

9 April 2019


I am feeling lonely. It's the third day and only today I realized that he left me. I don't even remember the last time when I saw him. I missed my last chance of seeing him. I don't remember.... I don't remember anything about his last journey.

I only remember that I was in hospital with him. But the following two days... it's gone from my memory. It's like I didn't live those two days. Today when I came out from the shock my family... no his family... I can't call that family mine anymore. They said me he is gone already.

Why this happened? Why he had to leave me? Why he had to leave after giving me this ring? Why? What I'll do now? How will I live?

I don't want to live. There's no reason to live now. I should not live. But.... but he wanted me to be happy. He always wanted to protect me and keep me safe. He always asked me not to cry. And what I have been doing all day? I was crying the whole day. It would hurt him. I should not cry anymore.

No. Tears stop! Please. I can't cry. I just can't. I don't want to hurt him more.

I miss him. I miss him a lot. Why did I recklessly ran? I should have been careful. I should have watched out for the car. If I would not have run like that then he would have not been gone. He would have stayed with me. And probably we would have started our shopping for the wedding by now. He is gone because of me. He risked his life to save me. But I was not able to do anything when he got hit by the car. He died saving me.

He is gone because of me. I caused his death. I caused his family to suffer.

If only I would have been matured and not acted babyishly that day, this would have not happened.

We were so happy after our engagement. Usually girls are more excited about their engagement and marriage. But my case was different. He was more excited than me.

We had waited for our marriage for so long. We loved each other for eight years and longed for this day all the eight years. We were so happy when our families announced our engagement and then our marriage. We got engaged last week and finally when the time came to get married I ruined everything.

Even our families were also happy for us, for our engagement, for our marriage. His family had already accepted me as part of their family. As their only son's wife, as their only daughter-in-law. But they lost their only son because of me. They gave me so much love and in return I gave them the greatest sorrow... How will I face them now? No. No, I can't face them. I won't be able to.

I can't even face myself now. I caused the death of the person whom i loved the most. More importantly he was the person who loved me the most.

Two months later will be his birth anniversary and the day we chose to get married..... But... that day won't be spend as it was planned.

Instead of being a busy and cheerful day.. I guess it would be a quite and mournful day for me.

But no matter how the day will be I will spend that day with him... I will visit him and ask him to call me too. And I will wait to reconcile with him.