
Wasteland Conqueror

Dom, a man in his mid-twenties, suddenly gets reincarnated into the harsh post-apocalyptic world of his favorite game series, Wastelander. With his previous life ended and his new one just beginning he needed a new goal to strive for, and so with an ambitious heart, he decided to pursue the monstrous goal of conquering the wasteland in its entirety that has been left scarred by atomic fire for some two centuries. On his journey through this new world, he’ll come face to face with all sorts of dangers ranging anywhere from mutants wanting to tear any human they come across to shreds for a quick meal to bandit clans that love to rape, pillage, and sell their victims into slavery. Despite those prevalent threats seeming dangerous enough to deter most from even attempting to set foot outside the confines of whatever safe haven they have, they're not even the worst of what he’ll come across in the pursuit of his goals. Dom’s quest will have him go toe to toe with the many powers that exist across the wasteland and their armies in his quest to one day conquer it. Will Dom achieve his dreams in this life or will he succumb to the many dangers that exist within the wasteland and beyond? | Other information | This is not a privilege novel and never will be. Other Tags: Relatively Ruthless MC, Faction Building, War, Aliens, Space Travel, Mutants, Robots, Exploration, Cannibals, Sex, Drugs, Slavery, Galactic Conquest, Cultivation, MC POV Only | Links | Discord Link: https://discord.gg/NP8e6CymdY Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/PowerArmorGuy

PowerArmorGuy · Fantasi
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74 Chs

Chapter 59: Surpassing Human Limitations

The moment I was back on the main tab, I went to the quest tab and turned in my next quest.


[Perk: High Human, 10 attribute points, 487,000 exp]

| High Human | You've surpassed all human limits, taking the next step in human evolution and because of that, your race will change from human to high human. Your race change comes with some benefits and those benefits consist of your health formula changing from (Level# x 10) to (Level# x 20), and +2 to all attributes for every 10 levels you gain (This is retroactive when first unlocked). Continuing on with the benefits, +5 DT, +1 health regeneration a minute, and +500% to stamina and stamina regeneration and finally last but not least, the amount of multi-thought processes you possess are increased by 100%.

...This perk alone makes all these years of grinding my attributes worth it. Out of all the benefits this perk provides, the additional thought processes are the biggest gain of all. They're going to double my multitasking ability, which will allow me to get so much more done in the years I have left until my wasteland adventure.

Amazed by the effects of the new perk the system rewarded me with, I sat there staring at the holographic screen for a few seconds before I put the two new thought processes to work. One for research and the other for managing my robots and all the machinery I'm controlling with Mechanical Domination. Working on two new tasks, I returned my primary focus to the remaining rewards. 

How do I want to distribute these 10 attribute points... I could throw them in luck like I've been doing or I could put them in agility since it is lagging behind the rest of my physical attributes by a lot... I'm pretty happy where my luck is at the moment and seeing how it now has a way of improving through High Human's effects, I think it would be more beneficial to give them to agility.

I'd also rather have the extra speed in case I ever get caught up in a situation where I need to haul ass. Hence, I'll throw them into agility and give it the boost it needs to somewhat catch up with the others. It'll surpass my strength for the moment, but not for long, since that attribute grows just as fast as endurance.

Throwing the 10 attribute points I earned into agility, I navigated through the system to the level up section and selected yes, beginning my mass level up.

[ Perks ]

Perk Points Left: 30

Level 18 Perks

| Explosives Expert | (Ranks 5) Requirements Level 18, Perception 5, Explosives 50: +20% explosive damage.

| Seasoned Soldier | (Ranks 5) Requirements Level 18, Agility 5, Intelligence 5, Perception 5: Gain many years of experience with all things firearms and their maintenance and the taste of your cooking is enhanced. +5 to both repair and ballistic weapons and +10% increase in both accuracy and range for ballistic weapons.

Level 20 Perks

| Ravager | Requirements Level 20: All kills restore some stamina and mental energy.

| Thick Headed | Requirements Level 20, Endurance 6: Limbs are 15% harder to cripple and the effects of crippling are 50% less. The lower your intelligence, the higher the modifiers.

Level 22 Perks

| A Hunger For Knowledge | Requirements Level 22, Intelligence 4: Doubles the speed at which you can read and receive the ability to learn the entire contents of books by destroying them.

| Mutant Slayer | Requirements Level 22: Deal 25% more damage against mutants.

Level 24 Perks

| Ammo Depot | Requirements Level 24, Strength 7: Ammo and magazine weight reduced by 40%

| Heavy Gunner | (Ranks 5) Requirements Level 24, Strength 8, Ballistic Weapons 50, Energy Weapons 50, Heavy Weapons 50: +20% Damage and +10% accuracy when using heavy ranged weapons.

| H.U.D. | Requirements Level 24: This perk grants you a customizable heads up display that you can use to visually track important information, such as your health and stamina, for example. You can even use it to track your nearest quest objective with a holographic line to show you the way. The H.U.D. and other elements can be toggled on and off freely on the fly. +2 Perception.

| Resource Hoarder | Requirements Level 24, Strength 10: Resource weight is reduced by 40%.

That's a larger selection of perks to pick from compared to the previous level up, although not large enough for me to have to decide between perks. With that being the situation, I'll take everyone of the perks above level 18, including their higher ranks. And for the remaining 8 perk points, I'll pour them into Growth like I've been doing and allocate the attribute points gained from it into luck as per usual.

Selecting and distributing everything where it needed to go in no less than a few seconds, I moved onto the next portion of the mass level up.

[ Skills ]

Skill Points Left: 980

Ballistic Weapons: 351 

Energy Weapons: 326 

Explosives: 251 

(T)Heavy Weapons: 364 

Leadership: 226 

Lockpick: 197 

(T)Medicine: 594 

Melee Weapons: 223 

Piloting: 321 

(T)Repair: 631 

(T)Science: 606 

Speech: 264 

Stealth: 459 

Survival: 365 

Trade: 528 

Unarmed: 223 

Magic: 299 

Cool, I got skill points for days. Now where the hell am I going to put them all...

Going right into thinking mode, I started weighing the pros and cons of each skill and what would currently be the most useful and what may be of use in my future venture. I did that for some time and eventually settled on raising piloting to 500, mainly for the reaction speed.

From there, I placed a ton of points into survival, bringing it to 600 to further improve the nutrition I receive from food. Which will then improve my body's recovery and directly result in more improvements across my physical attributes, though mainly in strength and endurance.

After raising that skill, I brought trade up to 600 as well, further increasing the return of Currency Maker's gold and silver amounts to 6lbs, and poured the remaining 494 skill points into stealth. For the simple reason, it would upgrade my presence hiding field massively, especially the range. That alone would make my life a hell of a lot easier when it comes time to make my move from the undercity to the Cyberdynamics Robotics Facility with all my shit, robots, and whoever I decide to take with me.

On top of making any sort of large movements I make with my future forces easier, my stealth attack damage will be above 500% allowing me to one shot almost all hostiles I could come across. Minus the massive threats like some of the colossal mutants that are on the more armored side of things, but that's only until I get my hands on gauss weapons. With those sorts of weapons, there will be few who will be able to take a round from me and survive to tell the tale.

As soon as I was done distributing all the skill points, I took a few moments to see if I was 100% sure of my decision since this would be one of the last level ups I'll be undergoing in the years to come before my departure.

...Yeah, I'm satisfied with the distribution. The ones that got the skill points are the skills that are harder to raise through effort, so my skills should be pretty well balanced when it's time to head into the wasteland.

Happy with how things were pretty much, I locked it in and within the blink of an eye; I was brought back to the main status tab, where I was near instantly overwhelmed by a mass of experience and knowledge. Thankfully, this go around wasn't as painful as it used to be, or at least that's how I perceived it... It's probably due to a combination of my perks, my body's increasing power, my pain resistance, and me getting increasingly used to the pain.

This headache went for a far shorter time than my previous experiences, surprisingly. And once I was done absorbing that literal ocean of experience and knowledge, I turned my attention to my massively upgraded stats.

[ Status ]

Name: Dom Mason Woods

Age: 11

Height: 6 Feet 3 Inches

Body Weight: 257 lbs

Race: High Human

Class: Mage Initiate 2nd Level

Level: 27

Experience Points: 41,735/56,000 | Formula: Next Level# x 2,000

Total Experience Points Earned: 797,735

Experience Rate: 637% ⇮ | Formula: 120 + (Intelligence x 5) + (Level x 1)

Health: 3,000 ⇮ | Formula: 100 + (Endurance x 20) + (Level# x 20) x 2

Healing Rate: 2.3266 Health Per Second/139.6 Health Per Minute ⇮ | Formula: 62 + (0.2 Health Per Minute x Endurance) x 2

Stamina: 8,784 ⇮ | Formula: 100 + ( Endurance x 20) x 9.15

Stamina Regeneration: 6.5575 Stamina Per Second/393.45 Stamina Per Minute ⇮ | Formula: (1 Stamina Per Minute x Endurance) x 9.15

Mana: 7,546 ⇮ | Formula: 100 + (Mage Realm Gains, Mage Level Gains, & Integrated Mana)

Mana Regeneration: 167.2 ⇮ | Formula: (0.1 Per Second x Magic Power) x 19

Max Mana Capacity: 10,600 ⇮ | Formula: 6,300 + (Endurance x 100) + (Mage Realm & Mage Level Gains)

Carry Weight: 1,807.50625/7,700 ⇮ | Formula: 1,450 + (Strength x 100) x 2

Critical Chance: 64% | Formula: 10 + (Luck x 2)

[ Effects ]

Child Of Light: Agility +1 - Endurance +1 - Strength +1 - Health Per Second +1

Ancient Runic Cross Necklace Of Protection: Gain a 500 DT bubble shield for 3 minutes when your life is in danger.

Heavy Trooper Armor Set: DT 65 - Radiation Resistance 20 - Perception +1 - Stealth +20

War Belt: DT 1

[ Armor ]

Total Damage Threshold: 352 ⇮

Total Coverage Damage Threshold: 202 ⇮

Body Damage Threshold: 136 ⇮ | Formula: 25 + (Endurance x 1) x 2

Armor Damage Threshold: 66

Weapon Damage Threshold: 150

[ Resistances ]

Addiction Resistance: 50%

Poison Resistance: 68 ⇮ Formula: (Endurance x 1) + 25

Total Radiation Resistance: 63 ⇮

Radiation Resistance: 43 ⇮ | Formula: Endurance x 1

Armor Radiation Resistance: 20

[ Attributes ]

Strength: 23 (24) ⇮

Agility: 25 (26) ⇮

Endurance: 43 (44) ⇮

Intelligence: 98 ⇮

Perception: 81 (82) ⇮

Charisma: 15 ⇮

Luck: 27 ⇮

Magic Power: 89 ⇮

[ Skills ]

Ballistic Weapons: 399 (400) ⇮

Energy Weapons: 374 (375) ⇮

Explosives: 277 ⇮

(T)Heavy Weapons: 376 (378) ⇮

Leadership: 254 ⇮

Lockpick: 223 (224) ⇮

(T)Medicine: 620 ⇮

Melee Weapons: 237 (240) ⇮

Piloting: 528 (530) ⇮

(T)Repair: 657 ⇮

(T)Science: 632 ⇮

Speech: 270 ⇮

Stealth: 973 (995) ⇮

Survival: 608 (609) ⇮

Trade: 628 ⇮

Unarmed: 237 (240) ⇮

Magic: 381 ⇮

Skill Points Gained Per Level Up: 128 ⇮ | Formula: 4 + (Intelligence x 1) x 1.25

[ Traits ]

| Critter | - | Gifted | - | Sex Appeal | - | Skilled | - | Take Another Rank 1 |

[ Perks ]

Active Perks: | Currency Maker | - | Ghost | - | Medical Genius | - | Patcher | - | Pleasure |

Passive Perks: | A Hunger For Knowledge | - | Addiction Resistant | - | All Element Mana Generator | - | All The Loot | - | Always Aware | - | Ambidextrous | - | Ammo Depot | - | Another Skill Talent | - | Assassin | - | Beginner Miner | - | Bone Head | - | Bookworm | - | Boomstick | - | Braced | - | Brute Rank 5 | - | Calculative Individual | - | Cat Eyes | - | Champion Level Muscle Genetics | - | Character Builder | - | Child Of Light | - | Commander | - | Commando | - | Computer Whiz | - | Death Sense | - | Double-Edged Sword | - | Eagle Eye | - | Efficient Weapon Handling | - | Escape Artist | - | Explosives Expert Rank 5 | - | Gotta Go Fast | - | Growth Rank 25 | - | Heavy Gunner Rank 5 | - | Heavy Weapon Expert Rank 5 | - | High Human | - | Human Supercomputer | - | Human Warehouse | - | Infiltrator | - | Iron Fist | - | Knowledgeable Sponge | - | Lady Killer | - | Language Master | - | Leader Of The Pack | - | Lighter Load | - | Looter Shooter | - | Man Killer | - | Marathon Runner | - | Master Of All Trades | - | Monstrous Physique | - | Mutant Slayer | - | Natural Born Learner | - | Nature Affinity Rank 3 | - | Nerves Of Steel | - | Observant | - | Pain Resistance | - | Quick Hands | - | Quick Learner | - | Rare Cardiovascular Genetics | - | Ravager | - | Reading Fanatic | - | Recipe Improvement | - | Regeneration | - | Resource Hoarder | - | Savage | - | Seasoned Soldier Rank 5 | - | Second Wind | - | Silver Tongue | - | Skeleton Key | - | Smash & Bash | - | Sniper | - | Speed Loader | - | Strong Body | - | Talented | - | Tank Commander | - | That's A Lot Of Damage | - | The Great Leader | - | Thick Headed | - | Tough Skeleton | - | Walking Treasure Detector | - | Warrior | - | Wild Man |

Combo Perks: | All Seeing | - | Bulletstorm | - | Certified Forklift Operator | - | Devastator | - | H.U.D. | - | Herculean Strength | - | Human Smelter | - | Magic Supremacy | - | Martial Weapon Master | - | Mechanical Domination | - | Metal Detector | - | Overcharged | - | Restorer | - | Slaughterer | - | Shadow Lurker | - | Space Farer | - | The Power Of Atom | - | Unarmed Master | - | Wisest Wizard |

Perk Points Gained Per Level Up: 3 ⇮

[ Mutations ]

| Pure |

[ Classes ]

| Mage | +2 Intelligence, Perception, and Magic and +3 Magic Power Per Level Up

[ Mage Techniques And Cultivation Methods ]

❖ All Element Core Technique ❖

Basic Foundation Technique

[ Magic Formations ]

Basic Condensing Formation - Basic Rotation Formation - Self Sustaining Basic Condensing Formation - Self Sustaining Basic Rotation Formation

[ Magic Spells ]

Oath Magic (Neutral)

Level 1 Fire Ball (Fire)

Level 1 Spark (Lightning)

[ Gear & Item Box ]

Weapons: AP-6 Hand Cannon (1) - BFS-6 Heavy Shotgun (1) - Carl Gustaf (1) - Demolition Charges (20) - Detonator (1) - FBLAR-1 Laser Assault Rifles (2) - FBLMG-9 Laser Machine Gun (1) - Grandpa John's Combat Knife (1) - Mulcher (1) - Purge (1) - T-4 Plasma Grenades (50) - X-50 Anti-Material Rifle (1)

Weapon Magazines: A-50 Anti-Material Rifle 10 round Magazines (20) - AP-6 Speedloaders (10) - BFS-6 Heavy Shotgun 50 Round Box Magazine (11) - Mulcher Armored Backpack Magazines (6) - Purge Reactor Backpacks (2)

Armor: Heavy Trooper Set (1) - War Belt

Apparel: Ancient Runic Cross Necklace Of Protection (1) - Set Of Clothes (5)

Aid: IFAKs (2) - Medstims (100) - P-Dex Bottle (1) - P-Dex Syringes (10)

Ammo: .338 Lapua Magnum Rounds (120) - .50 BMG Rounds (300) - 6 Gauge Shotgun Shells (750) - 7.62x51mm Rounds (71,000) - 84x245R RCL Rounds (50) - Microfusion Breeder Cells (20)

Miscellaneous: Lockpick Sets (2) - Stealth Packs (6) - Undercity 7 Credstick (1)

Money: Undercity 7 Credits (705,849,144)

Robots: K-1 Spider Mines (10)

[ Other Stats & Bonuses ]

Accuracy: Accuracy +25% - Ballistic Weapon Accuracy +50% - Braced Weapon Accuracy +20% - Headshot Accuracy +25% - Heavy Ranged Weapon Accuracy +50% - Heavy Weapon Accuracy +100%

Attack Speed: Melee Weapon Attack Speed +50% - Unarmed Attack Speed +50%

Attribute: Endurance Gain +400% - Intelligence Gain +50% - Strength Gain +400%

Bodily Needs: Food & Drink Requirements -50% - Required Sleep 4 Hours

Body: Blood Circulation +50% - Body Durability +100% - Bone Durability +50% - Bone Strength +50% - Crippling Effects -50% - Eyesight +100% - Ligament Strength +300% - Ligament Growth Speed +300% - Limb Durability +15% - Muscle Growth Speed +100% - Muscle Density +100% - Reaction Speed +132% - Tendon Strength +300% - Tendon Growth Speed +300%

Brain: Brain Processing Power +900% - Calculation Ability +100% - Knockout Resistance +50% - Reading Speed +250% - Thought Processes 4

Cooldowns: Second Wind Cooldown 28 Days

Critical: Stealth Attack Crit Chance With Melee, Unarmed, & Thrown Weapons +100%

Currency Maker Rates: $1,000 For 6 lb Of Silver - $10,000 For 6 lb Of Gold

Damage: Ballistic Weapon Damage +199.5% - Critical Hit Damage +50% - Damage +10% - Energy Weapon Damage +187% - Explosive Damage 238.5% - Female Damage +15% - Headshot Damage +35% - Heavy Ranged Weapon Damage +100% - Heavy Weapon Damage +288% - Magic Damage +1,080.5% - Male Damage +15% - Melee Weapon Damage +398.5% - Mutant Damage +25% - Ranged Weapon Bashing Damage +25% - Shotgun Damage +50% - Stealth Damage +546.5% - Unarmed Damage +418.5%

Defense: DT +5 - When Taking Damage From Mutated Creatures DT +20% - While Bracing A Weapon DT +10%

Duplicate Cast Max Amount: 3

Energies: Martial Weapon Master Energy Range 23 Meters - Unarmed Master Energy Range 23 Meters

Fields: Metal Detector Range 8,100 Meters - Perception Field Range 81 meters - Presence Hiding Field Range 97 Meters - Repair Field Range & Rate 65 Meters, 65% Per Hour

Ghost: Duration 97 Minutes

Hands: All Around Hand Speed +100% - Typing Speed +100%

Health: Health +100% - Health Regeneration Per Minute +1 - Health Regeneration Rate +100%

Heavy: When Wearing Heavy Armor Or Piloting Similarly Classed Craft Armor, Damage, & Speed +25%

Leadership & Forces: Force Damage +10% - Force Efficiency +2% - Force Performance +2% - Heavy Force Armor +25% - Heavy Force Damage +25% - Heavy Force Speed +25% - Loyalty Gain +100% - When Fighting Alongside Force Damage +10%

Lockpicking Reward: 22

Mage Realm Level Limit: 33

Magic: Magic Effectiveness +1,080.5% - Mana Efficiency +1,980.5% - Magic Learning Speed +100% - Magic Skill Gain +100% - Mana Absorption Speed +1,790%

Medical: Aid Duration +100% - Aid Positive Effects +100%

Medical Genius Heal Limit: 6 Uses A Day

Mining: Mining Efficiency +20% - Mining Speed +20% - Mining Yields +10%

Movement: Jump Height 25 Feet - Max Speed 55 Miles Per Hour - When Infiltrating Movement Speed +10%

Other Weapon Stats: Explosive Radius +138.5% - Magazine Loading Speed +50% - Reloading Speed +35%

Range: Ballistic Weapon Range +50%

Resistances: Addiction Resistance +50% - Poison Resistance +25

Shotgun: BOOM!

Skill: Skill Gain Speed +250% - Skill Points Gained Per Level Up +25% - Skill Points Gained From Skill Books 10

Stamina: Stamina +915% - Stamina Costs -20% - Stamina Regeneration +915% - Weapon Handling Stamina Cost -50%

Vehicle: Speed When Piloting +132% - Handling When Piloting +132%

Velocity: Ballistic Weapon Velocity +199.5% - Energy Weapon Velocity +187% - Heavy Weapon Velocity +188%

Weight: Ammo & Magazine Weight -40% Carry Weight 1,350 - Carry Weight Percentage +100% - Item Weight 5lbs & Lower -50% - Resource Weight -40% - Weapon Weight 10lbs & Higher -50%

Kill Counter: 6,463

[ Property ]

Weapons: 7.62mm Hunting Rifles (576) - A-50 Anti-Material Rifles (11) - AALP-3 Laser Pistols (10) - AALR-6 Laser Rifles (10) - AAGL-5 Gatling Lasers (10) - AK-108s (10) - AKMs (10) - AP-6 Hand Cannons (100) - BFS-6 Heavy Shotguns (100) - CA12 Combat Shotguns (10) - Carl Gustafs (500) - Colt Python .357 Magnum Revolvers (934) - Combat Knives (1,000) - CSG10 Submachine Guns (699) - Demolition Charges (7,000) - Detonators (100) - DMG-15 Double Barrel Machine Gun (1) - F-3 Flashbangs (10,000) - F-60 Flamethrowers (100) - FBGL-6 Gatling Lasers (1,000) - FBLAR-1 Laser Assault Rifles (10,000) - FBLMG-9 Laser Machine Guns (5,000) - FBPC-10 Plasma Cannons (1,000) - FBPAR-3 Plasma Assault Rifles (5,000) - FBPMG-9 Plasma Machine Guns (2,500) - FBPS-7 Plasma Scorchers (1,000) - H-40 Grenade Machineguns (250) - HK416s (10) - M2 Browning Machine Gun (500) - M240 Machine Guns (15) - M56 Miniguns (100) - M76 Miniguns (100) - M90 Frag Grenades (30,000) - Microfusion Cell Mines (24) - NPDMs (10) - Pickaxes (4,121) - Remington Model 870 Shotguns (1,765) - Sawed-off Double Barreled 12 Gauge Shotguns (2) - STAR-25 Assault Rifles (24) - T-4 Plasma Grenades (50,000) - TBT Sniper Rifles (10) - U-2 EMP Grenades (10,000) - VT-80 Missile Launchers (500) - X-50 Anti-Material Rifles (1,000) - Z-2 Plasma Rifles (10)

Weapon Magazines: 5.56mm Minigun 500 Round Drum Magazines (1,000) - 5.56mm Minigun 1,000 Round Backpack Magazines (100) - 7.62mm Minigun 500 Round Drum Magazines (3,000) - 7.62mm Minigun 1,000 Round Backpack Magazines (100) - 7.62mm Minigun 10,000 Round Armored Backpack Magazines (1,000) - A-50 Anti-Material Rifle 10 round Magazines (4,500) - AK-47 30 Round Magazines (2,200) - AK-47 75 Round Drum Magazines (1,000) - AP-6 Speedloaders (3,000) - BFS-6 Heavy Shotgun 50 Round Box Magazines (3,000) - CA12 Combat Shotgun 12 Round Drum Magazines (100) - CSG10 Submachine Gun 30 Round Magazines (2,651) - DMG-15 Double Barrel Machine Gun 75 Round Box Magazines (6) - FBGL-6 Gatling Laser Reactor Backpacks (1,800) - H-40 Grenade Machinegun 45 Round Magazines (3,000) - M240 Machine Gun 100 Round Box Magazines (44) - M2 Browning Machine Gun 100 Round Box Magazines (5,000) - NPDM 100 Round Drum Magazines (1,000) - 5.56 STANAG 30 Round Magazines (5,000) - 5.56 STANAG 60 Round Quad Stack Magazines (20,000) - 5.56 STANAG 100 Round Drum Magazines (5,000) - 7.62 STANAG 10 Round Magazines (500) - 7.62 STANAG 20 Round Magazines (2,000) - Mulcher Armored Backpack Magazines (50) - Purge Reactor Backpacks (300)

Armor: War Belts (100)

Clothing: Sets Of Clothes (30)

Aid: IFAKs (100) - Medstims (10,000) - P-Dex Bottles (5,000) - P-Dex Syringes (3,000)

Ammo: .338 Lapua Magnum Rounds (1,009,279) - .357 Rounds (27,813) - .50 BMG Rounds (5,007,219) - 10mm Rounds (76,334) - 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells (256,220) - 5.56x45mm Rounds (5,060,317) - 6 Gauge Shotgun Shells (1,046,276) - 7.62x39mm Rounds (251,021) - 7.62x51mm Rounds (10,010,677) - 80mm Missiles (39,500) - 84x245R RCL Rounds (10,000) - Flamethrower Fuel (5,000) - Microfusion Cells (250,023) - Microfusion Breeder Cells (5,000,000)

Skill Books: All Things Gun (4) - Atomic Power (3) - Bigger Is Always Better (3) - Book Of Engineering (3) - Boom! (2) - Conversationalists Notebook (3) - Drifting & Racing Weekly (2) - Encyclopedia Of Medical Advancements (3) - Entrepreneur (2) - Future Science (3) - Last Man Standing (3) - Leaders Of The World (4) - Martial Master (2) - Martial Weapons Guide (2) - Master Of All Trades (1) - Security Systems Monthly (3) - Stealth 101 (2)

Miscellaneous: A Large Assortment of Automated Manufacturing and Processing Machines - Small Arc Furnaces (5) - Automated Aid Manufacturing Machine (1) - Automated Ammo Manufacturing Machines (1) - Automated Weapon Manufacturing Machines (2) - Automated Weapon Magazine Manufacturing Machine (1) - Lockpick Sets (8) - Metal (313,030,164) - Ore & Minerals (413,000,001) - Stealth Packs (2) - Other Misc Items (259,005,714)

Money: Dollars (25,000,000)

Robots: Crusaders (20) - K-1 Spider Mines (5,000) - Multibots (300) - Prospectrons (21)

Turrets: FBGL-6 Gatling Laser Turrets (254) - S-3 Trapdoor Turrets (100) - ZBR-2 Laser Turrets (100)

Vehicles: CZ-7 Armored SUV

Pets: Vritra (Newborn Colossal Monster Drake)

Creatures: Moleman Guards (2)

Locations: Genesis Foundry

[ Production Capacity ]

Aid: 1,000

Ammo: 100,000

Apparel: -

Dollars: -

Metal: 1,000,000

Miscellaneous: 1,000,000

Ore & Minerals: 1,500,000

Robots: 0.5

Turrets: 1

Vehicles: -

Weapons: 200

Weapon Magazines: 1,000

[ Quests ]

Ready to turn in: 0

Completed: 6

In progress: 14

(Daily) | Workout | Objectives: Complete your daily workout. Reward: 10 exp.

| Area 51 | Objectives: Gain access to Area 51 by any means necessary and explore the site from top to bottom. Rewards: Perk | Alien Researcher |, 40 Repair points, 40 Science points, 40 Medicine points, 450,000 exp.

| Business Tycoon | Objectives: Obtain 10,000,000,000,000 Dollars worth of assets by any means necessary. Rewards: New Perk?, 15,000,000 exp.

| Harem | Objectives: Enter a long-term romantic relationship with at least 3 women. All women must be aware of each other and okay with the arrangement of sharing you. Reward: 5,000 exp.

| Maxigen Improvement | Objectives: Research, improve, and remove the negative side effect of the Maxigen drug. Rewards: Perk | Drug Researcher |, 5 Medicine points, 5 Science points, 2,500 exp.

| Metro Connection | Objectives: Connect the nearby metro rails with your places. Rewards: Perk | Apprentice Miner |, 10 Repair Points, 50,000 exp.

| Nevada Conquest | Objectives: Become the undisputed number one power in Nevada and take control over the state in its entirety. Rewards: Perk | Territory |, 25 attribute points, 250 skill points, 1,000,000 exp.

| Pablo Escobar Jr. | Objectives: Establish drug production and earn 10,000,000 dollars from the sale of your products. Rewards: Perk | Drug Kingpin |, 10 Medicine points, 30,000 exp.

| Power Surge | Objectives: Win the battle for Hoover Dam and become the sole owner of it. Rewards: Perk | Power Surge |, 5 attribute points, 25 Repair points, 250,000 exp.

| Suited Up | Objectives: Open up the armories at Fort Kern and acquire a suit of power armor. Rewards: Perk | Mobile Armory |, 5 Lockpick, 75,000 exp.

| Take Over The Cyberdynamics Robotics Facility | Objectives: Clear out all hostile forces and set up shop. Rewards: Perk | Certified Roboticist |, 5 Science Points, 25,000 exp.

✩ | The Butcher | Objectives: Reach a kill count total of 10,000 kills. Rewards: Perk Slaughterer Rank 2, 100,000 exp.

| Undegrounder | Objectives: Clear all Nevada metros of hostiles and take control of them. Rewards: Perk Mole People, 10 Attribute Points, 1,000,000 exp.

| Wasteland Conqueror | Objectives: Conquer the wasteland and take over Earth in its entirety. Rewards: ???

Looking through all the system tabs, I couldn't help but comment mentally.

I certainly fulfill the requirements for boss level at this point.

From there, I continued to browse through my system for the following few minutes.

Those weight reduction perks I acquired have cut down the amount of weight I was carrying in my item box by quite a lot. I guess I'll need to fill it up again with an assortment of gear and maybe even some snacks this time... it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to have a stash of food and drinks on hand. Moving on from that, let me check out what the H.U.D. has to offer.

The next several minutes were spent with me going through, checking out, and messing with the various elements that were available. Shortly thereafter, I decided to keep things light and went with just setting up a pseudo compass at the top middle of my view, my health, stamina, and mana at the bottom left, a minimap with a controllable zoom at the top right, and the quest tracking function that would lead me to my objectives. But I had none such quests, hence that function was sitting dormant for the time being.

I could add more features that this, but I don't really have any need for them. Not to mention I'd rather not clutter up my view.

Toggling the H.U.D. off since it was unneeded at this given moment, I exited out of my system window and carefully got up, unsure of how much control I had over my newfound power. However, unlike previous times, I found I had complete control over my massively upgraded capabilities for some reason or another.

That's certainly going to be useful going forward. Almost makes having this room specifically just for leveling kind of pointless now.

Taking a few seconds to bask in my much improved power, I left my level up room behind and rejoined Alice, Bella, and my two friends Bob and Big Tom in their training.


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