
Warrior Noble to Aide of The Vampire Princess

Im quite stupid hate me if you want but I can’t write a synopsis to save my life if you still want to read my pitifully attempts at writing God Bless you. Just know its got must my favorite stuff Vampires and battle. This is a High Fantasy Novel but I will try to heavily steer it towards Low fantasy.

Wargodof04 · Fantasi
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4 Chs


The roar of a victorious population calls out, The kindred linemen faces lit brightly with pride, Children rush to and fro, Petals of the native black rose flutter down all around.

The carriages carrying the captured Kine both officer and enlisted are berated with rocks and trash, laughs and sneers from the elders, children look on with mixes of confusion and interest.


30 mins ago

Alivia stands proud and tall sword drawn, her chariot drawn by 5 pure white horses, at the head of the triumph, roars of pride from both the Vanguard and the cities Kindred,her triumph raps around the lord's hold, Alivia and her personal guard walk up the stairs to lord's hall at summit of the stairs Stands Caine.


Caine with a look of slight distaste quietly says. What do you plan to do with those Kine my daughter? Alivia slightly nervous look says. One of the Kine impressed me so I took them to keep for myself Lord father. Caine with a nod of acknowledgment Shouts above the cheering crowds. My Daughter has achieved a Giant victory with this conquest, So for that place the Wreath of Victory upon her head.


For a long couple seconds Quiet then the silence is shattered like glass by the United roar of approval from the crowd.


While the crowd was occupied with the ceremony of victory Alivia's cavalry squad set about moving the Kine.


Junior Calvary officer with a bored face says. Let's go, move it you damn 10ers!

Calvary-men takes a swig of blood wine and says. Sir where is Alivia having us take the Kine?

Junior officer says. Her private palace apparently she's keeping them close to prevent any 'accidents'.

Calvary-men says. Ah. .......................................….

1 hour later

Donathon says. That Princess gave us a whole quarter of her palace, At least the men are comfortable for now.

A Vampire Courier bangs on the door.

Donathon says. You may enter.

Courier face covered in distaste says.

Princess Alivia has ordered you presence in her hall and 'Requests' it Immediately.

Donathon says. Send Princess Alivia my understanding I shall depart promptly.

Courier with face of unsuccessful hidden distaste says. Aye Childre of Seth.