
Five Thousand is Enough

Mayeux take some time and then he nodded

"I would approve" Listening to this Aeryon come toward Mayeux and hold both of his shoulder with his hand and nodded happily

"I am happy today" He look at Belarion. Belarion opens his eyes and nodded

Aeryon then call back the warriors inside the tent.

In the beginning he has his own plan to divide his forces.

But Mayeux is worried about the situation in the west and Aeryon wanted to alleviate the worries that he have and so he sent Burchu and Mukhulai to the west with both of them given temporary authority of a Tumen.

They are to wait around the Zlata and Duhai tribe.

But they have another task.

And only Aeryon told them what they needed to do.

As for Belarion and him, they would lead five thousand horsemen toward the Wustkazan tribe.

Aeryon plan is quite simple.

Two person riding toward the north and shock the world!