
Talking Monkey


The Spatial Abode continued on it's way for another month, stopping constantly according to Raven's desire. 

From time to time he will go out and pick a fight with some beast to train. Either that or Venus would complain to him and so he would take her out for a walk - or a meal, depending on her mood really. 

This day is no different from their usual routine. Raven was out in the wilderness in search for a fight. Venus on the other hand is just out there stretching since she's mostly in her scarf form or not on her original size. Venus grew bigger and longer again, now she's about 30 meters long and is almost 10 foot wide. This really made Raven wonder just how large Venus would truly get once she grow older. Well, her growth must also be attributed to her diet. 

Raven was walking around on the dense shrubbery when all of a sudden, he tilted his head and a shadow went past him.