
Ways to handle this little demon (bl)

For him, this world is the very definition of cruelty and hell, an existence that should be utterly devastated and wiped out once and for all. If he couldn't have peace, then no one was allowed to have it, just as his whole life was an absolute nightmare, each and every life of these humans had to be eternal nightmare. Demon King, Zhang Long wei, spent his whole life holding onto this so-called the world's most reasonable logic of his. To the whole cultivational world, he was such a great calamity that was impossible and unimaginable to annihilate, the very fear of every single being. But then, the news of the great Demon King getting slain by a group of young cultivators made the three realms ended up in uproar. Everyone was gloating and celebrating for his decease when Zhang Long wei found himself waking up in a body of a fifteen-year-old boy named Li Zian, a disciple of the immortal Wang. And there, what intrigued him the most was that the person who was responsible for his downfall, the one who took his life and also the leader of that youths' group, had turned out to be that one and only genius son of the immortal Wang, the shizun of his current body. What would be the first thing that came out of his mind? Revenge? Nope. His life had been all about these kinds of malicious stuff, so he decided to enjoy this one with the life of a regular youth. Let give himself a try to be average and normal. Let give the world some time for peace. Nevertheless, after a couple of confrontations with that son of his present shizun, his iron- like heart was melted and fell for this unruly youth somehow. The demon king started to chase after him with the mask of his aged fifteen body. Even so, heaven was too vicious and parsimonious to let him adore these blessing moments for a longer while as the fate between him and the youth was reversed. He had become people's hero whom the youth once wished him to be, yet the youth was now converted into a demon who had gone crazy for a brutal fate his family and sect had encountered. Let's see how the once powerful demon King would handle and tame this little demon and how these two would work together to find out and exterminate the real culprit behind the scenes. ------------------- Hello there, my dear readers! This is my very first time writing a novel . So I had to admit I felt thrilled and nervous a bit. English is not my first language. Thus I can't guaranteed there won't be any writing problems though I would try my best to fix and make progress. Please support me with your precious votes and comments. Thank you. ------- The cover art does not belong to me. All credits go to the original owner.

snowflake248 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
166 Chs

Zhang Long Wei getting four parents in a single day - 1

Elegant stems of jade-like bamboos were dancing merrily to the rhythm of gentle breeze. And they seemed to be in a cheerful mode today because of a special companion.

If you tried following whooshes of a sword echoing against this deep forest, then right in the middle of it, a white figure practicing their swordsmanship could be easily spotted, their moves neat and exact, their speed as fast as that of a tiger.

Despite their normal looks, they had such elegant features and bright eyes which were reflecting the very character of their inner soul.

Their robe soaked in perspiration and their brows furrowed but they didn't stop and carried on their training. Who would it be other than Zhang Long wei?

Being in the body of a youth was indeed more cons than pros. He was just starting to practice but this young and weak body had already been drained out of energy. Though he was unwilling to give up before his minimum goal, Zhang Long Wei knew he should stop soon.

Forcing this body of a weakling would lead him nowhere, so after another five more swift moves, he put deadly ice blade on a nearby stone table, then sat down and rest to let his energy recover.

Today was a bit strange. Zhang Long Wei just couldn't say if he himself was incredibly lucky or if immortal Wang had any other ulterior motives. Earlier this morning, he was summoned by that immortal out of the blue and given a green jade pendant.

He realized what it was as soon as this pendant got into his hand because that kind of similar pendants was worn by many superior elders and masters of Jianyu sect. And he was not the only one who was familiar with it. Every disciple knew what that pendant was for. It was a permission to enter this bamboo forest of emerald jade mountain.

Immortal Wang said this pendant was given to him as a punishment for him sneaking to the butterfly village on the day he got cursed and the reason?....he would understand it soon. But how the fuck would this lord understand it?!.....There was no practical solution over how this pendant ended up relating to his punishment because just consider these facts below.

Everyone knew this pendant was a special privilege that only great great masters of the sect would have access to. Rumors said it that those who cultivated in this forest could quickly advance their cultivation and it was vindicated by many big figures already. What's more, this bamboo forest of snowy-light-peak was renowned far and wide for its unique setting and peaceful environment.

No disciples were allowed to enter this forest as this was a special privilege for superior masters alone. But now he, who was currently a nobody but a junior disciple, got this pendant and the immortal said it was his punishment. How would all these even make sense?

And there was something in the whole world this demon lord disliked the most.....something he hated even more than human beings and guess what. It was using his brain. And right now that was what Zhang Long Wei had been through. He was currently being forced to find out the answer to this utterly nonsensical situation.

Pissed off, the demon picked up his sword and got ready to start his practicing. But just at that minute, the very same boy who had just informed Li Qing about his family's visit came saying him those very same words. Well, there was only one difference because he got a full day off unlike Li Qing.


Li Zian's family? There was a hunch in his mind that they might be Li Peizhi and his official wife, Li Qing's mother. According to the memory of Li Zian, that was how it went last year.

It seemed like he just needed to do some perfunctory greetings and this little reunion would be over. Last year, both Li Peizhi and mistress Li came but as everyone could imagine, they only cared about his elder brother.

Li Zian was neglected all the time and when their little family of three went to a nearby village for lunch, he was left behind. That day, Li Zian was forced to spend the entire day alone.

Li Zian didn't have the guts to go back to snowy-light-peak either. He could not let others find out that his family didn't care about him. Though everyone knew this already, still he didn't want those looks of pity from them anymore.

Finally, Zhang Long Wei arrived at the gate of Jianyu sect but it was unusually crowded here today. From the looks of it, they must be parents or relatives of Jianyu sect's disciples. Zhang Long Wei swept his gaze over the crowd hoping to find Li Peizhi or maybe mistress Li. At least, he still needed to give them a casual greeting.

Everybody here had dolled up themselves to come here. With such extravagant and luxurious attires and jewels...seriously?What are they here for, to meet their children or to show off themselves?

"Little Zian..... here.. here... Your mom's here.. look at this way. "

Zhang Long Wei looked into somewhere of the crowd where the voice had just come out, his eyes wide open. Why didn't he notice that earlier? Amongst this crowd of big figures, there was only one woman in her modest and simple garments. And she was Li Zian's biological mother, Shi Fang.

Zhang Long Wei froze on the spot. He was unprepared and didn't know how to face or deal with Li Zian's mother at the moment. Lying, cheating, tricking.... this was all he was good at and this demon didn't mind using such schemes to everyone.... but.... not to her... not to this innocent parent who really loved Li Zian like her own flesh and blood.... not to such a caring parent.

Before he even realized it, Li Zian's mother had already come to him with large strides in delight. She knew her son had spotted her but he was still standing there foolishly half stiffened. It seemed like their little surprise had succeeded.

The lady was in her late thirties and she got some wrinkles around her eyes. Shi Fang looked a bit more aged than other ladies at her age. But it didn't came as a surprise because she was not a young mistress of some big household but a hard-working owner of a little restaurant. It was indeed natural for her to look aged.

"Zian.... my son, look at you.. all grown up. You've got an inch even taller than me.... now my son have become a real adult. "

Zhang Long Wei stood there in a daze looking at the woman who was patting his head with her small yet calloused hand..... a mother who was praising her fifteen-year-old son because he'd got an inch taller than her.....such kind of natural thing, was it really something to be proud of?

"Ah.. that's right. You must have been missing your dad too. Aiyoo... that man was taking such a long time to finish it. He'd better come back soon. This son of his is eager to see him already. "

The woman said in an annoyed tone, turning her head left and right as though looking for someone impatiently.

"I'm back. I'm back, Shi Fang....sigh...sorry, it took longer than I expected. Now, where's my son?"

A familiar voice that obviously belonged to a man came out from the noisy crowd but this pair of mother and son still couldn't find the owner of that voice.

"Zian.... "

Finally, they found the person. It was a man in his grey robe, carrying a small wooden bento in his hand.

"My son"

The man looked into his eyes.Though vague, Zhang Long Wei could trace hints of pity and sadness in the man's eyes. Both of his parents knew what their son had been through all these years. They knew how he had been enduring everything. But this silly son of theirs just kept adamant with his decision and didn't give up his cultivation.

Liu Bolin focused his attention on his precious son who was standing before and looking at him foolishly as if this was his first time seeing his father, and thought inwardly.

His poor son...how have he even been these days?.....