
Water Element

PureLmnde · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 2


Few months Later

"There are a few demons that managed to go inside of the walls while the knights were entering the kingdom. Now they are flying, killing and torturing every single innocent villager that it sees. Remember, we are the Chiharu Clan, we are one of the strongest fighters in these lands- "Danuja shouts with conviction while leading his knights.

"Be brave, and Do not HESITATE to kill. Kill the demons that are rampaging around the village- and most importantly…Everyone is not allowed to fail. We will clean those bastards and bring victory to our name. Do not bring shame to the name Chiharu! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" The head chief shouted.

"YES!!" As the knight shouted their battle cries and followed Danuja that is currently leading a horde of knights to the village feasted with demons.

As the knights leaves, Kaito and Shun watched from afar.

[Demons huh? How did they even get here? Is because of the mistakes of the exhausted knights? That's… a stupid and dumb mistake. I don't think that's the only thing happened… They could've seen the demons coming from a mile away and warned the knights… That's always the protocol protecting the walls… right? Why fail now? The royals and nobles must've done something. They are the only people powerful enough to make this happen… they must've a motive for doing this, but what is it? Should I talk to father?]

"Big brother... Kaito! Hey! Brother!!" Shun said as he shakes Kaito. "Yes? What is it?" Kaito smiled at his cute little brother.

"Do you think I will be just like father? Father is sooooooooo cool. Look at that sword and- and- and- his gear is so awesome too! And did you see how father ride that scary looking horse?! Waaaaaaa, Sooooo Awesome" Shun said with delight on his face, Eyes gleaming like those stars you see in night skies, He swings his hands in the air like he was possessed by a weird ghost.

"Hmmm?" Kaito said while faking his facial expression, acting like he is not sure about what his brother is saying. Shun suddenly panicked.

"EHHHH?! I WONT?! I WONT?! WHY WHY WHY?! I WORK SO HARD WITH MY TRAINING THOUGH?!" Shun whine as tears started to form in his eyes.

Kaito's lips started twitching, stopping himself to smile, as he saw the distraught in his little brother's face. [How cute pfft. Maybe I'll tease him a little more.]He thought to himself.

"Big brotheeeeeer, Kaitoooooooo, what should I do to become as strong and cool as father? Big brother is really really smart right? Right? What should I do?" He said as his little hands shakes Kaito impatiently.

"Tell meeeeeeeeee"

"Brother is mean, being so quiet like thaaaaat"

"If you tell me, I'll let you see the cool spear father gave me for my birthday"

"Come onnnnn"

Kaito smiled and gestured Shun to come closer "This foolish dummy, you don't have to do anything. Just train hard and study well, Shun… always remember, you will be the strongest Chiharu leader that will ever be, you won't be just as cool as father but you will be cooler than him. I will make sure that will happen okay?" After saying that, the little boy's eyes lit up and he started jumping.

"YEYYY, THAT MEANS ME AND BROTHER KAITO WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER RIGHT? HEHEHE" The innocent child said as he danced weirdly in front of Kaito, swinging his bottom sidewards and putting his hands in the air.

"Of course," This little conversation between him and his brother makes Kaito feel everything that he worked for is worth it. The small bitterness and jealousy that he felt towards the sibling vanished and replaced by love and delight.

This is fine, I have my brother… I will make sure that he achieves his dreams. As long as that happens, even…my father doesn't need me nor acknowledge me... I will be happy as long as this innocent gleaming hope is shining.