
War of Universe

What if the multyverse really exists? And God created a system that could select random candidates to play a game that would thrill the multyverse. A young man who has a penchant for fantasy stories is suddenly selected by a system that makes him a teacher in multyverse war. The system gave him the authority to select several characters in the series he had read for his students. In addition to making him have students from the character fantasy he reads, he is also required to compete with other selected candidates like him from other multyverse. which characteristics will he choose as disciples, and how will he teach them? read the rest of the story in the War of Universe.

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The first material Yuan Jing investigated was what the Multiverse itself really meant. From the information Yuan Jing obtained, the multiverse was another realm that was in a different dimension from the realm he lived in. And there is not just one, but there are thousands, millions, even trillions of universes scattered throughout time.

But what is surprising is that there is one universe that does not contain any parallel universes or multiverses. Namely the main universe or God universe. The universe itself is divided into several groups.

The lowest group is the side universe. The side universe is a universe in which the creatures that live in it cannot use the energy in the universe. More precisely, because the energy in the side universe is very low, it causes the living things in the universe to not understand using natural energy. An example of the side universe itself is the earth Yuan Jing lives on.

The next group is the low universe. The low universe itself is a universe where the levels are above the side universe. In this universe, sentient beings can increase their strength by harnessing the energy in their universe. There are different energies in each universe, and different in each universe. The system in Yuan Jing's mind exemplifies the low universe as a place where his favorite fantasy anime characters live like Naruto, Ichigo, Luffy, or Goku in the Japanese anime series.

When Yuan Jing found out that it turned out that the universe of his favorite characters was real, his happiness was absurd. The reason is if Yuan Jing can recruit one of the main characters in the series, maybe he can have students from his favorite anime character.

As Yuan Jing was thinking about this he was surprised to find that there was information that Yuan Jing could move across universes to recruit disciples, and it was not limited to his university. Knowing this, Yuan Jing was beyond delight. He even got up from where he was sitting and was about to scream upwards. But before she let out a scream of joy she realized that she was in a public place.

Looking around where he was sitting where many of the shop's customers turned to him, Yuan Jing shyly smiled and sat back down to her seat.

The next universe is the mid universe. The mid universe itself is above the low universe where here it contains a lot of natural energy which is starting to be more diverse than the low universe and the system shows an example that this universe is where gods, superheroes, or living things are born with natural forces.

The next universe is the high universe. This universe is a universe whose level is only inferior to the main universe and has fewer multiverse numbers than the other 3 multiverses. This universe is also a universe with a stronger natural force, even some of the creatures in this universe can have enlightenment and breakthrough dimensional doors to explore other universes. Even though the mid universe can do the same thing, there are significant differences in this meaning. In the mid universe, living things can only move between universes at the same level or only between mid universes. So in the high universe, some sentient beings with real abilities and extraordinary wills can break through the boundaries created by God and rise to the main universe.

The last one is the main universe or universe god. The God universe itself is a universe where natural energy becomes heavenly energy itself. The legends in certain religions or beliefs that describe heaven and hell after death refers to this god universe. In the god universe, there is no multiverse, it is only one universe and always moving forward. The concept of time alone in the god universe does not exist. In that realm, there is only one ETERNAL.

Yuan Jing, who had finished processing the information, was both surprised and delighted. Because he was chosen to be one of the candidates to become a person in an event created by an entity called the main god. And that event is none other than the War of Universe.

After knowing this, Yuan Jing tried to investigate more deeply the intent and purpose of holding the War of Universe. But before he could check the matter, a notification appeared in front of him.

"Congratulations that the host has successfully grasped the basics of the multiverse. The understanding of the multiverse has increased by 0.1%. Because the host managed to understand the concept of the multiverse the host deserves a first prize in the War of Universe."

"Information to increase the strength of the body, mental, and open spirit"

"The basic level of information for cultivating opens up. Increase understanding in Multiverse information to unlock higher levels in cultivating information."

After the notification, Yuan Jing felt the information that he only vaguely remembered starting to emerge one by one in his head.

"Huh? Cultivation you say?" Puzzled, Yuan Jing began to process the information currently available in his head.

"To be able to process the knowledge held in my own head using a certain state. Isn't that a little strange?" Yuan Jing muttered while smiling slightly and shook his head right and left.

Body, mind, and spirit are the basis of every living thing in the multiverse. Every life form that exists in the multiverse has these three basic things. Even species like animals, plants, insects, and even bacteria have them. Therefore the basis for any cultivation technique is first to increase the strength of his body, then to train mentally, and then we can cultivate and increase our own soul force.

Yuan Jing began to slowly calm down and relax his body and mind. Her breathing, which had been irregular at first, began to slowly blow regularly. The lungs and heart begin to move slowly and are in perfect sync with each other. What Yuan Jing did not know was that he was currently in the diner in silence for a while. His body even reflexively went into the lotus state and meditated in that place.

"Let's remember again the most basic method before starting cultivation. The first is body enhancement. The body can be improved in two ways. The first is exercise or physical exercise and body-shaping meditation." Thinking Yuan Jing planned what he would do in the future.

While Yuan Jing was engrossed in his meditation, a woman wearing a maid outfit came and brought the order that Yuan Jing had ordered.

"Sir, please. Your order has arrived." The woman said and lowered Yuan Jing's food order.

Yuan Jing who was slightly jolted from his reverie then turned his head towards the woman who had brought his order and was wearing the maid uniform.

"Ahh, right?" While with a shy expression, Yuan Jing took the food and started to fill his stomach which was already starting to starve.

Meanwhile, unnoticed by Yuan Jing elsewhere scattered throughout the multiverse a few selected people like Yuan Jing also began to learn information about the multiverse itself.

Yuan Jing walked out of the shop where he had eaten after paying for the food he had bought and started walking to find a good place to cultivate.

The most optimal location for cultivating natural energy is a place that is still thick with naturalness. Because of that, Yuan Jing thought and tried to remember which place was the original and closest to his current place. After thinking about it while walking aimlessly, finally, Yuan Jing recalled a place that might be a little fit into the criteria for the location that Yuan Jing was looking for.

After walking for nearly 3 hours and passing several blogs, Yuan Jing finally arrived at the location he was going to. The location is a suburb where the natural state is still very natural and has not been polluted by the rapid development of the times.

Yuan Jing stood in a place where the trees were still shady and beautiful, he then took a deep breath.

"Huuuuup. Huuuuu" As he inhaled the air in this place, Yuan Jing felt energy slowly enter his body through the air he inhaled.

"Hmmm? What is meant by natural energy?" He muttered. Then Yuan Jing walked deeper into the place. While continuing to inhale the air mixed with natural energy Yuan Jing tried to check where the location with the thickest natural energy was.

A few moments later, Yuan Jing arrived at a lake near that location and felt the feeling that there was an energy gathering at this location.

"So this is the place?" Yuan Jing then started to sit cross-legged and tried to meditate.

sorry, there was a slight error in the previous update ^, ^ it has been fixed now. don't forget to share, commend, like, and vote for power stone. thanks.

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