
Who is he?

Love makes the world go round, you might have heard it before but have you ever questioned the true meaning of love? What is this 4 letter word? LOVE?

Our story follows a Young man from YounisBerg named Wayne. Wayne is an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life. He wakes up early morning, packs his bag and goes to school, where he sits alone and talks to no-one. It hard for him, being very shy, he can't make friends and no-one wants to speak to him. He wonders the halls alone and returns home. If there's one thing Wayne loves is wrestling. He watches Pro-wrestling and has huge dreams of one day being a Pro-Wrestler. He considers Wrestling above his own parents. He is just in aww with the personalities and the branding and hopes one day he's there in the ring entertaining Millions but his parents being doctors really resent it and curse everyday that this doesn't come true.

Wayne was always a chubby kid, picked on and made fun if for his weight but as he grew up and realised if Pro-Wrestling is going to be a career, he made his mind and lost 35 KGs. There was not anything he wouldn't do for this.