
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Chapter 1 The Start

Hello my name is Josefu a young demon living in the underworld, Let me tell u the story of how I fought my way to top of the Underworld. Watch as I become the King of kings of the underworld. (Flashback back in the lower realm) Makiru my friend and I are currently fighting goblins

Josefu: why do we have to kill the goblins around this area, this is so boring

Makiru: We were told to do this by the king and it must be done

Josefu: (sighing) the king is nothing but a coward that does nothing but order everyone around all of the time

Makiru: Josefu don't let anyone hear you say that we can get in trouble if someone heard that

Josefu: (sighs) ok but I'm just saying we could be doing a lot better if we was in control

Makiru: yeah yeah I know shut up and let's go we have a party to go to later today, many people will be there

Josefu: Alright

(1 hour later they arrive at the kings manor)

Josefu: man I hate wearing formal clothes

Makiru: well I like them

Josefu: I don't know why, these thing are so unconfutable to wear and hard to move in

Makiru: Just come on

(Josefu and Makiru enter the manor seeing lots of people standing around)

Josefu: this place is packed

Makiru: yeah

(looking around Makiru notices a woman being avoided by the some of the high ranking men)

Josefu: who is that?

Makiru: mmhmm oh that is Lucy she is one of the most powerful woman in the Underworld but most of the high ranking men don't like her though

Josefu: wow that's messed up...I'm going to go talk to her

Makiru: Jos...

(Josefu rushes away in a hurry)

Josefu: yo Lucy

Lucy: ….. who are you and why are you calling my name like we are acquainted?

Josefu: oh come on

Lucy: (sigh) such manners

Josefu: chill a bit, I'm the only one who wants to come talk to you don't be so mean

(Lucy looks at Josefu with a blank stare)

Lucy: well...

(Lucy is cut off by a butler tapping a glass cup)

Butler: we would like to interduce the host of this party, The King of the Underworld!

King: welcome how is everyone doing

(People cheering)

Josefu: (whispering) see you later Lucy

(Turning around)

Lucy: I didn't even get his name

(Josefu leave the main hall)

King: I hope everyone is having a good time, Lets have a toast for the last king and hope we will be okey in the future. (Thinking to himself) I hate some of these old noble if I didn't need their support I wouldn't even bother with them, they are so weak

(Walking down a long hallway)

Josefu: man, I been walking for a while now, huh what is this giant door something is written on it?

(Back at the party

Makiru: Hello Lucy, I am Makiru a friend of Josefu he came to meet you earlier

Lucy: oh you mean that guy, I didn't get his name you said it was Josefu

Makiru: (Sigh) he didn't even interduce himself

Lucy: yes, but I haven't seen him in a while I think he has left

Makiru: ok thank you

(Back to Josefu

Josefu: mmhmm how do I get this door?

(Josefu looking at the door with writing Josefu can't read)

Josefu: I wonder what this says

(Josefu puts his hand on the door and it suddenly opens)

Josefu: Woah!

(making a loud creaking sound as the door swings open Josefu sees a room filled with scrolls, books along with other thing)

Josefu: what? why have this giant room just for this what a waste

(Josefu walks around and sees a sword at the top of a pile of scrolls)

Mysterious voice: Who is it that enters?

Josefu: huh? what was that?

Mysterious Voice: It is me the sword over here

(Josefu startled walks over to the sword)

The Sword: what is your name boy?

Josefu: my name is Josefu

The Sword: Josefu, that's a good name well Josefu why don't you help me

Josefu: help you?

The Sword: Yes, I am a legendary sword I was sealed away but was taken from where I was sealed at. The King has had me here for a while but I don't like him, he want to abuse my powers.

Josefu: Sealed?, if your the king sword what can I do to help you. I'm in his manor right now

The Sword: yes, I'm sealed but I don't want to be a slave to your king. I would rather have you than him

Josefu: me!?

The Sword: yes you came here by chance but this might be fate.

(Back to the party an hour later)

Makiru: the party is over and I still don't see Josefu, did he really leave?

King: everyone have a great night I have something to take care of so I take me leave

(The King leaves the party heading out, Makiru begins to leave walking out along with some people that came to the party)

(Back to Josefu)

Josefu: (Sighing) man its been a hour for a sword u really talk a lot

The Sword: (angry) Shut up I been trying to tell you how the contract work, did you even listen to what I was saying?

Josefu: mmhmm not really

The Sword: WHAT!

Josefu: don't get mad at me that was way to much to take in

(Suddenly the door is opened again)

Josefu: !?

(The King stare at Josefu letting out a killing intent)

King: Who are you and what are you doing in here?

Josefu: (whispering) damn, what do I do?

King: did you not hear me?, I said how did you get in here!

The Sword: cut yourself with me

Josefu: what!?

The Sword: Just do it if you had listened we wouldn't have to do this

(Josefu pick up the sword)

King: what are you doing!!

(Josefu cuts his arm and suddenly a wave of energy engulfs josefu)

Josefu: wha....what is this place, huh is this what you look like?

(Josefu looks up and sees a tall Oni Demon with long blue hair)

The Sword: This is the Mental Dimension an area in your mind, I don't have time to explain let me take control of your body to get us out of here

Josefu: take over my body?

The Sword: yes, you can't use my powers yet and you wouldn't be able to escape him

Josefu: ….damn what have I gotten into go ahead

(The Wave of energy is released and Josefu body is taken over)

Controlled Josefu: Hello your majesty, sorry but I'm not letting you take this kid he a better host than you

The King: You insult me...now I will destroy both of you, I don't need a toy that hurts it owner

Josefu: then do it

(Josefu and the King stand looking at each other Red Lightning starts sparking over Josefu body then he and the king rush at each other. Josefu be controlled by the sword is able to escape but is cut on his left eye)

(1 hour later controlled Josefu shows up at home knocking on the door)

Makiru: is that you Josefu?

Controlled Josefu: yeah its him

(Shocked Makiru seeing Josefu)

Controlled Josefu: I will explain let us in and help with his eye

Makiru: alright

(Makiru let's Josefu in then Josefu turns back to normal and sits down)

Josefu: dammit my eye!

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