
Warrior Noble to Aide of The Vampire Princess

Im quite stupid hate me if you want but I can’t write a synopsis to save my life if you still want to read my pitifully attempts at writing God Bless you. Just know its got must my favorite stuff Vampires and battle. This is a High Fantasy Novel but I will try to heavily steer it towards Low fantasy.

Wargodof04 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


15 minutes later

The doors to Princess Alivia's hall swing open, The buzzing chatter of the courtiers dies instantly with the closing of the hall's doors.

Donathon in his dark lapis uniform, his sheath empty swings lightly as he walks down the hall.

Within 10 feet of Princess Alivia, Donathon kneels down with his eyes planted on the foot of Alivia's throne.


Princess Alivia says with a tone of mocking and annoyance. Ah good knight Donathon you've seen fit to finally grace us with your presence.

Donathon calm and collected says. Begging thy pardon my Princess, it took me longer than expected to pull back on my court worthy uniform. Princess Alivia rolling her eyes says. Never-mind what I've called you here today to tell my court in your opinion, what gave you and your troops the ability to hold against us for as long as you did. Donathon says. Wouldn't it be better to ask one of your Generals?

Princess Alivia with a fake smile and eyes staring holes into a Vampire in Bright red says. No I've asked you now Continue.

Donathon says. Ah uhm ok, I wouldn't say it was a lack of bravery on your soldiers part, nor a failure on the part of Your or your Generals leadership, I would say that it was factors on our side that gave us continued strength to resist, namely the loyalty of my men, Our Superior knowledge of the terrain and I'd say fear played a major role in it. The Courtiers faces go blank. Princess Alivia Stunned for a second says. Could I get you to elaborate on that a bit more Sir Donathon. Donathon confused says. Have none of you ever heard not to poke a cornered animal, because of the animal's fear and will to survive it'll fight like mad to escape tearing through anything in its way, Fear can be your deadliest enemy or your greatest weapon it would just depend on how it is used, is that a sufficient explanation Princess. Princess Alivia says. Your saying the main reason behind you continued resistance was fear of us. Donathon says. Yes.