
0025 Chapter Twenty Five: What's Your Real Family, Kayden?

One day a fox was devouring an animal that had killed him, and suddenly a small piece of bone got stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it, and immediately he felt pain in his throat.

He started running up and down groaning and groaning, looking for someone to help him.

He tried to persuade everyone he met to remove the bone for him, saying: I will give you anything if you take it out.

The crane agreed to try, so the fox lay on his side and opened his jaws to the fullest, so the crane stuck his long neck into the fox's throat and with its beak loosened the bone and finally pulled it out.

The bird said: Would you please give me what you promised? The fox grinned its fangs in a sly smile...

And he said: Be content, you put your head in the mouth of a fox and brought it out safely. Isn't this a reward enough for you?!

Humans . elves and men of the sky

War is the road to the unknown

Chapter Twenty-Five: What's Your Real Family, Kayden?

‏‏I feel as if I am at the crossroads of several roads, intertwined and tortuous, just as my thoughts are. I am not settling on one idea until the end, nor am I wanting more... Perhaps I need a warrior's break to gather myself together, gather my feelings again, and head towards an enlightened path that guides me in the darkness of my loneliness.

" So you're telling me you won't work again.." Michael said with great concern since he's short on staff at the moment and then Kayden came to make things worse.

" Nah.. I will see that matter.. and act.. with any solution, period."

Michael said a little gruffly

"Okay then," Kaiden replied

The beginning of a new working day, like any other working day.. Delivering orders, accounting for customers, etc...

Michael told me that I would stop working because of my studies.. and asked her if she had anyone she knew who would also be suitable for work.

Angelina felt a little sad that I was going, but I think she will accept it.

Four o'clock in the evening

At the time of leaving work, I changed my clothes into other than work clothes

They came to take my place.

Likewise for Valentina, too.. she changed her clothes..

But in fact, I was waiting for her to tell her this news.. Valentina came out of the shop while I was standing in front of him

" Oh Caiden? You haven't gone home yet," she said with a wide smile on her face

"Yes, I had something I wanted to talk to you about.." I said calmly, as if I were a businessman

" Hmm.. did you say something? Well what is it?" Valentina replied with a bright astonishment on her face

"Well, what do you think about going to the public garden and sitting there for a while?" I asked her inquiringly

" Well.. but you shouldn't be late, I have to go visit my mother today," Valentina said after sighing

"Well, it won't take long "

. ...

in the public park

On one of the chairs at a small coffee shop, Kaiden sits next to Valentina, and they order two glasses of juice

"So what's on your mind?" Valentina asked

" Well, what I want to say is that I got you a better job than working in a fast food place like that, especially Mr. Michael, that miser, money-loving guy. " I said in a normal way, as if I was giving random words

Valentina was surprised a little then said

"Did I say better work?"

" Yes.. What I want to convey is.. Hmm, let's explain it from the beginning. Do you know Hermès... Hermès is famous for that..? "

"Do you mean the famous businessman Hermes? ...

Who founded his father, the Hermes group of companies, and after his father passed away while he was still young, he took over all these matters and led the company to broad horizons " Valentina said as if she was one of the female media professionals who would praise anyone

" Hmm.. I didn't know all this but ok let's go back to our main position

I met Mr. Hermes and he asked me to attend his school.. He says he collects talents and develops them for the future of mankind "

Well, here are just a few lies.. to go along with what Kayden says.. Surely no character like Hermes would ask anyone in their business even if they needed it the most. .. You call it dignity and I call it charisma

"Hmm..you sound a little convincing "

Valentina had known Kaiden for quite some time, she had been working with him for more than a month or more, so there was no reason for him to lie.. I mean, what would he gain from his lie?..... That's what Valentina thought.

Then she added, "But what is my role in this matter? What I understand is that you will go to one of the Hermes educational schools.. then?" Valentina did not understand what kind of job he was talking about through his words.

" Well I come to that part.. I told Mr. Hermes that I have a friend who has suspended her studies because of her sick mother.. So I asked him to accept you to one of his schools.. You know what he said too?

He said that he will provide you with housing for you and your mother .. And also that you will work as a beginner in one of the school restaurants to get money so that you can buy anything you want .. I did not believe what he said at first ..

But then he told me that the monthly salary will exceed five thousand .. Do you believe that? Five thousand pounds for an apprentice…" Caiden spoke excitedly .

Valentina didn't care about the new job as much as she did when she knew that Kaiden had asked for it for her. Her cheeks turned red automatically, then her tears fell involuntarily.

Caiden noticed

"Wait a minute.. Wait.. Why are you crying now? Did I say something to you that makes you sad?" Kaiden asked, not understanding anything, and why she was crying like that.

Valentina did not have many friends when she was little. Perhaps this is the first time that she was treated in this way by someone other than her parents.. so she felt pity and happiness.. a lot of strange feelings.

Then Caiden said surprisingly, "My mother once told me that we carry waves in our chests, that explains the saltiness of our tears and when our feelings become heavy they overflow."

Valentina felt like Caiden was one of the ancient philosophers

But she finally pulled herself together, then wiped her tears and said

" Well Kayden.. I will agree to this thing.. but tell me what your real family is.. when I saw you asking for work from Michael, you only mentioned your name.. Kayden just like that.. so this thing has been confusing me ever since.
