

A world that is destroyed by Scenarios, all just for the entertainment of Constellations. In this Destroyed world, A man Named Yu Jung-Hyeok got an unknown Sponsor, who bestowed a stigma of Regression on him. No matter how many times, he dies or no matter how much he suffers, he can't free himself from this curse of Regression over and over again. Yu Jung-hyeok's last hope is to finish all the Scenarios and reach the end after which probably, he can free himself from this never-ending curse of living his life over and over again. And for that no matter, what he has to do he will do it without even thinking about that. Join My Discord Server ;) https://discord.com/invite/BTsh6hpEJj # OMNISCIENT READER'S VIEWPOINT.

tls1233 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs



"Na Bori..."












"Damnit, his attack is very heavy!" Kim Namwoon spoke as he deflected Yu Jung-Hyeok's hand, which had big nails coming out of it, with his knife.


"Haa!!!" Suddenly a heavy kick struck Kim Namwoon in his stomach, which was blocked by his knife again, but the power behind the kick made his whole body tremble.

'What's wrong with that monstrous strength of his....' Kim Namwoon gritted his teeth in anger and pain.


Yu Jung-Hyeok didn't give him much time to recover and, with inhuman speed, appeared in front of him and struck another attack at him.

'Damnit...if it continues like this, then it would be dangerous for me...'

"That's it..." Kim Namwoon spoke as he looked towards Gong Pildu's group fighting some monsters.

"Come at me, bastard!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed as he ran behind a horde of monsters while Yu Jung-Hyeok, with his inhuman speed, followed him and caught up to him in no time.

"Take this, bastard..." Kim Namwoon screamed while throwing a wooden spear that was on the ground with blood marks, clearly indicating that the previous owner of this spear was long gone from this world.


Yu Jung-Hyeok dodged the incoming spear, but the time Kim Namwoon gained was enough for him to take himself out of the way and focus his gaze on someone else.



Yu Jung-Hyeok, like a hungry wild animal, attacked Gong Pildu's group and devoured everyone standing there.

"Bossssss, save usssss!!!" People started to run with a scared look while an annoyed look came upon Gong Pildu's face.

"Damnit, this bastard!!!!" Gong Pildu screamed in anger as Yu Jung-Hyeok devoured people from Gong Pildu's group.

"Hey, fucker!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed as he looked towards Gong Pildu.

"You can save them...heck, you can save them all, can't you, bastard!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed, and hearing him, many people started to look toward Gong Pildu with eyes filled with hope.

"You can, boss... Please save us...I don't want to die.."

"Yes, sir, please don't let us die..."

Many people started to surround Gong while his gaze was fixed on Kim Namwoon with hatred and an annoyed look.

"Damnit, this dog!!!" Gong Pildu had an annoyed look as he glared at Kim Namwoon.


"P-Pildu-ssi, please save us!"

"We just have to survive this!!!" Kim Namwoon spoke as he looked towards the group trying to survive against both Yu Jung-Hyeok and the monsters at the same time.

"So if we fight together, then there is a chance that we'll survive this shit hole..." He spoke with a certain look. Though his words were filled with curses, they had filled the people with new hope.

[The sponsor behind Lee Jihye agrees with your wisdom.]

[A Constellation is revealing its modifier.]

[The Constellation 'Maritime War God' is impressed with your wisdom.]

[You have been sponsored 300©]

"Now there are no rooms for you to run away to. Forget about whether you are a landlord or tenant and fight, or we all will die."

[Many Constellations agree with your words.]

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' has agreed with your words.]

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is proudly patting his chest due to his incarnation's wisdom.]

['Demon-Like Judge Of Fire' is snorting while looking towards 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon'.]

"Damn, this fucking guy...!" Seeing that even Constellations are agreeing with him, Gong Pildu doesn't have much choice in the matter.

['Defense Master' is silently watching the scene with an unreadable expression.]

"Ahhh..fuck!!!" Gong Pildu screamed and looked at the scene in front of him.

The whole station was in chaos; no matter where he looked, the blood was everywhere. The monsters were a problem, but Yu Jung-Hyeok was much more dangerous for him.

"Dammit... Everybody gather here!" Gong Pildu spoke, and everyone looked at him with newfound hope.

"I need time to install a new Armed Zone." Gong Pildu spoke as he looked towards Kim Namwoon with a slightly annoyed look.

Kim Namwoon knew what he wanted from him as his eyes focused on a particular person who was killing everyone like a wild animal.

The monsters were a problem, but Yu Jung-Hyeok's presence was making a big impact, as the aura released from his body was very strong, and because of that, weaker monsters didn't even try to come close to him. But that didn't mean they could leave him like this.

Yu Jung-Hyeok was a much bigger threat than those monsters, as people here didn't have any chance to fight against this human monster.


Blood splattered everywhere, and people screamed as their limbs were torn off.

"Hey, you fucking bastard!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed while blocking Yu Jung-Hyeok's way.


'I can't let him take more souls....'

"You fucking bastard, come at me..." Kim Namwoon took a fighting stance while holding his blade in his right hand and showing his middle finger with his left.


Yu Jung-Hyeok, like a hungry beast, jumped towards Kim Namwoon. Due to his berserk skill, his stats were much higher than before, so defeating him would be very difficult for Kim Namwoon.

Still, knowing the danger, there wasn't any hint of hesitation on his face.

'Let's do this... You'll be my first guinea pig, bastard...'

[Kim Namwoon has activated his Stigma 'Black Flames'.]

Suddenly, black flames started to rise from his entire right arm, which slowly covered his knife along with his hand.

[Your understanding of the skill 'Knife Training' has increased.]

['Knife Fighting (Lv:02<<<03)']< p>

"Take this, bastard!!!!" With a strong roar, Kim Namwoon slashed his knife towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, and suddenly a line of black flame spread towards Yu Jung-Hyeok, who dodged the attack in the nick of time.


This time, a worried look came upon his face. His instincts were screaming at him about the danger, and no matter what beast he was, instinct is something all beasts follow.

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is roaring with delight.]

[A modifier has been provided to Jiaolong.]

['Scaled Dragon' is looking at 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon'.]

['Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' keeps his calm.]


Yu Jung-Hyeok jumped again toward Kim Namwoon, but Kim Namwoon's black flames stopped his retreat, not letting the guy close the distance.

[The incarnation 'Gong Pildu' has activated 'Armed Zone Lv. 3']

Suddenly, a mechanical sound tinged throughout the surroundings as five turrets rose from the ground. The red magic bullets condensed in a short time and started firing.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! .....

Kwang! Kwaang! Kwaang!.....

The ground rats screamed as they were hit by the bombardment of magic bullets, while the grolls came to a halt. The group of people cried out.

"As expected of Pildu-ssi!"


While Gong Pildu was clearing the monsters, Kim Namwoon made a flame wall between him and Yu Jung-Hyeok, stopping all his routes of escape.


'Damnit, bastard!!!' Kim Namwoon had a pale expression as using such a skill was greatly affecting his magic power.

[You have used 1800© on magic power.]

[Magic Power Lv:04<<<10]< p>

"SNAP OUT OF IT, BASTARD!!!" Kim Namwoon screamed with a tired and annoyed look.

He was constantly producing black flames to stop this monster from killing more creatures and taking their souls.

While Kim Namwoon was stopping Yu Jung-Hyeok, the alliance was fighting with monsters, or I'll say Gong Pildu was fighting with monsters.

"Fuck! Fuuuuuckers!"

In the midst of this endless procession of monsters, Gong Pildu's screams echoed throughout the station.


[ Name: Kim Namwoon

Age: 19 years old

Constellation Sponsor: Abyssal Black Flame Dragon.

Private Attribute: Chuunibyou (General)

Exclusive Skills: Unusual Adaptability Lv. 3, Knife Fighting Lv. 3, Blackening Lv. 2

Stigma: Black Flames Lv. 1

Overall Stats: Stamina Lv. 05, Strength Lv. 08, Agility Lv. 09, Magic Power Lv. 10.]
