug: I...uh... Trial and error.

Cat Noir: But no akuma's been released!

Ladybug: No, 'cause that monster was a clone! (A Sapoti clone leaps past in between them) These Sapotis multiply every time they eat. To get to the akuma, we'll have to destroy the original one — the very first one Hawk Moth akumatized.

Cat Noir: So you mean we've gotta catch 'em all.

Ladybug: Come on! I thought you liked a good challenge! (Cat Noir groans. He and Ladybug then work together destroying Sapoti clones in order to find the original Sapotis' akuma, but without success.)

Scene: Pont des Arts bridge. The Sapoti clones are messing with André and his ice cream stand. Two of the clones are bouncing on André's back while the rest are eating some ice cream. The supers show up to see that the clones have multiplied further.

"Ugh! My sisters eating so much ice-cream as themselves is bad enough!" Alya said in exasperation to the scene in front of them.

Cat Noir: Hey, don't eat that ice cream or things'll get catastrophic!

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Seize their Miraculous! (The clones all charge forward, leading Ladybug and Cat Noir to try to take them all down; but the heroes end up surrounded.)

Cat Noir: We won't be able to destroy all their hats! There's too many of them!

Sapotis: Miraculous!

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (A teapot appears)

Cat Noir: A teapot?

"I gotta agree with Adrien. That one single teapot to defeat all these little monsters?!" Marc asked in shock as well as everybody else except for the heroes, Master Fu, and the kwamis.

"I didn't defeat them with that teapot. Sometimes the Lucky Charms tell me to go see Master Fu to get a Miraculous for a temporary ally. This teapot led me to get the Fox Miraculous for Rena Rouge," Marinette explained to everybody else who murmured in understanding.

Ladybug: It's strangely familiar. (Cat Noir starts to take down more of the clones while Ladybug tries her Lucky Vision, to no avail) It's weird. I can't find anything!

Cat Noir: Hurry up! My kung-fu's not enough!

Ladybug: (looks at the teapot again, thinking of Cat Noir's words) Of course! I know someone who can help! Gotta go! (turns to leave)

Cat Noir: Right now? Can't it wait?

Ladybug: No, it can't. You've gotta trust me on this one.

Sapotis: Miraculous!

Cat Noir: (twirls his staff at the clones) Go on, M'Lady! (Ladybug leaps away to her destination.)

Scene: Fu's massage shop. Master Fu is drinking a cup of tea.

"See? Master Fu is drinking tea the same time I got that teapot," Marinette pointed out and everybody nodded in understanding though still shocked.

Master Fu: (hears knocking on his door) Mmm. It's open.

Marinette: (opens the door) Hello, Master Fu.

Master Fu: Hello, Marinette.

Wayzz: (flies out of the gramophone's pavilion) Marinette? But you're not supposed to come to Master Fu's place!

Master Fu: Let her talk, Wayzz.

Marinette: Master, I used my Lucky Charm, but strangely, I think it was a hint which was telling me to come here in a way.

Master Fu: I see.

Wayzz: Hmm?

Master Fu: Marinette, I taught you all about the Miraculous and their powers. You know that yours works in a very mysterious way. I think it's trying to tell us that you need help this time. (stands on top of a stool to access the gramophone, but then hesitates) I don't know if it's safe. I already took an enormous risk by putting two Miraculous into circulation.

Marinette: And you were right to do it. Cat Noir and I are very careful.

Master Fu: Hmmm. (opens the gramophone to reveal the Chinese Miracle Box, and places the box between him and Marinette.) Marinette, pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you in this mission. (All of the chest drawers open to reveal the current fourteen Miraculouses stored inside, including twelve never before shown.)

Marinette: Wow!

Master Fu: Choose wisely. Such powers are meant to serve the greater good. They must never get into the wrong hands.

Marinette: Like Hawk Moth's.

Master Fu: Yes. Once the mission is over, you must retrieve the Miraculous from them and bring it back to me. Until we've unlocked all the secrets of the spellbook, it's too dangerous to allow any more Miraculous to be out in the open for very long.

"So, those Miraculouses are only out for loan?" Mylene asked curiously.

"Yes. Even though Ladybug and Cat Noir are going to need help from allies every once in a while, it is still very dangerous to have more permanent holders since it is already a big risk to have the two most powerful ones out right now," Master Fu explained and everyone else nodded in understanding.

Marinette: Mmm.

Master Fu: Is there anyone you can think of, Marinette? (Marinette is about to grab the Bee Miraculous, but changes her mind and takes the Fox Miraculous instead.)

Marinette: Yes, Master. I know just the right person!

Master Fu: (nods) Mmm.

Alya secretly smiled at the fact that her best friend trusts her enough with the Fox Miraculous.

Scene: The Place des Vosges. Several Sapoti clones are hanging onto poles of the spinning carousel.

Alya: Listen! We can renegotiate the amusement park idea if you want, 'kay? But first, I need you to chill out and come back home with me. (Ladybug shows up in front of Alya. Using her yo-yo, she stops the carousel and then removes all the propeller hats from the clones, making them all disappear.)

Alya: Ladybug! My sisters have been akumatized! I need to find them and bring them back home!

Ladybug: There's a way for you to find your sisters. But we're gonna need your help! You interested?

Alya: (excitedly) Me? Help you superheroes? You bet I am! Just wait till I tell Marinette about this! (takes out her phone)

Ladybug: Hold on now. This has to be a secret. Not a word to your friends or on the Ladyblog.

Alya: Oh, right. (puts phone away) Understood.

Ladybug: (as she holds out the Miraculous box to Alya) Alya Césaire, here is the Miraculous of the Fox, which grants the power of illusion. You will use it for the greater good. (Alya takes the box) Once the job is done, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?

"YOU'RE RENA ROUGE?!" Everyone excluding Marinette, Nino, Master Fu, and the kwamis asked Alya in shock while she stood up.

"Guilty!" Alya said with a shrug while somewhat excited.

"This all makes sense! If Marinette is Ladybug, it is obvious that the first person she would choose for a hero would be her superhero-loving best friend," Alix said with a chuckle, thinking about it and everyone else nodded in agreement.

"And hasn't anyone noticed that Rena Rouge and Carapace have always flirted with each other? If Nino is Carapace, it would make sense that Rena Rouge is his girlfriend, Alya," Sabrina pointed out after the revelation and everybody nodded after realizing it.

"Wait! So, that means you two know about each other?!" Rose asked both Alya and Nino who both nodded.

"I already figured out Nino was Carapace during his debut. His body might be disguised, but his mouth isn't," Alya said with a laugh while her boyfriend playfully frowned at her. Most of the audience laughed with her.

"Plus during the Heroes' Day disaster, they were forced to transform in front of each other since I didn't have time to invent cover stories so that I could give each of them their Miraculouses and they transform separately," Marinette explained and the temporary hero couple nodded in confirmation.

"OK, now we know Alya is Rena Rouge. Before we turn back to the episode, I have one more thing I need to do," Angel said before snapping her fingers. After her finger snap, Trixx the Fox Kwami appears.

"Where am I? ALYA?!" Trixx asked then immediately rushed to his holder when he spotted her.

"What's up, Trixx?!" Alya said with excitement as she hugged her kwami, then stood up to introduce him. "Everybody, this is my kwami, Trixx." Everyone greeted the kwami with Rose once again gushing on how cute he and the other kwamis are, the other kwamis explained about everything that's happened here in the other dimension, and Trixx decided to sit next to her holder to watch the show.

"All right, back to the show to see Alya's first battle as Rena Rouge!" Angel announced before replaying the episode.

Alya: Totally, Ladybug. (Ladybug nods her head. Alya places the box in the palm of her hand and opens it. A glow appears out of the box) Wha? What is that thing? (Trixx appears between Ladybug and Alya.)

Trixx: I am not a thing. My name is Trixx, and I'm your kwami!

Alya: My kwami? I know! You're what gives superheroes their superpowers, right?

Trixx: (to Ladybug) Not bad.

Ladybug: She's an expert.

Alya: Mind blown! (to Ladybug) By the way, how old are you? Do you have any idea of Cat Noir's true identity? There's no way—

Ladybug: Stay focused, Alya.

Alya: Sorry, Ladybug. (puts on the necklace)

Ladybug: Ready to become a superhero?

Trixx: You just need to say one thing: "Trixx, let's pounce!"

[Transformation Sequence]

Alya: Trixx, let's pounce! (Alya transforms into Rena Rouge for the first time.)

Everybody widened their eyes in excitement and awe of Alya's transformation into Rena Rouge.

Rena Rouge: This is so awesome! But I look like Lila when she was akumatized in this suit.

"No way, Alya! You look WAY better than Volpina over there!" Marinette complimented her best friend while pointing to Lila who growled.

"Marinette's right, babe. You look way hot!" Nino said about her Rena Rouge disguise and everybody else all murmured in agreement including Chloe except for one obvious person.

"Excuse me?! But who's the model around here?!" Lila asked with a frown.

"Adrien," Marinette answered jokingly and everybody laughed hard in response while Lila just growled in response.

Ladybug: Yes, but the superhero version! Come on; I'll explain the rest to you on the way! (Ladybug swings her yo-yo to get up to a building's roof. Rena Rouge jumps up to follow her, shrieking by opera in amazement. She looks around Paris as they both jump from roof to roof.)

Rena Rouge: Wow! This is so cool!

Ladybug: Mission first! (Ladybug and Rena Rouge continue to jump to look for Cat Noir.)

Scene: Parisian streets. Cat Noir continues to try to take down the Sapoti clones.

Cat Noir: Huh? (as more clones appear behind a truck, he uses his staff to knock some of them down) What's taking so long, Ladybug?

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) There, my Sapotis! Take his Miraculous from him! (The Sapoti clones pile on top of Cat Noir, trapping him. One of them is about to take his ring off, but Ladybug arrives just in time to break the propellers and cause all the clones in the pile to disappear. Ladybug and Rena Rouge start to take down the clones one by one.)

Rena Rouge: This is so insane! I've got powers and I'm fighting super-villains! (Cat Noir looks up to see both Ladybug and Rena Rouge in heroic poses.)

Cat Noir: Whoa! Who's this superhero friend of yours? No offense, but I thought I was the only one!

Ladybug: Cat Noir, I like to meet...uh...

Rena Rouge: Uh... Rena Rouge! Yeah, my name is Rena Rouge!

Cat Noir: Well, sneaky fox, think you'll be as sneaky as a cat?

Ladybug: Um...

Rena Rouge: I don't know. Should we take bets? (rings Cat Noir's collar bell)

Cat Noir: Your friend seems pretty good.

Ladybug: I surround myself with only the best!

Cat Noir: (to Rena Rouge) Welcome to our team! If you need any cool superhero tips, you know where to come! (kisses her hand chivalrously)

"Are you flirting with my girl, dude?!" Nino asked his best friend with a playful frown.

"No! I was just being chivalrous towards a new girl," Adrien said, his hands up in defense and everybody including Nino laughed hard in response.

Rena Rouge: (teasingly) Really? You're gonna give me Ladybug's phone number? (Ladybug chuckles at her in amusement)

Cat Noir: I have a feeling working with you is gonna be a lot of fun!

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) A new hero. So I was right! There are indeed other Miraculous in the city! Sapotis, listen to me! Three superheroes are nothing against you! There are still enough of you to destroy everything! So band together and take their Miraculous, or I'll remove your powers and there'll be no more mischief! (The Sapoti clones all come together and block the three superheroes' way.)

Rena Rouge: We're surrounded!

Ladybug: We're retreating! (The superheroes all run off and jump up to retreat on top of the columns of a building.)

Cat Noir: There must be thousands of them!

Ladybug: Lucky Charm! (A unicycle appears)

Cat Noir: A unicycle? (Ladybug looks around with her Lucky Vision and sees the rickshaw, a garbage bin, four rakes, two traffic cones, Cat Noir's staff, Rena Rouge's flute, and finally the unicycle. She gasps when she notices that some of the clones have already climbed up to the roof.)

Sapoti: Miraculous!

Cat Noir: Whenever you're ready, M'Lady! (he and Rena Rouge leap away. Ladybug jumps down. She uses her yo-yo to get the garbage bin.)

Sapotis: (through the traffic cone) Hello! (Ladybug grabs one clone's traffic cone)

Sapoti: (through the traffic cone) Traffic!

Rena Rouge: Rakes? Unicycle wheel? Traffic cone? Tape? Trash can! Do you always make it this complicated when you're saving Paris?

"I thought you already knew, Alya! Aren't you my biggest fan?!" Marinette jokingly answered in shock to the question Rena Rouge asked on-screen.

"Cute, girl. Cute," Alya deadpanned, making her best friend and everybody else laugh.

Ladybug: Trust me, Rena Rouge. (Cat Noir lowers his extended staff to create a beam so they can cross over to another building) Here we go! (One of the Sapoti clones is about to follow them, but Cat Noir pulls his staff away from it. The other clones catch it from falling as the heroes push the garbage bin to another location to carry out Ladybug's plan.)

Scene: Hôtel de Ville. The clones are wreaking havoc inside the building. Some of them draw onto a portrait of André Bourgeois with a black permanent marker while others are posing for a picture in front of a bust sculpture.

Sapotis: Cheese! (The clones in the building all stop what they're doing when they hear Ladybug's voice.)

"Too bad they're evil and wild. Those little monsters would make fun pets if tamed," Alix joked and everyone else gave her looks that say exasperated but amused.

Ladybug: (riding on the rickshaw while yelling through the traffic cone) Hear ye, hear ye! Sapoti-Land, the amusement park of the future, is about to open! Mischief of all types are permitted in Sapoti-land! All-you-can-eat desserts! Fountains of orange juice! Big-kid movies and video games! (On a roof, Rena Rouge tapes the unicycle and rakes together.)

Cat Noir: All right, Rena Rouge! Time to use your power!

Rena Rouge: (takes out her flute) I've never tried it. I hope it works.

Cat Noir: Just think of the illusion you want to create. Stay focused!

Rena Rouge: (blows onto her flute and forms a ball of energy at the far end of it) Mirage! (throws the ball of energy and creates an illusion of an amusement park. The Sapoti clones all charge toward it) Awesome! (gasps when she hears a beep) My necklace is flashing. Um, that means I'm gonna change back soon, right?

"Impressive illusion for a first time, Alya," Kagami complimented the girl and everybody else murmured in agreement except for Lila who just silently stewed in jealousy. Then, they laughed when Alya stood up with a proud pose.

Cat Noir: Yeah. But it's okay if I see who you are. I can keep a secret.

Rena Rouge: Naughty kitty. You know very well that our identities must remain secret.

"And yet she keeps trying to find out mine," Marinette deadpanned while Alya stuck her tongue at her, making everybody else laugh.

Cat Noir: Good job. You're a fast learner.

Rena Rouge: (doing high-five gestures with Cat Noir) If you need any superhero tips, you know where to come.

Cat Noir: Mm-hmm.

Ladybug: (to the Sapoti clones) Follow me, and I'll take you to Sapoti-Land! Where there's no bedtime! Where everything goes!

Sapotis: Sapoti-Land!

Hawk Moth: (from his lair) No, wait! Don't go there! Ladybug's trying to trap you! (After the rickshaw bumps into two buildings, Ladybug jumps forward into the narrow alley between them.)

"Hawk Moth sure doesn't know my sisters at all!" Alya jokingly said and everybody else laughed in agreement.

Sapotis: Sapoti-Land! (The clones all jump past the rickshaw and continue to run into the alley)

Ladybug: Phase two, Cat Noir! Now! (Cat Noir places his staff into the unicycle to form an axle) Step right up! Step right up! The Sapotis get in for free!

Cat Noir: All the Sapotis are in the alley! Phase three!

Rena Rouge: Is this really gonna work?

Cat Noir: Oh, don't worry. Sometimes it's even more absurd than this! (places the unicycle in the alley) Your turn, Ladybug! (Ladybug jumps up to use her yo-yo to start the wheel of the unicycle spinning. The rakes on each side knock all the hats off the clones as they run underneath, and Rena Rouge and Cat Noir catch them in the garbage bin. Shortly the illusion disappears and all the clones are surprised to see that "Sapoti-Land" is gone.)

Rena Rouge: We've got all the hats, Ladybug!

Cat Noir: Cataclysm! (disintegrates the garbage bin with the hats. Ladybug jumps up and kicks the garbage bin into black dust, destroying it along with all the hats. The Sapotis clones all disappear, leaving two remaining. The two Sapotis turn back into Ella and Etta.)

Ella and Etta: Huh? (The akuma appears out of the dust.)

Ladybug: No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (captures the akuma and purifies it) Gotcha! (releases the now purified akuma) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! (The Miraculous Wave fixes all the damage caused)

Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Rena Rouge: (3-way fist-bump) Pound it! (They jump down from the roof and land in front of Ella and Etta)

"Pound it!" Marinette, Adrien and Alya did a 3-way fist bump and then the main couple kissed afterwards in victory.

Rena Rouge: Etta—! (Ladybug stops her from saying one of the twins' names) Uh...gotta get going! Uh...before I transform back!

Cat Noir: Looking forward to fighting villains with you again, Rena Rouge!

Ladybug: (to Rena Rouge) I'll join you.

Rena Rouge: Bye, kitty! (heads off into the alley)

Cat Noir: Meow!

Ladybug: Cat Noir, can you make sure the two girls get back home safely? (Cat Noir nods)

Cat Noir: (to Ella and Etta) Okay, who's gonna tell me where you live?

Ella and Etta: (pouncing onto Cat Noir) I will! (Ladybug watches them chuckling before she leaves to follow Rena Rouge.)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair

Hawk Moth: You and your friends have defeated me this time, Ladybug! But thanks to you, now I know there are other Miraculous in Paris! And most likely, a guardian!

Scene: Parisian streets. Ladybug and Rena Rouge land, and the latter detransforms.

Alya: (to Trixx) That was unreal!

Ladybug: You've really helped us a lot. Thank you, Alya. (holds out her hand to take back the Fox Miraculous)

Alya: Uh... You know, if I held onto it, I could help you again.

Ladybug: You made a promise.

Alya: Oh please, Ladybug! We'd make a great team! I could help Cat Noir and you every day!

"Alya, you're starting to sound like Chloe when she kept asking for the Bee Miraculous," Marinette pointed out and everybody giggled in agreement including Chloe.

"Well, excuse me if that was something I've been waiting for my entire life!" Alya retorted back.

Ladybug: (her earrings ring) I'm about to transform back! Hurry!

Alya: Please?

Ladybug: I have to go! I'm trusting you! (opens a nearby door and goes inside, so she can detransform)

Trixx: You're absolutely right, Alya. I'm sure the three of you would make quite the team! You have all the makings of a true superhero. You're strong, brave; but most of all, you're trustworthy. (Remembering her promise, Alya frowns in remorse. Inside the building, Ladybug transforms back into Marinette. She sighs disappointedly because Alya refused to return the Fox Miraculous. She gasps when she suddenly hears a sound outside. Tikki hides behind Marinette when someone opens the door. They look down to see Alya's hand place the box inside the door before it shuts again. Marinette chuckles in relief.)

"Nice use of reverse psychology, Trixx," Max complimented the newly-arrived kwami and everyone else giggled in agreement.

"Well, we foxes are pretty sneaky that way," Trixx jokingly pointed out with a giggle.

Scene: Fu's massage shop. Master Fu places the Fox Miraculous back into the chest.

Master Fu: You made the right choice, Marinette. Thanks to you, Paris has been saved from evil yet again. (Marinette chuckles)

Scene: Césaire apartment. Alya opens the door when Marinette rings the doorbell.

Alya: Marinette! Are you okay?

Marinette: I tried calling you tons of times! Why weren't you answering?

Alya: Wait till you hear! Something crazy happened to me!

Marinette: Really? What happened?

Alya: I...well...my battery died. (chuckles nervously) Can you believe it? My brand new phone. Super letdown, huh?

"Your phone battery died?! That's your cover story?!" Chloe asked the girl in exasperation.

"Excuse me if I couldn't come up with anything better!" Alya retorted back and everyone else laughed in response.

Marinette: (chuckles) I'm just glad you're safe. (hugs Alya)

Alya: Ditto. (After they hug, Alya puts a tray with a pitcher of orange juice and two empty glasses on the coffee table) Keep the noise down. My sisters are asleep at last.

Marinette: Phew! (sits on the couch) All's well that ends well.

Alya: Thanks to Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Marinette: I heard they had another superhero with them tonight! A girl!

Alya: Huh? No! Seriously? I...had no idea! Who was it?

Marinette: Aren't we gonna watch a movie?

Alya: Oh come on! Please! Did you see her? Did you at least know what her name was? Or what did she look like? Come on, girl, tell me everything! (Marinette chuckles in amusement.)

"Nice acting, m'lady!" Adrien jokingly complimented his girlfriend with a laugh and everyone else followed suit. "So, what's next?"

"The next episode is Gorizilla which was your bodyguard, Adrien," Angel announced before playing the episode.