
Time Is Short

Knives and dagger is not the only way to kill people. Naraka Griha taught methods of killing. And method of killings are many

Ayera could tell that all of this change shows the vastness of Aeryon ambition. 

The more she could see the ambition, the more she is convinced that one day, if Aeryon is allowed to expand like this, he would trample her tribe under his foot just like the other tribes. 

Ayera is not close to Aeryon. It is clear that Aeryon knows his intention from the beginning

"But it would not be Wustkazan or Nergui" 

"The West" she thought to herself. But she is not sure whether she should relay this to her father. Because what if she is wrong?

What if all the things she saw is what Aeryon wanted her to see? Aeryon is a person who seems to be able to see a person characters. 

And he is very adept at matters of intrigue. Of course, this is only her assumption.