
War of The Summoners

While doing the beta project of the world's first VRMMORPG, Vox ran into a problem and was trapped in another world. A world where summoners are the determiners of that world's destiny. Join him in his tales to become the apex of the summoners.

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8 Chs

The Pride of The Summoner

The morning breeze gave off a refreshing feeling on my second day since being trapped in this world. Coming out of the bathroom, I saw a young man from the reflection of the mirror in front of me.

The young man has olive skin, has a height of 6 feet and ideal body shape. Both of his eyes have a ruby-red pupils and his hair has a silvery white color. Seeing my own reflection in the mirror, this is the first time I can really see my appearance clearly.

The handsomeness that my avatar displayed was like heaven and earth compared to my body in reality. Until I can find a way to return, I will enjoy this body to my heart's content.

After cleaning myself, I moved towards the village jail to see the condition of the two criminals. A bandit whose name I don't know and the boss, Jean Sowing.

The guards who saw my arrival immediately saluted and opened the tightly locked cell. What I saw were two bandits standing far apart from each other.

Even though Jean Sowing looked gravely injured, the bandit next to him still didn't dare to even get close to him. That was clearly visible from his pale face.

Turning towards the bandit on the left, I said, "Calm down. No one will eat you. But in exchange you will continue to be imprisoned until the villagers give you a trial."

Turning my face to Jean, I said, "As for you, follow me. I have something to ask you."

I saw Jean stay silent for a few moments before following me out of the prison.

I asked one of the guards to untie his handcuffs. As long I am here, he won't be able to do anything especially after Jean lost his contracted creature. The current Jean is no different from an ordinary human.

I took him walking around the village while enjoying the cool breeze in the morning.

Of course we meet people while we walking around the village. They looked at me with eyes full of respect while their gazes at Jean were filled with hatred.

"You didn't call me out just for a walk like this did you?"

"Beside why did you spare my life in a duel to the death between us? Are you insulting my pride as a summoner?"

Shaking my head, I briefly answered his two questions.

"I didn't save you. I actually saw you fall from the top of my dragon's head. However it was the creature you contracted that saved your life. Your wyvern."

"As for your second question, you just said that you have the pride of a summoner? Haven't you thrown it away ever since you switched professions to become the boss of a bandit organization?"

"You have no pride as a summoner. Especially now that you've lost your wyvern in the battle yesterday."

My words are very sharp and piercing. But Jean could only remain silent because all my words were supported by facts.

After a while, Jean open his mouth and asked how would I know if he had not contracted another creature? What if he brought out his other contracted creature and did some damage to this village?

I let out a faint smile before challenging him to bring out his contracted creature if he still has anything else. As I thought Jean could only bluff because he really doesn't have any other contracted creatures. The reason why I was able to find out was very simple. If he had another contracted creature, then he would have used it in the life-and-death battle between us yesterday. He would not be so resigned waiting for death to come pick him up.

"Tell me, Jean. What exactly were you thinking when you chose to commit a crime? Look at these villagers. They respect the summoners so much that they even held a banquet even though they didn't have much income because of your actions the last few months."

"How did a summoner who was supposed to keep the peace turn into a bringer of disaster? Are you not ashamed of your own doing?"

All my questions have one goal. I wanted to see if Jean really was evil or if there still humanity in him.

I could see him clenching his fists and grinding his teeth. In the end, the answer I received was only one sentence. I don't know anything.

"I just realized one thing. I've never seen you using Vermillia Kingdom's summoner uniform. You're not summoner from this kingdom right? Then why do you care so much about the fate of these villagers to meddle in the affairs of other kingdoms?"

I couldn't help laughing out loud when Jean said the sentence just now. That is the funniest sentence I've ever heard while trapped in this world.

I could feel his gaze asking if I was crazy. But I don't care what he thinks about me.

After a while, I looked at Jean with a serious look.

"Your question is the dumbest and silliest question I've ever heard."

"You ask why I care about this villagers despite my status as an outsider?""

"First, they gave me food and drink when I didn't have any money. They even threw a banquet for me. Although I myself understood that they thought I was a summoner from the Vermillia Kingdom."

"Second, I have given them a promise to give them peace in exchange for the food and drink they gave me."

"Finally, I may not be a hero. But that doesn't mean I let crimes just happen. Not when I see and know it."

Standing right in front of Jean, I said loudly while spreading my arms.

"I am, Vox Bloodknight. A man who have high self-esteem and a man who always keep his promises. That is my pride as a summoner!"

"Now tell me, Jean. One who dared not even use his real name and deviated from his duty as a summoner. Did that person deserve the title of a summoner?!"

My words were loud as thunder. Those who heard it immediately fell to their knees in a respectful gesture. Although I never asked them to kneel to me but they still bend their knees full of appreciation.

I don't know if my words moved his heart. But I saw his face was filled with tears. Jean was unable to contain the emotions that were buried inside him.

"You do not understand. I didn't mean to do all those things. But you are right, since I become the boss of the bandits, I lose my pride as a summoner. But even if time turns back, I will still choose the same path. Its because …"

Jean had not finished speaking while the loud sound of horse's screeching sounded from the village gate. I don't know what exactly happened, but I can see the change in expression on Jean's face.

I remembered Jean said if I interfered with the affairs of other kingdoms. Does that mean there is still a big secret behind the incident that happened in the last few months?

Lost in thought, one of the villagers came to me and told me that I had to go to the village chief's residence with Jean. Nod in understanding, I walked towards the village chief's house followed by Jean with his pale expression.