
Chapter 3 : New Emperors Children

Fabius Bile was most likely not dead knowing the warhammer lore Fulgrim could guess he would find a way to return in the form of a clone body. But that was not important right now, he turned to look at his experimental battle brothers the New Emperors Children who were donning ancient war gear or perhaps for some armor inspired by it?

They're major defects consisted of the physical mutations remincinet of Slaaneshy or chaos space marines, making them all very ugly beneath the helmets and armor but because this was just an aesthetic problem it didn't really matter to Fulgrim.

If anything Fabius Bile did more good with these things than worse although they had no free will and could be considered living automatons they had an artificial intelligence level of efficiency when following orders and because Fulgrim had usurped the chain of command they were guaranteed to be loyal to a fault.

In terms of physical prowess they were on the same level of a chaos space marine but still beneath a primaris. Not counting myself I had about 201 battle brothers which consisted of 50 Emperor's Children Phoenix Terminators, 50 Emperor's Children Legion Palatine Blades Squads and 100 Emperor's Children Legion Kakophoni, not to mention the Emperor's Children Legion Contemptor Dreadnought parked in the escort carrier ship.

Going through his recent memories as Fulgrim, Roboute Guilliman had not yet woken up.

"Interesting, return to the ship!"

Fulgrim ordered as he followed the machine like disciplined marching space marines. Having left the planet's orbit Fulgrim ordered his men to make way for Holy Terra as he thought of a plan inside the luxurious living quarters of Fabius Bile.

Which was decorated by tall old book shelves and all manner of strange or grotesque creatures preserved in glowing green jars along the wall.

The room was very messy and had books and papers scattered across the place like a hoarder had been living in a five star hotel during his 80 hour crunch work week. Fulgrim sighed as he tidied up the place and made plans for the potential future he was aware of.

For some odd reason I feel compelled to refer to my brother Roboute Guilliman as Bobby G, which made me wonder if I was the clone meant to be sold to that Necron Collector?

No, that can't be right. My new memories pointed to the possibility of a multiverse and that perhaps I was in a different continuity than the original Warhammer.

Given that the original Warhammer lore was also a cluster fuck of continuity in itself, the idea would explain some of the strange circumstances to my existence.

Which makes me wonder if Bobby G would even be revived in the first place. Worst case scenario I have to solo run the imperium back to glory.

There was also the matter of dealing with the original Fulgrim who was still a Daemon Prince, "Gosh why am I still calling them Daemons it sounds stupid, from now they're just demons".

*knock *knock

Fulgrim turned his head towards the door not expecting to be interrupted so soon, Standing up to open the door the tall Primarch looked down at his experimental battle brother wondering what he would say.

Battle Brother : "Sir we've received a nearby distress signal from a Colonel Straken, should we engage?"

Fulgrims eyes lit up recognizing the name as a smile formed on his face replying with a simple.


Battle Brother : "Affirmative".

Holy Terra can wait, after all it's not every day I get to meet one of the baddest motherfuckers in the universe, plus I needed to gather soldiers and resources anyway Fulgrim thought to himself as the custom escort carrier ship made its way through the galaxy at blinding speeds.

Alright guys I will try to start working on my Invincible Fanfiction again I am still a noob to Warhammer so if anyone has any cool ideas or a direction for where the story should go, share them. I will come back to this when I get another burst of inspiration or have the time, I have a very rough story board and ending for this fanfic so Emperor willing we will hopefully get there one day.

Ultimate_Edgelordcreators' thoughts