
War of the lost souls

Through despair, pain and a new found go a hero rises from the most unexpected place. 5 individuals rise together, each desiring different. One with some one to save... One looking for revenge and redemption... One who desires the cold blunt truth... One who desire a peace almost unobtainable... and One who desire to unite all and find love... Together can these individuals save a dieing race and eventually a whole world of people. Because in the shadows lies him the one true evil King.....

Celestialwolf333 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

chapter 1 part 1

"I'm lost so, lost", "I want to be free, free from this never ending pain". Here in the Nether Abyss lies a soul like many others trapped in the never ending cold. So, afraid and lonely without any hope. "Role call, everybody line up". That voice, the voice that always brings me back from the reality of my thoughts. I got up slowly as the chains that connect the shackles on my arm weighed me down. "Ara stay in front of me at all times" I quietly whispered to my sister. We were all lined up our eyes casted towards the ground. No one dared to look up, there was no point, all we'd meet were cold dead stares. Suddenly my sister was grabbed from right in front of me. I wanted to ask where they were taking her but the words were caught up in my throat.

The guard must have noticed my expression because, he said that she was a chosen. Alarms rang in my head. I knew what those words meant. My sister was going to he a source. Ever since our realm was taken over by the Nether beast, they came to realize our powerful secrets. We Soultice have spiritual energy residing within us, when combined with the moon pearl it creates ether energy. Ether energy is a source of magic or power as some would say, in our world. My sister and I were part of a clan that was said to have eminence spiritual energy. We were the only ones left of this clan and we hid it to protect ourselves. But now, my sister is being taken and I'm not letting he go that easily.

"Hey, let her go!" I shouted out. "Watch it brat, or things could get ugly" replied the guard back. "If you think I'm gonna sit back and let you hurt my sister, then you've got another thing coming" I said as I jumped out of line reaching my had towards my sister. " Brother, please... help...me" my sister called out to me tears streaming down her face. My heart clenched as I saw those tears but they also gave me strength to keep reaching towards her. Soon, I heard footsteps come near me as to guards grabbed my arms. I resisted but I knew it was no use my sister, the only family I had left, was being taken away right before my eyes and there was nothing I could do about it. "Big Brother promise me you'll save", "I will I promise". These were the final words we muttered towards each other as we would now be far apart for a very long time.