
A Man Can’t Stand Tall If He Doesn’t Keep His Words

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Su Li obtained an inheritance from the Devil Clans and became half-devil because of that? He's normal when his human half is in control. However, when his devil half takes over, he'll lose his mind and become a killing machine?" Duan Ling Tian could not help but worry about Su Li when he learned about what happened from Ke'er. After all, he knew when the devil half took over, Su Li would lose all rationality and would not be able to differentiate between friends and foes. It was a miracle that Su Li was able to survive for so long. It was even more miraculous that Su Li was not completely overtaken by his devilish urges. He shook his head as he said, "Who knew so many things would happen to Su Li?"

After that, Duan Ling Tian looked at Ke'er and asked, "Ke'er, you said the white-clad girl, Ren Yuan Jie, helped Su Li suppress his devilish urges that's why Su Li willingly became her sword slave?"