
Way of Heaven - 101. Chapter 101 Little Thousand World!


The turbulent flow of nothingness collided with the crystal wall of the world, and suddenly a series of hideous and terrifying cracks appeared on the surface of the crystal wall of the world.

And the turbulent flow of nothingness turned into a wispy force of nothingness scattered around, and then condensed into a turbulent flow of nothingness again not far from the eternal world.

At the moment when the crack appeared, Mu Yuan controlled thousands of drops of world origin to flow into the world crystal wall to repair the crack.

At the same time, the sturdy pillar of ten thousand rules emerged, wound and blessed on the world crystal wall, enhancing its defensive power.

Boom boom boom!

A huge impact sounded constantly on the crystal wall of the world, and the cracks on the crystal wall appeared and were reincarnated in rebirth.

Mu Yuan's will is always shrouded in the crystal wall of the world around the eternal world, repairing the cracks with the original source in every detail.

But the power of the turbulence of nothingness has been increasing with the passage of time, and the world of the eternal world is constantly being consumed, and the number is gradually decreasing.

Finally, the speed of repairing the cracks on the crystal wall of the world is not as fast as the speed of being born by the collision of the turbulence of nothingness, and there are more and more cracks all over the crystal wall of the world.

If the world crystal wall is destroyed, that is when the eternal world is destroyed!

At this moment, Mu Yuan's will of Heaven no longer had any emotions, and his indifferent divinity suppressed humanity at this moment. Seeing this scene did not panic at all, as if nothing could affect him to make the most correct decision.

I saw Mu Jie's figure move aside, and a huge world tree appeared at the top of the Eternal World.

Pieces of crystal clear leaves on the World Tree bloom divinely, such as Optimus Prime's tree trunk with road patterns exuding rich Dao rhyme, and the surrounding hundreds of millions of tiny spaces are illusory and disillusioned.

When Mu Jie's mind moved, the roots of the world tree descended on the crystal wall of the world through the emptiness, ignoring the infinite distance, and merged with the latter to strengthen its defense.

With the help of the World Tree, the hideous cracks disappeared, and the defensive ability of the World Crystal Wall increased sharply again.

This time, the violent turbulence of nothingness rushed over, but it only shook the crystal wall of the world, trembling for a moment, but no cracks appeared.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yuan's indifferent will of Heaven uttered a word: "It seems that this upgrade to the Little Thousand World will succeed."

The turbulent flow of nothingness continuously rushed towards the world crystal wall, but it only made the latter tremble, unable to cause the slightest damage to the world crystal wall.

The roots and whiskers of the World Tree on the crystal wall radiate brilliantly, and the rich Taoist rhyme is enveloped. Every moment when the turbulent flow of emptiness collides with the wall of the world, the roots of the world tree will absorb a few wisps of nihilism and transform them into the origin of the world. Supplement the source of consumption.

With the help of the World Tree, the world crystal wall of the Eternal World is extremely strong, and the internal space is also very stable, and the huge movement caused by the world's upgrading will not affect all living things in the Eternal Continent.

After several days, the turbulent flow of the void slowly reduced the force of the collision, and when it came to the back, facing the impact, the world crystal wall did not tremble slightly. If you don't look closely, you won't even notice this movement.

Next to the World Tree at the top of the Eternal Realm, the brilliance blooms and the spiritual energy is condensed, forming a human-shaped figure. It is Mu Yuan who changed from the form of the will of the heaven to the human form.

Mu Yuan looked at the turbulent flow outside the crystal wall of the world, without a trace of human emotion in his eyes, calmly analyzed: "The world ascends the calamity to be overcome. According to the information from Zhenwu Tiandao, there should be one last one. The strongest turbulence of nothingness will crash into the crystal wall of the world, and as long as you pass it, the eternal world will be upgraded to a small thousand world."

Just as Mu Yuan said, there are hundreds of millions of miles and light years of nothingness from the Eternal Realm, and the aura of endless nothingness gathers together, and the aura that is several times more violent than the turbulent flow of nothingness stuns the heavens.

After a long period of incubation, these nihilistic auras finally formed a nihilistic storm that enveloped the entire eternal world, and then went to the direction of the eternal world!

Mu Yuan felt something in his heart, a sense of crisis came to his mind, his gaze penetrated the endless distance, as if he had seen the menacing, devastating storm of nothingness.

"Unexpectedly, this last calamity was actually a storm of nothingness!"

You know, Void Storm is at least dozens of times more powerful than Void Turbulence, but it is very rare. It is possible that a small thousand world may not necessarily encounter a Void Storm from its birth to its destruction.

Originally, Mu Yuan thought that the final catastrophe was at most a larger and more powerful turbulence of nothingness, but he did not expect a storm of nothingness to come!

However, it is also fortunate that this void storm can be said to be the weakest storm in history, and the eternal world is not without a glimmer of hope for success.

The Void Storm straddled the endless distance in just a few minutes and came to the side of the Eternal Realm without any pause. It directly enveloped the Eternal Realm, and the force that was ten times stronger than the previous turbulence of the Void kept hitting the crystal wall of the world.

Boom boom boom!

The world crystal wall was once again full of cracks, and the roots of the world tree that merged with it were also dimmed by the impact.

Mu Yuan's body of heaven and earth aura decomposed, once again transformed into the will of heaven and the eternal world, striving to control the world's crystal walls and space.

At the same time, the brilliance of the world tree suddenly bloomed, the leaves of the world swayed, the light of the tree body circulated, and then the ten innate spiritual roots and many acquired spiritual roots were communicated.

They store the origins of the huge world for nearly a thousand years and gather on the world tree, and then through the emptiness, through the roots of the world tree, they continue to merge into the world crystal wall, repair the cracks, and resist the emptiness storm!

In the Eternal Realm, the two supreme stars, the star-filled sky, and the Eternal Continent, which have just been formed for not many years, are all blooming, helping the Eternal Realm to stabilize the space and tide over the catastrophe.

In the distance, the Great Emperor Zhenwu, who is located in the cemetery space and willing to be the guardian of the tomb, sighed faintly. The remnant soul appeared on the crystal wall of the world in an instant, and the majestic soul power shot to help the eternal world resist this catastrophe.

The catastrophe of world upgrading is not only aimed at the world itself, but also at the will of the world's heavenly ways.

While the Void Storm is constantly hitting the world crystal wall, a powerful force has crossed the world crystal wall, descended into the eternal realm, and rushed directly to the will of Mu Yuan Tiandao.

Mu Yuan's will was hit by that force, and he could not help but be in a daze for a moment. The power to control the heavens and the earth decayed, and the transmission of the world's origin stopped, causing a large number of cracks in the world's crystal wall, which was crumbling.

Mu Yuan hurriedly gathered the will of Heaven, leaving a trace of will to control the origin to supply the crystal wall of the world, and the remaining power also tried his best to resist the impact of that power. As for the stability of the world, he could only give up.

But fortunately, when the force of the impact of the void storm spreads to the eternal continent, it will cause some earthquakes at most, and the creatures of various races with martial arts cultivation will not suffer too much casualties.

Mu Yuan's majestic will, no more than the ordinary Little Thousand World Heavenly Dao, continued to obliterate that force, trying to regain control of the world crystal wall as quickly as possible, and resist the emptiness storm.

A Heavenly Dao Wheel that was larger than the stars appeared above the void, and each rule, concept, and authority appeared on it.

Mu Yuan's will merged with the Dao Wheel of Heaven, and saw it slowly rotate, blooming billions of brilliance, that force continued to disintegrate and fade away, and finally disappear completely.

At this time, with the trace of will control left by Mu Yuan, the Eternal Realm struggled to resist the Void Storm, and now the power of the Void Storm is gradually decreasing.

Three days later, the emptiness storm gradually subsided, and once again became scattered strands of emptiness, no longer able to easily smash the world crystal wall into cracks.

The few remaining world origins in the Eternal Realm are circulating, and the broken world crystal walls are constantly being repaired.

"The final catastrophe is finally over."