
Warlock of the Magus World – Redux

Dr. Fang Ming, a scientist in his previous life, reincarnates into a world of sword and magic. Thus, he becomes the new owner of Leylin Farlier's body. The previous Leylin was the useless son of a Viscount and a weak miscreant shunned by the nobilities. But to our protagonist, that is nothing to be concerned about. He always gets what he wants, one way or another. And he craves all the power he can get his hands on. He knows no limit to his ambition; Leylin's final goal is to stand above creation itself. Other people are just pawns on his game board, and relationships are the strings he uses to manipulate events in his favor. Yet, Leylin does not kill exclusively when his plans demand it. He kills for his own sick pleasure. Unattached, ambitious, calculating, and sadistic; such are the qualities of a true villain. Such are the traits defining the new Leylin. |=|=|=|=|=|=|=| **What are the differences compared to the original?** 1.- Fewer exclamation marks and better grammar. 2.- Leylin's character is way darker (his actions reflect his evil nature). Doesn't mean he won't be as dedicated or smart, though. 3.- The Chip has a true A.I. personality. NO ROMANCE AT ALL with the MC, and it won't get a body of its own. It will NEVER disobey the MC either. He basically has Siri/Alexa in his head, nothing more. I do this for fun, I own nothing (cover included ---> shorturl.at/yDGIN)

TunaSandwichAddict · Komik
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128 Chs

Third Zone Villa

In the heart of the formidable Teljose Volcano City, a luxuriant oasis dared to flourish, boldly defying the fiery wrath of its volcanic birthplace. This was no ordinary oasis, but a miraculous creation of nature and magic.

Here, crystal clear spring water sprang forth from an elegant white marble canteen, its purity a testament to the enchanting magic that regulated the climate. This was the Third Zone, a sanctuary where the outside volcanic fury was tamed by arcane forces, creating an eternal spring of comfort and beauty amidst the oppressive ash and fire.

Beneath the canteen, a half-nude white marble statue stood in silent vigil. The statue, a masterpiece of artistry, depicted a long-haired maiden of ethereal beauty. Her eyes held a mystical gaze, a blend of indolence and perplexity, as if she pondered secrets known only to the ancient deities. One hand delicately tugged at the hem of her skirt, while the other inverted a white canteen, from which the life-giving waters flowed.

The spring's bounty gathered in a serene pond below, where kaleidoscopic pebbles and vibrant fishes played in the light, casting luminous reflections like jewels scattered across the water's surface. This was a spectacle of nature's artistry, a dance of light and life beneath the surface.

Adjacent to the pond lay a verdant garden, a tapestry of flora that boasted flowers of myriad hues—their names whispered only in the hushed tones of the sages. The amalgamation of fragrances was a symphony to the senses, each scent distinct yet harmoniously blended, crafting a perfume that rejuvenated the spirit and cleansed the mind.

In this hidden paradise, nestled within the volcano's embrace, the splendor of nature and the wonders of magic coalesced, creating a realm of unparalleled luxury and beauty—a sanctuary where the elements bowed to the whims of enchantment.

Enveloping the garden, a majestic villa rose, its grandeur rivaled that of the most opulent palaces. Its architecture was a harmonious blend of classic elegance and modern luxury, with sweeping arches, towering columns, and expansive terraces. The facade was adorned with intricate carvings and gilded accents, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display of splendor.

The villa's interior was a testament to exquisite craftsmanship and uncompromising luxury. Marble floors with inlaid mosaics led through spacious halls and salons, each room boasted hand-painted ceilings and ornate chandeliers. The furniture was of the finest materials, with velvet drapes and silk cushions adding a touch of softness to the stone and gold surroundings.

At the heart of the villa's outdoor amenities lay a crystalline pool, its waters as clear as the spring in the garden. The pool was a masterpiece of design, with gentle curves and infinity edges that seemed to merge with the horizon. It was equipped with all the luxuries one could desire: underwater lighting, heated floors, swim-up bars, and private cabanas. The pool area also featured a state-of-the-art spa, saunas, and hot tubs, ensuring that relaxation and indulgence were but a few steps away.

This villa was not just a dwelling but a celebration of opulence and serenity, a place where every detail was meticulously crafted to provide an experience of unparalleled luxury. It stood as a sanctuary of splendor, where the beauty of nature and the pinnacle of human achievement coexisted in perfect harmony.

A man clad in a luxurious white robe, crafted from the finest silk and adorned with intricate embroidery of golden serpents along the sleeves, sauntered by the fountain. His steps were leisurely, a pair of pristine white boots tapping softly against the cobblestones, as he relished the pure, refreshing breeze of the area.

This man was naturally Leylin.

With an air of nonchalance, he meandered through the verdant expanse of his garden. He gently placed an empty golden chalice, once brimming with the finest wine, onto a silver platter held aloft by a stunning servant. Her beauty was a testament to the aesthetic preferences of her new master.

Leylin withdrew into the opulent embrace of his newly claimed villa, a majestic building that mirrored his lofty stature within the city's echelons. Within mere hours of his arrival, the foreign aura that once clung to him had dissipated, replaced by the air of a distinguished proprietor and a Magus of considerable wealth and influence.

This villa was not just a property, but a world in itself, complete with a retinue of servants and equipped with every conceivable amenity. The efficiency of the real estate office was commendable, as Leylin barely had to wait for his new staff to arrive. In a bold move, he dismissed all the male workers, preferring the grace and elegance of an all-female crew. Their beauty was not just a bonus, but a requirement.

The city was divided into four distinct residential zones, each with its own set of stringent regulations. The Fifth Zone was the epicenter of political and economic power, housing only the branches of the city's controlling factions. Private residences were forbidden in this zone. The Fourth Zone was a bustling hub of commerce, with a smattering of exclusive properties. The Third Zone, on the other hand, was akin to a sprawling suburb for the most influential Magi. Here, instead of modest houses or apartments, colossal palaces dominated the landscape, their size belying the term 'villa'.

Leylin's new home was a testament to opulence and security. Its vast expanse was protected by formidable magical defenses. According to Leylin, even a level 3 acolyte or an official Magus would find it impossible to breach these defenses. Any attempt to destroy this fortress would demand a Herculean effort.

Despite the existing protections, Leylin intended to fortify his stronghold further. He planned to add more defensive spell formations, as he harbored a deep mistrust for the spell formations provided by the Nightless City.

The sound of a copper key turning in a lock echoed through the villa, followed by the creaking of a door swinging open. Leylin found it amusingly ironic that in a region teeming with magical and technological advancements, they still relied on mundane keys to secure their doors.

Leylin leisurely strolled around his villa, a grand edifice that rose majestically against the skyline.

The villa boasted five floors, with four reaching towards the heavens and one nestled underground, a secret lair of alchemical innovation. The laboratory was a marvel of modern alchemy, equipped with advanced apparatuses that would make even the most seasoned of Magi green with envy. The furnishings throughout were not just contemporary but chosen with an eye for luxury, reflecting Leylin's exquisite taste and the wealth he had amassed.

The bedroom, a sanctuary of solitude, occupied the top floor. It featured a private balcony that cradled a hot tub, its waters perpetually warm and inviting. From this vantage point, Leylin surveyed his domain, the open terrace serving as a bridge between the opulence of his abode and the vast world beyond.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, a symphony of colors painted the sky, heralding the arrival of twilight. The dark curtain of night began its descent, shrouding the city in mystery and anticipation. It had been precisely 24 hours since Leylin's arrival, yet the city felt like an old friend, welcoming him with open arms.

Along the thoroughfares, lanterns sparked to life one by one, their glow piercing the encroaching darkness. These beacons, small and solitary, joined forces to create a tapestry of light that stretched into infinity. Together, they ignited the Nightless City, bathing it in a luminous embrace that defied the night.

Aralis couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle. [No wonder Teljose City was referred to as the Nightless City.]

This notion lingered in Leylin's mind, a testament to the city's eternal day. In his previous life, such technology was commonplace, but the Magus world was a different beast altogether. To sustain such brilliance, an immense reservoir of energy was required, a demand that perhaps only the relentless geothermal fury of a volcano could satisfy. And yet, here in Teljose City, the impossible was made possible.

Inside Leylin's room, a bulb flickered to life, its glow a mimicry of the incandescent lamps of yore. It was a small, yet potent symbol of the city's prowess.

'All of this energy, this overbearing splendor, is provided by the communal center free of charge,' Leylin mused, a hint of wonder lacing his voice.

The magic that regulated the climate and fueled the lights was a marvel, a testament to the city's mastery over the elements and the arcane. It was a luxury that Leylin now enjoyed, a reminder of the city's generous spirit and the boundless possibilities that awaited him.

Leylin gave a subtle nod, his command cutting through the silence like a blade. "Aralis, initiate a full spectrum scan of the villa. And while you're at it, weave your magic into the defensive spell formations—let's enhance their potency."

As if in response to his master's will, a radiant burst of crimson light flickered within Leylin's eyes, casting dancing shadows across the opulent chamber. It was as though the very essence of magic had found a home within his gaze.

[Good news, Doctor. The villa's blueprint is now etched within my core, and I can confirm the absence of any tracking enchantments.]

Aralis's voice, a symphony of mechanical precision and arcane warmth, resonated in Leylin's mind mere moments later.

[Per your directive, I shall commence the reconfiguration of the villa's spellwork. Projections indicate an enhancement of efficiency by approximately 13%.]

With a flourish of ethereal light, Aralis conjured holographic blueprints before Leylin, pinpointing the nodes of power that required his attention.

"Spellcraft is an art of meticulous detail," Leylin mused aloud, his voice a whisper in the stillness. "Alterations will unveil what was once shrouded, laying bare the secrets of my sanctuary..."

His smile, a blend of confidence and anticipation, Leylin delved into his satchel, retrieving an array of mystical reagents and arcane tools. Each item was a treasure in its own right, gleaming with latent power.

The night wore on as Leylin labored, his hands moving with practiced ease to reinforce and refine the villa's magical defenses. The moon had reached its zenith by the time he completed his task, its silver light a silent witness to his dedication.

With the final incantation spoken, Leylin secured the perimeter with a vigilant ward, a sentinel spell to alert him of any intrusion.

Exhausted, Leylin sought refuge in his chamber, the soft bed offering a comforting embrace. The formidable Lilytell Family had relentlessly pursued him, their assassination attempts a constant threat. This chase had left Leylin physically and mentally drained.

Finally, he found sanctuary in Nightless City, a place even the powerful Lilytell family dared not invade. It felt as if a massive burden had been lifted from his shoulders. He could finally breathe, finally relax. The city was his haven, his refuge from the relentless pursuit.

Settling into his newfound safety, Leylin reflected on his journey. 'I've been through a lot since I left the academy,' he thought, opening a package containing remnants of his past.

He emptied the package onto the bed, revealing a silver-colored metallic hoop, several separately packaged flowers, an assortment of materials, and a collection of precious elixirs. These items were tangible remnants of his past, physical manifestations of his journey.

The metallic hoop was a trophy from his battle against the clone, a Hoop of Imprisonment recovered from the body of the Lilytell elder's clone. Despite being a counterfeit, this magic artifact was a middle-grade artifact. Leylin had narrowly escaped its confinement during their encounter, thanks to his Fallen Star Pendant.

Aralis, his loyal A.I. assistant, had assured him that the hoop held no hidden traps. Leylin decided to keep it, planning to either modify it to suit his needs or sell it when the time was right.

With Leylin's advancement, Aralis had also received a significant upgrade. Things that were once indecipherable to him as an acolyte were now clear. The Lilytell elder, merely a Rank 1 Magus, could not hide anything from him.

Leylin then turned his attention to the various plants and flowers he had salvaged from the Dylan Gardens. They were under preservation spells, but their medicinal properties were waning. He had harvested them hastily and had been unable to properly maintain them during his flight. They were now in a withered and dried state, a stark contrast to their once vibrant appearance.

Among his most valuable possessions was a black tome, the Book of the Giant Serpent. Leylin found himself drawn to it, often flipping through its pages. Despite having recorded everything with Aralis, Leylin felt that the teachings of the great Magus Serholm extended beyond the written words. The book itself, made from peculiar materials and capable of storing an astonishing amount of information, intrigued Leylin and sparked his curiosity.

The last of his treasures was the Fallen Star Pendant that hung around his neck, along with some magic elixirs and other miscellaneous items. These items, when combined, represented all that Leylin had to his name.

Leylin knew that a Rank 1 Warlock wishing to advance needed more than just meditation and bloodlines. Hard work alone was insufficient; one required the aid of resources. High-grade meditation techniques required precious resources, some of which were so rare they had become extinct.

Taking stock of his wealth, Leylin realized that while he could lead a comfortable life in Nightless City, his current possessions were far from sufficient for him to advance to a Rank 2 Warlock. His dreams of advancement, for now, were nothing more than a pipe dream.

Subconsciously, Leylin decided to bring out his stats.


Dr. Fang Ming (Leylin Farlier's body)

<Power Scaling>

Rank 1 Warlock || Grand Knight

<Ancient Bloodline>

Giant Kemoyin Serpent 

<Physical Stats>

Strength - 10.4

Agility - 12.38

Vitality - 17.24

<Mystical Stats>

Spiritual Force - 38.40/38.40

Mana Energy - 38.40/38.40

<Innate Abilities>

Mitotic Regeneration || Advanced Dark Absorption || Advanced Illusory Aura 

<Perks >

Enhanced Plant & Darkness elemental affinities || Boosted illusion resistance || Reptile-class Mysterious Entities of ≤ power are positively biased

<General Skills>

Hybrid Farlier-Jackson Blade Technique (master) || Potioneering (master) || Grand Master Secret Skill (++AGI +STR --VIT) || Various Rank 0 & Rank 1 spells

<Innate Spells>

Kemoyin's Scales || Eye of Petrification


Elemental Essence Conversion - Darkness element (1%)


In the tranquil dawn, Leylin was immersed in the heart of a mystical formation. His mind would wander into the profound depths of the Kemoyin's Pupil meditation, a technique bequeathed by the Great Magus Serholm. Naturally, Leylin would not neglect his cultivation in the high-grade meditation technique.

He could feel his Spiritual Force growing stronger with each passing day; a testament to the technique's effectiveness. However, the path of Elemental Essence Conversion was not without its hurdles.

Ancient texts warned of challenging thresholds, especially at the semi-conversion mark of 50% and the formidable 80% milestone. Leylin often wondered about the countless Magi who had seen their dreams shattered on these unforgiving thresholds.

Leylin's face bore a solemn expression as he pondered his predicament. 'The enhancement of Spiritual Force through high-grade meditation is within my reach, and my bloodline's purity is unquestionable. The slow pace of Elemental Essence Conversion is the only obstacle in my path.'

For many, mastering a high-grade meditation technique signaled a natural progression in their magical prowess. Leylin, now proficient in the third echelon of the Kemoyin's Pupil, found his Spiritual Force advancing effortlessly.

His bloodline's legacy was also a significant power source. The purified essence of the ancient Giant Kemoyin Serpent coursed through his veins. Such a majestic creature, in its prime, could rival the might of a Rank 4 Magus—a Morning Star Magus.

Currently, Leylin, a Rank 1 Warlock, had a bloodline concentration that promised to surpass even a nascent Giant Kemoyin Serpent. He could feel the potent surge of his lineage daily, signaling the imminent approach of his second metamorphosis since his bloodline's awakening.

These revelations filled Leylin with profound satisfaction. However, the slow pace of his elemental essence conversion remained a concern.

It seemed that the soul's aptitude played a crucial role in this transformation. Leylin, born with only a third-grade aptitude, found himself trapped in mediocrity.

Someone with a higher soul quality would naturally undergo a faster conversion. However, for individuals like Leylin, progress was slow and measured over time.

Adding to his urgency, Leylin found his name on the wanted lists of a formidable Magus family. Time was a luxury he could ill afford. Certain rare ingredients promised to speed up the essence conversion.

Leylin's gaze swept over the botanicals and magic artifacts scattered across his bed.

'The Book of Giant Serpent is sacred, never to be traded for anything. The Fallen Star Pendant and the Hoop of Imprisonment are also indispensable at this stage—precious artifacts that I sorely lack,' he mused.

With dwindling options, Leylin faced the harsh reality that these possessions could barely dent the vast resources required for his evolution. His plight was akin to trying to extinguish a blazing fire with a single cup of water.

In moments of reflection, Leylin's thoughts would often drift to the Dylan Gardens. This hidden realm, a legacy of a Rank 4 Warlock, once yielded an annual bounty worth a king's ransom in magic crystals. Ownership of such a place would have eased any concerns over resources for his ascension to Rank 2 Warlock.

Unfortunately, the Dylan Gardens were no more, destroyed by a cataclysmic safeguard left by the venerable Magus Serholm.

"Perhaps his intention was to prevent his successor from becoming complacent, to fan the flames of ambition rather than extinguish them with abundance..." Leylin speculated, a note of longing in his voice.