
Way of the Cultivator

This story is about a prince without an empire, about the coming of age of a man who was predestined to rule the world and achieve immortality. However, fate denied him this, and so he rebelled against it. With the aid of cultivation, powerful techniques, and ancient secrets, he will crush anything that obstructs the path to his goals. After all, what could be more important than immortality? Everything else is mere dust in comparison. Author: Sergey Destito. You can find more chapters and support my novel at the same time on: https://boosty.to/wayofthecultivator

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59 Chs

Chapter 33. Not an easy Task.

At this point, Byron paused in his story, and Moraine, seizing the opportunity during her father's stop, interjected into their conversation, or rather, into the elder's monologue.

"What father meant to say, if you strip away all the unnecessary details, is that in order to gain access to the discovered Minor World, the sect will have to send novices through this semi-stable entrance, who are at most at the fifth level of Qi Condensation stage. And we barely have any like that in our sect, except for those of you who have just started cultivating and haven't reached higher levels yet. That's why this duty falls to you." Moraine said, slightly mimicking Byron's mentoring tone.

Byron wasn't the least bit angered by his daughter's interruption; rather, it amused him. Listening to his daughter, the elder smiled, and it was evident that Moraine wasn't afraid of angering her father. There was a sense of mutual understanding in their communication, suggesting this wasn't the first time such an interaction occurred between them.

"You do love interrupting me without reason, my daughter. I understand you enjoy it, but try to do it less frequently." Byron commented as Moraine finished speaking.

"I do it rarely enough, father. But if I hadn't interrupted you now, you would have tortured Oberin with your monologue full of digressions and unnecessary details for another hour, without letting him get a word in edgewise."

"Alright, you're exaggerating; I don't talk that much… Actually, I spoiled you, Moraine, I should have been stricter with you in your childhood." Having exchanged these brief remarks with his daughter, Byron turned back to Rand, who had been silently listening to their conversation, pondering something.

"But my daughter is generally right, disciple, gaining access to this Minor World will fall to you, the younger generation of novices. There's no other way. If there were any possibility of sending someone more experienced instead of you and the other untrained fledglings, I would use it, rest assured. But sometimes, the needs of the sect come above all…" Byron seemed clearly unhappy with the situation of sending novices, but changing it was beyond his power.

"Father, couldn't we send someone else on this mission instead of valuable novices? For example, slaves at the Qi Condensation stage?" Sensing her father's dissatisfaction, Moraine tried to suggest an alternative.

"Don't be ridiculous, my daughter. You know such an important task would never be entrusted to such lowlifes. Every time people are sent there, it costs a tremendous amount of expensive resources. We can't just send any rabble there who might have no chance of success. And enough about that; we can't change anything anyway. The expedition will happen, and you, Oberin, will be part of it. This has already been decided by the sect master. Now, I think it's time for your questions about this whole situation, disciple. I assume you have plenty, so don't hesitate to ask. Even if they are foolish, I won't scold you."

These words snapped Rand out of his contemplative state, bringing him back to reality and prompting him to start asking questions appropriate to the moment. Some answers he already knew, but as the "Oberin" who was not well-versed in such matters, he was obliged to ask them. However, there were indeed answers to some questions that Rand genuinely wanted to know.

"Yes, master, you're right, I do have many questions. My first one is: how are we, the novices, as the senior sister correctly said, who have just started our path of cultivation, supposed to help the sect obtain an entire world, even if it's not very large? Is this task really within our capabilities?"

"First question, and you go straight to the heart of the matter. Good approach, well done. But you needn't worry too much about it, disciple. You won't be sent on a suicidal mission, and the task will be within your capabilities, though it won't be a simple walk either. Your goal will be to reach the center of the Minor World and set up a special navigation artifact there, which will allow us to determine the exact coordinates of the Minor World and thereby fully restore the gate, connecting that world with ours. As for how you'll find the location of the center, it's simple: you'll also have an artifact pointing to it. I don't know much more about your mission details at this moment. So, what's your next question?"

"Alright, master, I have a general understanding of our task now. But I'd also like to know what awaits us there. The sect must have some idea of the situation there, right? And am I correct in understanding that someone from our sect has already been there?"

Rand's first questions seemed to be anticipated and prepared for by the elder, but the last one caused him to raise his grey eyebrows in surprise.

"You are quite perceptive, Oberin, to realize that someone from the sect has already ventured into the Minor World. Indeed, there were specially selected test subjects who managed to enter and return safely before the passage destabilized. They were able to use search artifacts to collect primary information about the general layout of the Minor World within a relative proximity to the gate. Some of the knowledge they obtained is known to me, so I will share it with you.

Let's start with the terrain. The landscape there is semi-desert, filled only with dry grass and sand. However, traces of larger plants are visible in some areas.

Previously, the land there was evidently quite fertile and rich in plant life, but for unknown reasons, everything changed, and most of the greenery died off.

It's also not a plain, as there are numerous hills and small volcanic mountains, causing a significant amount of fire and earth Qi to permeate the air. This is precisely why I asked you to choose a technique related to one of these elements, as it will give you a slight advantage in such an environment.

I should also mention potential adversaries you might encounter... Numerous animals that have harnessed energy and reached the Qi Condensation stage definitely inhabit the area. There could theoretically be a small number of beasts at the Foundation Establishment stage, but don't worry about them too much. Even if they are present, it will only be in small numbers. Moreover, we won't leave you without means to deal with them. A higher stage doesn't necessarily mean you won't be able to handle them, especially if you act together.

It's also worth noting that you might come across various relics of the sect that created the Minor World, such as buildings or artifacts. How dangerous or useful they might be is unknown, so I advise you to be extremely cautious around them and avoid them if possible. Exploring ruins and unknown objects is not your task; don't risk your life needlessly. Leave that to the disciples who will come after you install the navigation artifact. I believe I've answered this question, so you can ask the next one."

"Master, I also need to know one more thing. If we enter but, for some reason, cannot install the navigation artifact, will there be any way for us to return, like the specially chosen test subjects who conducted the preliminary investigation?"

"That's also a good question, Oberin, as nothing is more important than the ability to return safely. If, for some reason, you fail to install the navigation artifact, returning will still be possible but not quick. You won't be able to leave the Minor World on your own. You'll have to survive there for several years until the passage stabilizes again and only then you will be able to return. Before the expedition starts, you'll be given more precise information about what to do in such a situation and how long you'll have to wait."

In this manner, Rand began asking Byron one question after another about the Minor World and the expedition into it:

"When will we be sent there? Do you know, master, even approximately, when the passage will stabilize?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know the exact time of the entrance stabilization; the sect master is still keeping that information secret. But I can confidently tell you that you have at least three to four months, possibly half a year. This time should be sufficient for you to prepare and for the whole group to reach the fifth level of the Qi Condensation stage."

"Is there any information about how many people will be in our expedition? What is the structure of the group, and will it have a leader?"

"Due to the formation stabilizing the entrance, which requires a large amount of costly resources, each novice's passage is very expensive for the sect. Therefore, the number of people sent will not be too large. I don't know the exact number, but I think around ten people will be sent. And yes, there will be a leader for the group. This leader will have almost absolute authority in decision-making during the expedition, and all participants will be required to obey under threat of death. However, the responsibility for the expedition will also rest on him. As for who will be chosen from among you, that has not yet been decided. Currently, you have the best chances, but there will be many assessments from the sect's leadership, and everything can change. So make sure to always present yourself in the best light."

"Also, this might be premature, but I want to know: The sect wants us to risk our lives, and surely to motivate us to perform such a feat, it plans to give us a worthy reward?"

"A true cultivator's question, Oberin, always thinking about personal gain. It pleases me that you asked it, as I was beginning to think you wouldn't. Indeed, every action for the benefit of the sect comes with a reward. The greater the benefit for the sect, the larger the reward. I don't know what you will receive for this achievement, but rest assured, the sect will value your accomplishment appropriately, and you will not be left unrewarded."

"And yes, I almost forgot, master, you mentioned the 'true body' of the Minor World in your story. What did you mean by that?"

Upon hearing Rand's question, the elder Byron pondered for a moment, as if deciding what to say and what to omit in his response. After about ten seconds of silence, he finally spoke:

"My comparison of the Minor World to your ring was not accidental. Essentially, a Minor World is a spatial artifact, but due to its complexity and vastness, it can only be stationary, fixed at one specific point in space. Even the slightest movement could lead to catastrophic consequences. However, this fixation makes the Minor World extremely vulnerable to external influences; one sufficiently strong blow would be enough to destroy it, along with all its contents and the surrounding area in a vast radius. Because of this vulnerability, anyone who possesses such a treasure will strive to protect it from any possible harm. But how to do that if hundreds of people must pass through it every day, both in and out? Any of these passersby could potentially pose a danger to the Minor World. And long ago, a solution was devised to maximally secure such a treasure. The true body is hidden somewhere, for example, deep underground, while access to the world is provided through 'remote entrances.' "

In a few hours of such questioning, Rand had asked almost all the questions that came to his mind, and the discussion about the Minor World and the expedition came to an end.

After this, the topic of conversation between the master and his disciple shifted to more everyday matters. Elder Byron began asking Rand about his progress in cultivation, inquired about difficulties with practicing the Bronze Body technique, and gave advice on where to cultivate its second and subsequent levels. Byron then praised his choice of the technique Fists of Heavenly Firmament, calling it impressive and capable of fulfilling multiple roles on the battlefield. Towards the end, their conversation smoothly transitioned to discussing the Mythic Blood cultivation method. Byron offered several useful instructions on its practice and shared his own experience in cultivating the first three levels of the method.

Their conversation, which started in the afternoon, only came to an end late in the evening. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Rand bid farewell to Byron, promising to continue taking his cultivation seriously and thanked him for the warning about the upcoming trial and for his cultivation guidance. When Rand was already at the door, Moraine asked him to visit them more often, and Rand, of course, promised her he would.

Walking back home, Rand pondered Byron's story about their future expedition to the Minor World. "A Minor World, hmm. It managed to surprise me; I must admit, I expected something less grand. An artifact of this class... just incredible. There are fewer than ten of them in the entire empire, and each one is guarded like a treasure because it's a territory with perfectly controlled conditions, allowing for faster cultivation of herbs and necessary animals without fear of anything going wrong.

The Fire Dragon Sect already has one such Minor World, and it's precisely by raising wyverns and other dragon-like creatures in it that they can maintain their status as one of the great sects. If they obtain another one and manage to restore it, in a hundred years, the sect could compete for the title of the strongest in the empire.

But what benefit is this to me? Probably almost none, apart from the sect's meager reward, which pales in comparison to a treasure of this class. But with my current abilities, I can't hope for much more. If only this world had been discovered a decade later..."