
The Story of the Two Giants

The Stele of Tuighur.

Erected during a time when the Tuighur Empire held sway over vast swathes of the Steppe, it marked both the empire's territorial extent and its cultural significance.

  The Tuighur Empire was a melting pot of Steppe cultures, and its legacy continues to influence the region even today.

The Stele of Tuighur, standing tall and proud even a thousand years later, demarcates the borders between the Southern Great Steppe, Northern Great Steppe, Eastern Great Steppe, and Western Great Steppe. 

Long before the Eresian and Ashran races ventured into the vast expanse of the Great Steppe, a rich history unfolded on these ancient lands. 

At the heart of this history lies an empire known as Tuighur, a realm populated by the proud and resilient Marynku people, the original inhabitants of the Great Steppe.

The Tuighur Empire, shrouded in the mists of time, was proof to the might and sophistication of the Marynku culture.