
War is a game of chess

From world to world each nation went their own ways after the war. Their arch nemesis “The Rose” was finally defeated but soon after something happened between the nations and they went their own ways. But now the Rose has awakened and Morrisa, a traveller, will use the Rose to take the throne and find her mother who was kidnaped years ago. She will go on a journey to learn dark magic and meet new allies and friends with vampires, angels, monsters and many more beings but the war years ago had a secret to it and the kingdoms are keeping a dark secret that could be the end of everyone so she must become stronger and battle her way in a game of chess. Romance, love triangles and true love may be her only hope but her heart could go wrong and one man may betray her. A villain being resurrected from the dead may wipe out the every nation but Marissa will find the soul stones of each nation and bring them together to fight the monster that will have an impact in her past and future.

zoey_Jallaly · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 4

"Well there are many theories about it your majesty but I would say it would be because of money and power" His voice cracked a little and the tone of it was unsettling.

I would think of the same answer as his one but there are other things that don't make sense.

For example the money issue. Each nation would share out their materials and in return would get coins and gold from each other. So how could money be a problem when they each get profit and also have enough gold to share widely.

I would understand with the power bit as dictatorships and ruling were commonly known and that kings and queens would want to be higher ranking so they could be respected and have ruling over everyone.

Yet there were things that still had a blank to it.

Father says it's all because of war but it ended years ago and persuading me never worked.

But what if somewhere around the world there's someone who knows the answer to what I have been searching for?

"Your answer is very good Mr Morris but I dont think half of what you said was quite what I have been looking for" I said casually as the horses were trotting across the ground making their way back to the castle.

"What can I say, your majesty? I'm just an old man who can't use his brain properly any more" He coughs vigorously as his illness gets worse.

"Are you alright!?" I sat up in shock, anxious about his health.

He wasn't recovering well and the end of his days were already near. Humans don't live long like the other beings do.

They call us pathetic and weak because of our short lives and stubby bodies. That is why Warren hated the other nations. They were cruel to us and it makes his blood boil just to talk about them.

"Do not worry your majesty, I'm perfectly fine and you better get ready because we are about to arrive home".

The word home always felt joyful to me. It meant that I had a place somewhere and that I wasn't lonely and there are people who care and love me.

As the front gates open I jump off thanking Mr Morris for giving me a ride as he heads back to the stables.

I rush inside the castle knowing I'm a couple minutes late and hoping my father doesn't find out.

I walk in the hallway looking at the ornaments planted everywhere and the lights above us stacking on top of each other.

The castle had just been cleaned and it looked outstanding as always.

Pictures of famous kings and queens and medals stuck onto our wall showing the pride of our family.

I gently walked across the wooden floor board making sure I didn't make a sound.

The maids we're in the main hall running up and down the stairs shouting at each other to get maps and scrolls.

Something wasn't right. Even on the call father asked the servants to bring him those objects but why would he need them? I couldn't use the stairs as there were people already using it and would only create suspicion.

So the only way was to climb the outside wall to my sisters balcony.

I just prayed that she was in her room and not out flirting with young boys again.

I ran to the back door going to the outside garden. As royals our garden was much bigger and ten times larger.

Roses, daisies, daffodils and all kinds of flowers were planted there by keepers.

I hated the weeds though, they would always ruin the garden and sometimes make things hard for the keepers who look after it twenty four seven.

I looked to the balcony to see that it was closed.

My stupid sister had to close it in a serious time like this!

The only way was to try and shout so she could actually listen to me.

"HEY YOU LAZY BUM OPEN THE DOOR I NEED TO GET IN!" I closed my eyes as my voice was already half gone.

I wasn't in the mood and if she ignores me this time I'll make sure she doesn't come out alive.

I wait for a couple of minutes to see the doors opening and my sister stomping outside to the balcony in rage.

Apparently I must have ruined that beauty sleep of hers.

"What do you want?! It's the evening and I'm trying to get ready!" She is seen wearing a beauty mask and robe strutting away like a manikin.

She looked like a living doll to me. Her hair was wavy as the tides and its baby pink colour looked like cupid the same as her eyes.

She and I were different from each other.

As a kid I didn't care if any of the other nations hated me and thought of me as an arrogant princess.

I never changed and stayed as the same person I am for the rest of my life as a normal, kind, brave and caring person.

My sister on the other hand was a nice, two faced and embarrassed person trying to change herself to something she isn't.

Ever since mother got kidnapped she wanted to have a high status by copying what everyone does and become 'one of them'.

I tried talking her out of it but she never listens and walks away pretending nothing happened. She tries to become beautiful by wearing makeup and doing her hair every morning. Yet she is beautiful on the inside as well and doesn't know it. She started wearing fake horns and by making it look real she stuck two white roses on them which I gave to her on her birthday.

"Well I need to get inside! It's past curfew so if father finds out you know that he wont let me go to the festival this year!" the wind carried my voice to my sister as she put a hand to her head gritting her teeth.

"This is the last time I'm ever doing something for you!" She goes back inside, taking a rope out of her drawer and throwing it to me as she holds the start of it.

I hoped that her weak arms wouldn't let go because I didn't want to become a squashed watermelon.

"Thank you Alina and I promise I won't ask you for anything else ever again!" I sighed in relief as I carefully climbed onto the rope, pulling my body.

As I gripped onto each bit I then rose to the top jumping on the balconies edge.

Alina was sick and tired of my antics but fathers curfew was too strict and I barely have time to do anything I love anymore.

"You better get changed there is only a couple of hours until the festival starts you know" She walks back inside her royal room sitting at her vanity and dabbing powder onto her face.

"I know that! It is just that father is sometimes. Well you know.." I try to find the right words but nothing comes in mind.

"Selfish, liar, Stupid, wicked and foul" She raises an eyebrow hiding her laughter behind her hand.

I tried to correct her but the words did fit my father on some occasions.

"Ok you got me yea sure he can be like that sometimes but he had to end the call on me on an important subject we were talking about!" I was frustrated and sat on the bed crossing my legs.

I knew how important being a king was but isn't your child important as well?

"Don't worry sister. Father will soon one day acknowledge you and you are going to become queen right? So hold you chin up there is still a long way ahead of you unlike me" She takes out her light pink lipstick moving it into a circular motion on her lips.

"You really think I'll become queen? You're more well-mannered and posh than I am so why doesn't he pick you instead?".

"Because Marissa you're different. Mother thought of you as an extraordinary girl and I do to as well" She throws a box of makeup at me not saying another word.

I guess this means she wants me to look decent for once. I hold the box in my lap looking through what it had inside.

My sister already had tons of makeup and trying it for once wouldn't hurt right?

"Take it. You will need it this time and I know it" She sits straight on her chair nearly done with her makeup.

She really did look stunning and I guess makeup can really change the way you look as a person.

"You're being too nice to me this time, did something good happen..?" I grinned like the cheshire cat butting into her business.

"Why do I have to tell you!" She speaks out of order and I can tell she is hiding something secretive from me.

She stutters a little and her ears twitch red. She must be in a really good mood if she is like this.

I wondered what might have happened. Winning at a beauty contest, Flirting with the 100th person or maybe she might have fallen in love!

Things like these always catch my attention and I walk behind her brushing her soft angelic hair with the hairbrush father gave her.

"So, is there anyone special in your mind these days?" I asked.

"Well I guess so. I don't know!" She tried to look for an answer but I took it as a yes.

"They must be really lucky to catch your attention little missy" I chuckle trying to make her feel better. She holds her hands tightly, blushing brightly as I say these words.

"He is a very kind man. I met him on a rainy day when I forgot to bring my umbrella so he gave me his and we talked for a couple of minutes with each other and we have a lot in common" Her voice became light and she started fidgeting making it harder for me to style her hair. Girls have many emotions at this stage yet I wandered out of everyone in the village who it was. It couldn't be Warren as she hated his guts and nearly every young male in the village became her ex.

This question actually stuck in my head and her expectations in men are financially well.

Sadly not many boys are and what if it's someone from another nation!?

"Alina, who is this person your talking about?" I asked.

" A demon…" She said in a deathly voice, making my eyes go wider than ever before.

Sorry if this chapter is short I'm having a lot of things going on now!

zoey_Jallalycreators' thoughts