
Ways to handle this little demon (bl)

For him, this world is the very definition of cruelty and hell, an existence that should be utterly devastated and wiped out once and for all. If he couldn't have peace, then no one was allowed to have it, just as his whole life was an absolute nightmare, each and every life of these humans had to be eternal nightmare. Demon King, Zhang Long wei, spent his whole life holding onto this so-called the world's most reasonable logic of his. To the whole cultivational world, he was such a great calamity that was impossible and unimaginable to annihilate, the very fear of every single being. But then, the news of the great Demon King getting slain by a group of young cultivators made the three realms ended up in uproar. Everyone was gloating and celebrating for his decease when Zhang Long wei found himself waking up in a body of a fifteen-year-old boy named Li Zian, a disciple of the immortal Wang. And there, what intrigued him the most was that the person who was responsible for his downfall, the one who took his life and also the leader of that youths' group, had turned out to be that one and only genius son of the immortal Wang, the shizun of his current body. What would be the first thing that came out of his mind? Revenge? Nope. His life had been all about these kinds of malicious stuff, so he decided to enjoy this one with the life of a regular youth. Let give himself a try to be average and normal. Let give the world some time for peace. Nevertheless, after a couple of confrontations with that son of his present shizun, his iron- like heart was melted and fell for this unruly youth somehow. The demon king started to chase after him with the mask of his aged fifteen body. Even so, heaven was too vicious and parsimonious to let him adore these blessing moments for a longer while as the fate between him and the youth was reversed. He had become people's hero whom the youth once wished him to be, yet the youth was now converted into a demon who had gone crazy for a brutal fate his family and sect had encountered. Let's see how the once powerful demon King would handle and tame this little demon and how these two would work together to find out and exterminate the real culprit behind the scenes. ------------------- Hello there, my dear readers! This is my very first time writing a novel . So I had to admit I felt thrilled and nervous a bit. English is not my first language. Thus I can't guaranteed there won't be any writing problems though I would try my best to fix and make progress. Please support me with your precious votes and comments. Thank you. ------- The cover art does not belong to me. All credits go to the original owner.

snowflake248 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
166 Chs

Wang Li Jie, another clean freak

"Are you trying to commit suicide here?" An annoyed tone came from behind which made the youth's furrowed brows even more deepen. But Wang Li Jie didn't talk back as he feigned ignorance and kept on sweeping the floor with a broom in his hands.

But that annoying buddy of his just could not leave him alone and had to get on his nerves. "Go die somewhere else. Just anywhere free from my vision would do."

Wang Li Jie turned around and responded his buddy with a glare sending daggers. Li Qing over there was changing the sheets on patient beds. Why can't that guy just keep his mouth shut? He was already having a hard time here, no room for another annoying guy.

Oh no, he had gone lacking in oxygen. Wang Li Jie tossed the broom beside, making a dash for the door. Not until he reached the door did Wang Li Jie quit holding his breath. Gasping for air, he cursed aloud.

"Damn! How can it be this smelly?"

He was talking about the odor of infirmary. Poor Wang Li Jie had been cleaning the room whilst holding his breath. And this was the fifth time he ran off the room out of breath.

Li Qing, who was irritated seeing this buddy making a fuss about the odor, picked up the broom, which was dumped on the floor by this clean freak, tossing it towards his buddy.

"Don't come back till you can't bear the stench."

"Who the hell would want to come in that stinky place?"

As he said, the youth pinched his nose and fanned the air before him with another hand. How come the smell could be this awful? How could their physicians even adapt to it? But to let out such terrible reek, the cursed patients might have suffered a lot too...sigh....

Taking a mouthful of breath in, the youth walked into the room again whilst holding the broom. Granted, being in such smelly situations was not a foreign thing to him.

After all, this youth here had gone to many battles and slain renowned demons far and wide.

And when it came to battles, the reek of foul blood was something you couldn't avoid. But that was that and this was this. When in battles, of course, he was having a crucial time, how could the youth even have the time to care about the stink?

"Hey, if you guys finish things in here, come help me at the back too."

The two busy buddies raised their head and glanced at the door at this voice. And there was Huang Guiren standing at the doorway with his drenched robe, his sleeves rolled up and his hair a mess. The boy was doing the laundry at the back of the hall.

And clearly, it seemed to be really tiring. Two youths in the room who had promised to help their pal after their work, looked at Huang Guiren as they heaved a sigh. It seemed like today was going to get tough for these three poor souls.

Huang Guiren was muttering about how exhausted or worn out he was so much that his buddies just wanted to shut their ears closed.

Only by the time when his bros were about to explode in anger, Huang Guiren succumbed to his fate and walked into the room stopping his grumble. But when that pile of dirty sheets and quilts came into his view, Huang Guiren felt like crying once again. Li Qing patted Guiren in his shoulder before handing him another smelly sheet.

And that was when Wang Li Jie ran out of the room in a hurry. At this scene, Huang Guiren ,who was depressed just a moment ago, laughed heartily at his pal before giving him a sincere advice.

"If the smell was that hard to endure, why not distract yourself by trying imagining something else?.... like something that can make you happy. What about picturing what to do at the upcoming lantern festival?"

Wang Li Jie who had come back yet again answered, covering both of his nose and mouth.

" What a good idea but thanks, I don't feel like daydreaming. "

" Running in and out.....again and again..... You're fuckin annoying my eyes. "

Wang Li Jie whose eyes hurt after glaring at this bro, Li Qing, several times didn't have any strength to give him another glare, so he could only use his mouth and thunder.

" Then why not just close your fuckin painful eyes? Ah... can't take it anymore.... "

The youth who had just said a couple mouthfuls of words darted for the exit... once again. Li Qing and Huang Guiren were genuinely speechless at their buddy's action.

Hopeless for his eyes, Li Qing shook his head before getting back to his own work.

"Speaking of lantern festival, that prince who joined us last year.... Will he be coming this time too?"

The busy Li Qing stealthily pricked up his ears at this very question of Huang Guiren. Only after it felt like an eternity did Wang Li Jie, who was wrestling with his urge to run out, reply in great difficulty.

"Probably not. Father said prince Rong was busy dealing with rebellious demons..... You know those demons from the river of heaven and hell. He won't have time to come visit our sect this year."

Li Qing's expression grew wilted to a great extent. That guy.... he did promise him to come. How dare he break a promise just like this....Damn that prince...

His buddy, Huang Guiren, who could sense this boy's dark aura from the distance, made a joke adding fuel to the fire.

"Hahaha.....Li Jie, look over here. This little concubine of prince Rong was sulking because his handsome hubby prince didn't come to meet him.... Hahaha... What a big baby..."

Li Qing threw smelly sheets in Huang Guiren's way as his gave a nonchalant response "funny", his expression cold and freezing.

In fact, his buddies were just kidding. That prince and Li Qing had been childhood friends for years. And the way these two buddies came to know that prince was also because of Li Qing. His mother and concubine Xu, prince Rong's mother, had an extremely good relationship. So when emperor Ming once paid a visit to Li family, he took Ming Rong along and like this, these kids became best bros.

"Is senior Li Qing here?"

An unfamiliar boy, who was standing at the front door, asked as he looked into the hall. Li Qing raised his head before glancing at the boy.

"What's the matter? "

"Ah... you must be senior Li Qing. Your family came visit you just now, senior Li. And Master Wu said you'd get half a day off for today. "

His expression turned solemn at the boy's words but still gave the boy a short response "Okay". Wang Li Jie looked at him with envy whilst Huang Guiren mumbled under his breath, whining.

" Shit! What a lucky guy. Now we only have two to clean up this infirmary. Ahhhh.....It really is not fun to get punished.... "

Wang Li Jie rolled his eyes at Huang Guiren's overreaction and glimpsed at Li Qing. It seemed like this bro was unusually in a daze though. Wang Li Jie put the broom leaning against the wall before heading towards him and said something which yanked Li Qing out of his whatever thoughts.

"Li Qing, you can just go. We can finish these all by ourselves. Have fun with your family. "

The boy replied him with a "Mmm". But he walked out without saying any word anymore, seemingly still in a daze.

And here was another introduction to Jianyu sect's traditions. In a month before lantern festival, disciples were allowed to meet their family who came visiting them and enjoyed a day off with them. But today, because Li Qing had just broken some rules, he got only half a day off. Even in that case, Li Qing didn't feel disappointed. Instead, he took it as his very good luck.

Sighing to calm himself down, Li Qing loosed the grip on his fist. And he put on a mask of calmness before heading towards the sect's gate...sigh....Amongst all the traditions of Jianyu sect, he really hated this one the most....

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