
War Guard

The second dual book mage in history, an outcast. Wielding the book of wrath comes with great power but at a price. Rage is his enemy, yet his greatest strength... P.S.: This is my first book so please bear with me through the grammatical errors and rough beginning, I promise to get better and the story gets better. Thanks

Alec_Blaq · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter Six

I woke in the most comfortable bed i'd ever slept in, I felt like the sleep could go on, but it was kinda impossible considering everything i just went through in just a day.

I got out of bed and looked around still marveling at the size of the room I was given by Rickhel, I waked into the bathroom and washed up and went down the stairs.

I walked down the stairs toward the dining area hoping to meet Rickhel ready with food so we could eat and start my training.

"She left early", Rickhel said as he noticed that I was looking around the room.

"I'm not looking for her, who said I was looking for her", it was obvious I was looking for her but I didn't have to make it known.

"She always goes out with her friends in the mornings, come let's eat", He said as he looked at me with a grin seeing how flustered I was from the denial.

We sat and we ate, it was the best breakfast I'd had in a very long time or more like ever, Haz wasn't a very good cook or a cook at all. We sat trying to figure out how we were going to use the book, everything we had done up till that moment was all theory before it was proven.

"Ok let's test it out, I'm sure you can communicate with Strig, right?", Rickhel asked.

"Yes, but vaguely", I replied still trying to keep that knowledge to myself as Strig had suggested.

"Ok so try communicating and asking him how you can connect to the power of the book".

"You people know that this is all an experiment right?, Because I have no idea how I can connect you to the book", Strig said even before I could ask.

"I don't think he knows how either", I replied to Rickhel.

"Okay, try telling him to possess you or something".

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked.

"I can't possess you I'm bound to this book, basically all I am is part of the book now. The only way I think it might work is if you allow me to place a mark on you that will tell the book that I have given you permission to wield its power".

'How did u get that insight?', I asked Strig in my mind.

"The book sometimes gives me suggestions", He replied.

I didn'teven try to unpack that one.

'Ok go ahead, as long as it works I don't really have a problem with it', I told Strig by projecting my thought to him.

As soon as I finished talking I felt a sharp pain, it was quick like I was stung by an insect, but there was a huge tattoo covering my right hand from my fingertips to my shoulder, I could tell even with out looking because it sent a chill down my spine.

"What the hell?", said Rickhel with his mouth wide open in suprise as he stared at my arm.

"Isn't this what you were expecting?", I asked.

"I didn't know what I was expecting", Rickhel replied still surprised.

"But does it work", I asked.

"Let's try it out, open the first page of the book and say the chant", Rickhel instructed.

I opened up the first page and on it there was a picture of a dagger with what I thought was a little description about the dagger but I looked closer, "Summoned from the book of swords! Unleash LITTLE DAGGER!", I read out loud.

In an instant there was literally a little dagger in my hands.

I looked at Rick all wide eyed and surprised, he was just as surprised as I was that it actually worked.

"It might have worked but it depletes my energy", Strig said.

"What do you mean?".

"Check your arm".

I looked at my right hand and saw that it was glowing a bright orange colour.

"Okay I can see it's really cool".

"No that's not what I mean, look at your upper arm the glow is fading slowly", Strig said.

I looked closer at my arm and quite definitely the glow was fading, but really slowly.

"Okay so what does it mean?".

"I don't know, I'm still new at this just like you are. But I think because you summoned a blade and are still holding it, it's depleting my energy, the little dagger is a small spell so I think that's why it's going down slowly", Strig replied.

"Okay if it's depleting that means it's like a battery, so maybe it can be char…".

"Earth to Casto", Rickhel interrupted.

"Where is your mind at?", He asked.

I'd forgotten about Rickhel while I was mind talking with Strig.

"Sorry I was just thinking about something, I'm okay", I replied.

"Let's continue".

"No let's call it for today, we got expected results today let's not push it.


I was standing on the balcony of my room, Yes! my room had a balcony and so did the other rooms. I was just taking in the view of the vast green of the woods that was behind the mansion which was very pleasant.

"I think I have a solution", said Strig as he interrupted my little moment of peace away from all the nonstop excitement and dangers.

"What do you mean?".

"I mean I think I have a solution for the energy problem", he replied.

"It's not really a problem if we don't know what it is".

"I conversed with the book and it gave me a clue on what to do, the energy that you used to cast the spell was not yours but mine, and if you continue to cast more spells it means my soul will fade away".

"So what do we do about that?, can we make it so that it's my energy that I use?", I asked.

"It said the only way I can do it is to try going to sleep whenever you want to cast a spell, I don't really know how it'll work but we have to try", he answered.

"Just how do you go to sleep? ".

"I sleep just like you do, i'm the soul not a ghost, I still need sleep to gain energy".

"Wow, that's confusing but it's all good. I just hope it works", I replied, then I continue my star gazing just taking in the beautiful night.