
chapter 8 captain

Chapter 8. captain

The recruiting point of the e-sports club has suddenly changed from a sprawling crowd to a crowded crowd. This reversal happened so fast that the four of us were stunned.

Gu Nian and Tangning were left to the side, and it took a long time before they remembered to deliver the application form to the crowd: "Hey, classmates, fill out the form here, here."

No one paid any attention to them, the girls' enthusiasm seemed to be concentrated on Mu Nanqiao, and Gu Nian's identity as president was emptied in a second.

Lu Yuewei and Shuangshuang stood by and watched the joke, calmly hugged my shoulders, and whispered in my ear, "Your childhood sweetheart is really charming."

I smiled wryly.

She added: "When he threw that dress to Gu Nian, he was so handsome."

"That's not clothes."


Calmness is the legendary Virgo who is very picky with blood type A, and it is rarer to get her praise than to drop a plane in the sky. I deliberately looked up at the sky: "Is there? It's alright."

"Now that you see him attracting bees and butterflies, you are jealous."

It is undeniable that calm is also in a word.

Seeing so many girls walking around Mu Nanqiao made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Mu Nanqiao not only has a good skin, but also has the characteristics of attracting girls-he has a kind of persistence and romance that is exclusive to travelers, and this quality cannot be copied.

The morning recruiting activity finally ended, and Mu Nanqiao accumulated a thick stack of forms. He handed it to Gu Nian: "What, can I do it?"

Gu Nian's expression was very distorted, and after a long pause, he said, "Thank you."

Mu Nanqiao turned around, looked at me and said, "Xiaoge, don't make friends so carelessly in the future, dare to promise anything messy."

It seemed that Gu Nian's endurance had reached its limit. At this moment, Tangning turned her back on the battle, changed her indifferent attitude, and took the application form diligently, "You are Mu Nanqiao from B University? Let's have a meal together."

"No need." He looked at me, "I want to accompany them to dinner."

Tangning was a little embarrassed, but then she returned to her original state, "Then why don't you do it? You helped us a lot today, or leave a phone number and I'll invite you another day."

Mu Nanqiao's mobile phone was placed on the table, she picked it up naturally, turned on the unlock button, and then entered her mobile phone number. After losing, she handed it to Mu Nanqiao with a sweet smile.

As expected of a flower, emotional intelligence and means are high.

"I'm familiar with it." Calmly snorted.

"Hold your thighs." Lu Yuewei was not to be outdone.

Shuangshuang refused to lag behind and whispered, "Pigeon, I support you."

I hated the iron and asked: "You have summed it up so well, how come no one dares to speak a little louder for her to hear?"

"This... face-saving is always something to do." They began to sneer.

When I thought that Tangning might ask Mu Nanqiao to meet, I felt extremely uncomfortable and couldn't help but glared at Mu Nanqiao. He was looking at me too, with a smile in his eyes.

I pouted and greeted Gu Nian: "Senior, I have left beforehand."

Gu Nian nodded indifferently.

I was going to turn around and leave, but just after taking two steps, I suddenly felt a little useless.

What is this?

The five of us have nothing to do with the e-sports club, but we stood here with the cold wind all morning, and finally got a look on our faces. What the hell is going on here?

Immediately, I turned around, walked to Gu Nian's side again, and said clearly: "Senior, not all girls can accept this kind of clothing. If you ask someone for help next time, you'd better ask the other person's bottom line first. It's also the most basic kind of respect."

After I finished speaking, I waved to Mu Nanqiao: "You have worked hard today, I will treat you to a big meal."

Gu Nian's face was sullen and did not answer. Tangning's face was also very bad and she gave me a blank look. I pretended not to see it, and said to the calm and calm them: "Let's go, let's go together, you can decide the place."

They cheered suddenly, and walked to the school gate with Mu Nanqiao and me.

The neighborhood of the school is very lively, with many specialty restaurants and Internet cafes opened, and the prices are staggeringly cheap. We picked a hot pot restaurant and rushed in to eat a hearty one. The only regret is that Mu Nanqiao supervises me not to eat spicy food, so I can only drool while looking at the red and oily spicy soup.

They both bit a crab willow and said, "Pigeon, you don't even know how happy you are to be a childhood sweetheart with the handsome guy."

Lu Yuewei couldn't help but start hurting her: "Shuangshuang, talk about handsome guys and beauties all day long, be careful to live up to the nickname of nympho."

"I'd like to be a nympho, what's up!" Shuangshuang became aggrieved, crying with a sad face, "My junior high and high school are girls' schools, girls' schools! You are used to seeing flowers and flowers, and pigeons have been seductive since you were young. Yes. Of course I have to make it up."

Calm finally laughed, and smoothed out: "Okay, I know you want to make it up, but today is a dinner party for the four of us in our dormitory, can you stop texting?"

Shuangshuang started staring at the phone from time to time from the first bite. As soon as the screen turned on, she quickly swiped it open and clicked it. We all know that she is now in love, tacitly knowing each other.

"Okay, I'll eat now." Shuangshuang felt a little guilty.

Originally, this was a small episode, and it was okay to listen to it, but Mu Nanqiao's words provoked a climax again: "Shuangshuang has a boyfriend?"

Shuangshuang immediately made a big red face, bowed her head and ate the food without saying a word. Lu Yuewei and calm are energetic: "Shuangshuang, you can't send text messages like this every day, you have to let the relationship go further."

"How to go further?" she asked blankly.

Calmly took a chopstick of green vegetables, and said noble and cool: "Seeing is better than texting. What's the point of chatting with text messages? Of course, you have to meet and talk face-to-face to get closer, otherwise your him will always be an illusory figure."

Lu Yuewei also said, "Shuangshuang, call him quickly and ask him to come over for dinner."

I said, "Yeah, Shuangshuang, just call him over today, we'll cheer you up!"

Both looked at Mu Nanqiao hesitantly: "Is it convenient? He is in the school team of University B."

Mu Nanqiao's withdrawal from the game last time must have offended many people on the school team. If you call that person rashly, there must be something wrong. I looked at Mu Nanqiao, but he looked calm: "it's okay, I'm fine with them. Tell me, who is he?"

Both said a name. Mu Nanqiao frowned: "Who is this? I've never heard of it."

"You are all on the same school team, how could you not know each other?"

Mu Nanqiao pondered for a while, and said very confidently, "I'm sure there is no such person in the school team."

Both of them changed their faces, and Lu Yuewei urged: "You might as well call him, anyway, B is not far from here!"

"Wait." Mu Nanqiao took out his mobile phone and asked briefly, "The number, I'll call."

There was three seconds of silence at the dinner table.

I don't know what kind of mentality, Shuangshuang said the number. Mu Nanqiao dialed the number and pressed the speakerphone key.

"The man who sets the horse, you are mighty and majestic, the galloping horse is like a gust of wind..."

The ringtone on the mobile phone was actually the Divine Comedy "Horse Pole", which made both faces turn green. Lu Yuewei and I looked at each other and wiped off our sweat silently.

The taste of the handsome guy...is it all so weird?

"Let him give up the treatment, he is helpless." He said calmly.

The thing that made Shuangshuang collapse was still to come. After more than ten seconds, the phone was finally connected, and a thick male voice sounded from the phone: "Hey, who is it?"

Just five words are enough for us to distinguish - it is not someone else, it is the captain of our school team, that muscular man with five or three thick looks!

We are completely stupid.

The Jade Emperor, Allah, the Virgin Mary, didn't he say that he was a handsome guy in the school team of University B, how did he become a rough guy in our school?

The matter is very clear, apparently the captain gave Shuangshuang his number and lied to her that it was the contact information of a handsome guy. Simple Shuangshuang just chatted with people through text messages for a few weeks.

The expressions on Shuangshuang's faces changed rapidly. After the other party asked "Hello, who are you?", She suddenly took the phone and shouted, "It's me!"

The other party was still ignorant and asked, "Who are you?"

Calm can't hold back anymore: "Tell him his mother is here!"

Lu Yuewei: "You have to scold him!"

I am not to be outdone: "Shuangshuang, you are talking!"

Although Mu Nanqiao was cooking, his tone was murderous: "You can let him come here to eat hot pot, hehe."

The four of us shared the same hatred, our arrogance was high, and we wanted to grab the phone in both hands to vent. The other party was obviously frightened by our battle, and asked repeatedly: "Who are you? If you don't speak, I will hang up."

Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment, and said in a sullen voice, "I made a mistake." Then they hung up the phone.


Our arrogance suddenly plummeted.

Calm couldn't bear it anymore, slapped the table and said, "Shuangshuang, do you still have any backbone? Do you think you are a slice of mutton for people to eat! You don't know how to hurt someone and give me his phone number, I'll scold him for you. Can't find North..."

Lu Yuewei said dissatisfiedly, "Calm down and say a few words less, you see how sad Shuangshuang is."

"The steamed buns only have the share of being angry! The mutton only has the share of being rinsed!"

Shuangshuang couldn't help it, tears streaming down her face, she picked up the phone and pressed it. Calmly cheered her up in the narration: "It's okay to scold him with a text message!"

I guess Shuangshuang didn't have the courage to curse at all. She must have deleted the captain's cell phone number. Who knew that she raised her head timidly for a long time and said, "I accidentally reset my phone to factory settings."

There was five seconds of silence at the dinner table.

We were completely pissed off by Shuangshuang's mutton slices. Calmly and deliberately, she pouted to Lu Yuewen: "Let's go shopping and buy clothes later."

I also discussed with Mu Nanqiao: "I heard that there is a very good movie recently..."

"Please don't do this!" Shuangshuang cried, "I met such a big 'cup', and none of you comforted me."