
War of The Summoners

While doing the beta project of the world's first VRMMORPG, Vox ran into a problem and was trapped in another world. A world where summoners are the determiners of that world's destiny. Join him in his tales to become the apex of the summoners.

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8 Chs

Battle of Summoners

Rain fell heavily from the sky. The dragon and wyvern stared at each other as did the summoner they were under contract with. The falling rain was none other than the effect of the Crimson lightning's breath affecting the weather in the surrounding area.

This was my first time fighting a summoner. I could feel my adrenaline rushing along with the tension in my muscles. The first experience is the most valuable and most remembered by everyone. Although feeling a little nervous but these are the moments that I have been waiting for since I first set my foot in this fantasy world.

"I wonder how strong I am now in front of other summoners." I said to myself.

Maybe my dragon is stronger because it has S-rank and legend rarity. But I had just arrived in this world myself and didn't have nearly as much combat experience as the summoners before me.

Just thinking about it won't change anything. Clenching my fist, I said some words and these words were aimed to the bandit behind me.

"Try to survive in the fight between me and your boss. Remember if you do anything suspicious, I will finish you off first."

After that I returned to focus on the opponent in front of me and so did Jean's or Michael's gaze towards me which looked very serious.

I bet that he can sense my dragon's passive ability which makes him a lot more careful than before. Especially after the wyvern mouth was injured from my dragon tail attack which hit the wyvern jaw until it bled. Although the wyvern's bite also caused my dragon's body to bleed.

"It would be unpleasant if only our two contracted creatures were fighting. What if we fight one on one too? You are not afraid to fight me in one on one right?"

Maybe because Jean realized that I was young then he could provoke me easily. Afraid of losing to my dragon and now he's bidding for a duel? As expected of a villain. His way of thinking is very cunning.

But this is the moment I've been waiting for. Maybe he thought I fell for his cheap provocation. But my main goal is to measure the difference in strength between the two of us.

Activates the shock claws ability. I smiled arrogantly while provoking him back using my index finger.

"Hahaha! If you dare to invite me for a duel then you must be prepared to accept the consequences. Come!"

I saw the look on his face getting worse. But for a cunning villain it seems that changes in facial expressions can be deceptive and different from the content of his current thoughts. It could be that his feelings right now are not angry but happy to see me provoked by his cheap provocation. Maybe now he is insulting me in his heart.

"Then let's begin this death duel!" He said while taking out a crescent-shaped disc's that seemed to be a weapon from the ability of his contracted creature.

I can see blue light coming out from the two weapons in his hands.

Jean threw one of his disc's at me and I immediately ordered Crimson to dash towards the enemy while I dodged his attack just now. The best way to deal with enemies who can attack from a distance is to get close to them and engage in close combat.

"Too bad your attack missed!"

When the distance between my dragon head and the wyvern head was closed, I unhesitatingly jumped towards Jean while making a clawing motion with my left hand.

"Too bad. It was all nothing but baiting to get you within my true range of attacks!"

Swinging the disc, sparks appeared as my claw and his disc clashed.

Without pause, I saw his empty hand now filled with a new disc and he swung the disc to rip my stomach.

Of course I woudn't let him kill me that easily. My other hand also moved at the same time to stop the attack. Sparks were seen again when our weapons clashed with each other for the second time.

"Not bad. You have a good reflexes." He said while smiling.

"You managed to surprise me with your abilities just now, Jean. But you're not the only one with a surprise."

This time I activated the true ability of the shock claws. Clutching both discs with full force. Electricity particles began to gather and propagate towards Jean with full speed and power.

When Jean saw the electricity emitting from my two claws, he realized that a surprise attack was hitting him. But the speed of electricity cannot be rivaled by humans. Even though he realized he was being attacked, unfortunately Jean was unable to avoid the attack and his body started to feel the effects of the electric shock.

Saw him standing stiffly while grinding his teeth against the pain. I didn't waste the opportunity to punch him in the stomach repeatedly before ending it with a heavy kick that sent him crashing straight down from the wyvern.

For some reason I still don't understand, I am completely unaffected by the electricity from Crimson. That's why I can attack Jean freely even though his body is stiff from being filled with electricity.

The wyvern that realized its master had fallen immediately roared and moved its head to knock me down before accelerating to save its master.

Seeing the wyvern care so much for its master. Even though the summoner is a villain, I feel respect for him because it proves that his treatment of his contracted creatures is very good.

Seeing me fall from the sky, Crimson swiftly flapped its six wings and also accelerated to save me.

Now we're back to square one. I can feel the lighthearted glances that Jean previously gave me when we exchanged weapons and ability have now changed. Even though our status are enemies, we both acknowledge each other's abilities as a summoner.

I saw him open his uniform to reveal an athletic, scarred body. It must be admitted that even though he was hit by a heavy blow that was electricified by high voltage, the fact that he is still alive and ready to fight shows his class as a summoner.

Made a grasping motion, two crescent-shaped disc's reappeared in his hands. I saw him getting into a fighting stance as he said, "Ready for round two?"

Smiling, I also put up my fighting stance as I replied to his challenge.

"This time I will really beat you."

When the dragon and wyvern roared at each other in the sky, that was the signal for the start of the second round of battle between the summoners.