
0016 Chapter Sixteen : A woman with silver hair and long ears

"I like nothing"

A passenger on the bus says - not the radio

Nor the morning papers, nor the castles on the hills.

I want to cry/

The driver says: Wait to reach the station.

Cry alone as much as you can /

A lady says: Me too. Me, no

Something I like. I showed my son to my grave,

So he liked him and fell asleep, and did not say goodbye to me /

The university says: Neither do I, nothing

I like him. I studied archeology without that

I find identity in the stones. am I

Really me?/

And a soldier says: Me too. I do not

Something I like. I am always trapped by a ghost

corner me /

The nervous driver says: Here we are

We're nearing our last stop, so get ready

to get off.../

They shout: We want beyond the station.

So go!

As for me, I say: Drop me here. me

Nothing like them, but I'm tired

from traveling.

War is the path towards the unknown

Chapter Sixteen: A woman with silver hair and long ears

We don't learn to swim as long as we're standing on the shore.

We think of the coldness of the water and the depth of the sea.. We put forward one man and delay another.

We will only learn with one leap that throws us into the middle of the water, and we will feel the coldness of the water, stinging us like a lump in the beginning..

But we soon get used to it and the feeling of cold turns into a feeling of warmth.

And the feeling of intimidation to the feeling of feet.. and we begin to move our limbs.. And so we learn.. then we wander.. and stand.. and walk.. in the water as if it were paved land..


Six o'clock in the morning

I entered the fast food store... Valentina came and greeted her and a normal working day began from delivering meals to the tables and so on and dealing with customers

Another workday ended quickly at work

Six o'clock in the evening

I walked out of the fast food store and then someone in a black suit and black sunglasses stopped me

" Mr. Hermes is waiting for you," he said with firmness, as if he had been trained for many years in the field of guards

Then he pointed to the car that was standing in front of him. It was a black Lamborghini

" From here." That person opened the car door, then I sat down and he start driving, and we moved on

"So where are we going?" Cayden asked hesitantly

"We're going to Mr. Hermes' place," said the figure in the black suit, lowering his glasses slightly

"I mean, where is that place?" said Cayden

" Oh...it's Mr. Hermes' place," that person replied

" Good ? "

Then Caiden fell silent and calm prevailed around

After about thirty minutes, we arrived in front of a very large and tall hotel, perhaps exceeding a hundred floors.

I was watching these companies on TV .. The companies that took the name Hermes were a group of wonderful buildings .. Even the rich were finding it very difficult to buy any share in one of the companies

The manager, who goes by the name of Hermes, has not revealed his real name before.

His mysterious background, as well as the endless source of money... are all things that no one knows

With white skin and a black dot next to his nose, he looked to be in his thirties

That guard stopped after he got out of the car directly, then started to step forward, followed by Kaiden after that, then he stood at the door and said..

" Use the elevator on the ninety-ninth floor, you will find Mr. Hermes there." Then he stood in front of the gate as if his mission had ended at this moment

Caiden used the elevator and started going up. 2 . 3. 10.33.70. 90 . 98 .99

Then he opened the door on the ninety-ninth floor and found Hermes sitting at a desk leafing through some papers, turning them over here and there.

Then the eye of Caiden meets the eye of Hermes

"Yo.. what's up?" Hermes spoke after glimpsing Caiden directly in front of him as if he had been waiting for him beforehand

"Oh..yeah..fine." Caiden stammered as he headed forward towards Hermes

" Anyway, sit down." Hermes pointed to the chair as he spoke

Kayden sat down on the chair and then started and said

" if ..? "

Hermes looked at him

" Yes.. Let's go back to the important topic. What's up with your powers? Have you seen anything strange.. or felt something strange in the past few days? "

Hermes started hinting at a lot of things

" Actually, yes.. Exactly as I said, a screen appeared out of nowhere in front of me suddenly, and then it began to take a strange and radically different curve.. When I saw that golden screen.. "

Hermes interrupted Caiden, "Did you say golden screen?"

Hermes' face showed some signs of a little bewilderment

" Yeah.. what's wrong? Cayden asked puzzled about this subject, but what increased his confusion when Hermes said, "No, nothing important."

Hermes stopped talking and said, "I will tell you some things, but before that you have to meet an important person first..."

"Did you say Important person?" Kayden said strangely

Meanwhile, the door started to knock

Bam Bam Bam Bam Knocking on the door *

Then a beautiful girl appeared, 170 centimeters tall, with very bright silver hair and long ears

Kayden was surprised by that and then said, "Silver hair? Silver hair?"

Then Hermes, interlacing his ten fingers and resting his chin on them, said, "Let me introduce you to one another "

. .

" The one who lies to himself, and is content to be deceived by his lies, reaches the point of that that he becomes incapable of seeing the truth in any place, so he no longer sees it, neither in himself nor around him, and he finally ends up,

For this reason, he lost his respect for himself and respect for others. And if he becomes disrespectful to anyone, he becomes disrespectful to anyone, so it is in order to have fun, because he becomes without love, surrendering to whims and rushing after base pleasures.

Then he falls to the bottom of vice, and reaches from that to the level of animality, and all of this is only because he lies without interruption, lies to others and lies to himself.